Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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I mean it's pretty easy to insult Ali on the basis of the fact that no matter how much shit he wants to talk, we've helped more people then he has and for all his talk of keeping people down… Bruce has lifted up more people then he ever will. The fact that you have a draft dodger chatting shit about Bruce here, who you know has very much helped out Veterans will make things interesting because I expect a decent chunk of Ali fans are going to jump ships alongside be infuriated at his comments.
It was staged, and you could see his eyes read from a script, it was someone else's words, not his own, but it didn't matter. He was making you into something you were not. Making you angry.

And above all else, disrespecting your friends.
Ali is lucky that whoever wrote that script didn't say anything bad about Carrie.

Because if they did....oh, the Hells that Bruce would inflict upon that man.
I'm really hoping we succeed on helping Robin with his drug problems, and what do we say on Mr Rogers show? This is really big for us.
Going with Bruce being the symbol of white oppression huh? Guess we're going to need some sort of counter narrative.

Well win or lose Ali got his fight and his big paycheck. And that's what he really wanted.
At this rate Bruce will never be able to leave his boxing career behind. Every great boxer is going to want to dethrone Bruce O'Brian.
Pretty great turn. You have a nice rest Magoose, you more than deserved it.

Now for a Short Rest:

-[X] Mary Frances O'Brian

You held the little girl in your arms for many nights, and only allowed her smiling face to be seen before you went to sleep at night. She was the most beautiful thing in the world, and Carrie agreed.

She was your little angel. And it would be a pleasure to raise her.

Happy to meet you Mary O'Brian. May you have lots of great and fun years and a loving childhood with your parents.

-[X]Wonder Woman: So Lynda called in a few favors to get you into the fold as a villain. But you were happy to realize it was a three-episode arc, with you playing Ares, the God of War. Charisma was needed, so were your martial abilities, and you got to play an evil bastard. You wanted to play this.

SP:D100 => 100+15=115

Perhaps it was the fact you needed to work more since Carrie was now raising MAry. Maybe it was the emphasis that the script gave you, as you decided to change almost every single line of dialogue that was given because it made Ares out not as the God of war, but as a cartoon villian.

He was not a villain he was a force of nature that was powered by the grave inhumanity that humankind could create for itself. Fear and terror… yet also much more. And you gave him a gravitas that most men would think belongs in the myths of old. Or if you were honest… a comic book villain given the substance that pages could not always give.

To say that it made the scriptwriters anxious and angry was something of an understatement. If Lucille hadn't decided to go to bat for ole Radar, you were sure you were going to get fired. Yet, here you are. Playing a villain worthy of not only Shakespeare but of the great television antagonists.

If you got an Emmy… well, you would happily take it.

However, what was great about it was how you and Lynda played off each other. She was the paragon, while you decided to play the cynic, who called out the horrors that mankind gave, while she said that man's world was worthy of changing and bringing up her friends and allies.

It was wonderful. Really making her world and showing off her own talent.

Reward: You have put in the work. And it almost blew everyone away.

+100,000 Dollars. +5 to Acting.

+3 to Writing.

Unknown Effect.

Awesome stuff. Looks like we're pretty much face of the most memorable and greatest part of Wonder Woman and might get a guest Emmy which is cool. Going to make for lots of fun fan theories on how Bruce Wayne and Ares connected, although my personal headcanon is that Ares chose the form of Bruce because of his darkness as Batman. Glad we got to do something with Linda and we finally uped our writing.

-[X]Solomon Kane: You are looking at the Poster and then at Martin. "Well shit Martin, lets hope that people like it?" The religious undertones were very evident. "Hopefully the crazy people will see he's a good guy." DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 79

You smiled at Martin. And then you saw him smile back. "There is a difference between a Carnival ride that most of these movies are… and this one."

(Continued in Solomon Kane)

So I guess this means that Solomon Kane is released for this turn? Since you're taking a break do you want one of us to write it Magoose? Probably best for @overmind Since he wrote the pitch.

