Turn 33 Action Vote Part 3
King crimson
Confusion Will Be My Epitaph
- Location
- Los Angeles
[ ] Build a superweapon to destroy Superman (Martial)
DC ??? You have no idea what the capabilities of the alien truly are but with all of your vast amounts of technology and magic you are sure you can come up with something to permanently put him down. Emmett Vale's superweapon seems to be a step in the right direction
[ ] Reprogram all automated defense systems you have access to, so they target Superman (Martial)
DC 78 Being able to constantly cause problems for Superman and make him unable to show his face in public due to a "glitch" with the weapons systems is entertaining but it could easily lead to complications for you down the line.
[ ] Have Cassandra study Superman's micro-expressions and body language (Martial)
DC 14 (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this action for it to be taken) Cassandra has stated that Superman reads odd to her and as utterly inhuman. That being said her abilities with reading bodies could prove quite useful here. If Cassandra can learn to construct a new "language" comprised of Superman's tells when fighting then you will be one step closer to figuring out how to fight him effectively.
[ ] Install systems that spray Kryptonite aerosol whenever they see Superman all across the city (Martial)
DC 92 The delivery system for Kryptonite aerosols are simple enough that you could easily implant and install them throughout the city, laying the ground work to potentially choke the life out of Superman if he ever comes too close.
[ ] Begin a campaign to paint Superman in a negative light (Diplomacy)
DC ??? While there is no guarantee of success turning the media against Superman is a decent way to start turning public opinion. While you can't control the Daily Planet you have more than enough resources to start getting the ball rolling
[ ] Make faulty Superman toys (Stewardship: Guaranteed reduction by 5)
DC 20 This is admittedly petty but making toys of Superman using lead paint and other hazardous material to hurt children and get a negative association on Superman started is relatively minor but if you use your shell company right it's also fairly easy and would let you mock the alien without getting caught yourself.
[ ] Attempt to dose Superman with the pheromone spray (Intrigue)
DC ??? If you can figure out some scenario in which you get close enough to Superman to dose him with pheromones you can potentially take control of this superhuman entity. Once you've got such precise control over him it would be child's play to either make use of him or dispose of him
[ ] Dose Lois with the pheromone spray to cause problems for Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? Lois Lane is so far the only human being Superman has stayed in contact with for an extended period of time. As such it is likely that he'll head back to her again. Leaving some subtle psychological compulsions in miss Lane's head might cause Superman more problems later on down the line and enable you to bring him down when he least expects it
[ ] Covertly leak information on Superman to the world at large (Intrigue)
DC 2 With your own knowledge of Superman it would be child's play to anonymously leak his weakness to kryptonite to the whole world
[ ] Covertly leak information on Superman to extremists (Intrigue)
DC 57 It would be significantly trickier to leak this information to just some paranoid fringe group but if you can motivate another person like Emmett Vale into acting without getting caught then you'll have successfully accomplished the aim of this activity
[ ] Analyze Emmett Vale's Superweapon (Learning: Lex or Meena must be assigned to this action)
DC 16 Whatever caused Emmett Vale's superweapon to hurt Superman is worth looking into. Figuring out both the flaws that made it backfire as well as how it hurt Superman in the first place could be the key to finally getting rid of the blue buffoon
[ ] Build a statue made out of Kryptonite in Superman's "honor" (Diplomacy)
DC 22 (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction by 10, guaranteed to earn some degree of enmity from Superman) Knowing that Superman is weak to Kryptonite enables you to engage in so much more actions against him. This scheme is ultimately smug and petty but this private little insult directed towards Superman for which he'll have to thank you publicly is just too amusing to pass up. Admittedly this might not be the most productive bit of resource allocation but it's still a bit of petty spite you can indulge in
[ ] Lace food products with Kryptonite (Intrigue)
DC 68 Admittedly it is a longshot to actually work but knowing that Superman is weak to kryptonite gives you an opportunity to covertly poison him. By lacing any and all food products produced by LexCorp or a subsidiary with trace amounts of kryptonite you might be able to pull off poisoning the alien covertly. Granted there are numerous things that could go wrong with such a plan but it certainly has its own appeal
[ ] Use Ultra-Violet's persona as a platform to attack other existing superheroes (Diplomacy)
DC ??? Ultra-Violet has been recognized as the first big name female hero and as such her voice and what she supports has power. You can use the image of this superhero as a platform to put down and denigrate other existing superheroes like Superman and Green Lantern. You aren't quite sure how this will play out but it might be worthwhile to lay your cards out on the table at this point in time.
[ ] Continue pushing for laws meant to restrict Superman and other individuals like him (Diplomacy)
DC 0 (The higher the roll the better the success) You've already succeeded in getting your foot in the door when it comes to getting the ball rolling on setting up legislature to restrict Superman and people like him. Now all you have to do is continue to attempt to wrangle the bill until it ends up in a state you can tolerate. Luckily for you money and influence are things you can spend in droves to achieve your current ends.
[ ] Arrange a secret attack on Superman (Martial: Guaranteed Reduction by 1)
DC ??? Getting someone to attack the big blue buffoon on your orders is childs play and there is something viscerally satisfying about tearing him down through strength. Unfortunately you have to be careful not to get things tied back to you and you have no idea what his combat capabilities are so taking him on headfirst might be detrimental
[ ] Attempt to tire out Superman by causing him too many problems to deal with (Martial: Guaranteed reduction by 5)
DC 55 Not even Superman can be everywhere at once. Causing many, many problems for him to deal with and never giving him a moments rest could let you drive the alien to his limits. Plus if he does fail to deal with one of the problems you made you can use that to smear him and claim good publicity for yourself when you solve the problem
[ ] Build a superweapon to destroy Superman (Martial)
DC ??? You have no idea what the capabilities of the alien truly are but with all of your vast amounts of technology and magic you are sure you can come up with something to permanently put him down. Emmett Vale's superweapon seems to be a step in the right direction
[ ] Reprogram all automated defense systems you have access to, so they target Superman (Martial)
DC 78 Being able to constantly cause problems for Superman and make him unable to show his face in public due to a "glitch" with the weapons systems is entertaining but it could easily lead to complications for you down the line.
[ ] Attempt to assassinate Superman (Martial)
DC ??? With the creation of various Kryptonite based weaponry it would be child's play to have one of your employees attempt to kill Superman. You'd have to come up with a more concrete plan to maintain at least some level of deniability but it always remains an appealing option.
[ ] Install systems that spray Kryptonite aerosol whenever they see Superman all across the city (Martial)
DC 92 The delivery system for Kryptonite aerosols are simple enough that you could easily implant and install them throughout the city, laying the ground work to potentially choke the life out of Superman if he ever comes too close.
[ ] Lure Superman into a building designed as a trap (Martial)
DC 44 There are plenty of locations that could become death traps for Superman, especially now that you know his weakness to Kryptonite. Setting up an attempt to kill him could let you test his limits and see just how far you have to go to get the job done.
[ ] Lure Superman into a building belonging and then attempt to destroy both (Martial)
DC 117 A variation on the previous idea by attempting to destroy both the building and Superman at the same time, you can potentially frame Superman for the property damage even if he survives the initial attempt to kill him.
[ ] Attempt to entrap Superman in questions about the universe at large (Diplomacy)
DC 35 Superman has claimed to be an alien. Hopefully by asking him some pointed questions about the state of the universe you can push him into saying something that might hurt his reputation in the long run. With his latest foray into the stars maybe you can find something to really trip him up and be able to blame him for later on down the line
[ ] Make use of your SCU contacts and control to interfere with Superman as much as possible (Diplomacy)
DC 17 While you can't officially have the SCU arrest Superman you can certainly have them make his life difficult and attempt to prevent him from engaging in any more "heroics" when they are on the scene. Forcing Superman into a situation where the authorities are not his friend could prove quite useful in seeing how much pressure Superman can take before he snaps
[ ] Push setting up the official line of communication with Superman (Stewardship)
DC ??? This plan is admittedly a little ambitious but if you can get the official way to contact Superman to be built by LexCorp then you can use it to mislead Superman and cause him to make more mistakes tarnishing his public image. It's a longshot and is dependent on if an official way to communicate is even set up but it might be worth a shot
[ ] Hire a criminal to attempt to kill Superman (Stewardship: Guaranteed reduction of 3)
DC ??? It's rather simple to hire someone else to use Kryptonite weaponry to attempt to kill Superman. Your attempt is likely to go far better than Vale's but you still have to be careful to ensure that everything goes right.
[ ] Hire a criminal to create a scandal around Superman (Stewardship)
DC 200 It is likely to be immensely tricky but hiring a criminal to cause a scandal involving Superman's use of force or getting him to violate privacy laws is an option you have. Its likely to be immensely tricky but hopefully you can get it to work.
[ ] Attempt to dose Superman with the pheromone spray (Intrigue)
DC ??? If you can figure out some scenario in which you get close enough to Superman to dose him with pheromones you can potentially take control of this superhuman entity. Once you've got such precise control over him it would be child's play to either make use of him or dispose of him
[ ] Dose Lois with the pheromone spray to cause problems for Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? Lois Lane is so far the only human being Superman has stayed in contact with for an extended period of time. As such it is likely that he'll head back to her again. Leaving some subtle psychological compulsions in miss Lane's head might cause Superman more problems later on down the line and enable you to bring him down when he least expects it
[ ] Dose random citizens with the pheromone spray and compel them to commit suicide and blame Superman for it (Intrigue)
DC 94 (DC 66 if Pamela Isley is assigned) Superman claims to be some great moral bastion of humanity. If that is the case then it only makes sense to target his empathy. Making him feel guilty over inspiring people to commit suicide can hopefully break his spirit and cause him to doubt himself at a critical moment but if not then you can at least have the satisfaction of knowing you hurt him.
