Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Short, Sweet, and Prodcutive Turn 32 Results (June-July 1974)
-[X]Contract Negotiations (Everyone): You need to make sure George is paying everyone properly. DC 50 Rolled:D100 => 31

George informed you that he and Gary got the negotiations for the contracts, and requested that you not worry about that kinda thing, as you had done enough for helping him out.

There was also the simple fact that he was more worried about you physically, and if you left your home to do that, and you were hurt, it would be on him.

He told you to rest. Said he would get everything done.


-[X]Preproduction (Casting Han Solo): You want to Spearhead the Efforts to find you're Han Solo. George is happy that you helped out. (Begin a mini-turn where you can offer the Part to any number of actors in Hollywood and beyond.) DC:0
--[X]Get the part for yourself.
--[X]Waive your actor's fee as long as the money goes back into the film. Rolled:D100 => 91

It was George's turn to be amazed when he learned just how much you were willing to sacrifice for this movie. "Waiving the fees again?" He asked.

"My actor fees." You stated as you groaned in pain as you sat up. "You know damn well I'm getting some of that money as a producer, so I shouldn't try to make things harder for you."

"Bruce I can't just-" George started.

"George. Remember?" You leaned in. "This is for your movie." You then smiled as you tapped his shoulder and leaned back in your bed, grimacing from the wound you had. "What were you going to pay me for this role anyway?"

"Top billing. Half a million." He replied.

"Then put that money where it belongs." You replied.

George sighed. "You, really-"

"George, remember, it's not my movie, it's yours." You replied.

He nodded. "You know we're going to need to sign a legal contract so that the guild doesn't try and… you know… fine us?"

"Yeah, we'll do that tomorrow." You said as you winced in pain.

Reward: You are now Han Solo, in George Lucas' Star Wars.

-[X]Let Mike Work: You will give Mike a Freehand to do what he wants to make money. DC: 0 (An action will be Chosen from the list of actions. Shenanigans may ensure)

Mike Roll:D100 => 95

You think Steve sent a postcard thanking you, because, he used one of the days off he had to watch the film at Martha's Vineyard, and was reinvigorated to see a film that gave him hope.

Also, you think Mike took a little more than he was allowed, but then again, with how well he was doing, you could ignore that. After all, he was doing his job well.

(Continued in Tokyo Sun)

-[X]Recovering Properly: You want to make sure you recover properly. DC: 10 Rolled:D100 => 69

Carrie was tracing the newly formed scar on your chest as you both held each other. "Did it hurt?" She asked.

"Yeah, it did." You replied, knowing what was coming next.

"Do you want me to kiss it to make it better?" She asked.

You adored Carrie, and it was going to make you feel better. Much better.


And she did. Along with so much more.

Reward: Carrie helped "Nurse" You back to health, and it most certainly worked. It most certainly made you feel better.
Nah, it's cool. It happens to me a lot as well. Not just with writing or ideas. God knows just how often I ramble and how I could go on for the entire day if you let me. It's perfectly fine, it's just important to remember to temper yourself and reign in your passion so that you can channel it more effectively and to not let what we want get in the way of what works.
Thanks man. :)
Extra History are the same as Extra Credits, right? The ones who made the "Suddenly, you're a Nazi" and "Orks are black people" videos?
That's why I specified before they changed hosts and started all that crap. Seriously, what were they thinking?
Just keep in mind that Han isn't supposed to be the main character.
This is definitely something that needs to be kept in mind, particularly because of George's fear that we'll turn Star Wars into our movie instead of his movie. This extends to other changes in the script as well I think. We really should try to keep changes to small, but impactful, if we do them at all.

How about these as write-in options for script ideas?
-[] Develop the dialogue so it strikes a balance between George's vision and worldbuilding and a more natural delivery that audiences can relate to.
-[] During the Alderaan Destruction scene, write in a scene that plays alongside Tarkin's threat and firing of the Death Star showing Bail Organa witnessing the Death Star and using his last moments to save as many of his people as he can. Subtly hint at Leia's force sensitivity by having her unknowingly warn her father and telepathically hear his last words which comfort her.
-[] Include subtle hints in Han's dialogue and blocking that suggests that he is a former Imperial. Nothing that dominates a scene, but quiet character moments that can be explored in the sequels.

