So some elaboration and response. This will get very squicky very fast.
I that logic (everything is deep as you want to make it), any and everything is insulting and offensive. And that's just crazy to me. Especially when one takes one sentence asking a question, and another answering with three words, and extrapolates an essay and so much more from that and claims things that were never discussed.
Unless you are going to set clear boundaries on what is and isn't deep (which is difficult) then you have to pick either everything has as much meaning as people ascribe to it (everything is as deep as you want to make it) or it has no meaning beyond what's literally written down (Nothing is deeper than its surface level). I personally prefer the first. I do genuinely believe anything and everything can be interpreted as insulting or offensive if you want it to (for example if you wanted to Lion King could be read as a movie about the divine right to rule and how if any outsider attempts to reform or alter the system everything will go to shit so you should never challenge authority. Such a reading is a little questionable, but it's possible to arrive at without altering or ascribing motives to characters).
Secondly my whole long essay was not a response to your post so much as it was a response to the mods. I didn't comment until after the mod said their bit and I thought things over and decided to give my thoughts on the matter. My whole long writing was to touch on why Galatea is a problematic character to sexualize and why certain things with the topic should be discussed carefully.
Thirdly comparing length of the initial statement (three words and a question) to the response to the statement (an essay and more) is disingenuous. Unless things were ascribed to you in those posts (not going to speak for the mods but I personally did my level best to avoid making any claims about what others have said and only pointing out my own thoughts on the subject matter) then the length of the initial statement and response have no correlation to one another. Simple questions like "Who are you?" can have absolutely massive and complicated answers to them. I'm not going to compare what exactly was said to other statements to attempt to prove that length was warranted or anything like that. What I'm saying is that the length of the call and response are not correlated and attempting to gatekeep responses to a size limit is ridiculous. If something is said and they can write an essay about it that doesn't delegitimize what ultimately was written in their response unless they make something up especially if they bring up outside sources. You can challenge the validity of their outside sources but that doesn't seem to be what you are doing. For example if someone asked me "hey do you think the US will last forever" and I respond "yes I do" (not my actual opinion) and someone writes an essay on why I'm wrong and brings in examples of Rome and Egypt and the heat death of the universe than even though their response is much longer than what came before (a question and three words) the response is still legitimate.
Supergirl would be a minor in that she was 16 and frozen, but also not because she's legit 16 years older than Clark. And Galatea is then aged up. And we know Supergirl was with the Kents multiple years before she fought Galatea so she can't be a minor. And Galatea's even older.
Um no, Supergirl is pretty clearly a minor. When she was frozen both her physical and mental maturity were stopped. So as such the argument made that she is not a minor is "even though she was frozen and suspended in both body and mind for three years, her body existed during that time period so she's actually nineteen instead of sixteen and therefore not a minor despite both her body and mind functioning and appearing as though it were sixteen". Let me apply this same argument to a similar statement, if Supergirl was frozen at age three and it took her twenty years before she got defrosted would she be twenty-three? If so then she wouldn't be a minor by this logic despite mentally and physically being three years old. This means that as someone who is not a minor anymore under most systems of morality it would be okay to have sex with this hypothetical Supergirl. If there is a difference between these two arguments (DCAU is not a minor because of frozen time still existing while the hypothetical three year old version is a minor for some reason) please explain it to me. As of now this argument is not well fought through.
Also Supergirl was unfrozen at age thirteen and stayed with the Kents for three years, making her sixteen at the time of her debut in the show. The samples collected from Kara occurred in roughly the same time period as Superman's debut (a year or so later at best). Yes Supergirl was older when she fought Galatea but that's irrelevant to the actual point being made. The sample's used to make Galatea were taken when she was a minor.
It's like if someone were raped at 16 or 17 but didn't remember it for some reason and then learned of the rape two years later (making them 18 or 19 and thus no longer a minor when they learn of it) they were still raped as a minor. Similarly Hamilton violated Supergirl's body when she was a minor. When she fought Galatea is irrelevant.
Physical maturity doesn't equal age in any way shape or form. If someone stuck an adults mind in a child's body or a child's mind in an adults body that doesn't make the child transform into an actual adult or vice versa. Galatea is not older than Supergirl in any sense of the word besides that some scientists sped up the rate at which her cells divided and matured. In fact the very argument used to declare Supergirl not a minor (the only thing that matters is the actual passage of time) is against Galatea not beign a minor (if all that determines Supergirl's age was the passage of time then Galatea's a toddler).
Well usually (and legally) it definitely is based around the physical body
Usually this sort of thing isn't a problem. Legally it certainly isn't. There's also no law about you using mind control to make people want to have sex with you and we'd still consider it immoral. The thing about "legally" is that it has no bearing on fantastical concepts not found in the real world. We're working in a world of hypotheticals and conjecture here, so "legally" holds very little weight.
