Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Damn, now I want to see a news paper front page with the statement from the union on one side and reporting on his charity on the other. Or a reaction from someone of the union who gets to know about his cgarity

If Michael Jackson's Fate hasn't changed, who wants to hire a lawyer team for him?

Apparently, the kid who brought charges against him was actually coarsed by his parents to get free money. (I remembered he admited it in an interview years after MJ's death.)
Damn, now I want to see a news paper front page with the statement from the union on one side and reporting on his charity on the other. Or a reaction from someone of the union who gets to know about his cgarity
Heh, we could EASILY spin this to make the union look evil as all hell with that nat 100.

They fucked with us and now I think it is time we hit them right in their image and cause a national outcry....
I'm starting to think the dice is a simp for Carrie
I mean, can you blame the dice, they have awesome taste!
-[X]I am not Entertained: So… The Union has some interesting things to say about you? DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 20

"Bruce O'Brian is everything wrong with young actors in Hollywood today. He is self-entitled and destructive, willing to place himself before the industry because he wants to make a quick buck and get parts he arrogantly believes he deserves.-"
Holy fucking shit!
Overall a pretty good turn. Real shame that we had to fail the cast expansion and the Union actions, but it works very narratively well with Bruce's abrasive business persona and Hollywood boogeyman legend as the infamous Goose.

Very interested on what Alan is building since we're getting The Ladd Company five years early. Most of them seem pretty meh but one interesting possible change is us getting Blade Runner very early, and with it Harrison gets some work without having to be a carpenter for longer in the absence of Han.

Glad to see that Bruce and Carrie are continuing to strengthen their marriage and George is now okay with the new status quo and needs as the heads of the studio. Also the nat 100 for the vets is a pretty dope Christmas present and tens of thousands likely have Bruce to thank for a very happy holidays. @Magoose Is the O'Reilly Foundation now a self-sufficient charity with a large and active donation system to keep up its services? I imagine the right-wing Hollywood stars and national politicians would get in on the action first, followed by anyone else with either a strong love for the troops or a desire to look good.

I'm starting to think the dice is a simp for Carrie

You say it like it's a bad thing, lol.

A funny thought I just had is that to much of America, Carrie has this squeaky clean image as a delightful Hollywood princess with beautiful looks and angelic voice. And right after she turns 18, she marries the "Bad Boy" of Hollywood who probably got wed in his leather jacket and drove them off to their honeymoon on his motorcycle, despite Bruce not owning one. Fair amount of executives and old Hollywood thinks Bruce seduced her with his roguish looks and rebel personality when he's a romantic sweetheart who loves her. Gonna be fun to see Hollywood adapt to the reality of Carrie O'Brian and how this is one starstruck marriage that is going to last.

Also Magoose, from now on when we choose workouts will Carrie be working out with Bruce based off of the last choice?
Honestly at this point I feel we should just leave the union to their stuff, these bad rolls are just causing issues that don't need to exist. It's pathetic that they just want to blame Hollywood's problems on someone whose not even old enough to drink in the US.
I hate to be a bother Magoose, but these haven't been cataloged:
Bruce had always been a man of adventure, and his latest trip to Japan was no exception.
Bruce had been spent months in physical therapy, working to regain his strength and mobility after being shot.
Once upon a time, in the dying days of the Wild West
Would You Be My Neighbor?
Dang, I thought it gave her quadruplets from the crit roll!

Would You Be My Neighbor?
I forgot to give a reward but since Fred Rogers was involved…

Let's just say the neighbor hood will get a little more funding.

And other fun things.
@Magoose Is the O'Reilly Foundation now a self-sufficient charity with a large and active donation system to keep up its services? I imagine the right-wing Hollywood stars and national politicians would get in on the action first, followed by anyone else with either a strong love for the troops or a desire to look good.
It is self sufficient now and mostly operates without us, however there are some… fun things that happen like this if you keep investing in it.

Also holy shit this is going to be a strange season of Mash.
A funny thought I just had is that to much of America, Carrie has this squeaky clean image as a delightful Hollywood princess with beautiful looks and angelic voice. And right after she turns 18, she marries the "Bad Boy" of Hollywood who probably got wed in his leather jacket and drove them off to their honeymoon on his motorcycle, despite Bruce not owning one. Fair amount of executives and old Hollywood thinks Bruce seduced her with his roguish looks and rebel personality when he's a romantic sweetheart who loves her. Gonna be fun to see Hollywood adapt to the reality of Carrie O'Brian and how this is one starstruck marriage that is going to last.
Actually it's a little more wordy then that…

Also a fair bit more… anti catholic.

Yeah the news that she converted was something that made members of the community mad.

And also there are some people who think that Bruce is upending the whole entire system and…

Well they think he's being very unAmerican.

And this is also coming from the union that hates him.
Also Magoose, from now on when we choose workouts will Carrie be working out with Bruce based off of the last choice?
Yes she will join us.
Honestly at this point I feel we should just leave the union to their stuff, these bad rolls are just causing issues that don't need to exist. It's pathetic that they just want to blame Hollywood's problems on someone whose not even old enough to drink in the US.
Well they need a scapegoat.

And we're the most convinient one.
I hate to be a bother @Magoose, but these haven't been cataloged
I did have a thought where, realising after the fight with Rocky that he is starting to slow down. Apollo wants Rocky to be the only one who beats him to take the championship, growing more desperate to get Rocky to fight throughout the movie as a South African racist boxer (definitely not an expy of Pierre Fourie) keeps coming after him for his title belt.