[ ] Splice recordings of Superman's voice to frame him for things (Intrigue)
DC 63 Image is everything. If you can tarnish Superman's image then you can open up dozens of avenues for attack. By obtaining recordings of Superman's voice you can potentially splice together a reasonable facsimile of his voice and then use that to destroy his image through "phone calls from Superman"
[ ] Study footage of Superman to try and find his weaknesses (Learning)
DC ??? Every being has some kind of weakness. Perhaps by studying Superman's appearances you can find one of his which you can then mercilessly exploit. The footage of the attack on him by John Corben could prove very interesting. You've already learned he has a weakness to kyrptonite but you might be able to find something else.
[ ] Unleash demons (Learning: Rebecca must be assigned to this action)
DC 44 Magic interacts oddly with things. However all that being said you have no idea how it interacts with Superman. Unleashing a few demons to rampage across Metropolis and gather some data for you might well be worth it so long as you can pass it off as someone else doing it
[ ] See if Superman resists radiation (Learning)
DC 42 Superman hasn't shown any limits to what kind of radiation he can take. Perhaps radioactive materials can harm the alien. Setting up a situation in which you force Superman to enter an area with dangerous radioactive materials could prove quite effective
[ ] Publicly encourage anti-alien sentiment in the public (Diplomacy)
DC 15 In the wake of Brainiac's invasion, naturally there are those who feel hatred for aliens and extraterrestrials. Fanning the flames of these movements and feelings could allow you to turn the public against Superman as the Kryptonian is just that, a Kryptonian and thus an extraterrestrial
[ ] Continue to covertly encourage anti-alien sentiment in the public (Diplomacy)
DC 65 Of course being so blatant so as to publically advocate for a kind of bigotry and discrimination does come with its own downsides. As such you can attempt to hide your own involvement in stoking the flames while still building up the anger and resentment people feel towards aliens. It is naturally much harder than doing so openly but it is still an option available to you. You've already begun to build up these elements in your city now might be the time to truly start to push things to the next level
[ ] Attempt to kill Superman with a sufficiently large Kryptonite bomb (Martial)
DC 50 (Guaranteed nemesis guage drop of 100) Toyman has demonstrated that Kryptonite bombs are a completely viable way of killing Superman. While any attempt you make now is likely to be crude and will almost certainly end up causing collateral damage and potentially outing you as an opponent to Superman, if you can get it to succeed then it will be well worth the effort
[ ] Make use of the life model decoy drones to frame Superman (Intrigue)
DC 54 Your life model decoy drones are not quite to the level of the current imposter robots on the loose but you are confident that with what you've got you can at least make a decent attempt at framing Superman and causing him more problems.
[ ] Rig Metropolis' kryptonite powerplant to be remotely detonatable (Martial)
DC 39 Theoretically your Kryptonite powerplant could be made to explode in a giant burst of kryptonite energy if you deliberately set things up so that it's an option. A giant kryptonite explosion is exactly the sort of thing that could kill Superman. It's a little tricky to set up in advance but considering that the evidence of this alteration disposes of itself after use, there might be some adantage in being able to cause a massive kryptonite detonation on command.
[ ] Build a Metallo duplicate designed to push Superman to his limits (Martial)
DC 812 (guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 50) With Metallo currently going missing and Fixit's insane capabilities with robotic, as well as your access to the Project Damocles data, you can begin attempting a scheme previously thought to be completely untenable. You can build your own robot designed to look and act like an upgraded Metallo and set it loose to kill Superman. This machine will be upgraded to deal with the upper limits of the Damocles data. Thus you can deniably attempt to kill Superman and even if that fails you'll still be able to gather more information about what Superman can and cannot do
[ ] Begin including trace amounts of Kryptonite in the food you produce (Intrigue)
DC 78 (Guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 5) It would be immensely risky to do so, but given that you are confident that Superman still needs to eat, lacing your food products with trace amounts of kryptonite might result in you poisoning and killing the man of steel. The problem comes into play that you are also likely to give many, many innocent people cancer as a result of scattershotting your poisoning attempt this way. Still, it's something that you might want to consider if you truly wish to get rid of Superman.
[ ] Release Digit back out into Metropolis (Intrigue)
DC 22 (Guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 15) Digit is ultimately a non-factor in the greater environment of Metropolis as a whole. However he was able to organize criminals under him and was captured by Superman. Releasing him back out into Metropolis should result in minimal issues for you whilst potentially inconveniencing Superman. The main problem though is ensuring that Digit cannot leak information back to Superman if he gets caught again.
[ ] Hire Black Ops to kill Superman (Stewardship)
DC 12 (Guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 50) Black Ops as an organization has bragged about their willingness to take out Superman if they are paid enough. You easily have enough money to meet this price. It's not exactly subtle but you could pay Black Ops to make good on their word. If they succeed then they have killed Superman. If they fail then you've forever shattered their reputation an exposed them as a bunch of incompetent hacks and reduced the likelihood that anyone would hire them to go after Ultraviolet. Either way you win with this scheme. You might need to cover your tracks a fair bit as it's likely to rouse suspicion but it might be worthwhile to enact this plan and see where things lie after the fact.
[ ] Launch an attack on Emil Hamilton (Martial)
DC 18 With your control over the police and the damage and sabotage STAR Labs has undergone, it would be relatively easy to launch an attack on Emil Hamilton. Obviously you still want to keep some level of deniability but the option is still there. You don't even need to succeed in killing him, merely injuring him and taking him out of commission or perhaps even frightening him away from Metropolis would be sufficient to deprive Superman of an ally. And that's a reward in its own right.
[ ] Attempt to force Superman to make use of one of his sabotaged suits (Martial)
DC ??? Leslie has already sabotaged the breathing apparatus on Superman's interstellar and aquatic suits. Setting up some kind of scenario to force Superman to don those suits and then suffer the consequences of faulty equipment would be tricky but the payoff can be immense. A plan like this would prove fairly difficult to avoid leading some traces of your involvement but sometimes one needs to take risks to reap the biggest rewards.
[ ] Start a conspiracy campaign claiming that Superman is replacing people with alien infiltrators (Diplomacy)
DC 42 While Superman aiding a shapeshifting alien is something that you have evidence of, it might prove a little more difficult to get people to buy into a conspiracy theory like this. That being said if this idea does grow popular in the public consensus then Superman can no longer win the public relations battle as any support for him will merely paint his supporters as alien infiltrators. It's out there and it's likely to only stick with fringe conspiracy theorists, but it is a card you could try and play.
[ ] Attempt to turn Supergirl against Superman (Diplomacy)
DC ??? There are clearly some disputes and disagreements between the "Man of Steel" and his cousin. As such while you don't have a full read on her personality, you could attempt to pull one over on the two of them and fully turn one against the other. Your Kryptonian problem likely will cease to be a problem if the two of them simply kill one another though it is starting to look less and less likely.
[ ] Attempt to get Supergirl to endorse LexCorp projects to drive a wedge between her and Superman (Intrigue)
DC 26? On the other hand it should be easier to convince Supergirl to endorse something of LexCorp's in order to potentially further drive a wedge between her and her cousin. With the way he's reacted to Silver Banshee's LexCorp involvement, slowly pushing the two Kryptonians towards a similar situation might be worth the effort if you can get all your pieces properly lined up.
[ ] Deepfake evidence of Supergirl collaborating on something immoral for Superman to stumble upon (Intrigue)
DC ??? Deepfakes are tricky and there is a chance that things could blow up on your face, but feeding Superman just the right sort of "evidence" to get the two to fully turn on each other might just be the sort of scheme that lets you kill two birds with one stone. You'd need to be careful with how you handle things but you are confident that you can manage the situation.
[ ] Create an automated drone launch program to monitor Superman (Intrigue)
DC 38 With the new floor you've installed in LexCorp specifically for launching drones into Metropolis's airspace, you have the opportunity to create a program that will launch drones out to monitor Superman whenever he's discovered flying above the city. While it won't give you any immediate results and it likely will be conspicuous, being able to observe Superman's movements more closely will make you even more effective at pinning him down.
[ ] Interfere with Superman's investigation into La Encantadora (Intrigue)
DC ??? (Guaranteed nemesis drop of 7) As of late Superman has been investigating La Encantadora and trying to figure out what exactly she's doing especially after her own actions against him. You have some knowledge that the blue buffoon does not and so you can easily interfere in his efforts and cause them to run aground. After all the more time and effort Superman spends trying to deal with La Encantadora, the less time he has to handle your own machinations. Besides frustrating the alien is a nice little bonus to this sort of plan
[ ] Secretly hire Toyman to allow him to work on an anti-Superman project (Intrigue)
DC 78 (Guaranteed Nemesis drop of 14) Toyman might be a notorious criminal but with his presidential pardon, there is at least some pretext to employing him. More importantly Toyman hates Superman and so far has come the second closest to killing him after Brainiac. Bringing that sort of talent aboard and providing Toyman with the resources to really push Superman could prove quite fruitful for destroying the alien. You'd need to be careful of how it's handled if you don't want any public backlash but you could do it.
