Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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I get to do "O'Brother, where art thou?" later on then.
Sounds good to me.
But man, what are the odds we miss on meeting Toriyama and helping Marvel on what they need. I just hope we can get to do the option again next time.
I know, it sucks big time, but them's the breaks. I also really hope we can do it again.
And Mike is right, we would have blown away our money without his help. He was worth every penny in the end.
Oh, without a doubt. Mike was damn near solo carrying Lucasfilm in the earlier days.
Really hope A Christmas Story finds it director and succeeds, it's a really fun movie in my opinion. Also those dice just really love Carrie.
And he wanted to play… with anyone, especially you, which was something you were struggling to find time with because honestly, as much as you wanted to try and balance everything.

Oh no, is Bruce starting to be a bad father and get out of touch with his kids? We always include family time in the plan along with doing other activities for the kids. I don't want Joseph to feel left out or unloved. I thought about doing this for a while, but maybe we can have plans where we have multiple family night options where Bruce focuses on each kid. More fluff is nice and we're starting to get to a point where a few of the actions are just there for fun and filler.
And before you ask...

I have so many delicious plans to occur next year.

THough in saying that, I might decide to do fun things.
Oh no, is Bruce starting to be a bad father and get out of touch with his kids? We always include family time in the plan along with doing other activities for the kids. I don't want Joseph to feel left out or unloved. I thought about doing this for a while, but maybe we can have plans where we have multiple family night options where Bruce focuses on each kid. More fluff is nice and we're starting to get to a point where a few of the actions are just there for fun and filler.
I have some ideas... but that will occur next turn.

And hey, at least Bruce is getting aware of it... instead of ignoring it.
Movie Pitch Schoolhouse hide and seek
Movie Pitch
Schoolhouse hide and seek

Genre: Horror
Format Anime

Tagline: Now You're It

Prologue: A boy is running from a girl with black and red eyes and hides in his room only to be found. As the girl grabs the boy she laughs and says "Now you're it" as the boy gets up from his hiding space he opens his eyes briefly turn the same color and he gives an evil smirk.

Plot: Tomorrow is the School festival and to let the students unwind and finish up any last minute preparations the school is having a lock in, Letting the students stay overnight and camp out. The main character is a boy named Tatsumi who is bullied mercilessly by a group led by Tsubasa. Tired of there usual bullying they soon start bullying his friend Mimiko as well. Tatsumi is ashamed of his own cowardice for failing to stand up to them. When it looks like he's finally about to step in, a student named Mitsuhide makes the bullies back off.

Trying to comfort Tatsumi, Mitsuhide makes small talk about their past childhood friendship and eventually reveals a rumor about a way to play a high stake game of hide and seek with a ghost. " The rumor is vague, some say if you win you'll get your greatest wish granted, others say it's just a way for adrenaline junkies to off themselves"

And so Tatsumi performs the ritual ,partly to get his mind off things but also in a deep hope that it'll work and he'll get the fabled wish at the end of it. Unfortunately he didn't understand that by "alone" the ritual meant entirely alone in a house and the Mimiko looking for him distracts him at a crucial moment. Leading to horrific consequences for the entire school.

The "game" begins with Mimiko becoming possessed. The possessing spirit mockingly thanking Tatsumi, promising to let him go for now as a reward for the new body. Chaos ensues as everyone she touches with the phrase "You're It" becomes possessed to continue the cycle.

During the chaos Tatsumi meets up with Mitsuhide and others in an attempt to survive. Mitsuhide explained to the group that if they survive till daylight they'll be free but if not their souls will be shunted into the void. After a series of events the group meets the Occult club who explain they think they can exorcise a student if they bring them one. But the process will become extremely complicated if not impossible once the game ends. Wanting to save his friends' souls, Tatsumi sets out to capture Mimiko.