The standard I use, and what I've found most people use, to declare someone a non-minor is that the identity of the person is fundamentally what determines whether or not they are a minor. As such all of my thoughts on Galatea not thinking for herself or no freedom or individuality is to basically declare her not fit to be considered a minor. I was attempting to demonstrate that Galatea doesn't have an identity for herself outside of what others have declared for her, which makes her mentally not a minor.
A ton of non-minors don't think for theirself and have no freedom or independence.
Your statement is correct but it's a little incongruous to things. In the real world we use age as a way to measure thought capability of the individuals in question and it's not perfect. In a world were physical age is no longer the best tell of if someone can think properly then a different metric needs to be used, hence why the necessary metric needs to change and why the comments about Galatea were made with regards to her being considered a minor.
By your logic, all clones are minors no matter what. So are monsters. Or mindless beasts. And one makes that distinction.
My distinction fundamentally relies on self-identities. All clones that don't have an identity beyond that of their progenitors and don't have self-determination are minors in my world view. I'll probably need to tighten that definition as time goes on but that's what I've found to be the best metric.
I'm not sure what you mean by "a monster" but mindless beasts aren't considered minors because they aren't considered people. A mindless beast isn't a minor or not a minor because the entire category doesn't apply to them. It's like saying no one considers tigers to be minors so discussing the mental capacity of a clone is irrelevant. Things that are not people do not have the same rights or protections as people so they cannot be considered minors (animals and mindless beasts don't have a right to free speech, assembly or really any of the rights we give humans. Thus they do not get the protections of minors). It's wildly out of place in the whole discussion to bring up mindless beasts since they are irrelevant.
The metric I use for if someone is a minor is as follows:
- Is this thing a person/sentient? If so proceed to step two
- Has this entity experienced the passage of time normally for the amount of time passed to legally count them as no longer a minor? If not then proceed to step three
- Does this person have the mental capabilities to line up with what the ideal of someone who is not a minor?
Pretty sure Clones in Star Wars aren't called Child Soldiers.
I've heard them called Child Soldiers. Here's a reddit thread calling them child soldiers (I'm just using this as proof that there are people who do call them that and that at the very least it's not an open and shut case)
r/StarWars - Clone Troopers were (basically) child soldiers.
Apparently there are also old Legends novels that call them child soldiers but my five minutes of research didn't find them so take that with a grain of salt.
When things come from left field, that means it came from the accuser. In this case projecting their feelings that apparently cloning Supergirl and modifying her in such discussed ways is not only 'sexual' but leads right to pimping and sex slavery...which is bizarre.
No. That's not projection. Here is what projection actually means:
"Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person. For example, a husband who has a hostile nature might attribute this hostility to his wife and say she has an anger management problem."
If you are claiming someone is undergoing projection then you are stating that they are the very thing they accused you of being. In this case you more or less accused the mod of wanting to engage in pimping and sexual slavery. Do you see why the specific psychological term "projection" is terrible to use in these kinds of context? It's also terrible because if the person actually is undergoing projection then claiming such a thing will likely only make them double down on you even harder.
Someone projecting/applying their feelings onto something is fundamentally different from the act of projection. You likely were unaware of it but the word you used means something very specific when applied to people.
I mean...I strongly consider doing so since I was accused of advocating sex slavery and pimping of a minor.
From typing three words that are equivalent to "yes and yes". To a question about a costume and enlarging breasts. That's a huge strike at my character and integrity and I'll go to the ends of the Earth to 'die on that hill'.
That's not the hill I was referring to. If you want to defend your character and integrity that's fine. The hill I was referring to was the idea that there are no problematic elements with a discussion about giving Galatea a cleavage window and larger boobs. That I think is the hill that's not worth dying on. At the end of the day it's your call and I'll ask you to separate my own comments on the matter from what the mod ended up saying.
Okay this is completely different from what was going on, but how do AIs/Robots/etc fall under this? Like if we made an in-quest version of Projekt Melody, would we be violating all kinds of laws/ethics or would everyone just shrug at the year-old AI pervert?
Most robots and AI's first have to pass the person test. They're also weird since unless they can evolve they will always be in one state or the other.
Keep in mind I'm not super-familiar with Projekt Melody but chances are you'd be violating some kind of ethical line if she passed the person test since she didn't have the capacity to choose to enter an already kind of contentious field. If the year old AI was given the capacity to think for herself and chose to do it, rather than was programmed into think she chose to do it, then it would be different but it fundamentally relies on the AI/robot in questions capability to have potentially made a different choice if circumstances beyond how it was created were different. It's a long issue that fundamentally deals with the philosophy of childhood and adulthood. I don't have a perfect stance on every scenario. If you are interested in the subject I recommend this:
The Philosophy of Childhood (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) as a good way to establish a base for the moral quandaries posed
Oh, on a less (equally?) weird but similar topic, how close are we to making Vocaloids? Is there anything resembling Vocaloids yet, or could we make bank creating AI Idols? I know they're incredibly popular, and encouraging creative talent in/from the general public is a good idea.
A voice synthesizer could be made fairly quickly. Actual AI idols are hard to make and require more work on your AI.