[ ] Publicly hire Toyman and give him a prominent public position to piss Superman off (Diplomacy)
DC 15 (Guaranteed Nemesis drop of 20) Alternatively you could take the PR hit and go for directly angering Superman as much as possible by openly hiring Toyman in a prominent public position. Toyman does have a presidential pardon and angering and infuriating Superman would be oh so satisfying. Perhaps it can even be used as bait for a larger scheme. The general public will almost certainly have a negative reaction to this but you're confident you can manage people being unhappy with some of LexCorp's decisions.
[ ] Have Nightshade attempt to assassinate Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? (This action requires Nightshade to be assigned to it) (This action gives a guaranteed DC drop of 70) Nightshade has some unique capabilities and has indicated a willingness to do unpleasant work for you. As such while it is a longshot, you could gamble and have Nightshade attempt to assassinate Superman. It would be a touch tricky to pull off, especially if you want a clean aftermath, but getting rid of Superman would be worth any ensuing consequences.
[ ] Attempt to develop a substance that targets Superman's blood (Learning)
DC ??? With the vials of blood that you managed to steal from STAR Labs you have enough samples to try and find a substance that will target Superman but not the average everyday human. It'll be tricky but finding a substance with specific targeting effects besides kryptonite could prove to be the silver bullet that you'll put between the alien's eyes.
DC ??? You have no idea what the capabilities of the alien truly are but with all of your vast amounts of technology and magic you are sure you can come up with something to permanently put him down. Emmett Vale's superweapon seems to be a step in the right direction
[ ] Reprogram all automated defense systems you have access to, so they target Superman (Martial)
DC 78 Being able to constantly cause problems for Superman and make him unable to show his face in public due to a "glitch" with the weapons systems is entertaining but it could easily lead to complications for you down the line.
[ ] Have Cassandra study Superman's micro-expressions and body language (Martial)
DC 14 (Cassandra Luthor must be assigned to this action for it to be taken) Cassandra has stated that Superman reads odd to her and as utterly inhuman. That being said her abilities with reading bodies could prove quite useful here. If Cassandra can learn to construct a new "language" comprised of Superman's tells when fighting then you will be one step closer to figuring out how to fight him effectively.
[ ] Install systems that spray Kryptonite aerosol whenever they see Superman all across the city (Martial)
DC 92 The delivery system for Kryptonite aerosols are simple enough that you could easily implant and install them throughout the city, laying the ground work to potentially choke the life out of Superman if he ever comes too close.
[ ] Begin a campaign to paint Superman in a negative light (Diplomacy)
DC ??? While there is no guarantee of success turning the media against Superman is a decent way to start turning public opinion. While you can't control the Daily Planet you have more than enough resources to start getting the ball rolling
[ ] Make faulty Superman toys (Stewardship: Guaranteed reduction by 5)
DC 20 This is admittedly petty but making toys of Superman using lead paint and other hazardous material to hurt children and get a negative association on Superman started is relatively minor but if you use your shell company right it's also fairly easy and would let you mock the alien without getting caught yourself.
[ ] Attempt to dose Superman with the pheromone spray (Intrigue)
DC ??? If you can figure out some scenario in which you get close enough to Superman to dose him with pheromones you can potentially take control of this superhuman entity. Once you've got such precise control over him it would be child's play to either make use of him or dispose of him
[ ] Dose Lois with the pheromone spray to cause problems for Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? Lois Lane is so far the only human being Superman has stayed in contact with for an extended period of time. As such it is likely that he'll head back to her again. Leaving some subtle psychological compulsions in miss Lane's head might cause Superman more problems later on down the line and enable you to bring him down when he least expects it
[ ] Covertly leak information on Superman to the world at large (Intrigue)
DC 2 With your own knowledge of Superman it would be child's play to anonymously leak his weakness to kryptonite to the whole world
[ ] Covertly leak information on Superman to extremists (Intrigue)
DC 57 It would be significantly trickier to leak this information to just some paranoid fringe group but if you can motivate another person like Emmett Vale into acting without getting caught then you'll have successfully accomplished the aim of this activity
[ ] Analyze Emmett Vale's Superweapon (Learning: Lex or Meena must be assigned to this action)
DC 16 Whatever caused Emmett Vale's superweapon to hurt Superman is worth looking into. Figuring out both the flaws that made it backfire as well as how it hurt Superman in the first place could be the key to finally getting rid of the blue buffoon
[ ] Build a statue made out of Kryptonite in Superman's "honor" (Diplomacy)
DC 22 (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction by 10, guaranteed to earn some degree of enmity from Superman) Knowing that Superman is weak to Kryptonite enables you to engage in so much more actions against him. This scheme is ultimately smug and petty but this private little insult directed towards Superman for which he'll have to thank you publicly is just too amusing to pass up. Admittedly this might not be the most productive bit of resource allocation but it's still a bit of petty spite you can indulge in
[ ] Lace food products with Kryptonite (Intrigue)
DC 68 Admittedly it is a longshot to actually work but knowing that Superman is weak to kryptonite gives you an opportunity to covertly poison him. By lacing any and all food products produced by LexCorp or a subsidiary with trace amounts of kryptonite you might be able to pull off poisoning the alien covertly. Granted there are numerous things that could go wrong with such a plan but it certainly has its own appeal
[ ] Use Ultra-Violet's persona as a platform to attack other existing superheroes (Diplomacy)
DC ??? Ultra-Violet has been recognized as the first big name female hero and as such her voice and what she supports has power. You can use the image of this superhero as a platform to put down and denigrate other existing superheroes like Superman and Green Lantern. You aren't quite sure how this will play out but it might be worthwhile to lay your cards out on the table at this point in time.
[ ] Continue pushing for laws meant to restrict Superman and other individuals like him (Diplomacy)
DC 0 (The higher the roll the better the success) You've already succeeded in getting your foot in the door when it comes to getting the ball rolling on setting up legislature to restrict Superman and people like him. Now all you have to do is continue to attempt to wrangle the bill until it ends up in a state you can tolerate. Luckily for you money and influence are things you can spend in droves to achieve your current ends.
[ ] Arrange a secret attack on Superman (Martial: Guaranteed Reduction by 1)
DC ??? Getting someone to attack the big blue buffoon on your orders is childs play and there is something viscerally satisfying about tearing him down through strength. Unfortunately you have to be careful not to get things tied back to you and you have no idea what his combat capabilities are so taking him on headfirst might be detrimental
[ ] Attempt to tire out Superman by causing him too many problems to deal with (Martial: Guaranteed reduction by 5)
DC 55 Not even Superman can be everywhere at once. Causing many, many problems for him to deal with and never giving him a moments rest could let you drive the alien to his limits. Plus if he does fail to deal with one of the problems you made you can use that to smear him and claim good publicity for yourself when you solve the problem
[ ] Build a superweapon to destroy Superman (Martial)
DC ??? You have no idea what the capabilities of the alien truly are but with all of your vast amounts of technology and magic you are sure you can come up with something to permanently put him down. Emmett Vale's superweapon seems to be a step in the right direction
[ ] Reprogram all automated defense systems you have access to, so they target Superman (Martial)
DC 78 Being able to constantly cause problems for Superman and make him unable to show his face in public due to a "glitch" with the weapons systems is entertaining but it could easily lead to complications for you down the line.
[ ] Attempt to assassinate Superman (Martial)
DC ??? With the creation of various Kryptonite based weaponry it would be child's play to have one of your employees attempt to kill Superman. You'd have to come up with a more concrete plan to maintain at least some level of deniability but it always remains an appealing option.
[ ] Install systems that spray Kryptonite aerosol whenever they see Superman all across the city (Martial)
DC 92 The delivery system for Kryptonite aerosols are simple enough that you could easily implant and install them throughout the city, laying the ground work to potentially choke the life out of Superman if he ever comes too close.
[ ] Lure Superman into a building designed as a trap (Martial)
DC 44 There are plenty of locations that could become death traps for Superman, especially now that you know his weakness to Kryptonite. Setting up an attempt to kill him could let you test his limits and see just how far you have to go to get the job done.
[ ] Lure Superman into a building belonging and then attempt to destroy both (Martial)
DC 117 A variation on the previous idea by attempting to destroy both the building and Superman at the same time, you can potentially frame Superman for the property damage even if he survives the initial attempt to kill him.
[ ] Attempt to entrap Superman in questions about the universe at large (Diplomacy)
DC 35 Superman has claimed to be an alien. Hopefully by asking him some pointed questions about the state of the universe you can push him into saying something that might hurt his reputation in the long run. With his latest foray into the stars maybe you can find something to really trip him up and be able to blame him for later on down the line
[ ] Make use of your SCU contacts and control to interfere with Superman as much as possible (Diplomacy)
DC 17 While you can't officially have the SCU arrest Superman you can certainly have them make his life difficult and attempt to prevent him from engaging in any more "heroics" when they are on the scene. Forcing Superman into a situation where the authorities are not his friend could prove quite useful in seeing how much pressure Superman can take before he snaps
[ ] Push setting up the official line of communication with Superman (Stewardship)
DC ??? This plan is admittedly a little ambitious but if you can get the official way to contact Superman to be built by LexCorp then you can use it to mislead Superman and cause him to make more mistakes tarnishing his public image. It's a longshot and is dependent on if an official way to communicate is even set up but it might be worth a shot
[ ] Hire a criminal to attempt to kill Superman (Stewardship: Guaranteed reduction of 3)
DC ??? It's rather simple to hire someone else to use Kryptonite weaponry to attempt to kill Superman. Your attempt is likely to go far better than Vale's but you still have to be careful to ensure that everything goes right.
