Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Am I trolling at this point?

Yes yes I am and I don't care:

D100 => 99 #Hollywood Studios

No you will not see the union until the end of the strike.
Oh this is going to be fun. Makes sense that we'd be popular in Korea since MASH was popular over there OTL and the Japanese film industry probably respects us a whole lot as a gaijin who speaks the language and respects their culture. I'd just love to do an event where there's a Star Wars convention in Japan and Bruce flies over with Carrie and speaks directly to the fans in Japanese, they'd probably love it. Also would love to do a guest appearence on a Sentai season, or perhaps if one of our kids does martial arts and becomes an actor, they can be a power ranger.
Inb4 we accidentally create power rangers due to Saban ducking things up on their end
"Hey guys, please stop having a toxic work culture and let people spend time with their families."
Japanese Birth Rate Rises 169%
Well the Irish do have experience with exploding populations. They just can't keep them due to Prefidious Albion :V
That moment in the quest when we become billionaires not because of Star Wars, but because of Carrie Pillows....
I'm going to see if Carrie-

D100 => 97 #The Legend of Carries Body Pillows

Why do I even bother?
I didn't know my creation would come to this..

Meanwhile Magoose is just dumbfounded at a seemingly stupid and joke idea became a Phenomenon across the World.
Pretty much.
"Years! Years! Finally! After all these years my genius will be recognised!"
"Carebear, you're scaring me"
"Ssssh, ssssh, Hubby, it's okay, soon your abs shall get the recognition they deserve"
"I'm fine not having the body pillows become a thing-"
"I said shhhhh"
The funny thing is, Carrie only used the costumes they had as well as a few other well known photos.

Basically…only the charecters that are there.

And the funny thing is, since Carrie Patented the body pillow thing, and soon the Japanese will be wanting to make them…

It's really possible that by the end of 80s or 90s she will be a billionaire
The funny thing is, Carrie only used the costumes they had as well as a few other well known photos.

Basically…only the charecters that are there.

And the funny thing is, since Carrie Patented the body pillow thing, and soon the Japanese will be wanting to make them…

It's really possible that by the end of 80s or 90s she will be a billionaire
Fucking hell, Dakimakura is a freaking market on its own. Carrie won't have to worry about money forever!

Say Magoose, with the Star Wars VFX and probably primitive CGI (because that's the only reason I can see us having such big rolls) is it possible to perhaps make something similar to this:

Fucking hell, Dakimakura is a freaking market on its own. Carrie won't have to worry about money forever!

Say Magoose, with the Star Wars VFX and probably primitive CGI (because that's the only reason I can see us having such big rolls) is it possible to perhaps make something similar to this:

Well the thing Carrie needs to worry about is getting an in with the industry, but she can have Bruce and George and others help with that.

I think I already said that it's all models and practical effects, but they are so good that it is almost seemless.

As for future… ask again in 10 years in the 80s when computing technology catches up a little bit to what people want.

The Woman who revolutionised the Comfort Industry.
Again it's entirely possible that she would do that.
So with the union being on strike, does that mean that all other movies and TV shows have stop and wont come out months before and after Star wars?
So with the union being on strike, does that mean that all other movies and TV shows have stop and wont come out months before and after Star wars?
Yeah pretty much. Most films are currently on hold as the unions have ground everything to a halt. It's one of the reasons we're going to get more money from Star Wars. Because the only competition is rereleases and a few foreign films.
As I've said before, get the Memorial Bruce Lee stunt gym/school up and go brrr on the future action scenes!
Thank you!
Speaking of which..we whould visit Japan and Korea for anymore filming and distribution opportunities
I...did we ever learn Korean? Wait, that's next on the list before we return to Hong Kong and ask Jackie Chan if he wants to be in Episode 6 as one of the Rebel Infiltrators.