Once Mimiko is captured the group places her in a pentagram and attempts to exorcise her only for the climax of the ritual to be twisted as Mitsuhide touches Akane and smugly states "You're It" As his eyes turn black and red, Mitsuhide laughs maniacally as he rants " the first thing you do after you win the game is learn how to change your eyes." and a flashback to the opening appears as he makes a villainous speech about how this was better than he expected. Possessed Mimiko wakes up and goes on a rant of her own about how their spirits have merged and how Tatsumi is hers. Mitsuhide and Akane release her from the pentagram as Tatsumi, his group of extras and the remnants of the occult club flee.

The film ends with a running battle through the school as Tatsumi and the remaining students try desperately to survive until dawn. The others are picked off until only Tatsumi is left. As he's surrounded in the gymnasium the first rays of dawn shine through the windows. Mitsuhide and Mimiko congratulate Tatsumi on making it till dawn and ask him what his wish is. Tatsumi wishes that everyone would go back to normal and slowly everyone's eyes go back to normal. All the students cheer and begin celebrating.

The scene cuts to later with police searching for the principle and questioning students about the destruction. Eventually concluding that it was some sort of chemical released into the school causing a mass hallucination and hysteria. Tatsumi is walking home with his friends' When Mimiko complains that the destruction will mean the festival is canceled. Tatsumi idly wishes that it all never happened only for Mitsuhide to grin and "innocently" ask " you still believe in wishes?" Pan out to see all the nearby students grinning evilly.
Tatsumi : A boy who is frequently bullied in his class. Starting when he panicked during a house of horrors during a previous school festival. When Tsubasa starts to bully Mimiko as well and he finds himself unable to stand up to them he attempts the Hide and Seek ritual partly to get his mind off things but also in a deep hope that it'll work and he'll get the fabled wish at the end of it. As the story progresses he overcomes his fears in an attempt to save as many people as he can.

Akane: The leader of the occult club who studies various ghosts, Yoki and cryptids. Her club helps Tatsumi capture the possessed Mimiko in the middle of the film in an attempt to exorcize her. Only for it to go horribly wrong leaving her and her club to be brutalized and possessed.

Mimiko: Tatsumi's closest friend. The bullies starting to pick on her too is what drives Tatsumi to try the hide and seek ritual. And her interrupting of the ritual is one of the reasons it goes haywire. Is the first to be "IT" and begins the chaos of the game. Tatsumi with the help of the occult club captures her in an attempt to perform an exorcism only to botch it yet again and have her mind merge with the spirit creating a yandere wild card for the second act. She emerges as a leader of the possessed and leads the hunt for Tatsumi and the last of the students in the final act.

Mitsuhide: A friendly student who spread the rumor of the game in the first place. And is very knowledgeable of it. Such as the fact that they have to survive till morning, that the ritual gets weird if more than one person is in the building and that the possessed are all from hell/purgatory (what good spirit would want to try to steal someone's body). Was Tatsumi's friend in the past but grew distant as they grew up . Appears to be horrified that his actions have led to the whole school being possessed but during the climax reveals that he's the boy from the opening and has been possessed the whole time. Was spreading the rumor due to being bored and wishing to see some chaos. Is deeply amused that Tastumi screwed up the ritual so badly. And was only telling everyone the rules because of a twisted sense of fair play.

Principle Abe: The principal of the school and the boys chaperone for the lock in. tries to leave and get help once he finds out the phones aren't working. Ignoring the possessed taunting warnings. Is grabbed by a thing with too many fingers and too many Phalanges. The last thing he hears as he's pulled screaming into the void that surrounds the school is "there's worse than us out there".

Miss Nakamura: A cheerful and well liked teacher who is the girls chaperone for the lock in. Is possessed early and lures the group into an ambush by crying for help.

Tsubasa: The leader of the main group who bullies Tatsumi. Is the school's baseball star and feels he can get away with his actions due to his popularity. Is saved by Tatsumi early in the movie and starts to feel remorse for his actions. Later he leaves the group to lead the remains of the baseball team and his clique in a horrifically doomed "counter attack" leading to his leg getting broken and his newly possessed body squabbling with the other possessed over the fact that they've ruined their new body.