[ ] Hire a criminal to create a scandal around Superman (Stewardship)
DC 200 It is likely to be immensely tricky but hiring a criminal to cause a scandal involving Superman's use of force or getting him to violate privacy laws is an option you have. Its likely to be immensely tricky but hopefully you can get it to work.
[ ] Attempt to dose Superman with the pheromone spray (Intrigue)
DC ??? If you can figure out some scenario in which you get close enough to Superman to dose him with pheromones you can potentially take control of this superhuman entity. Once you've got such precise control over him it would be child's play to either make use of him or dispose of him
[ ] Dose Lois with the pheromone spray to cause problems for Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? Lois Lane is so far the only human being Superman has stayed in contact with for an extended period of time. As such it is likely that he'll head back to her again. Leaving some subtle psychological compulsions in miss Lane's head might cause Superman more problems later on down the line and enable you to bring him down when he least expects it
[ ] Dose random citizens with the pheromone spray and compel them to commit suicide and blame Superman for it (Intrigue)
DC 94 (DC 66 if Pamela Isley is assigned) Superman claims to be some great moral bastion of humanity. If that is the case then it only makes sense to target his empathy. Making him feel guilty over inspiring people to commit suicide can hopefully break his spirit and cause him to doubt himself at a critical moment but if not then you can at least have the satisfaction of knowing you hurt him.
[ ] Splice recordings of Superman's voice to frame him for things (Intrigue)
DC 63 Image is everything. If you can tarnish Superman's image then you can open up dozens of avenues for attack. By obtaining recordings of Superman's voice you can potentially splice together a reasonable facsimile of his voice and then use that to destroy his image through "phone calls from Superman"
[ ] Study footage of Superman to try and find his weaknesses (Learning)
DC ??? Every being has some kind of weakness. Perhaps by studying Superman's appearances you can find one of his which you can then mercilessly exploit. The footage of the attack on him by John Corben could prove very interesting. You've already learned he has a weakness to kyrptonite but you might be able to find something else.
[ ] Unleash demons (Learning: Rebecca must be assigned to this action)
DC 44 Magic interacts oddly with things. However all that being said you have no idea how it interacts with Superman. Unleashing a few demons to rampage across Metropolis and gather some data for you might well be worth it so long as you can pass it off as someone else doing it
[ ] See if Superman resists radiation (Learning)
DC 42 Superman hasn't shown any limits to what kind of radiation he can take. Perhaps radioactive materials can harm the alien. Setting up a situation in which you force Superman to enter an area with dangerous radioactive materials could prove quite effective
[ ] Publicly encourage anti-alien sentiment in the public (Diplomacy)
DC 15 In the wake of Brainiac's invasion, naturally there are those who feel hatred for aliens and extraterrestrials. Fanning the flames of these movements and feelings could allow you to turn the public against Superman as the Kryptonian is just that, a Kryptonian and thus an extraterrestrial
[ ] Continue to covertly encourage anti-alien sentiment in the public (Diplomacy)
DC 65 Of course being so blatant so as to publically advocate for a kind of bigotry and discrimination does come with its own downsides. As such you can attempt to hide your own involvement in stoking the flames while still building up the anger and resentment people feel towards aliens. It is naturally much harder than doing so openly but it is still an option available to you. You've already begun to build up these elements in your city now might be the time to truly start to push things to the next level
[ ] Attempt to kill Superman with a sufficiently large Kryptonite bomb (Martial)
DC 50 (Guaranteed nemesis guage drop of 100) Toyman has demonstrated that Kryptonite bombs are a completely viable way of killing Superman. While any attempt you make now is likely to be crude and will almost certainly end up causing collateral damage and potentially outing you as an opponent to Superman, if you can get it to succeed then it will be well worth the effort
[ ] Make use of the life model decoy drones to frame Superman (Intrigue)
DC 54 Your life model decoy drones are not quite to the level of the current imposter robots on the loose but you are confident that with what you've got you can at least make a decent attempt at framing Superman and causing him more problems.
[ ] Rig Metropolis' kryptonite powerplant to be remotely detonatable (Martial)
DC 39 Theoretically your Kryptonite powerplant could be made to explode in a giant burst of kryptonite energy if you deliberately set things up so that it's an option. A giant kryptonite explosion is exactly the sort of thing that could kill Superman. It's a little tricky to set up in advance but considering that the evidence of this alteration disposes of itself after use, there might be some adantage in being able to cause a massive kryptonite detonation on command.
[ ] Build a Metallo duplicate designed to push Superman to his limits (Martial)
DC 812 (guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 50) With Metallo currently going missing and Fixit's insane capabilities with robotic, as well as your access to the Project Damocles data, you can begin attempting a scheme previously thought to be completely untenable. You can build your own robot designed to look and act like an upgraded Metallo and set it loose to kill Superman. This machine will be upgraded to deal with the upper limits of the Damocles data. Thus you can deniably attempt to kill Superman and even if that fails you'll still be able to gather more information about what Superman can and cannot do
[ ] Begin including trace amounts of Kryptonite in the food you produce (Intrigue)
DC 78 (Guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 5) It would be immensely risky to do so, but given that you are confident that Superman still needs to eat, lacing your food products with trace amounts of kryptonite might result in you poisoning and killing the man of steel. The problem comes into play that you are also likely to give many, many innocent people cancer as a result of scattershotting your poisoning attempt this way. Still, it's something that you might want to consider if you truly wish to get rid of Superman.
[ ] Release Digit back out into Metropolis (Intrigue)
DC 22 (Guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 15) Digit is ultimately a non-factor in the greater environment of Metropolis as a whole. However he was able to organize criminals under him and was captured by Superman. Releasing him back out into Metropolis should result in minimal issues for you whilst potentially inconveniencing Superman. The main problem though is ensuring that Digit cannot leak information back to Superman if he gets caught again.
[ ] Hire Black Ops to kill Superman (Stewardship)
DC 12 (Guaranteed Nemesis Gauge drop of 50) Black Ops as an organization has bragged about their willingness to take out Superman if they are paid enough. You easily have enough money to meet this price. It's not exactly subtle but you could pay Black Ops to make good on their word. If they succeed then they have killed Superman. If they fail then you've forever shattered their reputation an exposed them as a bunch of incompetent hacks and reduced the likelihood that anyone would hire them to go after Ultraviolet. Either way you win with this scheme. You might need to cover your tracks a fair bit as it's likely to rouse suspicion but it might be worthwhile to enact this plan and see where things lie after the fact.
[ ] Launch an attack on Emil Hamilton (Martial)
DC 18 With your control over the police and the damage and sabotage STAR Labs has undergone, it would be relatively easy to launch an attack on Emil Hamilton. Obviously you still want to keep some level of deniability but the option is still there. You don't even need to succeed in killing him, merely injuring him and taking him out of commission or perhaps even frightening him away from Metropolis would be sufficient to deprive Superman of an ally. And that's a reward in its own right.
[ ] Attempt to force Superman to make use of one of his sabotaged suits (Martial)
DC ??? Leslie has already sabotaged the breathing apparatus on Superman's interstellar and aquatic suits. Setting up some kind of scenario to force Superman to don those suits and then suffer the consequences of faulty equipment would be tricky but the payoff can be immense. A plan like this would prove fairly difficult to avoid leading some traces of your involvement but sometimes one needs to take risks to reap the biggest rewards.
[ ] Start a conspiracy campaign claiming that Superman is replacing people with alien infiltrators (Diplomacy)
DC 42 While Superman aiding a shapeshifting alien is something that you have evidence of, it might prove a little more difficult to get people to buy into a conspiracy theory like this. That being said if this idea does grow popular in the public consensus then Superman can no longer win the public relations battle as any support for him will merely paint his supporters as alien infiltrators. It's out there and it's likely to only stick with fringe conspiracy theorists, but it is a card you could try and play.
[ ] Attempt to turn Supergirl against Superman (Diplomacy)
DC ??? There are clearly some disputes and disagreements between the "Man of Steel" and his cousin. As such while you don't have a full read on her personality, you could attempt to pull one over on the two of them and fully turn one against the other. Your Kryptonian problem likely will cease to be a problem if the two of them simply kill one another though it is starting to look less and less likely.
[ ] Attempt to get Supergirl to endorse LexCorp projects to drive a wedge between her and Superman (Intrigue)
DC 26? On the other hand it should be easier to convince Supergirl to endorse something of LexCorp's in order to potentially further drive a wedge between her and her cousin. With the way he's reacted to Silver Banshee's LexCorp involvement, slowly pushing the two Kryptonians towards a similar situation might be worth the effort if you can get all your pieces properly lined up.
[ ] Deepfake evidence of Supergirl collaborating on something immoral for Superman to stumble upon (Intrigue)
DC ??? Deepfakes are tricky and there is a chance that things could blow up on your face, but feeding Superman just the right sort of "evidence" to get the two to fully turn on each other might just be the sort of scheme that lets you kill two birds with one stone. You'd need to be careful with how you handle things but you are confident that you can manage the situation.
[ ] Create an automated drone launch program to monitor Superman (Intrigue)
DC 38 With the new floor you've installed in LexCorp specifically for launching drones into Metropolis's airspace, you have the opportunity to create a program that will launch drones out to monitor Superman whenever he's discovered flying above the city. While it won't give you any immediate results and it likely will be conspicuous, being able to observe Superman's movements more closely will make you even more effective at pinning him down.
