@King crimson can we send Jade to Keystone Motors to learn about cars and such?
You could, though I don't guarantee it'll happen if you assign her to the action (Jade can still go "no I'm doing my own thing now").
Also, a completely unrelated question, has the thread ever done anything so completely out of your expectations that you were genuinely taken aback, be it good or bad? Something that you just plain didn't foresee at all.
I think the big one is the current coop score system. The original coop score, as I came up with it wasn't very good and it was actually the thread that went and revamped it into its current form (which I like a lot more). I don't know if I'd say it was something that took me aback but it was a moment where the thread caught me completely by surprise and I didn't see it coming.
Another thing that really surprised me is when I found out that people found Marie and her struggles with "living in the wrong body" kind of allegorical for the trans experience. Going into writing her, I very much did not have that in mind but on getting it explained to me I found it really impactful. It kind of actually ended up shifting a bit about how I thought about writing the character and it has influenced other stuff.
In general I really didn't foresee the reaction/popularity this quest ended up having. I'm not going to get too into this but for a bit of context, this quest was initially written as a sort of "fine I'll do it myself" type of deal when I got frustrated with how other people were running their quest, and I was on antidepressants/in a worse state of mind. It's really neat seeing how big this thing I made get over the years. I'm really grateful to everyone who has stuck with me throughout it all even as I continue to grow and evolve and the quest continues to grow and evolve as well.
[X] [HIVE] Inform Queen Bee that you will pass on her information about HIVE's US ties to a trusted ally in the government with insider knowledge of the involved parties while you and a separate ally shall investigate the European cult and the Kobra situation. In the meantime she should focus on rooting out spies and information leaks within her own ranks.
Here's my plan for the HIVE situation, is this okay @King crimson?
Yes that is okay.
Huh, fair enough. I was operating under the assumption that we were going with the "Diana has been around since WW1" origin but okay.
So to potentially clarify a little bit, Diana has been alive longer than since WW1 but she has been off of Themyscira for less than a decade.
This is apropos of nothing but something I've always liked about the Norse pantheon is that depending on your interpretation Loki is either just a jackass or was almost completely justified to kill Balder.
Either he just decided it would be funny to kill his adopted nephew for shits and giggles or after centuries of being the Aesir's whipping boy and all his children being subjected to horrible fates decided to give Odin a taste of his own medicine.
Of course that ignores the "Loki is a facet of Odin" theory.
Loki is a really messy god to adapt because what we know of Loki is heavily warped. He's been heavily syncretized with Satan, there's a very similar fire god named Logi, and there's also a giant named Utgar-Loki. There's a lot of room to make Loki a lot of different things because we just don't know enough about him to really solidly pin down who he is and what he's about.
In adapting Loki, I tried to balance the more malicious side of Loki with more positive attributes as well. I wanted to write him in such a way where there's not really a clear cut "bad guy" amongst Norse Pantheon.
Well, there's some speculation that Santa Claus is actually very loosely based on certain aspects of the Odin/Woden/??? divine persona, sort of creatively remixed and reimagined by Christianity.
But I'm not qualified to say if there's any support for that, mythologically speaking. Still, maybe they're cousins or something.
If you look at stuff like the Wild Hunt and its origins, Odin has fairly strong ties to figures like Oberon, King Arthur and more via them being considered "leaders" of the Wild Hunt. Odin's arguably been remixed into massive amount of stuff (Wednesday's are named after him).
I'm not an expert but just looking at the guys list of names (
List of names of Odin - Wikipedia), it's clear that he's massively tied to a lot of different stuff. Father Christmas and by extension Santa Claus don't really derive from him as far as I can tell, but they've incorporated a lot of aspects of him considering that Odin's been sitting around Western Europe collecting names for centuries.
Edit: Also Odin has a good number of brothers who don't really do all that much after helping to kill Ymir. If I wanted to go full syncretism, I'd probably have the Santa Claus connection arrive from that angle.