What sort of tone should I shoot for with this Quest?

  • Go as crack fueled as you can we want Ambush Bug, Snowflame and Duckseid

    Votes: 30 7.7%
  • Go for something silly but keep a little bit of reason

    Votes: 31 7.9%
  • Adam West Camp

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Balanced as all things should be

    Votes: 195 50.0%
  • Mostly serious but not self-involvedly so

    Votes: 73 18.7%
  • Dark and brooding but with light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • We're evil and we don't want anyone to be happy

    Votes: 22 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Of course. I never include media unless it is absolutely vital to my point and my post.
No. I'm done with this.

It's not often a post genuinely angers me. It's not often that a post genuinely makes me angry and annoyed at a person. It's not often that a post makes me so angry I want to respond to it as a warning for anyone trying to do something similar. This has succeeded in doing all of the above.

Responding to a warning (that by all means I should not have given if I stuck to my zero tolerance policy) that behavior is violating rules I put forth with what was essentially a dismissal of "I never do anything wrong" is arrogant, insulting and aggravating. I've tried to be patient and give the benefit of the doubt. I've tried to be kind and not respond with draconian measures. I'll not be taken advantage of because I'm trying to be decent and let people have fun with this quest. I do not want to be nor should I have to be a mod. And if I'm forced into doing so against my will, the last thing I want to hear is "no you're wrong I never did anything not okay".

The very context behind that rule was specifically about you posting gifs in response to others comments. It was not necessary to post a gif about someone being wrong, it did not add to your argument in any way shape or form besides to belittle another person and if you removed it nothing of value or even the overall point would be lost. The fact that you claim to have never done anything wrong, is either a bold-faced lie, maliciousness, willful ignorance or some toxic combination of all three. I'm done with it and I've hit my breaking point. KnowledgeKing has been reported (by me) and has lost any benefit of the doubt from me. Even if I were to take this as a "joke" it's an attempt to undermine my ability to make rules in my own quest or impugn my character and make me seem unfair and unreasonable. I don't appreciate it at all. I appreciate the possibility that someone straight up lied to my face even less. Since both of these things are black marks against their character from a person with a history of causing problems, I'm not putting up with this anymore.

I'll give you plenty of chances but if you do genuinely manage to push me past my limit you've got no more sympathy from me. I'll not have kindness taken as a sign of weakness or of an unwillingness to respond. I'm officially washing my hands of this mess.

This is a warning to everyone else out there. If I warn you that you've broken a rule (which I've done exactly once) do not attempt to imply that you've done nothing wrong as that will actively annoy me. You can ask why I am warning you and I'll elaborate, but there is only so far pleading ignorance can take you. Accept that you were warned and move on, don't try to wheedle your way out and try to undermine someone else to take the fall for you. KnowledgeKing has reached the end of the line with me. I don't want to do this ever again so please do not ever put me in this position again.
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I don't know if the heat based cameras on the Predator drones would manage to see Blindspot but even just having a bunch of Spy Drones serving as extra eyes will increase our chances of spotting him significantly

Unfortunately Blindspot is undetectable by heat based cameras due to his suit. As below.

Spoiler: An Invisible Intergang Assassin
Martial: 12
Diplomacy: ???
Stewardship: ???
Intrigue: 14
Learning: ???

Known Relationships with other encountered character
Is on Intergang's payroll
Attempted to assassinate Lois Lane
Is probably the person trying to break into LexCorp but failing due to the wards

Invisible Imperceptible and All Around Hard to Find: Blindspot nullifies any intrigue checks dependent on sight, light, heat and/or sound
Sneaking Specialist: On any task that requires sneaking around undetected Blindspot's intrigue stat doubles.
Or we could have our power armour goons clear every room with flamethrowers before Louise & Catlin enters them, then in the Cold Engine Room, spray the room with fire extinguishers so the chemical powders will cling to Blindspot if he's still in there.

Also have Louis & Catlin wear the Mk III suits.
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I've just realized something

Since we have access to Intergang's communications network maybe we can directly insult Bruno and make him look weak to his men.
Rule 4: Don’t Be Disruptive
No. I'm done with this.