[ ] Interfere with Superman's investigation into La Encantadora (Intrigue)
DC ??? (Guaranteed nemesis drop of 7) As of late Superman has been investigating La Encantadora and trying to figure out what exactly she's doing especially after her own actions against him. You have some knowledge that the blue buffoon does not and so you can easily interfere in his efforts and cause them to run aground. After all the more time and effort Superman spends trying to deal with La Encantadora, the less time he has to handle your own machinations. Besides frustrating the alien is a nice little bonus to this sort of plan
[ ] Secretly hire Toyman to allow him to work on an anti-Superman project (Intrigue)
DC 78 (Guaranteed Nemesis drop of 14) Toyman might be a notorious criminal but with his presidential pardon, there is at least some pretext to employing him. More importantly Toyman hates Superman and so far has come the second closest to killing him after Brainiac. Bringing that sort of talent aboard and providing Toyman with the resources to really push Superman could prove quite fruitful for destroying the alien. You'd need to be careful of how it's handled if you don't want any public backlash but you could do it.
[ ] Publicly hire Toyman and give him a prominent public position to piss Superman off (Diplomacy)
DC 15 (Guaranteed Nemesis drop of 20) Alternatively you could take the PR hit and go for directly angering Superman as much as possible by openly hiring Toyman in a prominent public position. Toyman does have a presidential pardon and angering and infuriating Superman would be oh so satisfying. Perhaps it can even be used as bait for a larger scheme. The general public will almost certainly have a negative reaction to this but you're confident you can manage people being unhappy with some of LexCorp's decisions.
[ ] Have Nightshade attempt to assassinate Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? (This action requires Nightshade to be assigned to it) (This action gives a guaranteed DC drop of 70) Nightshade has some unique capabilities and has indicated a willingness to do unpleasant work for you. As such while it is a longshot, you could gamble and have Nightshade attempt to assassinate Superman. It would be a touch tricky to pull off, especially if you want a clean aftermath, but getting rid of Superman would be worth any ensuing consequences.
[ ] Attempt to develop a substance that targets Superman's blood (Learning)
DC ??? With the vials of blood that you managed to steal from STAR Labs you have enough samples to try and find a substance that will target Superman but not the average everyday human. It'll be tricky but finding a substance with specific targeting effects besides kryptonite could prove to be the silver bullet that you'll put between the alien's eyes.
[ ] Release the Commander to take on Superman (Intrigue)
DC 56 (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction by 35) The self-proclaimed Commander was easy enough to capture and you have access to his technology. As such it might be best let loose the Commander to have him wreak havoc against Superman and potentially remove him from the equation. It could massively backfire if things go wrong but it still might help you solve the problem that alien presents.
[ ] Attempt to use Merlino mind control tech to make people hate Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? (DC dependent on specifications of both how many people and which people you attempt to mind control) (can autofail) Merlino mind control tech is not difficult to operate. With a little subtlety you could use the technology to force people to share your views of the alien. It does always carry the risk of getting caught, but turning everyone against the alien does have its own appeal.
[ ] Make use of the Superman Foundation to tar Superman's name (Diplomacy)
DC 15 Thanks to Talia's work, you've managed to acquire the legal right to the "Superman Foundation". While it was primarily used by J. Wilbur Wolfingham as a scam, there's plenty you can do with a "Superman Foundation" to drag Superman's name through the mud yourself. It's not exactly high-brow but it could be a good way to spite the big blue boy-scout
[ ] Covertly leak key files from Dan Turpin's private eye investigation (Intrigue)
DC 28 While you don't want it getting traced back to you, getting to dump some of what Dan Turpin has been looking for so that certain individuals see it could land both the PI and Superman in hot water. In an ideal world it might even drive a wedge between the two though you're not confident you'll succeed on that front. Still it might be worth attempting.
[ ] Reach out to covertly contact individuals being investigated by Dan Turpin for Superman (Diplomacy)
DC 19 Dan Turpin's files were thorough enough that you know have a solid sense of various people and factions that Superman wanted investigated. Additionally people who Turpin was looking into on his own can be brought to bear against him as well. A covert meeting or two might enable you to make use of these individuals as disposable assets to cause problems and deny Superman any headway as you slowly smother any positive publicity his captures might bring.
[ ] Attempt to make use of Funnyface to create a battle for Superman (Intrigue)
DC 88 (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction of 20) The self-proclaimed "Funnyface" is an intractable menace and one whom you've thoroughly neutralized, but if you can covertly set him up to create an opponent for Superman to fight, you might be able to exploit his magical capabilities to hurt Superman. It's a risky play and one that could easily go wrong but even in failure it might be satisfying to savage Superman.
[ ] Have Mina make animals act hostilely to Superman (Diplomacy)
DC 7 (rewards are capped) (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction of 3) It wouldn't be the most productive move you could make, but it would be quite satisfying to sully Superman's reputation in such a minor way. You don't expect squirrels and birds to meaningfully injure Superman but it would be satisfying to inconvenience him.
DC 56 (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction by 35) The self-proclaimed Commander was easy enough to capture and you have access to his technology. As such it might be best let loose the Commander to have him wreak havoc against Superman and potentially remove him from the equation. It could massively backfire if things go wrong but it still might help you solve the problem that alien presents.
[ ] Attempt to use Merlino mind control tech to make people hate Superman (Intrigue)
DC ??? (DC dependent on specifications of both how many people and which people you attempt to mind control) (can autofail) Merlino mind control tech is not difficult to operate. With a little subtlety you could use the technology to force people to share your views of the alien. It does always carry the risk of getting caught, but turning everyone against the alien does have its own appeal.
[ ] Make use of the Superman Foundation to tar Superman's name (Diplomacy)
DC 15 Thanks to Talia's work, you've managed to acquire the legal right to the "Superman Foundation". While it was primarily used by J. Wilbur Wolfingham as a scam, there's plenty you can do with a "Superman Foundation" to drag Superman's name through the mud yourself. It's not exactly high-brow but it could be a good way to spite the big blue boy-scout
[ ] Covertly leak key files from Dan Turpin's private eye investigation (Intrigue)
DC 28 While you don't want it getting traced back to you, getting to dump some of what Dan Turpin has been looking for so that certain individuals see it could land both the PI and Superman in hot water. In an ideal world it might even drive a wedge between the two though you're not confident you'll succeed on that front. Still it might be worth attempting.
[ ] Reach out to covertly contact individuals being investigated by Dan Turpin for Superman (Diplomacy)
DC 19 Dan Turpin's files were thorough enough that you know have a solid sense of various people and factions that Superman wanted investigated. Additionally people who Turpin was looking into on his own can be brought to bear against him as well. A covert meeting or two might enable you to make use of these individuals as disposable assets to cause problems and deny Superman any headway as you slowly smother any positive publicity his captures might bring.
[ ] Attempt to make use of Funnyface to create a battle for Superman (Intrigue)
DC 88 (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction of 20) The self-proclaimed "Funnyface" is an intractable menace and one whom you've thoroughly neutralized, but if you can covertly set him up to create an opponent for Superman to fight, you might be able to exploit his magical capabilities to hurt Superman. It's a risky play and one that could easily go wrong but even in failure it might be satisfying to savage Superman.
[ ] Have Mina make animals act hostilely to Superman (Diplomacy)
DC 7 (rewards are capped) (guaranteed nemesis gauge reduction of 3) It wouldn't be the most productive move you could make, but it would be quite satisfying to sully Superman's reputation in such a minor way. You don't expect squirrels and birds to meaningfully injure Superman but it would be satisfying to inconvenience him.