Extras: The premise is a school's worth of students being hunted down and possessed. So there are all kinds of minor characters who are wiped out. Some join Tatsumies group briefly to get possessed shortly after, others are part of their own group hunted down in side scenes. .Mean girls, bullies , nerds etcetera.
It's been pointed out that having the song the story is based on would be fun. So I'm leaving youtube links here. The song(or parts of it) could play over scenes that it lends itself well to, like the opening credits/prologue as the girl hunts the boy. Or one of the big chase scenes near the climax. While an instrumental version could be part of the soundtrack. IAnd if nothing else the full song can play during the end credits. There's also the possibility of some of the words in the song being added to dialogue to add to the atmosphere.



Someone said we needed more anime movies and I was abnormally focused today so I whipped this up. If you have a critique of the Japanese names let me know. I mostly used google and some anime characters to name them so they might not be normal names. If you have any suggestions for extras feel free to hand them out. It's a horror movie so plenty of room for possession fodder.
And yes this is very loosely based on a vocaloid song. Well the prologue is the rest just snowballed from there.
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Ardmore Movie Pitch: Michael Collins
Alright then, this one has been somewhat difficult for me, mainly because though I love the movie despite the historical inaccuracies, I also had to think about the current situation in Ireland, and what this movie could do to it. In the end, I decided to say "The hell with it" and just made a couple of changes which I felt that were missing from the movie or were additions to it in OTL and did not seem to fit; mainly how they put it all around a love story, or how a scene that would have exonerated De Valera of Michael's assassination was cut out.

Overall, I don't know what will happen with this movie but I do think it's one that deserves to be told. Michael Collins' life and sacrifices for his nation should never be forgotten, and with Warner no longer around, I think it falls on us to make sure that it is forever imprinted in the minds and hearts of all Irishmen

Thus, I give you:

Ardmore Movie Pitch:
Michael Collins

GENRE: Drama/Thriller/War

SUBGENRE: Biopic/Political/Suspense


Set Up: A biopic based on the real life of Michael Collins. After the disastrous defeat of Irish rebels by superior UK forces during the Easter Rising, Michael Collins develops new strategies for the independence of Ireland. His tactics include what is now recognized as urban guerrilla tactics and organized assassinations of those Irish who work as informers for the UK government, and later members of British intelligence. Although Collins is conflicted about the necessity of this violent course, by 1921 the British are willing to negotiate. Sinn Fein President Eamon de Valera sends a reluctant Collins to London to negotiate a settlement. When Collins returns with a compromise of a partitioned Ireland and an Irish Free State, not a Republic, within the British Empire he is vilified by de Valera and repudiated by lifelong friend Harry Boland. Collins is now faced with civil war as he struggles against those who insist on complete and unconditional independence for all of Ireland.

Director: John Boorman
Composer: Elmer Bernstein

- Remove the initial scene of Joe speaking to Kitty. Begin the movie with the end of the Eastern Uprising as in OTL, but add a small scene with Collins being asked his name, and the officer in charge letting him go for "being a nobody".

- Kitty's role is reduced so as to not make the entire film revolve around her romance with Collins. The movie will focus more on the Ireland situation and the politics of it.

- Increase Soames role to make him more of an archenemy to Michael Collins.

- Emphasize how Collins was a Patriot wanting the best for Ireland, whether that entailed revolution or Peace depending on what would benefit it most. Give time for the movie to show and explain as to why he went from revolutionary to supporter of the treaty.

- Show how the Siege on the Custom House was not so much a disaster that suddenly broke the IRA, but it was the straw that broke the Camel's back, with the IRA already having supply issues that were crippling their abilities to continue the fight.

- Change the scene where Collins burns the documents when their hideout is found, to instead having no time to do so despite trying. That way we explain how the British found the information to put the screws on their supply lines.

- Make sure to make it clear that de Valera did not order any assassination attempt on Collins.

