-[X]Contract Negotiations (Everyone): You need to make sure George is paying everyone properly. DC 50 Rolled:
D100 => 31
George informed you that he and Gary got the negotiations for the contracts, and requested that you not worry about that kinda thing, as you had done enough for helping him out.
There was also the simple fact that he was more worried about you physically, and if you left your home to do that, and you were hurt, it would be on him.
He told you to rest. Said he would get everything done.
-[X]Preproduction (Casting Han Solo): You want to Spearhead the Efforts to find you're Han Solo. George is happy that you helped out. (Begin a mini-turn where you can offer the Part to any number of actors in Hollywood and beyond.) DC:0
--[X]Get the part for yourself.
--[X]Waive your actor's fee as long as the money goes back into the film. Rolled:
D100 => 91
It was George's turn to be amazed when he learned just how much you were willing to sacrifice for this movie. "Waiving the fees again?" He asked.
"My actor fees." You stated as you groaned in pain as you sat up. "You know damn well I'm getting some of that money as a producer, so I shouldn't try to make things harder for you."
"Bruce I can't just-" George started.
"George. Remember?" You leaned in. "This is for your movie." You then smiled as you tapped his shoulder and leaned back in your bed, grimacing from the wound you had. "What were you going to pay me for this role anyway?"
"Top billing. Half a million." He replied.
"Then put that money where it belongs." You replied.
George sighed. "You, really-"
"George, remember, it's not my movie, it's yours." You replied.
He nodded. "You know we're going to need to sign a legal contract so that the guild doesn't try and… you know… fine us?"
"Yeah, we'll do that tomorrow." You said as you winced in pain.
Reward: You are now Han Solo, in George Lucas' Star Wars.
-[X]Let Mike Work: You will give Mike a Freehand to do what he wants to make money. DC: 0 (An action will be Chosen from the list of actions. Shenanigans may ensure)
Mike Roll:
D100 => 95
You think Steve sent a postcard thanking you, because, he used one of the days off he had to watch the film at Martha's Vineyard, and was reinvigorated to see a film that gave him hope.
Also, you think Mike took a little more than he was allowed, but then again, with how well he was doing, you could ignore that. After all, he was doing his job well.
(Continued in Tokyo Sun)
-[X]Recovering Properly: You want to make sure you recover properly. DC: 10 Rolled:
D100 => 69
Carrie was tracing the newly formed scar on your chest as you both held each other. "Did it hurt?" She asked.
"Yeah, it did." You replied, knowing what was coming next.
"Do you want me to kiss it to make it better?" She asked.
You adored Carrie, and it was going to make you feel better. Much better.
And she did. Along with so much more.
Reward: Carrie helped "Nurse" You back to health, and it most certainly worked. It most certainly made you feel better.