Supercomputer special actions
Supercomputer special actions can be taken in addition to whatever amount of normal actions you take in a turn. On top of that you can assign hero units to a supercomputer special action on top of assigning them to a normal action. Finally supercomputer special actions cannot be countered by opposing hero units unless they damage the supercomputer. You currently can only select one supercomputer special action and can only assign one hero to an action. Furthermore you currently receive no bonuses from using a supercomputer.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Nth Metal
DC ??? (Learning) Attempt to use your supercomputer to analyze the makeup of Nth metal
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Kryptonite
DC 330 (Learning) Attempt to use your supercomputer to analyze the makeup of Kryptonite to better understand its properties.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer monitor as much information as possible to search for unusual occurrences
DC 26 (There are no penalties for failing this action) (Intrigue) have your supercomputer comb through thousands of data points to find interesting and noteworthy individuals and events.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer began to analyze the structure of your DNA
DC 5 (Learning) Have the computer work on learning the exact genetic sequence that makes up Lex Luthor
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer begin searching for Bruno Manneheim's exact location
DC 17 (Intrigue) The last you saw of Bruno was that he'd teleported somewhere else following the battle in Metropolis so being aware of just where he currently is could prove critical to preventing him from striking again.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer narrow down T.O. Morrow's sightings within the area he is likely in
DC 95 (Intrigue) You can use your supercomputer to attempt to figure out the rate at which T.O.Morrow is spotted within the areas his location has been narrowed down to
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer monitor people's internet use through your ISP service
DC 20 (Intrigue) Have your supercomputer run a backlog to see if anyone is making some unusual movements through the web. It's not perfect but it can help you catch some things that might otherwise slip past you.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer narrow down where Themyscira could not be
DC 1 (Learning) Figure out where Themyscira is by eliminating every position where it could not be
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer go over the Project Atom data
DC 89 (Learning) Have your supercomputer look over the data Eilings gathered to see if you could find anything interesting
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer map out the most efficient route to patrol a given area
DC 1 (Martial) Have the supercomputer use algorithms to cover as much area as efficiently as possible
[ ] [Comp] Analyze the improved bone growth formula
DC 3 (Learning) Look into the chemical formula to see the predicted results of its injection by the supercomputer
[ ] [Comp] Develop an algorithm to maximize the effectiveness of advertising
DC 4 (Diplomacy) Have your supercomputer figure out how to most effectively advertise to individuals
[ ] [Comp] Further analyze Gingo fruit
DC 26 (Learning) have your supercomputer analyze the structure to see what makes the fruit unique and if you can replicate its effects. Looking into it even deeper may result in further discoveries
[ ] [Comp] Have your computer narrow down where in the ocean Whisper's superweapon likely is
DC 13 (Intrigue) Ra's may have disposed of the weapon but you can have your computer narrow down where it ended up, to either retrieve it yourself or to ensure no one else can have it.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer check the satellite data for any discrepancies
DC 7 (Intrigue) As you are now receiving a steady stream of data from the satellite observing Mars it is in your best interest to make sure nothing unusual is going on with the data there. You've already observed some discrepancies so finding more could prove useful
[ ] [Comp] Use your supercomputer to dig up more information on Sinclair Batson
DC 24 (Intrigue) Sinclair Batson is a virtual unknown and with ARGUS investigating it wouldn't be proper to try to take the case yourself. That said using your supercomputer to dig up information is well within the realms of what you could and should do to figure out what happened at Lexpo
[ ] [Comp] Have your Supercomputer search for historical sources talking about Black Adam
DC 32 (You suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) Researching just who and what Black Adam is in the greater context of the world could prove quite useful in the long run and enable you to better make use of him.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer attempt to narrow down who Superman could be
DC 78 (Intrigue) Figuring out if Superman operates under an assumed identity and if so who he really is could prove quite useful to getting rid of him. This action will get easier as time goes on and you gather more data on Superman but it doesn't hurt to try it early on
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to create a new material using Dhawan's particle
DC 7 (You suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) It's frustrating that there is so very little known to you about how to make new materials using Dhawan's particle but you can always attempt through trial and error to at least see if something might be possible with your Supercomputer. It's not liable to get you much but the creation of even more new materials could prove quite useful.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer run through the Project Damocles data
DC 15 (The higher the roll the better the result) (failures are capped to bare failure) Learning) While the data you've received from Project Damocles is mostly reiterations of things you already know it pays to go over things twice and make sure there is nothing you might be missing. Running and crunching the numbers might prove a little tedious but it costs you very little besides time and could lead to you discovering something that will alter your approach. You've already gotten a bit of information out of this but you're confident you can learn more
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer attempt to analyze the alien spit sample
DC 48 (you suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) Your supercomputer is able to process vast amounts of data all at once. Perhaps it'll prove effective at cracking the code of how alien DNA is sequenced. If you manage to figure it out than all the strengths and weaknesses of Lobo and Superman will be laid out for you to know, exploit and even potentially replicate.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to map deep space
DC 16 (you suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) With your recently acquired deep space mapping capabilities it might be worthwhile to try and put your supercomputer to work identifying and mapping out the cosmos around you. After all aliens have shown up on earth before so maybe if you can map out the nearby areas of space you'll be able to figure out where they might be coming from.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Brainiac's technology
DC 44 (Learning) Brainiac's technology is naturally hard to understand due to its alien origin. While it does run some risk of hypothetical cross-contamination, having your supercomputer analyze the Brainiac technology in your posession could prove critical to letting you unlock its secrets
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to figure out where specific pieces of Brainiac's debris ended up going
DC 45 (Intrigue) Brainiac launched so many things and his ships broke up into so many pieces that finding any one specific thing is not humanly possible. Luckily a supercomputer is not bound by the limits of humanity. You can attempt to use the supercomputer to chart where things went and while it is unlikely you'll find anything of value, knowing where his debris ended up landing would let you know where to focus your attentions going forward from here.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to analyze any movement in space
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the results) (Intrigue) Naturally after Brainiac's invasion people are paranoid about what might be lurking in the depths of space. After all Brainiac was by no means the only thing out there and your next interstellar guest might prove to be similarly problematic. As such you can use your supercomputer to search the skies for any celestial oddities which might prove to be more extraterrestrials.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to use the supercomputer to track Dr. Fate's movements
DC ??? (Intrigue) Dr. Fate is too dangerous a wildcard to completely ignore and he very clearly knew how and when to be in the right time at the right place. On top of that he could teleport and very clearly did so multiple times due to how he was sighted all around the world. You can use your supercomputer to attempt to glean some sort of pattern from Dr. Fate's movements and potentially uncover an ally of value.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to decode Brainiac's records of nearby space sectors
DC 12 (Learning) With the use of the supercomputer figuring out exactly what Brainiac's records say about nearby space sectors should be a cinch. This is exactly the sort of situation in which a supercomputer is immensely useful. And once you can understand Brainiac's records, you'll be able to begin making contact and working with Earth's extraterrestrial neighbors. You've already worked out that there are at least 213 space sectors, further information can help you narrow things down even more.
[ ] [Comp] Run facial recognition patterns on the obsidian man
DC 0 (Intrigue) The obsidian man who battled what appears to be Amy Winston appears to be a complete mystery. Running a facial recognition check would help assist you in figuring out who he might be.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Dhawan's particle
DC 9 (Learning) Dhawan's particle is particularly interesting to you as it seems to be the particle that grants kryptonite its unique properties. By properly analyzing the particle, you might be able to make some exceptional leaps forward in your scientific endeavors.
[ ] [Comp] Mess with internet search algorithms to hurt Superman's reputation
DC 34 (Intrigue) While it's not practical for any human to do this, using your supercomputer you can generally shift internet search trends to be less flattering towards Superman and do more to harm his reputation. It will require work and effort but it could prove quite worthwhile in the long run.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Superman's blood
DC 33 (Learning) Analyzing Superman's blood should prove fairly easy with how much of it you have on hand. With a better understanding of how his biology works, perhaps you'll find more weakpoints to target as you endeavor to destroy the alien.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to triangulate Supergirl's flight patterns
DC ??? (Intrigue) Supergirl has shown up flying around the general Metropolis area. Perhaps by observing her flight patterns you can figure out exactly where she is when the public isn't aware of her comings and goings.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to triangulate Superman's flight patterns
DC ??? (Intrigue) Similarly by observing as much of Superman's flight patterns and appearances as possible, perhaps you can pin down a location in which he resides. It'll be tricky to do but with your supercomputer you're confident you'll get something.
[ ] [Comp] Check Metropolis for odd broadcast frequencies
DC ??? (Intrigue) While you don't think it's likely, both Brainiac and the Durlan have demonstrated that aliens often make use of unusual frequencies in their technology. With your supercomputer's newfound capabilities, perhaps you might be able to detect any more unusual frequencies in Metropolis.
[ ] [Comp] Search for any other Durlans on earth
DC 36 (Intrigue) (rewards on this action are capped) Durlans are a race of shapeshifting aliens that could theoretically be anyone or anywhere on earth. Using the supercomputer's capabilities to check if there are any signs of the Durlans elsewhere might prove worthwhile
[ ] [Comp] Generate improvements to the life model decoy drones
DC 15 (Learning) The life model decoy drones are a relatively simple robot design but you are confident that they can be improved. With your supercomputer's greater processing power, perhaps you'll be able to come up with innovations that previously might have been beyond you.
[ ] [Comp] Iterate new variations of the pheromone spray
DC 23 (Learning) While you don't have much of the pheromone spray, it has proven to be a potentially useful tool when you have deigned to use it. As such iterating and coming up with improvements and variations of the spray might prove very helpful in giving you more tools to make use of.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Atlantean technology
DC 6 (Learning) Atlantean technology is complicated, but it's not so complicated that your supercomputer cannot aid you significantly in cracking this unique blend of biotech. Who knows, perhaps this might even let you surpass the Atlanteans?
[ ] [Comp] Assist in the design of new combat robots
DC 1 (Learning) Your combat robots have been lacking as of late. A more concentrated effort backed by your supercomputer might just be the thing you need to really push them to the next level.
[ ] [Comp] Assist in the design of new exosuits
DC 3 (Learning) You also have not done much iterating or improvements on your current exosuits. Fortunately with the supercomputers newfound capabilities you can potentially come up with some even more impressive designs.
[ ] [Comp] Assist in improving L-Phones
DC 13 (Learning) L-Phones remain a dominant market for you, but by being able to process much more data than a human ever could, your supercomputer could guide you to making the improvements the public desires.
[ ] [Comp] Reverse engineer Superman's suits
DC 0 (autosuccess) (Learning) While you have the schematics already in hand, being able to reverse engineer the suits Emil Hamilton created for Superman could prove quite useful, either as a product you can sell to the masses, or as a way to frame Superman.
[ ] [Comp] Assist in improving drone design
DC 3 (Learning) Your drones could always use some improvements and with the capabilities of the supercomputer, there's every likelihood that you can make a giant leap forward with this next innovation.
[ ] [Comp] Develop a program to make educated guesses on the identity of any individual observed by a surveillance device
DC ??? (Intrigue) While it will be tricky and quite likely to get some false positives, having your supercomputer set up to tap into Metropolis's surveillance system to make guesses and identify the people it observes could prove quite useful. You already have the facial recognition technology but being able to use your supercomputer to label what you find might prove very, very useful.