-[X]Finding Producers: Mike wants to bring more talent into the Company to work on more films of a lower budget variety than the blockbuster films that you all are producing. Mostly young talent, so he's asking you to scour Hollywood for the ideas. DC: ??? Rolled: D100 => 27

You didn't find more again, but that didn't mean you didn't hear grumblings.

Maybe if you pushed a little more, you can find those who will jump ship.

Failure: +20 to the producer roll next attempt.

-[X]Animators for the New Regime (America): Disney will not have a stranglehold on the American Animators… So you will have to look a little closer to do it. DC:??? Rolled:D100 => 73

You found two new hires from Cal Arts. Men who were pretty much a lock for Disney, until they saw the paychecks you were offering. Classmates who were not exactly on the Grain.

John Lasseter… and Brad Bird.

John was interested in working with the new Pixar equipment, and in fact was one of the few animators that were working that wanted to work in it full time, mostly because it paid twice as much as other jobs…

Meanwhile, Brad Bird was trying his best to break into the scene, but no one really believed in him.

But considering that Jon and Ron gave them the one-two punch in hiring… well, let's just say they were hooked.

Reward: Gain Animator Directors:

Brad Bird: (This director will give the following bonus: Every experimental film, AKA, any original idea will be given a +50 to its quality for animation, and final quality)

John Lasseter: Pixar Guru (Any 3d Animation project will now carry a quality of +50 on all parts for every 10 million dollars and every 6 months invested in it)

Producer networking continues to be an utter shit roll but at least we got two of Pixar's best joining the team. Lasseter is going to be fucking amazing once we really get 3d animation rolling and Brad Bird will be cool for all the original stuff. With the American hires, does this mean we now have enough people to work on two animated movies at the same time?

-[X]You Are Batman: You want to look at the script that Kennedy was paying people to write. Maybe you could provide input. (Linetail what you want to do below)
--[X] Try to push for the script of The Batman to be selected for the movie. Rolled:D100 => 75
-[X]Breaking Bread with Alan and Company: You look at Alan and realize he was more scared of you than probably anyone else in Hollywood. time to play nice. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 48

The meeting with Alan almost led to disaster. "Kennedy, what the fuck is this?" He said as he looked at the screenplay in front of him.

You growled a little. "I think-"

"I am not talking to you mister O'Brian, I am talking to my producer who went behind my back, did negotiations with you without my consent, and is trying to get a film off the ground with no budget, no crew, and most importantly, without my approval," Alan replied. "Now, Miss Kennedy… what the fuck is this?"

You were about to interrupt again, but this time Kathleen stood firm. "Frankly Alan, i thought you were smart enough to see it." that earned his ire before she continued. "A lifeline for you and your floundering company that is one flop away from being a total disaster."

Alan narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me?"

"I have done everything you have asked me to do in this company without nary a complaint, even when you all but stripped me from a producer credit on Superman because I'm not one of the boys, I'm just the girl who gets fucking coffee… and I was able to get Bruce O'Brian to the table to work as an actor and director for next to nothing on our dime, you come and say that I have no idea what I am doing?" She started. Alan was quiet after that, taking in the words. "For the love of God Alan, get that smoke out of your face, and look at a golden opportunity when you can see one like you did with DC Comics! You spent millions on acquiring DC and now you have some of the most popular superheroes in the world under your watch, and you won't use them in a creative way!"

Alan seemed to think for a moment with his answer. "Superman is our best shot, Batman is too much of a risk."

"Superman won't be enough and you know it. It isn't Star Wars." She said with an almost assured tone. "Then again, nothing can be, and with all the debt you took on, you shouldn't be so choosy on the risks you take."

Alan laughed. "And you think you can turn that campy Batman… into what?"

"The Worlds greatest detective. The Dark Knight of Gotham." You said with glee in your tone. "The Equal to Superman, despite only being a man."