- Make the scenes flow better, rather than just cutting from one to the next.
Michael Collins: He is an Irish revolutionary, soldier and politician during the struggle for Irish independence. He is the Director of Intelligence of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and a government minister of the self-declared Irish Republic. He is a passionate man who gained fame as a guerrilla warfare strategist, which led the British to ask for a truce. he accepted the treaty as he saw it as the only way for Ireland to gain freedom and more in the future, even if that put him against those who had once been his allies in the end.

Played By: Gabriel Byrne
Alternate: Liam Neeson

Harry Boland: He is an Irish Republican Politician, partner in crime, and close friend to Michael Collins. Harry aided Michael during the fight after the Easter Uprising's defeat of 1916. Harry is more serious than Michael, and tends to be more of a worrier as well. He was sent to America in order to help de Valera gain recognition from the U.S., though the mission failed. He however disagreed with the final treaty with Britain, and thus set himself as an opponent to Michael's government.

Played By: Sam Neill
Alternate: Brendan Gleeson
Eamon de Valera: An Irish politician and the President of the self-declared republic of Ireland during the Irish War of Independence. De Valera is mostly severe and serious, though also somewhat devious in his plans. His convictions do not allow him to accept the treaty, leading into a civil war, though he later shows sadness and remorse when hearing of Michael's death.

Played By: Ciaran Hinds
Alternate: Alan Rickman

Eamon "Ned" Broy: He is a member of the "G Department" which was in charge of all information gathering and collaborators in Ireland. He was persuaded by hearing Michael's speeches into working as an inside man for him, even getting him inside "The Castle" to look at the records himself. He was caught by the "Cairo Gang" tortured and killed.

Played By: Stephen Rea
Alternate: Anthony Hopkins

SIS Officer Soames: He is a British Officer in charge of the investigation on Collins and his group, and eventually taking over the "Cairo Gang" when their officers are killed by the IRA in "Bloody Sunday". He is a severe and capable man, who nonetheless also elitist and follows the adage of "Noblesse Oblige" when dealing with those he is in charge of, or those who work for, and under, him.

Played By: Terence Stamp
Alternate: Nigel Terry
Kitty Kiernan: She is the friend of both Harry Bolland and Michael Collins, and eventual fiancée of the latter, which caused friction between both friends.

Joe O'Reilly: He is Michael Collins' assistant and bodyguard, dedicated to the cause and him, he was there when Michael was killed, and was also the one who brought the news to Kitty.

Tom Cullen & Liam Tobin: They are both part of Collins entourage, as well as members of his intelligence service, which managed to decode and find many of the British secrets.

A.N.: This movie should be made around, which should hopefully give enough time to establish Ardmore as a more prestigious studios rather than just as another extension of Lucasfilms. We can still do it now if we want, but it's a suggestion. I selected Boorman since aside from Excalibur, I see that he can make very good dramas as well, not to mention that he has the home advantage and actors he can use for the movie.
Jesus ducking moongoose dice Christ, you will give people so many nightmares, especially if stupid adults think that animation is for children
Thanks I tried. Though hopefully the rating, the marketing and the creepy ghost girl on the poster will tip people off. But i saw a woman bring her kids to see the first Deadpool movie and sit through the whole thing. So I doubt it'll be enough to stop some people.
Why would we make Yakuza through Ardmore? Besides, he said script, not pitch.
We Happy Few is not a script yet so we can' amke it through Ardmore yet then..

I suggest we go for Still Wakes the Deep, since the period is still close enough for most viewers to remember it. Plus, since Cronnenberg will direvt, this means that The Fly should still be on hold.​
I have a question if the spirit passed to another body does the original still remain possess?
If your asking about my movie pitch once a person is possessed anyone else they tag is possessed by another completely different spirit. If the ritual was done right they would have possessed a doll or something and their prize for winning would have been the persons body but the screwed up ritual and the sheer amount of people in the building turned the game into a twisted version of zombie tag.
Do I troll or not troll that is the question?

I troll:

Meanwhile at Universal: 1

Meanwhile at Fox: 100

I don't know what Murdoch did to win a future legendary director sweepstakes but he did