Thinking back to the reminder's, maybe the Alderaan stuff is a bit too ambitious for Bruce at this point, especially since it deals with Leia and George might misinterpret it as Bruce uplifting his girlfriend's character, but I think the other two can work without causing offense. We especially need to get dialogue down to avoid a Graffiti-style improv movie because looking at the audition videos and oh boy was OG dialogue a cringy mess.

-[X]Preproduction (Casting Han Solo): You want to Spearhead the Efforts to find you're Han Solo. George is happy that you helped out. (Begin a mini-turn where you can offer the Part to any number of actors in Hollywood and beyond.) DC:0
--[X]Get the part for yourself.
--[X]Waive your actor's fee as long as the money goes back into the film. Rolled:D100 => 91

It was George's turn to be amazed when he learned just how much you were willing to sacrifice for this movie. "Waiving the fees again?" He asked.

"My actor fees." You stated as you groaned in pain as you sat up. "You know damn well I'm getting some of that money as a producer, so I shouldn't try to make things harder for you."

"Bruce I can't just-" George started.

"George. Remember?" You leaned in. "This is for your movie." You then smiled as you tapped his shoulder and leaned back in your bed, grimacing from the wound you had. "What were you going to pay me for this role anyway?"

"Top billing. Half a million." He replied.

"Then put that money where it belongs." You replied.

George sighed. "You, really-"

"George, remember, it's not my movie, it's yours." You replied.

He nodded. "You know we're going to need to sign a legal contract so that the guild doesn't try and… you know… fine us?"

"Yeah, we'll do that tomorrow." You said as you winced in pain.

Reward: You are now Han Solo, in George Lucas' Star Wars.

Aww, that's a really wholesome moment to assure George that Bruce only wants to do his part and help bring George's dream to life. Really great bro moment from George as well to be willing to give Bruce top billing with half a million. With 500k going back into the movie and Star Wars already having 4 mil more than OTL, we're probably going to end up with a pretty technical revolutionary film that is going to be held in the same ranks of cinematic history as Birth of a Nation and Gone with the Wind, only this time no racism and Lost Cause bullshit.

-[X]Let Mike Work: You will give Mike a Freehand to do what he wants to make money. DC: 0 (An action will be Chosen from the list of actions. Shenanigans may ensure)

Mike Roll:D100 => 95

You think Steve sent a postcard thanking you, because, he used one of the days off he had to watch the film at Martha's Vineyard, and was reinvigorated to see a film that gave him hope.

Also, you think Mike took a little more than he was allowed, but then again, with how well he was doing, you could ignore that. After all, he was doing his job well.

(Continued in Tokyo Sun)

Pretty poggers to see Mike continue to earn his paycheck and then some and it's nice for us to give Steve a little morale boost for Jaws. Hope this comes with a strong US release so we can prove to Akira that we have what it takes to handle his films with respect and honor and use this to form the beginning of a strong alliance between Toho and Lucasfilms.

-[X]Recovering Properly: You want to make sure you recover properly. DC: 10 Rolled:D100 => 69

Carrie was tracing the newly formed scar on your chest as you both held each other. "Did it hurt?" She asked.

"Yeah, it did." You replied, knowing what was coming next.

"Do you want me to kiss it to make it better?" She asked.

You adored Carrie, and it was going to make you feel better. Much better.


And she did. Along with so much more.

Reward: Carrie helped "Nurse" You back to health, and it most certainly worked. It most certainly made you feel better.

LMAO! Magoose Dice has its favorite and its Carrie the Waifu. With all of these 69's and nat crits, Carrie's memoirs ITTL are shaping up to be quasi romance novels. Hope we get to see the wedding in a couple of weeks.
How about these as write-in options for script ideas?
-[] Develop the dialogue so it strikes a balance between George's vision and worldbuilding and a more natural delivery that audiences can relate to.
-[] During the Alderaan Destruction scene, write in a scene that plays alongside Tarkin's threat and firing of the Death Star showing Bail Organa witnessing the Death Star and using his last moments to save as many of his people as he can. Subtly hint at Leia's force sensitivity by having her unknowingly warn her father and telepathically hear his last words which comfort her.
-[] Include subtle hints in Han's dialogue and blocking that suggests that he is a former Imperial. Nothing that dominates a scene, but quiet character moments that can be explored in the sequels.