Then he saw how confident Kathleen was. "I'm called the Gambler now." He said with a bated breath. "If I fail, everything collapses…" He took another breath. "And I will take one more gamble with you, Miss Kennedy. And it will be the last film you will make with this company, in this whole industry, if it fails."

Kathleen only nodded. "I understand."

"And you O'Brian… if you fuck around with this film, I will make sure that you lose everything."

"Better back that up Alan, 'cause I'm a professional. I'm in it for the movie now. Not the money."

Reward: Alan, has agreed to Greenlight the film, with your pitch, and Kathleen producing. Though he warned that if this movie fails… it will be the end of Kennedy's career.

He has also threatened you to sue if you do not give your absolute best in the film.

Well this is gonna be fun. Never thought I'd see Bruce bust his ass off to save Kathleen Kennedy's career, but here we are and I'm all for it. Hopefully Batman can go off to just as great of a start as 1989 and we can be placed as Kevin Conroy's equal on the definitive Batman.

@Duke William of Did you mean to include the bit for Bruce to be the Director of the Batman film? I was hoping he'd just star since it's not even a Lucasfilms project, though as director of action scenes of course. If you did, then I guess we'll give it our best shot.

-[X]A New Face: You look at the little girl and try to find the words to say. DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 7 (Autopass)

You looked at the little girl sleeping and you sat down in the room, and you looked at her chest rise and fall. She had finally fallen asleep after the last hour of trying to get her to sleep.

And you were tired. But instead, you took a breath and just said words that she would not understand. "You know Mary… I was a little afraid that I would not be a good enough person for you. You have an angry, prideful, and vindictive man as a father. A man who, honestly should be a bad role model for you. Yet I think thats why you have the best of both of your mothers and I. You have everything that will make you happy. And I know that I'm not going to be the perfect father for you. But hope that one day, when you are old enough, you will see that I'm good enough that you will be happy to call me dad."

You then went to the chair and sat down again. Carrie deserved to sleep a little longer. You'll have the night duty.

Reward: You get the first step in self-actualization… and maybe, Mary will see you as her cool father.

Or a good enough one.

Pretty good start for Bruce. He's not perfect, but no one ever really is as a parent and at least Bruce is humble and self-aware enough to know he's got a lot of flaws that aren't great to be a role model and parent and he needs to do his best for Mary. With Carrie at his side I think he'll do good and Mary and any other Goslings will turn out alright.

Johnny Carson was happy to see you again. "You know, everyone thinks you are afraid of talking to people, yet here you are?"

"Well Johnny, there are quite a few people that just think it's acceptable to barge into my life and ask questions."

"Oh, and how do you think that happens?" He asked.

"Breaking into my house for one thing, while my daughter is sleeping in the next room." You smiled. "Most don't have their cameras after that."

Good Lord was this actually a thing? I really hope Bruce beat that creep to a bloody pulp and broke all his limbs, dude's lucky he didn't get shot as is Bruce's legal right to deal with trespassers. I'm really hoping that all of this harassment will produce some sort of public backlash against the media. Sure no one has died or gotten seriously injured, but this is huge escalation and I can't see the common American being okay with this happening to their beloved stars. Also you would think that for all of Bruce's reputation as a troublemaker, that the Hollywood stars and establishment would rally against this predatory behavior because if Bruce's harassment is allowed they're open game.

-[X]Robin's Need for Help: You look at Robin and realize he was not doing good. "Hey bud, what's wrong?" DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 89

You looked at the bag of white powder. "What is this?"

"Cocaine." He said, clearly ashamed.

"Jesus." your blasphemy was more for your friend. "What's going on?"

"I can't stop it. The only thing keeping me going right now." He took a breath. "I know that you and Carrie have… experience with that-"

"That wasn't the hardest stuff in the country." You replied. "Why would you-"

"The only one I trust." He said with a smile. "That's what you are."

He was being completely serious and you took a moment to take it in. "I'll help you Robin. But you need to be willing to be helped."