[ ] [Comp] Seize direct control of all US satellites
DC 45 (Intrigue) Satellites often need to communicate with something on earth in order to properly function and you have enough roots in technology and the government that with the aid of your supercomputer, you can seize control of all US satellites. Such a trump card is probably best saved for later but it is an interesting card to play if you want to force people to comply with your demands
[ ] [Comp] Analyze unknown substances
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the results) (Learning) You've come across a wide array of unknown substances and materials over the years. Having your supercomputer begin analyzing them could prove crucial to cracking that aspect of material science and transfigure unknown quantities into known elements.
[ ] [Comp] Reverse engineer the Merlino mind control devices
DC 3 (Learning) (rewards on this action are capped) The Merlino mind control devices are a nifty little piece of tech, though they only seem to work on humans. Cracking what you've got on the matter should prove quite useful for understanding and potentially replicating more of the devices for your own use.
[ ] [Comp] Do not take any supercomputer special actions
DC ??? (Learning) Attempt to use your supercomputer to analyze the makeup of Nth metal
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Kryptonite
DC 330 (Learning) Attempt to use your supercomputer to analyze the makeup of Kryptonite to better understand its properties.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer monitor as much information as possible to search for unusual occurrences
DC 26 (There are no penalties for failing this action) (Intrigue) have your supercomputer comb through thousands of data points to find interesting and noteworthy individuals and events.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer began to analyze the structure of your DNA
DC 5 (Learning) Have the computer work on learning the exact genetic sequence that makes up Lex Luthor
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer begin searching for Bruno Manneheim's exact location
DC 17 (Intrigue) The last you saw of Bruno was that he'd teleported somewhere else following the battle in Metropolis so being aware of just where he currently is could prove critical to preventing him from striking again.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer narrow down T.O. Morrow's sightings within the area he is likely in
DC 95 (Intrigue) You can use your supercomputer to attempt to figure out the rate at which T.O.Morrow is spotted within the areas his location has been narrowed down to
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer monitor people's internet use through your ISP service
DC 20 (Intrigue) Have your supercomputer run a backlog to see if anyone is making some unusual movements through the web. It's not perfect but it can help you catch some things that might otherwise slip past you.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer narrow down where Themyscira could not be
DC 1 (Learning) Figure out where Themyscira is by eliminating every position where it could not be
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer go over the Project Atom data
DC 89 (Learning) Have your supercomputer look over the data Eilings gathered to see if you could find anything interesting
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer map out the most efficient route to patrol a given area
DC 1 (Martial) Have the supercomputer use algorithms to cover as much area as efficiently as possible
[ ] [Comp] Analyze the improved bone growth formula
DC 3 (Learning) Look into the chemical formula to see the predicted results of its injection by the supercomputer
[ ] [Comp] Develop an algorithm to maximize the effectiveness of advertising
DC 4 (Diplomacy) Have your supercomputer figure out how to most effectively advertise to individuals
[ ] [Comp] Further analyze Gingo fruit
DC 26 (Learning) have your supercomputer analyze the structure to see what makes the fruit unique and if you can replicate its effects. Looking into it even deeper may result in further discoveries
[ ] [Comp] Have your computer narrow down where in the ocean Whisper's superweapon likely is
DC 13 (Intrigue) Ra's may have disposed of the weapon but you can have your computer narrow down where it ended up, to either retrieve it yourself or to ensure no one else can have it.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer check the satellite data for any discrepancies
DC 7 (Intrigue) As you are now receiving a steady stream of data from the satellite observing Mars it is in your best interest to make sure nothing unusual is going on with the data there. You've already observed some discrepancies so finding more could prove useful
[ ] [Comp] Use your supercomputer to dig up more information on Sinclair Batson
DC 24 (Intrigue) Sinclair Batson is a virtual unknown and with ARGUS investigating it wouldn't be proper to try to take the case yourself. That said using your supercomputer to dig up information is well within the realms of what you could and should do to figure out what happened at Lexpo
[ ] [Comp] Have your Supercomputer search for historical sources talking about Black Adam
DC 32 (You suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) Researching just who and what Black Adam is in the greater context of the world could prove quite useful in the long run and enable you to better make use of him.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer attempt to narrow down who Superman could be
DC 78 (Intrigue) Figuring out if Superman operates under an assumed identity and if so who he really is could prove quite useful to getting rid of him. This action will get easier as time goes on and you gather more data on Superman but it doesn't hurt to try it early on
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to create a new material using Dhawan's particle
DC 7 (You suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) It's frustrating that there is so very little known to you about how to make new materials using Dhawan's particle but you can always attempt through trial and error to at least see if something might be possible with your Supercomputer. It's not liable to get you much but the creation of even more new materials could prove quite useful.
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer run through the Project Damocles data
DC 15 (The higher the roll the better the result) (failures are capped to bare failure) Learning) While the data you've received from Project Damocles is mostly reiterations of things you already know it pays to go over things twice and make sure there is nothing you might be missing. Running and crunching the numbers might prove a little tedious but it costs you very little besides time and could lead to you discovering something that will alter your approach. You've already gotten a bit of information out of this but you're confident you can learn more
[ ] [Comp] Have your supercomputer attempt to analyze the alien spit sample
DC 48 (you suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) Your supercomputer is able to process vast amounts of data all at once. Perhaps it'll prove effective at cracking the code of how alien DNA is sequenced. If you manage to figure it out than all the strengths and weaknesses of Lobo and Superman will be laid out for you to know, exploit and even potentially replicate.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to map deep space
DC 16 (you suffer no penalties for failing this action) (Learning) With your recently acquired deep space mapping capabilities it might be worthwhile to try and put your supercomputer to work identifying and mapping out the cosmos around you. After all aliens have shown up on earth before so maybe if you can map out the nearby areas of space you'll be able to figure out where they might be coming from.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Brainiac's technology
DC 44 (Learning) Brainiac's technology is naturally hard to understand due to its alien origin. While it does run some risk of hypothetical cross-contamination, having your supercomputer analyze the Brainiac technology in your posession could prove critical to letting you unlock its secrets
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to figure out where specific pieces of Brainiac's debris ended up going
DC 45 (Intrigue) Brainiac launched so many things and his ships broke up into so many pieces that finding any one specific thing is not humanly possible. Luckily a supercomputer is not bound by the limits of humanity. You can attempt to use the supercomputer to chart where things went and while it is unlikely you'll find anything of value, knowing where his debris ended up landing would let you know where to focus your attentions going forward from here.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to analyze any movement in space
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the results) (Intrigue) Naturally after Brainiac's invasion people are paranoid about what might be lurking in the depths of space. After all Brainiac was by no means the only thing out there and your next interstellar guest might prove to be similarly problematic. As such you can use your supercomputer to search the skies for any celestial oddities which might prove to be more extraterrestrials.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to use the supercomputer to track Dr. Fate's movements
DC ??? (Intrigue) Dr. Fate is too dangerous a wildcard to completely ignore and he very clearly knew how and when to be in the right time at the right place. On top of that he could teleport and very clearly did so multiple times due to how he was sighted all around the world. You can use your supercomputer to attempt to glean some sort of pattern from Dr. Fate's movements and potentially uncover an ally of value.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to decode Brainiac's records of nearby space sectors
DC 12 (Learning) With the use of the supercomputer figuring out exactly what Brainiac's records say about nearby space sectors should be a cinch. This is exactly the sort of situation in which a supercomputer is immensely useful. And once you can understand Brainiac's records, you'll be able to begin making contact and working with Earth's extraterrestrial neighbors. You've already worked out that there are at least 213 space sectors, further information can help you narrow things down even more.
[ ] [Comp] Run facial recognition patterns on the obsidian man
DC 0 (Intrigue) The obsidian man who battled what appears to be Amy Winston appears to be a complete mystery. Running a facial recognition check would help assist you in figuring out who he might be.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Dhawan's particle
DC 9 (Learning) Dhawan's particle is particularly interesting to you as it seems to be the particle that grants kryptonite its unique properties. By properly analyzing the particle, you might be able to make some exceptional leaps forward in your scientific endeavors.
[ ] [Comp] Mess with internet search algorithms to hurt Superman's reputation
DC 34 (Intrigue) While it's not practical for any human to do this, using your supercomputer you can generally shift internet search trends to be less flattering towards Superman and do more to harm his reputation. It will require work and effort but it could prove quite worthwhile in the long run.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Superman's blood
DC 33 (Learning) Analyzing Superman's blood should prove fairly easy with how much of it you have on hand. With a better understanding of how his biology works, perhaps you'll find more weakpoints to target as you endeavor to destroy the alien.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to triangulate Supergirl's flight patterns
DC ??? (Intrigue) Supergirl has shown up flying around the general Metropolis area. Perhaps by observing her flight patterns you can figure out exactly where she is when the public isn't aware of her comings and goings.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to triangulate Superman's flight patterns
DC ??? (Intrigue) Similarly by observing as much of Superman's flight patterns and appearances as possible, perhaps you can pin down a location in which he resides. It'll be tricky to do but with your supercomputer you're confident you'll get something.
[ ] [Comp] Check Metropolis for odd broadcast frequencies
DC ??? (Intrigue) While you don't think it's likely, both Brainiac and the Durlan have demonstrated that aliens often make use of unusual frequencies in their technology. With your supercomputer's newfound capabilities, perhaps you might be able to detect any more unusual frequencies in Metropolis.