...actually, how many turns are left before we can make Escape From Hong Kong 2: Electric Bugaloo?
The funny thing is, Carrie only used the costumes they had as well as a few other well known photos.
Why do I get the feeling Carrie managed to get George to agree to licensing a limited run of Star Wars themed body pillows?
Well time to get more foreign films and make our own as we have our own scripts, so we dont need the union
James Bond and Doctor Who anyone?
Going back to the old D&D idea, how's about getting together with George and trying to implement a Star Wars TTRPG (ala Star Wars 5e)?

Start with something along the lines of a basic pamphlet, and release additional rules and content with each SW project's novelization [in the back].
I also think it is a great idea, BUT I am not thrilled with the name "The Mandalorian Gym"

I would fit much better if we named the Gym after our friend and master Bruce Lee, or after a legendary stuntman like Buster Keaton...
It would, if the entire project was meant to have the stunt program be the primary focus and ethos of the Gym, given that the other three programs are meant to be inclusive of the rest of the film crew while also attract the attention of the general public as both an afterschool program for underprivileged children [that also happens to teach them life skills] and a general gym space [partly to attract other Olympian hopefuls and Schwarzenegger's attention].

That and Mando's Gym was originally meant to be an internal name for the school, before the entire prompt got away with me.
It Started In The Hallway
It Started In The Hallway:

Bruce honestly hadn't had a whole lot of downtime during this production, coming very close to stretching himself thin what with his duel duties as an actor, friend and producer, none of which included his frequent jogs around the locale with Carrie, relishing in the Runner's High that highlighted the sights, even after their return to Angland [that just added stops to the pub, like Tippery]...what little time he had to himself were spent in preparing for his scenes and taking frequent cracks at attempting to discern something useful from his meditations with the Bible, when he witnessed the Hallway Fight. He'd wanted Mifune and Peter to take make the most of their abilities and elevate the scene further, had known it would be a sight to see...until he saw with his own eyes what such a fight would entail.

It was, in a word, spectacle.

It beheld a vicious beauty that made his blood thrum with anticipation (much as it did whenever he went out boxing), watching each movement of their blades in an effort to perhaps one, this day, learn the beauty behind such mastery. After that scene, he, and a number of others who'd been left slackjawed, had approached the duo and asked for tutelage. And, for the first few days, it went..poorly, the both of them lacking years and decades of experience and polish to even approach Mifune and Diamond's skill.

But where the rest of the cast who'd briefly joined them faltered, in the end only Mark, Carrie and himself remained and they'd had fun; by no means were any of them experts, but there was a joy in the fight, in the competition between them, that by the time they'd left Angland, they'd been considered by their masters to be decent apprentices.

Before their pride could swell, they were very much reminded of their skill level once more...15 seconds at full speed.

Bruce held a icepack gingerly to his ribs, slowly easing himself into his favorite chair back home, absent mindedly looking through the piled up mail (with a staggering amount from Hong Kong,- oh hey, only four death threats from the Triad this time!- Korea and Japan) before pausing at a small booklet advertising...something called Dungeons and Dragons?

'Huh...Carrie wouldn't mind it if I read it without her, right?' he mused to himself, absentmindedly giving Ginger scritches.
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I like that the highest chemistry is Bruce and Mifune. It'll lead to years of fan theories and stories involving Obi-Wan and Han Solo.
They'll likely keep pointing to the original version of the script where Han was both Jedi-Bendu and a Ureallien, but I think we can lean into it for this version of Han who runs a length of the 'Underground Railroad' by giving him closer ties to the Hidden Path [and Mandalorian Clans to justify a closer bond to Fett], which likely means that he'd already met with Obi-Wan as a possible contact or stop beforehand.

"<Those crikking Tusken Raiders, always poaching my cargo!>"

"That's an honest shame Jabba...anyway, where's the spice you want me to haul?"
I completely forgot about the Olympics. That's gotta be in a turn or two or something, right?
Next year, July 1976, which...maybe? Don't know how long production took, given the last turn was Jan-Feb 1975.