Reward: Robin is staying with you for a while, to help him kick his cocaine habit.

If the action succeeds two times… he will have kicked it, and it will help him immensely in his life, and his career.

It's also bringing up bad memories for Carrie… and good ones too. She's glad you were there for her… and Robin is glad you are there too.

Poor Robin. Good news on this front at least is that Robin Williams OTL did manage to abstaine from Coke completely from 1982 to his death, though that admittedly was due to harsher circumstances where his friend John Belushi died of cocaine. Hopefully we can help push him in a good direction and should he ever come close to taking his life, he'll instead turn back to his good friends the O'Brians.

-[X]Hail to the Queen: You look at Freddie and Company and smiled. "Gland you guys could make it. I need your help with my girl, she's not going to sleep." Rolled:D100 => 13

Freddie and company were prepared for a jam session. "Oh hell no you guys, I just put my daughter to sleep!" you screamed as you saw them preparing to record something.

Freddie didn't seem bothered. "Well we need a safe place to record right now, and you're pretty much the only place that the media ignore because they don't want broken cameras." He said.

"Well, I wish you lads could have waited!" You said. "Tomorrow Carrie and Mary will be going to Debbies for the afternoon!"

Brian traded a look with Roger. "Well I mean we're here?"

"You can help me clean up Mary's Room and diapers. So if you want to record, help me clean."

"Well… we can…" Brian looked at the stuff. "Are you working on rewiring the place?"

You nodded. "Well if you can rewire my house, I'll forgive you all."

Semi Failure: they were utterly happy for you and Carrie, but they were… to say…

Not happy that they might have to clean up after Mary… But they did rewire your Mansion over the month, while they were not recording.

Saved you quite a bit. And even got the media to stop trying to get a picture of your girl.

Queen doing electrical work on your home was more than enough to get their fix.

I'm a bit confused on this. Can't Carrie literally just take Mary to Debbie's house considering Debbie lives next door, and if she lives where she does OTL her house is diagnolly across from Bruce and Carrie's and just a stroll through the backyard? Oh well, at least we helped Queen and hopefully they understand Bruce was just under stress of being a new father.

-[X]Being Called Out: You looked at the TV screen and looked at the Heavyweight Champion look at you. Ali wanted your Head and said you were nothing but a nobody. DC: 0 (You must line tail a response below this vote)
--[X] Give a counter statement to Ali defending your athletic career and your accomplishments. Emphasize how you faced the toughest boxers in America and the world, went the distance with Bob Foster and Sixto Soria and that to say you were nothing was to say that all of your opponents were nothing. If Ali wants a fight, then we'll have a fight in LA. Rolled:D100 => 100

Reaction:D100 => 1 (Ali you should not have done that.)

The Reaction was honestly… something you really did not wish to hear.

"I think the man is utterly incapable of winning, all he does is emphasize his failures against the old Foster while saying his victory over a boxer from Cuba is his great accomplishment. I have gold as well, and I threw it away because I did not want to be a symbol for the racist man that is in Washington who still lords over my brothers and sisters. Bruce O'Brian is the Man using him, finally striking back to strike down at all brothers and sisters who have won! This man, this Irish bum is the White Man's desperate attempt to shut us all down again, to put us all in our place again when we have finally become free to know our own strength and courage. And I will never let them shut me down again. I accept your challenge Goose, and I will go out on top of the world, where you can only win in your movies, like the bum Stallone."

It was staged, and you could see his eyes read from a script, it was someone else's words, not his own, but it didn't matter. He was making you into something you were not. Making you angry.

And above all else, disrespecting your friends.

Reward: In two turns, there will be A match for the Heavyweight title. Prepare for the fight of your life.

