My bad I did not see that the dc had been lowered[ ] Work with the Government
DC 2
Are you going to spend a hero for insurance against a nat 1 which won't be even that bad?
My bad I did not see that the dc had been lowered[ ] Work with the Government
DC 2
Are you going to spend a hero for insurance against a nat 1 which won't be even that bad?
[ ] Work with the Government
DC 2
Are you going to spend a hero for insurance against a nat 1 which won't be even that bad?
Why not to intrigue action?Additionally you can assign Talia to any Martial or Diplomacy action
What's your thought process on this, and not say helping the botany roll or acting as liaison for government contact?
Additionally you can assign Talia to any Martial or Diplomacy action although you cannot guarantee that she will follow through on any of these actions and you can't see her stats just yet. There are no actions in which the pheromone spray could be used. Please vote in plan format and remember that there is a 1 hour moratorium on voting.
I made a mistake. It was supposed to be any martial or intrigue action . I've corrected the statement in the post.I'm suprised that Talia can't be assigned on the investigation actions as well... given that she too wants to find the truth of the matter here.
Not too sure magic planes can be mass-produced.[] Plan Magitek Planes
-[] Design and produce self-flying planes
--[] Luthor/Rebecca/Carol
Because getting Magitek Planes means enlightening all of LexCorp to the possibility of combining Magic with other Technological pursuits. Plus, this way we get Cooperation 1.0 with both of them.
I feel like the lex mercy talia combo is overkill I say put mercy on hire troops and leave the investigation to talia and lex[] Plan The Truth Must Come Out
-[] Luthor - Investigate Sasha Glynul
-[] Mercy - Investigate Sasha Glynul
-[] Isley - Research Botany
-[] Ivo - The A.M.A.Z.O. project
-[] Katherine - Hire more LexCorp security forces
-[] Carstairs - Investigate Sasha Glynul
-[] Sutton - Investigate Elaine Marsh-Morton
-[] Carol - Design and produce self-flying planes
-[] Talia - Investigate Sasha Glynul
I feel like the lex mercy talia combo is overkill I say put mercy on hire troops and leave the investigation to talia and lex
Unless Luthor is assigned to a task the leader will always be designated as the one with the highest stat in that field. Talia al Ghul cannot be the leader as you do not have her as one of your hero units (she can provide help but even if her stat is higher she wouldn't be the leader)Will our hero units automatically be ordered in the way that gives the highest bonus, if not can we please get an estimate of Talia's intrigue score before we make a choice?
??? has four actions they can use per turn. ??? tends to use at least three per turn burying evidence and hiding who they are since they know that if they get caught their death will be slow painful and final.
Not really since I want to cut down on bloat for this vote (hence why I keep it in plan format rather than leaving it open and free). Multiple plan votes somewhat counters the whole reason why I am doing this in plan format. Pick your one favorite plan. You can switch your plan if another one you like is getting traction but only one plan vote will be counted at a time per each individual.@King crimson
BTW, Are you fine with same player voting for more than one plan?
This way we may get 1.0 coop score. Also, this is plain going for numbers instead of actual logic. We can't afford to ignore the hunt for ??? Mercy+Talia IS NOT ENOUGH because - to roll is a very likely possibility. Plus, I think plant+magic is a way more viable first magic tech project than ai-controlled plane+magic[] Plan Magitek Planes
-[] Design and produce self-flying planes
--[] Luthor/Rebecca/Carol
Because getting Magitek Planes means enlightening all of LexCorp to the possibility of combining Magic with other Technological pursuits. Plus, this way we get Cooperation 1.0 with both of them.
Roxanne has a good intrigue score(13). I don't think it is the best use for her, but if enough people want to send her investigating there I am willing to compromise and edit "Investigation, Magical Plants, and Exciting guns" by moving Roxanne from weapons to MortonOkay, so Ivo and Pamela are assigned to their duties, but I'm on the fence of if to put 2 or 3 hero units to the investigation, because Mercy has a lot of skills that could help us with, in case the other investigation gets botched, but we can't be certain that disasters will happen to us, since the DC is so low on many of these actions, but we can't be certain.