It's not often a post genuinely angers me. It's not often that a post genuinely makes me angry and annoyed at a person. It's not often that a post makes me so angry I want to respond to it as a warning for anyone trying to do something similar. This has succeeded in doing all of the above.

Responding to a warning (that by all means I should not have given if I stuck to my zero tolerance policy) that behavior is violating rules I put forth with what was essentially a dismissal of "I never do anything wrong" is arrogant, insulting and aggravating. I've tried to be patient and give the benefit of the doubt. I've tried to be kind and not respond with draconian measures. I'll not be taken advantage of because I'm trying to be decent and let people have fun with this quest. I do not want to be nor should I have to be a mod. And if I'm forced into doing so against my will, the last thing I want to hear is "no you're wrong I never did anything not okay".

The very context behind that rule was specifically about you posting gifs in response to others comments. It was not necessary to post a gif about someone being wrong, it did not add to your argument in any way shape or form besides to belittle another person and if you removed it nothing of value or even the overall point would be lost. The fact that you claim to have never done anything wrong, is either a bold-faced lie, maliciousness, willful ignorance or some toxic combination of all three. I'm done with it and I've hit my breaking point. KnowledgeKing has been reported (by me) and has lost any benefit of the doubt from me. Even if I were to take this as a "joke" it's an attempt to undermine my ability to make rules in my own quest or impugn my character and make me seem unfair and unreasonable. I don't appreciate it at all. I appreciate the possibility that someone straight up lied to my face even less. Since both of these things are black marks against their character from a person with a history of causing problems, I'm not putting up with this anymore.

I'll give you plenty of chances but if you do genuinely manage to push me past my limit you've got no more sympathy from me. I'll not have kindness taken as a sign of weakness or of an unwillingness to respond. I'm officially washing my hands of this mess.

This is a warning to everyone else out there. If I warn you that you've broken a rule (which I've done exactly once) do not attempt to imply that you've done nothing wrong as that will actively annoy me. You can ask why I am warning you and I'll elaborate, but there is only so far pleading ignorance can take you. Accept that you were warned and move on, don't try to wheedle your way out and try to undermine someone else to take the fall for you. KnowledgeKing has reached the end of the line with me. I don't want to do this ever again so please do not ever put me in this position again.

That's a very strong response towards something as small as a gif post followed up by words that explain said gif. And all because of a rule established because exactly one poster tagged you and asked for you to help him.

I recommend some soothing music. Or maybe some 'best of' Lex moments that has to exist on Youtube somewhere.

That's a very strong response towards something as small as a gif post followed up by words that explain said gif. And all because of a rule established because exactly one poster tagged you and asked for you to help him.

I recommend some soothing music. Or maybe some 'best of' Lex moments that has to exist on Youtube somewhere.

King Crimson just said that you shouldn't do that.
Responding to a warning (that by all means I should not have given if I stuck to my zero tolerance policy) that behavior is violating rules I put forth with what was essentially a dismissal of "I never do anything wrong" is arrogant, insulting and aggravating. I've tried to be patient and give the benefit of the doubt. I've tried to be kind and not respond with draconian measures. I'll not be taken advantage of because I'm trying to be decent and let people have fun with this quest. I do not want to be nor should I have to be a mod. And if I'm forced into doing so against my will, the last thing I want to hear is "no you're wrong I never did anything not okay".
that's alright, but in this case "no, you're wrong, He never did anything not okay." There is a lot you can do as head of a thread, you cannot, however; dictate how people post or what their format is.
King Crimson just said that you shouldn't do that.
In this case, KC doesn't get to say that.
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that's alright, but in this case "no, you're wrong, He never did anything not okay." There is a lot you can do as head of a thread, you cannot, however; dictate how people post or what their format is.
I cannot ban other people that is correct and I cannot control what people post or what there format is that is correct. I have no power to enforce anything. I can repeatedly request people to do things a certain way so as to not anger others, attempt to establish rules of behavior and attempt to moderate my own thread.