Oh we are going to beat the ever loving shit out of you Ali. At least he didn't insult Carrie or Mary, if he did then the dude was going to write his death sentence. I'm a bit confused on why we're fighting him for the Heavyweight though. Ali just lost the Heavyweight belt to Leon Spinks in February of 1978, did that not happen here? I'm really hoping it did and we fight Ali before he regains the title because like I've said before, I don't want the burden of defending it and pushing us away from movies, especially since we're about to jump into Empire Strikes Back after Ali. Maybe it's best if we fight Ali before he fights Spinks in a rematch. That way Bruce doesn't have to defend the title and won't have to be burdened except a possible Tyson challenge.

-[X]Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)
--[X] Reach out to Mr. Rogers specifically and try to get on the show. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 50

Fred Rogers was ecstatic to have you as a guest on his show.

What is it you want to do?
[]Write in what you will say.

AN: I'm off for a break.

Anyone have any ideas for the message and Bruce's appearence? The Mr. Rogers choice in the turn selection said the main message was how it was okay to look different and strive to be a better version of yourself but I don't know how well that fits.

If we lose, which is entirely possible, it will only do a lot of shit, and ruin our boxing reputation.

Why would it ruin our boxing career? We are fighting the literal GOAT of boxing. So long as Bruce doesn't fight like a wimp and go down in the first couple of rounds everyone will understand if he loses.
So I guess this means that Solomon Kane is released for this turn? Since you're taking a break do you want one of us to write it Magoose? Probably best for @overmind Since he wrote the pitch.
I wouldn't mind, though I would like to know what it was that Scorsese did with the script before I write anything.
Producer networking continues to be an utter shit roll but at least we got two of Pixar's best joining the team. Lasseter is going to be fucking amazing once we really get 3d animation rolling and Brad Bird will be cool for all the original stuff. With the American hires, does this mean we now have enough people to work on two animated movies at the same time?
We should be able to (I hope) and if so we shoul dput some emphasis in making the script of treasure Planet a reality. If Disney is going to throw the towel so brazenly at us, then we must retaliate, and show why we are the new masters of animation. Treasure Planet, Atlantis the Lost Empire, either one of those will be our strong counter to War of the Worlds...oh, and Hiawatha too as well. By the way, since Bluth is doing that, is he also going for the Composer that was suggested?
Well this is gonna be fun. Never thought I'd see Bruce bust his ass off to save Kathleen Kennedy's career, but here we are and I'm all for it. Hopefully Batman can go off to just as great of a start as 1989 and we can be placed as Kevin Conroy's equal on the definitive Batman.

@Duke William of Did you mean to include the bit for Bruce to be the Director of the Batman film? I was hoping he'd just star since it's not even a Lucasfilms project, though as director of action scenes of course. If you did, then I guess we'll give it our best shot.
@Magoose , can we hire Syndey Lumet to also help with Direction? We are a great actor, and Action Director, but he would bring that gritinness we need for the movie.
Anyone have any ideas for the message and Bruce's appearence? The Mr. Rogers choice in the turn selection said the main message was how it was okay to look different and strive to be a better version of yourself but I don't know how well that fits.
How about anger, or perhaps fear now that we are a parent? Could help and show that Bruce is aware that he sometimes goes a bit too far with his anger (though never at his family or friends) and being afraid when you have to raise a child is something normal as well.
Let's call Ali a nobody who never helped anyone and didn't even try to lift others up only be a false idol and really make it so he can never walk ever again showing tha he a failure
Mr Rogers topic.... Maybe physical health? Making sure to have a healthy lifestyle?

...... Oh, I think I know something Bruce would be passionate about. Standing up to bullies, coming together to defend each other when someone is picking on them, etc.

