-[X]You Are Batman: You want to look at the script that Kennedy was paying people to write. Maybe you could provide input. (Linetail what you want to do below)
--[X] Try to push for the script of
The Batman to be selected for the movie. Rolled:
D100 => 75
-[X]Breaking Bread with Alan and Company: You look at Alan and realize he was more scared of you than probably anyone else in Hollywood. time to play nice. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 48
The meeting with Alan almost led to disaster. "Kennedy, what the fuck is this?" He said as he looked at the screenplay in front of him.
You growled a little. "I think-"
"I am not talking to you mister O'Brian, I am talking to my producer who went behind my back, did negotiations with you without my consent, and is trying to get a film off the ground with no budget, no crew, and most importantly, without my approval," Alan replied. "Now, Miss Kennedy… what the fuck is this?"
You were about to interrupt again, but this time Kathleen stood firm. "Frankly Alan, i thought you were smart enough to see it." that earned his ire before she continued. "A lifeline for you and your floundering company that is one flop away from being a total disaster."
Alan narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me?"
"I have done everything you have asked me to do in this company without nary a complaint, even when you all but stripped me from a producer credit on Superman because I'm not one of the boys, I'm just the girl who gets fucking coffee… and I was able to get Bruce O'Brian to the table to work as an actor and director for next to nothing on our dime, you come and say that I have no idea what I am doing?" She started. Alan was quiet after that, taking in the words. "For the love of God Alan, get that smoke out of your face, and look at a golden opportunity when you can see one like you did with DC Comics! You spent millions on acquiring DC and now you have some of the most popular superheroes in the world under your watch, and you won't use them in a creative way!"
Alan seemed to think for a moment with his answer. "Superman is our best shot, Batman is too much of a risk."
"Superman won't be enough and you know it. It isn't Star Wars." She said with an almost assured tone. "Then again, nothing can be, and with all the debt you took on, you shouldn't be so choosy on the risks you take."
Alan laughed. "And you think you can turn that campy Batman… into what?"
"The Worlds greatest detective. The Dark Knight of Gotham." You said with glee in your tone. "The Equal to Superman, despite only being a man."
Then he saw how confident Kathleen was. "I'm called the Gambler now." He said with a bated breath. "If I fail, everything collapses…" He took another breath. "And I will take one more gamble with you, Miss Kennedy. And it will be the last film you will make with this company, in this whole industry, if it fails."
Kathleen only nodded. "I understand."
"And you O'Brian… if you fuck around with this film, I will make sure that you lose everything."
"Better back that up Alan, 'cause I'm a professional. I'm in it for the movie now. Not the money."
Reward: Alan, has agreed to Greenlight the film, with your pitch, and Kathleen producing. Though he warned that if this movie fails… it will be the end of Kennedy's career.
He has also threatened you to sue if you do not give your absolute best in the film.