When someone repeatedly ignores the guidelines I've posted and willfully dismisses me calling out that "hey you're not following the guidelines I've laid out please stop" then they've arguably broken Rule 3 and Rule 4 of Sufficient Velocity.
In this case, KC doesn't get to say that.
I'm fairly certain I do get to say "this is my thread please stop doing these things in my thread". Whether what I'm saying is anything more than words in the wind is up to the mods but I'm still allowed to say it.
that's alright, but in this case "no, you're wrong, He never did anything not okay." There is a lot you can do as head of a thread, you cannot, however; dictate how people post or what their format is.

In this case, KC doesn't get to say that.
While you're right that @King crimson can't directly enforce his rules he is entirely in his right to report people for being unnecessarily confrontational, aggressive and/or rude, which KnowledgeKing has been

It doesn't help that he has continuously used gifs in response to @Simon_Jester for seemingly no reason other than knowing that it annoys him
And quite honestly? @King crimson is doing his damned best to give us a cool quest, with options for interactions and write-ins, that's epic in scale. And he isn't really asking for much. If this was a tabletop rpg, and I was running it, I would ask disruptive players to get out as well.
Stop: Rule 3+4: Be Civil and don't disrupt the thread

That's a very strong response towards something as small as a gif post followed up by words that explain said gif. And all because of a rule established because exactly one poster tagged you and asked for you to help him.

I recommend some soothing music. Or maybe some 'best of' Lex moments that has to exist on Youtube somewhere.

rule 3+4: be civil and don't disrupt the thread
When the QM tells you to stop doing something that's disrupting the thread you don't respond to it by doubling down and doing it again. I've removed you from the thread, permanently. King Crimson can let you back in if he wants to.

Look mods are so progresive they got Gandhi Bugged and come out on the other end, Do i like it ? Nope but we have to deal with it, I mean how often do those in power make decisions that stick even if they are wrong ? But lets not get into politics, We are gonna to have to suck it up my friend, Im more concerned about the person who reported it and who propably knew the result of that report.

take concerns to ask a private question
This is not the place to vent your concerns about moderation actions, that place is the Ask a Private Question Forum.
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3. Only using the bombs when he's firing his chest laser, because he can't do that and defensive portals at the same time.
Also good, but situational; the odds are that Mannheim won't fire the laser at a convenient moment. We should still alert our troops to the idea.

[I'm hoping to do a plan draft this evening]

I don't know if the heat based cameras on the Predator drones would manage to see Blindspot but even just having a bunch of Spy Drones serving as extra eyes will increase our chances of spotting him significantly
The big problem is that the drones are going to be navigating the building a lot. They're going to require us to fly them around the interior. And they're going to require us to open internal security doors an excessive number of times, which is bad because every time we open a door for a person or a drone, Blindspot can potentially walk through it unremarked on.

Well that's unfortunate but as @Torgamous said Spy Drones can help just by running into Blindspot
Because of this, and because Blindspot isn't stupid and will duck out of the way of the drones when he can, the odds are that having lots of drones randomly moving around the building will do more harm than good. Especially because the drones will have to avoid walls and obstacles for fear of collision, which means there will always be places for Blindspot to duck into to avoid them.

Or we could have our power armour goons clear every room with flamethrowers before Louise & Catlin enters them, then in the Cold Engine Room, spray the room with fire extinguishers so the chemical powders will cling to Blindspot if he's still in there.
Only our Myrmidon suits have flamethrowers, and firing off flamethrowers inside the building could cause a lot of collateral damage. The building's pretty much fireproofed but there are limits and a lot of sensitive equipment to think about.

The general idea of seeding the area with stuff that will stick to Blindspot's suit is a good one, mind you.