Thinking back to the reminder's, maybe the Alderaan stuff is a bit too ambitious for Bruce at this point, especially since it deals with Leia and George might misinterpret it as Bruce uplifting his girlfriend's character, but I think the other two can work without causing offense. We especially need to get dialogue down to avoid a Graffiti-style improv movie because looking at the audition videos and oh boy was OG dialogue a cringy mess.
I like the first and third, but I'm definitely not really a fan of the second. It just feels too disconnected and messy, adding much more than necessary at this stage. I think it's mostly the Force stuff but the evacuation does leave me with some questions as well. There's more that I could say, but honestly, I've been procrastinating and I need to wrap up an Econ assignment soon so I'm trying not to spend too much time away from that. At the end of it all, I'm not really sold on it, and while I'm not going to pitch a fit or anything if it wins(I'm a functioning adult, thank you very much), I'm definitely going to be putting up my own opposing write-in for Alderaan.
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Monkey Sun

Monkey Sun

Released (American Release): June 15th, 1974

Directed By: Kajirō Yamamoto

Produced By:Tomoyuki Tanaka

Norihei Miki

Fukutaro Ichikawa

Nobuo Chiba

Audience Reception: D100 - 15 => 59

Critical Reception: D100 => 78

US Gross: 13,283,123

Lucasfilm Gross: 8,000,000

Lucasfilm cost covering: 2 million

Total Gross: 6 million.​


Another success… kinda.

Japanese films are just not popular it seems. It's also really hard for people to understand Journey to the West, even with the subtitles.

Then Mike unveiled a special plot, in almost every theater in America. Half off, with the company covering some ticket costs. It was not something you expected.

But hey, it made the film very successful. And critics loved the film.

But hey, at least things were pretty okay.

And Mike made tons of connections for Star Wars.

Whenever it would come out.
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You know what'd be fun? If one of our animated projects would be an animated series based on Journey To The West. We'd be doing our damnedest to kill the concept of the Animation Age Ghetto while having plenty of Looney Tunes-esque slapstick violence for the kiddies.

Hell, if you're familar with Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions videos on Journey To The West you'd know that the story itself justifies Sun Wukong tanking otherwise fatal injuries and keeping on ticking. And that the story is long enough to justify a multi-season show even without the inevitable padding.

My idea for casting? George Takei as Sun Wukong. I think he'd get a kick out of it!
We'd be doing our damnedest to kill the concept of the Animation Age Ghetto while having plenty of Looney Tunes-esque slapstick violence for the kiddies.
Speaking of, I've still been working on our Looney Tunes equivalent and I'm still in need of potential episode ideas, so if anyone has them, feel free to put them forward. They don't need to be complicated or anything, you can literally just say that it's about "this" or "that" like "An episode about feuding over property lines" or something along those lines. Of course, more detailed definitely would help, but is not necessary.

Also, this is probably a pretty unpopular opinion, but I've never liked George Takei. Beyond not being big into Star Trek, although what little I have seen I very much enjoyed, George Takei also seemed like an asshole in his personal interactions and pretty arrogant, but that's just from what I've seen and I could easily be misinformed about that.
Here are some other film suggestions that we can try to distribute. Most of them are horror though, so..I don't know, I saw theur reviews and thought they would be cool.

There's this Toho movie we can try and distribute if we want to continue building bridges with them: Evil of Dracula. It was just released this year.

Another Japanese movie is "Revenge of a Kabuki Actor" or "An Actor's Revenge". It was released just 10 years ago.

And why limit ourselves to Japan? Korea has a film released 10 years back called "The Evil Stairs" which open the market for more asian films.

There's "Jigoku", a film that has graphic imagery of suffering in hell. This one I'm ambivalent, and if we go for it, then it would have to be for midnight showings.

You know what'd be fun? If one of our animated projects would be an animated series based on Journey To The West. We'd be doing our damnedest to kill the concept of the Animation Age Ghetto while having plenty of Looney Tunes-esque slapstick violence for the kiddies.

Hell, if you're familar with Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions videos on Journey To The West you'd know that the story itself justifies Sun Wukong tanking otherwise fatal injuries and keeping on ticking. And that the story is long enough to justify a multi-season show even without the inevitable padding.

My idea for casting? George Takei as Sun Wukong. I think he'd get a kick out of it!
Fucking hell yes! I love OSP's rendition of Journey to the West. And if even with that level of animation it's epic, imagine what we can do with a Disney team!