Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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I am slightly sad because 'Starship Troopers' are for Mil Sci-fi what Narnia is for regular fantasy.
Not for the setting, mind you, but for an intelligent and fairly hard-scifi approach to space-age military.
That said, yeah screw Heinlein with a rusty metal pole. The man was scummy and slimy as all get-out.

@Magoose a question if I may.
Is it Bruce's impression that Elvis would be open to doing a fantasy or sci-fi?
After all, he did say he wanted to be a hero out of comicbooks.

And I have this oldish idea for urban fantasy happening in Memphis that I can workshop for Elvis.
Now, the original idea had been for a comic-book quest that never got off the ground, and the MC was meant to be Scottish, but that is all immaterial, and I find the idea of Elvis playing a magical sheriff in outlaw magical Memphis neat.
Make a mockery of him while making great fucking films.

I say we make Elvis as John Wick, taking place in an alternate universe where Parker became more..unsavoury and succesful.

His wife was assasinated, and all he has left is his Daugther, it was a little while later that she was kidnapped for money..

With nothing left to lose, Elvis goes back to his roots..

The Baba Yaga.

This would be part of a John Wick series before Keeanu Reeves :D
Eh, couldn't hurt. Lay it on us.
Alright, so my initial ideas were incredibly sparse. Like I said, it was called "Nathaniel Arkham: Son of Liberty" and was intended as an American version of James Bond for an animated tv series but beyond a couple characters, minor bits of lore and whatnot, I had basically no ideas because I was just more focused on other things and no ideas that leapt to mind. I decided to think on it a little bit after it was brought up and I was trying to think of something that could work. Because Elvis only wanted something simple, even though that isn't normally my style, I was thinking through what could work for the conditions he laid out as well as something that could work as a standalone film, but also could work as an animated television show like I had initially envisioned it being, and started thinking about other properties that have plots that could work and the answer came to me. National Treasure. The theft of the Declaration of Independence and trying to get it back would be the perfect short-and-sweet, self contained little romp for Elvis as well as matching the patriotic coat of paint that "Nathaniel Arkham: Son of Liberty" would have and could still work with being turned into a Saturday Morning Cartoon afterwards as well so that we get something a bit more out of it all. It would obviously require more thought put into it for the wider plot, but I think it could work. If we choose something else, I'll just write it up as a quick animated television series.
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So I'm sitting here, preparing the update, and the thing and I realized something was wrong.

And then I have changed it... and I think I made a few of the upgrades overpowered, with the price tags to match.

Hopefully, that won't make you mad. :V
Alright, guys. We were struck down when trying to deal with Heinlein. Fair, it's fine, we'll crush him when the time comes, but it's cool, I'm cool.

Because i just found another author who has an incredible set of books and stories set in a fantasy world who is relatively unknown despite the many Hugo and Saturn awards said books have earned.

Why's that? Well, it's complicated; part of it is because she was a woman, and another part was because she fought hard to make sure her main characters were of different races instead of just sharing her same skin color, even in the covers during the 60s-70s when they told her that it would "affect the sales".

Guys, meet Ursula K. Le Guin, author of the EarthSea Cycle, currently a trilogy of books, yet soon to write three more in said universe in the future.

Interested? I know I am! The books are more than just your generic magic setting; for one there are no landmasses just a collection of islands which have repercussion in the entire geopolitical landscape. There is magic, but is one where it's based on not only learning how to use it, but in when to use, and the dangers it can bring to yourself and others. The main character is flawed, suffers, and his mistakes have grave consequences which he then has to either try and fix or fail and live with it. Through the three books there is clear character progression and developement which just makes the stories fun with good moral messages which are not rammed through your throat nor are they overly preachy.

Guys, I think we should go for it! The books themselves lend themselves for amazing adventures, interesting characters, and it could very well be our "Game of Thrones" without the constant backstabbing and with good lessons to learn. We could make movies, or TV shows out of them!
Guys, I think we should go for it! The books themselves lend themselves for amazing adventures, interesting characters, and it could very well be our "Game of Thrones" without the constant backstabbing and with good lessons to learn. We could make movies, or TV shows out of them!
Don't say it would be our game of thrones, that would imply that we will rush the ending to go on and do other things, and ruin our reputation for TV and Movies.
What if we try and do a classic like King Arthur, Robin Hood or Arsine Lupin (the original not the japanese manga)
If we do classics, I'd like to again suggest the "Heracles Cycle" [1/2/3], since it covers a selection of World Mythology and helps introduce the majority of audiences to Claudia Nerva [timely, given the Roman cache that was uncovered that is...probably hers].
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Here is one little upgrade...

Key word, Little.

[]The Mike Eisner Division: The Brain Child of, of course, Mike Eisner, he wants it to become a monolith of producing hype, getting attention, and in the end, getting butts into seats at the movie theaters. Now, of course, it would require a huge amount of money, time and effort to bring it to full operation, however, there is always something that people would need. Mike said he needs quite a bit, a new building in town that we need to Lease or buy out, hiring new people, smart people, who understand not marketing, but storytelling. And of course, he said that he needs your support to get it done, because George is still a little hesitent to work on this, when there were so many things he wanted to do to push the movie industry forward. (Cost, 45 million. Gain an Upgrade to the Eisner Division, where all Audience and Critical Rolls will now have a +50 to their rolls, in addition, there is one reroll allowed for the Audience roll. You no longer need to dedicate actions to hype up movies, or make a trailer, as it is done automatically in-house. Will take effect in 1978.)
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(Cost, 45 million. Gain an Upgrade to the Eisner Division, where all Audience and Critical Rolls will now have a +50 to their rolls, in addition, there is one reroll allowed for the Audience roll. You no longer need to dedicate actions to hype up movies, or make a trailer, as it is done automatically in-house. Will take effect in 1978.)
Only 45 mil for that good a bonus? We could pay for that with our own money plus some.

Yes, I know 45 million dollars is still a lot, but given how much money we earned from Star Wars, it wouldn't be hard to fund it even without us solely funding it.
Only 45 mil for that good a bonus? We could pay for that with our own money plus some.
Um you are forgetting the almost 120 million we spent on movies right?

Well 40 mill of our money since we're producing Conan.

And I said little upgrade.

You should see the shit that are "Major Upgrades"
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