They won't feel it unless we want them to feel it plus being able to cut people electricity bill will earn us a fair amount of goodwill, especially from those who are less well offThe influence you describe is kind of limited by the fact that people don't much care who their power company is. They won't feel it.
I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure we aren't making it in a lab, I don't think we ever took the option for synthetic Kryptonite soo the literal mountain of the stuff we currently have is all naturalI am almost certain that that's not how it works. Kryptonite is great stuff, but if we're making it in a lab in appreciable quantities, it's not "power the entire city of Metropolis for decades" level.
Also I'm not 100% but I'm pretty sure @King crimson has said in the past that Kryptonite lasts for a very long time, which is a big reason why we pushed it so much as an alternative energy source
I see two main issues with thatThey don't have to come steal them. We can sell the things if they get that far. It's not like "attack the Earth and steal its stuff" is proving to be a particularly safe enterprise these days, and you know it's only going to get worse.
1) Most aliens so far haven't really been willing to negotiate, and the one who was was closer to extortion, and it's much easier for them to swing down, grab a Cold Engine and leave than a full on invasion. Not to mention it's be worth it for something that revolutionary
2) We don't really know what a Cold Engine is worth, especially when we're dealing with an interstellar economy centuries more advanced than we are
Fair points, I do think now is the smartest time in universe to mak a push to swap over to Kryptonite energy but there are definitely other things we could be doing with that action and Lance that would also be usefulAs for Kryptonite also being reality-breaking... well, yes. It is. That's my point. We have multiple unbeatable competitive advantages over any sort of mundane power supply company. That means that it's an utter waste to burn actions (which do have value) and even limited psuedo-heroes like Lance on trying to advertise when we have other things we could do with them (like adding to the PR push, even in small ways) that would support our main focuses (and we've got a fair number of them by now) rather than just getting an effectively inevitable win a little faster.
FairThat's not it. First, we only really have 25 actions, because if we're not sinking two of them into double-down, we're doing it wrong. The supercomputer is maybe a 26th?
Actually it's more like 33-35 because Rose is off doing stuff with her family for th next few turns and Pamela might be working for the EPA though hopefully notSecond, we have 37 full heroes. That drops to 35 once we send Edward off to hang with the assassins and have Cass training herself. It maybe bumps back up to 36 if we get to deploy Talia in return.
Though it is theoretically possible that we might get a chance to grab some former S.T.A.R Labs units in the clean up of all this but we'll see
While I see where you're coming from I do think that this oversimplifies it somewhat, not all heroes or combination of heroes are equal and if there's an action we really want to do with a high DC it can theoretically mess up the whole equilibriumNow, we're going to want to do a fair amount of doubling up, and a few teams of tree or so, but it's still a fairly healthy hero-to-action ratio. While we do absolutely have *some* appetite for the little things, it's not but so large, and we have little things to spend that appetite on, anyway.
I also don't think that "very specific things" even remotely describes our decision-making process here. "what actions do we take" votes are a massive cat-herding exercise, and none of us are very good at herding cats.
That's fair, admittedly I have an aversion to significant risk and would rather have a series of good victories on seemingly smaller things in the background with a few big projects we want to succeed massively on than taking risks with going for a lot of bigger projectsYou're trying to spread out our heroes so that we get small wins all over the place, rather than the big game-changers. Now, I'm not saying that we should go tilting at windmills here. High DCs are an issue, and they're a reason to avoid certain actions... but the major wins on difficult tasks are the thing that actually brings home the value for us, and draining away actions and hero assignments on minimally important stuff doesn't really do much.
This might be a misunderstanding on what the power action actually does, potentially on my end I'm not sureAt this point, we shouldn't be bothering to advertise. We have a PR push to make, that we can use Lance for, and it's all about writing the narrative for what just happened with Brainiac. That's going to be *hugely* more valuable to our real long-term goals than trying to win a backyard advertising fight for "who provides your power" that we're winning based on tech advantages anyway. I mean, Metropolis is already enthusiastic about us owning a chunk of the police. We don't need our label on their power meter for the to know whose city this really is... and it's not like we'd exploit our iron grip on the city's power supply even if we got it.
I didn't interpret that action as just a PR campaign to convince people to switch over their electricity provider but rather a plan to lobby the local government to change the city's power infrastructure so that all of Metropolis' electricity is provided by us, it's basically the difference between sending out pamphlets to try and get people to sign a contract and back room deals to fundamentally alter the infrastructure of the entire city
That's fair, if I end up being wrong about the power action then you're absolutely right that that action would be better spent elsewhereBut yeah. I think that heroes are a limited resource. I also think that actions are a limited resource. We can be using both of them to push ourselves forward. Now, I admit that your last idea had virtues I didn't see at first... but it wasn't "dominate the agricultural market", it was "be the reason that this country isn't starving to death". That is the kind of influence we can take to the bank. When you try to think small, you burn resources doing small things, and then you can't do as many big things. We should be spending our heroes doing stuff that really moves the needle on our overall level of power and social control and ability to do stuff. We should be using our non-hero actions supporting that.