Also have Louis & Catlin wear the Mk III suits.
Having Dr. Lincoln and Dr. Snow wear armor had already occurred to me as something I'd likely throw in, yes.
the odds are that having lots of drones randomly moving around the building will do more harm than good.
I was envisioning multiple drones flying along the walls ahead of the repair team with string running between them, not just having our drones keep randomly wandering the tower. Still probably not as good as running the sprinkler system or having Pamela along or a bunch of other options, but the drones don't have to be completely useless.
Only our Myrmidon suits have flamethrowers, and firing off flamethrowers inside the building could cause a lot of collateral damage. The building's pretty much fireproofed but there are limits and a lot of sensitive equipment to think about.
Everything but the cold engine and the people is trivially replaceable, especially since we're going to be taking a repair action anyway.

I recall we also have the ability to gas rooms in our tower, electrify their floors, and so on. Do that for all the empty places.
Staff Notice - This thread is not the venue for discussing Staff actions, we have a subforum for that
[STOP="Rule 3+4: Be Civil and don't disrupt the thread"]
When the QM tells you to stop doing something that's disrupting the thread you don't respond to it by doubling down and doing it again. I've removed you from the thread, permanently. King Crimson can let you back in if he wants to.

[ALERT=take concerns to Ask a Private Question]
This is not the place to vent your concerns about moderation actions, that place is the Ask a Private Question Forum.

I would ask that me telling him that while i disagree with mods actions we will have to suck it up be taken as complaining about mod actions, Or is somehow phrase While i disagree with decision we simply have to submit to it adressed as complainer taken as critism which needs to be cleaned into its own separate space ? Because Im really confused why are you warning me for telling him that he has to submit to decision whetever he likes it or not ?
I would ask that me telling him that while i disagree with mods actions we will have to suck it up be taken as complaining about mod actions, Or is somehow phrase While i disagree with decision we simply have to submit to it adressed as complainer taken as critism which needs to be cleaned into its own separate space ? Because Im really confused why are you warning me for telling him that he has to submit to decision whetever he likes it or not ?
If I understood right the warning was that this is not the place to do the warning in. I don't fully understand it but that's my guess.
If they suceed, it looks like the beginning of a Brave New Metropolis.
It was a nice episode, and, yes: right now, I don't see why Lex would hate Superman for "victory-stealing", even discounting the VERY well roleplayed Lex's inability to trust other agencies/factions that the quest players have exhibited here. ;)

Still, I'm eagerly waiting for that "Superman is a bastard" moment. Right now, the biggest bastard is whoever sabotaged the cold engine.
I don't see why Lex would hate Superman for "victory-stealing", even discounting the VERY well roleplayed Lex's inability to trust other agencies/factions that the quest players have exhibited here.
It's not just essentially "victory-stealing" which is annoying on its own. It's a whole host of other things as well. Suffice to say Superman should seem a bit more easy to hate once this is all done. The simple fact that Superman has at least from Lex's perspective, not interfered until massive damage was already done, is already enough to paint him poorly. There's even more that will go into it but suffice to say the moment of "why does Lex hate Superman?" will not crystalize until after the battle is over.
Still, I'm eagerly waiting for that "Superman is a bastard" moment. Right now, the biggest bastard is whoever sabotaged the cold engine.
Superman probably won't look worse than Intergang but he won't come out of this smelling like roses. In fact the situation has been set up so that you will be able to blame Superman for a lot of the tech based Supervillains who are coming. I'm looking forward to having everything come together in the conclusion as well cause it's a huge moment and was planned nearly a year in advance. The end of the beginning is nigh. It only took about 160 updates and nearly a whole year to get to the point where Superman and Lex actually interact and form opinions about one another.
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I noticed he left the hospital's attackers for us to secure. Is he also doing that where there isn't anyone to clean up after him?
To be fair, he can't be in two places at once, and while he can move very fast, if he moves too fast he has World of Cardboard problems.

I suspect/hope he's at least smart enough to break all the Intergang guys' guns.
Lex isn't going to be fair to Superman.

I'm not Lex Luthor. So even while accepting that he's a foe who has to go, I'm not going to pretend that his abilities and limitations are other than what they are.


Plan drafting is gonna take me quite a few hours before I can even begin.

I'm open to long lists of suggestions and ideas that are concrete enough to be semi-completist for what specific forces and units should do. I can work stuff into plans better that way.
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