Bruce has made a career on standing up to bullies of all stripes after all and standing up for what he believes is right.
You peeps really want to poke Ali in the eye, while coming out smelling of roses?
Declare, publically, that All of the proceeds Bruce receives from this match will go into fund/charity to help underprivileged black girl education.
Go with: Words are empty, actions matter, and Ali cannot even bother to come up with his own words.
It might be a bit in bad taste, but all I can think of right now is Uncle Ruckus (No Relation) listing great white fighters and bringing up Bruce O'Brian, if anyone knows Boondocks.
I mean it's pretty easy to insult Ali on the basis of the fact that no matter how much shit he wants to talk, we've helped more people then he has and for all his talk of keeping people down… Bruce has lifted up more people then he ever will. The fact that you have a draft dodger chatting shit about Bruce here, who you know has very much helped out Veterans will make things interesting because I expect a decent chunk of Ali fans are going to jump ships alongside be infuriated at his comments.
Ali is lucky that whoever wrote that script didn't say anything bad about Carrie.

Because if they did....oh, the Hells that Bruce would inflict upon that man.
Like I said, if he insulted Carrie or Mary, Bruce would probably try to kill him.
Going with Bruce being the symbol of white oppression huh? Guess we're going to need some sort of counter narrative.
Honestly, I'm actually surpised he didn't do something even worse... I mean thats still pretty bad, but honestly it could be a lot worse.
At this rate Bruce will never be able to leave his boxing career behind. Every great boxer is going to want to dethrone Bruce O'Brian.
One thing that will be interesting is that Bruce can just say "Fuck it, I'm done" at any time.

I'm not forcing you to stay, hell if you want to retire from boxing, you can just ask.
Happy to meet you Mary O'Brian. May you have lots of great and fun years and a loving childhood with your parents.
Hopefully, they will be fun and exciting.

And that the acting/Producing workload dose not cause any strain.
Awesome stuff. Looks like we're pretty much face of the most memorable and greatest part of Wonder Woman and might get a guest Emmy which is cool. Going to make for lots of fun fan theories on how Bruce Wayne and Ares connected, although my personal headcanon is that Ares chose the form of Bruce because of his darkness as Batman. Glad we got to do something with Linda and we finally uped our writing.

Though I am going to say this:

Bruce wayne would be more Phobos, then Ares.
Well this is gonna be fun. Never thought I'd see Bruce bust his ass off to save Kathleen Kennedy's career, but here we are and I'm all for it. Hopefully Batman can go off to just as great of a start as 1989 and we can be placed as Kevin Conroy's equal on the definitive Batman.
Well that depends on what we can get away with from Colombia execs.
Pretty good start for Bruce. He's not perfect, but no one ever really is as a parent and at least Bruce is humble and self-aware enough to know he's got a lot of flaws that aren't great to be a role model and parent and he needs to do his best for Mary. With Carrie at his side I think he'll do good and Mary and any other Goslings will turn out alright.
Oh yeah. Also there will definitely be more Goslings, but just not more right now, considering Empire is happening.
Good Lord was this actually a thing?

I didn't want to use it as an opening because the reporter made a complete fool of himself and was given the boot by Bruce, Ginger and Natalie before anything happened.

Though in saying that... Yeah it probably should have.
I'm a bit confused on this. Can't Carrie literally just take Mary to Debbie's house considering Debbie lives next door, and if she lives where she does OTL her house is diagnolly across from Bruce and Carrie's and just a stroll through the backyard? Oh well, at least we helped Queen and hopefully they understand Bruce was just under stress of being a new father.
Debbie wasn't ready for Mary to come over that particular day.
Ali just lost the Heavyweight belt to Leon Spinks in February of 1978, did that not happen here?
No it did... its just that people call it the real heavyweight battle.
Why would it ruin our boxing career? We are fighting the literal GOAT of boxing. So long as Bruce doesn't fight like a wimp and go down in the first couple of rounds everyone will understand if he loses.
Its less that it will ruin our career, and more that people might not fight us if we beat Ali.

Because we beat the GOAT.
@Magoose , can we hire Syndey Lumet to also help with Direction? We are a great actor, and Action Director, but he would bring that gritinness we need for the movie.
You can certinaly try, but Colombia has given you the project, for... various reasons.
Declare, publically, that All of the proceeds Bruce receives from this match will go into fund/charity to help underprivileged black girl education.
Now that would be something that would piss Ali off.