Earth 27: Cesar "The Centipede" Centius
The Centipede is a 'golden age' mobster villain that could turn partially or wholly into a bus-sized centipede with a bulletproof exoskeleton after an accident occurred with his "extermination company" scheme. "Partial transformations" include him growing taller, stronger, and growing his multiple arms out which he can use to dominate firefights by holding dozens of guns, riot shields, knives, other weapon, or just manipulate objects.
However as the leader of the organization he rarely ever needs to use his full transformation power beyond when he gets afraid for his life. He also has a longer lifespan from his power, paralyzing venom, incredibly leaping ability, etc. (All the powers of a centipede)
Having such a well controlled organization, he some time in the past made a deal with the US government that secured a good retirement plan for him and his entire family, effectively retiring from crime decades before the modern era.
Now in the modern era, he has a son that is a beetle themed hero that is in his early to mid twenties, with advanced flight and strength abilities. As the father has stopped his crimes, they have a good relationship.
That is until he has a mid life crisis. You see - decades of relaxation, luxury, and no work have made him incredibly bored and he isn't growing weaker like most elderly retired people.
So he decides to anonymously join up with a street level crew of thieves to get that spark in his life again, trying to hide his 'shameful secret' from his son.
Perhaps he also has to deal with the growing scale of modern threats as his son & other heroes request "The Centipede" come out of retirement to help with emerging threats, effectively making him juggle a hero and criminal identity in a realistic manner.
Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue very high. Especially martial with full transformation.
Diplomacy quite good, but especially good at intimidation
Learning just above average but that is nothing special. If anything, its focused on planning and committing crime.