So, knowing his days are numbered, and not wanting someone he hates to get his belts, but not wanting to just retire without one last brawl, he continually pressures Rocky, eventually dissolving into insulting and baiting him to get Rocky to give him one final fight, where he can either wipe away the doubt surrounding the first match, or pass on the belt to someone he respects.

Also on the Conan thing, we Have WoG Bruce can bulk up, the issue is height, and that can easily be solved with camera angles and trickery.

So the issue is, do we want someone based on their physicality not their acting skills, recall Conan had a lot of his dialogue cut because of Arnie's Austrian accent and lack of faith in his acting skills, or do we want to portray the intelligence Conan had in the books and make him a more vocal and active character?

I vote for the later, even if we keep the general movie plots similar to OTL (I expanded on how to fix Conan The Destroyer in the Conan the Conqueror pitch)

That's a pretty good alternative character for Apollo in Rocky II. It also fits nicely with what I wrote in Eye of the Goose where Bob challenged Bruce because everyone else within the Light Heavyweight bracket was too scared or already had been beaten good by Bob and he needed a good fight before moving on into the Heavyweight. It does a good job in making him nuanced and flawed instead of the villlainish role he had in Rocky II and lays a foundation for his friendship with Rocky and him wanting to help him get the title back in III.

6'1 isn't too bad of a height to work with and we can give Bruce an extra inch or two with some boots. I'm also all for an intellegent portrayal of Conan to show he won his crown with brains and brawn and has all of the qualities needed to be a great ruler.

Damn, now I want to see a news paper front page with the statement from the union on one side and reporting on his charity on the other. Or a reaction from someone of the union who gets to know about his cgarity
Heh, we could EASILY spin this to make the union look evil as all hell with that nat 100.

They fucked with us and now I think it is time we hit them right in their image and cause a national outcry....
I will say them calling us horrible and then us giving 10 million to charade probably will cause a bit of problem for the union

Eh, while I'm more than happy to take potshots at the Union, I don't feel like we need to start a bloodfeud with them on the same level as Universal or it's going to be a major stain on our careers. Their directing their slander campaign at us through the gossip tabloids so it's not like public opinion is going to be effectively swayed and I feel like at this point the smear will only double down both positive and negative opinions of Bruce with little sway of the independents. Plus as pointed out, right after they made Bruce a scapegoat, he transformed the lives of countless veterans and gave them a very happy holidays with his own money, so no matter what it's clear that Bruce has a heart and doesn't use his "Quick bucks" for purely personal gain. I think for the most part we have public support behind us with all the feelgood stories of the O'Reilly Foundation and this is likely to backfire on the Guild's face without any action as they seem like bullies for attacking the poor Goose. Plus we have to remember that the SAG came in clutch for enforcing MASH safety standards and spreading those across TV, so they can be useful allies. Best to take the high ground and only retaliate to discredit the smear campaign as nonsense.

"Oh no, I'm not brave enough for politics."- a quote a few decades early but something I can imagine Bruce saying here.

"So Bruce, I see you've come to understand that Unions are the bane of America?" -Ronnie Raygun.

Yeah I don't want Bruce to directly enter into electoral politics, but keep himself as a very beloved public figure with friends on both sides of the aisle so that when Bruce is motivated to get involved and lobby for a cause, he can see it passed with flying colors. One thing I do want to get behind is to have Bruce lobby to kill the bulllshit Copyright Extension Act of '98 to spank Disney and give more fun for people with public domain along with becoming a champion of fair use in the 2010's to knock back corporate entertainment's bullshit.
Yeah I don't want Bruce to directly enter into electoral politics, but keep himself as a very beloved public figure with friends on both sides of the aisle so that when Bruce is motivated to get involved and lobby for a cause, he can see it passed with flying colors. One thing I do want to get behind is to have Bruce lobby to kill the bulllshit Copyright Extension Act of '98 to spank Disney and give more fun for people with public domain along with becoming a champion of fair use in the 2010's to knock back corporate entertainment's bullshit.
I'm very much all for this, considering the pitch I'm making will require a lot of fair use and copyrighted product uses. :V

Though, I will point out that with how the rolls have been for Disney, I don't think we'll need to spank them. At least, unless they don't undergo a sudden renaissance.

Eh, while I'm more than happy to take potshots at the Union, I don't feel like we need to start a bloodfeud with them on the same level as Universal or it's going to be a major stain on our careers. Their directing their slander campaign at us through the gossip tabloids so it's not like public opinion is going to be effectively swayed and I feel like at this point the smear will only double down both positive and negative opinions of Bruce with little sway of the independents. Plus as pointed out, right after they made Bruce a scapegoat, he transformed the lives of countless veterans and gave them a very happy holidays with his own money, so no matter what it's clear that Bruce has a heart and doesn't use his "Quick bucks" for purely personal gain. I think for the most part we have public support behind us with all the feelgood stories of the O'Reilly Foundation and this is likely to backfire on the Guild's face without any action as they seem like bullies for attacking the poor Goose. Plus we have to remember that the SAG came in clutch for enforcing MASH safety standards and spreading those across TV, so they can be useful allies. Best to take the high ground and only retaliate to discredit the smear campaign as nonsense.
As Jesus once said, "If a man strikes you on your left cheek, turn your right to him as well."

And as Napoleon said as well, "Do not interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
@bryanfran36 i must ask this from one mad lad with crazy dice to another…

Can I please have you roll a d100, just to see if Tropico dice are more powerful then Magoose dice?
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Sweet Jesus.

I don't think I can compete with that power.

Edit: yeah I'm about 3/4th as powerful as you my friend.

Magoose threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Just for fun Total: 76
76 76
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I swear these dices roll either very high or very low whatever happened to in the middle?