[ ] [Comp] Search for any other Durlans on earth
DC 36 (Intrigue) (rewards on this action are capped) Durlans are a race of shapeshifting aliens that could theoretically be anyone or anywhere on earth. Using the supercomputer's capabilities to check if there are any signs of the Durlans elsewhere might prove worthwhile
[ ] [Comp] Generate improvements to the life model decoy drones
DC 15 (Learning) The life model decoy drones are a relatively simple robot design but you are confident that they can be improved. With your supercomputer's greater processing power, perhaps you'll be able to come up with innovations that previously might have been beyond you.
[ ] [Comp] Iterate new variations of the pheromone spray
DC 23 (Learning) While you don't have much of the pheromone spray, it has proven to be a potentially useful tool when you have deigned to use it. As such iterating and coming up with improvements and variations of the spray might prove very helpful in giving you more tools to make use of.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Atlantean technology
DC 6 (Learning) Atlantean technology is complicated, but it's not so complicated that your supercomputer cannot aid you significantly in cracking this unique blend of biotech. Who knows, perhaps this might even let you surpass the Atlanteans?
[ ] [Comp] Assist in the design of new combat robots
DC 1 (Learning) Your combat robots have been lacking as of late. A more concentrated effort backed by your supercomputer might just be the thing you need to really push them to the next level.
[ ] [Comp] Assist in the design of new exosuits
DC 3 (Learning) You also have not done much iterating or improvements on your current exosuits. Fortunately with the supercomputers newfound capabilities you can potentially come up with some even more impressive designs.
[ ] [Comp] Assist in improving L-Phones
DC 13 (Learning) L-Phones remain a dominant market for you, but by being able to process much more data than a human ever could, your supercomputer could guide you to making the improvements the public desires.
[ ] [Comp] Reverse engineer Superman's suits
DC 0 (autosuccess) (Learning) While you have the schematics already in hand, being able to reverse engineer the suits Emil Hamilton created for Superman could prove quite useful, either as a product you can sell to the masses, or as a way to frame Superman.
[ ] [Comp] Assist in improving drone design
DC 3 (Learning) Your drones could always use some improvements and with the capabilities of the supercomputer, there's every likelihood that you can make a giant leap forward with this next innovation.
[ ] [Comp] Develop a program to make educated guesses on the identity of any individual observed by a surveillance device
DC ??? (Intrigue) While it will be tricky and quite likely to get some false positives, having your supercomputer set up to tap into Metropolis's surveillance system to make guesses and identify the people it observes could prove quite useful. You already have the facial recognition technology but being able to use your supercomputer to label what you find might prove very, very useful.
[ ] [Comp] Seize direct control of all US satellites
DC 45 (Intrigue) Satellites often need to communicate with something on earth in order to properly function and you have enough roots in technology and the government that with the aid of your supercomputer, you can seize control of all US satellites. Such a trump card is probably best saved for later but it is an interesting card to play if you want to force people to comply with your demands
[ ] [Comp] Analyze unknown substances
DC 0 (the higher the roll the better the results) (Learning) You've come across a wide array of unknown substances and materials over the years. Having your supercomputer begin analyzing them could prove crucial to cracking that aspect of material science and transfigure unknown quantities into known elements.
[ ] [Comp] Reverse engineer the Merlino mind control devices
DC 3 (Learning) (rewards on this action are capped) The Merlino mind control devices are a nifty little piece of tech, though they only seem to work on humans. Cracking what you've got on the matter should prove quite useful for understanding and potentially replicating more of the devices for your own use.
[ ] [Comp] Do not take any supercomputer special actions
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Dan Turpin's files
DC 0 (Learning) (the higher the roll the better the result) (rewards are capped) With Dan Turpin's files accessible at your finger tips, studying them could give you a better sense of what Superman is up to and let you beat him to the punch in dealing with crime within Metropolis
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to determine where your superhero team can do the most good
DC ??? (Intrigue) (Failure is capped) In order to make Bastion as effective as possible, you may want to figure out where each of them are best deployed. As such using the supercomputer to analyze relevant data and come to a determination might prove useful in the long run when it comes to maximizing the team's potential.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Coldcast's power
DC ??? (Learning) Coldcast has a rather unique power that involves energy manipulation that results in massive output. As the exact mechanics of his metahuman powers are unknown, studying them might glean you some insight that can prove quite useful in building some kind of weapon for your own uses.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to analyze the unique chemical in Gingo fruits
DC ??? (Learning) With your discover of exactly what chemical can cause individuals to develop rubbery physiologies, it might be best to further analyze so that you can better understand it. You still don't understand why it's sometimes poisonous and sometimes benign, but further research could prove quite useful for you.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Rose's blood
DC 62? (Learning) Rose's physiology is known to be unique and has been altered due to the super-soldier programs her father took part in. While people have attempted to figure out why Rose retained these alterations, no one until now has had an intellectual capacity or a supercomputer as powerful as you. As such by analyzing Rose's blood, you may be able to figure out the secrets of Deathstroke's enhancements and finally bring them into the realm of replicability.
DC 0 (Learning) (the higher the roll the better the result) (rewards are capped) With Dan Turpin's files accessible at your finger tips, studying them could give you a better sense of what Superman is up to and let you beat him to the punch in dealing with crime within Metropolis
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to determine where your superhero team can do the most good
DC ??? (Intrigue) (Failure is capped) In order to make Bastion as effective as possible, you may want to figure out where each of them are best deployed. As such using the supercomputer to analyze relevant data and come to a determination might prove useful in the long run when it comes to maximizing the team's potential.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Coldcast's power
DC ??? (Learning) Coldcast has a rather unique power that involves energy manipulation that results in massive output. As the exact mechanics of his metahuman powers are unknown, studying them might glean you some insight that can prove quite useful in building some kind of weapon for your own uses.
[ ] [Comp] Attempt to analyze the unique chemical in Gingo fruits
DC ??? (Learning) With your discover of exactly what chemical can cause individuals to develop rubbery physiologies, it might be best to further analyze so that you can better understand it. You still don't understand why it's sometimes poisonous and sometimes benign, but further research could prove quite useful for you.
[ ] [Comp] Analyze Rose's blood
DC 62? (Learning) Rose's physiology is known to be unique and has been altered due to the super-soldier programs her father took part in. While people have attempted to figure out why Rose retained these alterations, no one until now has had an intellectual capacity or a supercomputer as powerful as you. As such by analyzing Rose's blood, you may be able to figure out the secrets of Deathstroke's enhancements and finally bring them into the realm of replicability.
Superhero Team Special Actions
So this is a fairly unique option to pick from as it's not an action per se. Rather it's a list of objectives with no concrete DC's attached that you can select and your superhero team will attempt to complete them where possible. The people in the team will select sub-actions of their own volition in order to do this. You do not have to assign a hero unit to the superhero team special action, but doing so will ensure that they attempt to accomplish that specific goal this turn. You can pick as many or as few of these as you would like, but the more you pick, the less focus on any one objective will be given. Additionally write-ins are available for this, but if they get too specific they will be rejected. Winning Superhero Team Special Actions will be the most voted for option and any other options that get at least 4/5ths of the votes the most popular option did. You'll also be guaranteed to be able to drop one option in the hero vote. I am taking feedback as I'm experimenting with this so if you feel it is unfair, you can let me know and I'll course correct as necessary in the hero vote.
[ ] [Team] Fight crime in Metropolis
[ ] [Team] Fight crime in London
[ ] [Team] Fight crime on the west coast of the USA
[ ] [Team] Fight crime in France
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and bring in Black Banshee
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and bring in Long
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and dismantle the "Black Ops" group
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and bring in Killer Moth
[ ] [Team] Show up to any fight Superman gets involved in
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and dismantle the Church of Blood
[ ] [Team] Promote the team as powerful countervailing force against the Great Ten
[ ] [Team] Promote the team's merchandise
[ ] [Team] Attempt to improve any provided technology
[ ] [Team] Campaign to get allowed into South Africa
[ ] [Team] Campaign to get allowed into Australia
[ ] [Team] Attempt to overthrow Black Adam
[ ] [Team] Generally fight low level crime
[ ] [Team] Attempt to find and recruit new members
[ ] [Team] Attempt to find and recruit more support staff
[ ] [Team] Conduct additional background checks
[ ] [Team] Establish a headquarters to meet in
[ ] [Team] Train in working together as a team
[ ] [Team] Attempt to learn about relevant threats
[ ] [Team] Patrol Metropolis
[ ] [Team] Write-in
[ ] [Team] Fight crime in London
[ ] [Team] Fight crime on the west coast of the USA
[ ] [Team] Fight crime in France
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and bring in Black Banshee
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and bring in Long
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and dismantle the "Black Ops" group
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and bring in Killer Moth
[ ] [Team] Show up to any fight Superman gets involved in
[ ] [Team] Attempt to take down and dismantle the Church of Blood
[ ] [Team] Promote the team as powerful countervailing force against the Great Ten
[ ] [Team] Promote the team's merchandise
[ ] [Team] Attempt to improve any provided technology
[ ] [Team] Campaign to get allowed into South Africa
[ ] [Team] Campaign to get allowed into Australia
[ ] [Team] Attempt to overthrow Black Adam
[ ] [Team] Generally fight low level crime
[ ] [Team] Attempt to find and recruit new members
[ ] [Team] Attempt to find and recruit more support staff
[ ] [Team] Conduct additional background checks
[ ] [Team] Establish a headquarters to meet in
[ ] [Team] Train in working together as a team
[ ] [Team] Attempt to learn about relevant threats
[ ] [Team] Patrol Metropolis
[ ] [Team] Write-in
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