Lex Sedet In Vertice: A Supervillain in the DCU CK2 quest

What sort of tone should I shoot for with this Quest?

  • Go as crack fueled as you can we want Ambush Bug, Snowflame and Duckseid

    Votes: 30 7.7%
  • Go for something silly but keep a little bit of reason

    Votes: 31 7.9%
  • Adam West Camp

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Balanced as all things should be

    Votes: 195 50.0%
  • Mostly serious but not self-involvedly so

    Votes: 73 18.7%
  • Dark and brooding but with light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • We're evil and we don't want anyone to be happy

    Votes: 22 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So I took a look at Leslie and Starfire's stats and coop scores, here's a few things I noticed:

Leslie has 41 Martial and 33 Intrigue!

Leslie has coop at 1 or greater with Mercy, Oswald, Jinx, Lisa, Caitlin, and Siobhan. Great for getting strong Martial and Intrigue actions completed (possibly a spy network soon). Leslie can do well with Oswald on a Diplomacy action, hers is 17.

Leslie's two traits "Ghost in the Machine" and "The Mind Electric" could synergize well with actions to analyze and learn about machines because she can inhabit the machine and start playing around with the internals to see what each piece has to do with the final output. She can pair up with a hero with higher learning like Meena (0.9 coop) or with Lex (0.8 coop) to really boost the results. Just let her inhabit captured armor (Amok's armor) weapons (anything we've gotten in the past) or vehicles (the Super Tank) and it may be a better boost to the tech results we can get out of it.
I'm hoping to get her on the hunt for T.O. Morrow sometime in the next two turns. With her intrigue and her abilities we have a good chance of looting some good stuff even if we don't find the him.
Hey everyone, here's a status report on how everything is going. All of the character information besides the other encountered characters, Caitlin's new coop scores and Talia al Ghul's stuff, should be up now. Feel free to check that out and let me know if I missed anything. I'll hopefully also be getting up my "fun post" (it's about character voices) up today as well.
Double-posting because I'm an idiot and missed this at first.
@King crimson assuming we buy Zeta-Beam Systems from Part 5, how does incorporating them into our buildings work?
You take an action to build Zeta Beam systems. Then depending on how well you do you get a set number of Zeta beam systems. Then in a subvote you get to place those systems in any building/land you own wherever you please.

Does that make sense?
Double-posting because I'm an idiot and missed this at first.

You take an action to build Zeta Beam systems. Then depending on how well you do you get a set number of Zeta beam systems. Then in a subvote you get to place those systems in any building/land you own wherever you please.

Does that make sense?
Okay, probably going to have to put together a team for that. Is it a stewardship action or a learning one? I'm asking because the ZBS seem advanced enough for the latter to possibly apply.
Hello, more status updates, all of Caitlin's stuff should be fixed and ready to go. I plan on getting Talia's stuff up much later tonight and then finishing the rest of the other encountered characters over the course of the week. Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
So I've been taking another look at the winning plan and while I agree or can accept most of it the one thing I'm not sure about is why we're bothering to expand Future Construction into Gotham? Sure there's probably a lot of construction work to be done there but so far we have almost universally agreed to avoid expanding into Gotham any more than necessary and I feel like we'd be better off either just grabbing the 1000 workers or choosing another city we intend to have an actual presence in
So I've been taking another look at the winning plan and while I agree or can accept most of it the one thing I'm not sure about is why we're bothering to expand Future Construction into Gotham? Sure there's probably a lot of construction work to be done there but so far we have almost universally agreed to avoid expanding into Gotham any more than necessary and I feel like we'd be better off either just grabbing the 1000 workers or choosing another city we intend to have an actual presence in
I will request that you cut the bit about a contract for the security of Arkham. That's something I'd rather save for a follow up vote since I likely will do interludes going forward from this point.
One of the potential outcomes of the toybox vote is a contract for the improvement of Arkham security, which is easier with future construction expanded into Gotham.

With Krank's reputation doomed to ending up in the shitter I need a different option to be our legitimate business in gotham in retaliation for Bruce buying the Daily profit.

This "universal agreed to not expand into Gotham more than necessary" is very inaccurate. There are some members of the voter base, yourself among them, who are very much against any gotham involvement. These feelings are in no way universal and after the purchase of the daily planet several people wanted to retaliate by buying out something in Gotham.

the main reason we don't have anything is gotham so far is there is a lot to get done and it's easy to get gotham options pushed down so far in favor of our other options in the approval vote format. Overall while there is Anti-Gotham sentiment, it succeeds by lack of competing pro gotham faction rather than wide spread acceptance.

Their is a for fun vote to outright build a Joker mobile among the current contenders. If that isn't indicative of interest in being more involved in gotham I don't know what is.
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Some thoughts on Character's voices and manner of speaking
My thoughts about Character's Voice's/manner of speaking
This is what I imagine each character somewhat sounds like. This is not necessarily canon and might change later on. Feel free to ask me about other characters if you are interested in hearing more on this subject.
  • Lex Luthor: Lex Luthor has a deep baritone gravelly voice. I always imagine his voice as being the Clancy Brown take from the DCAU.
  • Mercy Graves: Mercy Graves has a voice on the lower end of the register and is relatively dry in delivery most of the time. She's got both a sarcastic and a sadistic edge that will fairly often leak into her voice if she's not trying to keep it as flat and professional as possible
  • Pamela Isley: Pamela speaks with a slow slightly breathy tone most of the time. Her words are velvety and caress the ear. However when Pamela gets emotionally excited about something, she looses a lot of the smooth calm relaxing tone she normally adopts and instead shifts into a more manic, fire and brimstone preacher style of speaking and tone of voice.
  • Professor Ivo: Professor Ivo spoke with a very distinct wheezing rasp in his later years. When he was younger he spoke a lot clearer and more flamboyantly. I always imagined him as sounding a little like Dr. Eggman with a terrible, terrible smoking habit that was dealing its toll upon him.
  • Katherine Kane: Katherine's voice is a little on the flatter end though she is by no means emotionless. Katherine is fairly brusque and direct when talking and likes to get to the point. Around people she trusts, Katherine gets a little more chatty but for the most part she remains relatively terse.
  • Roxanne Sutton: Roxy speaks with a mix of a New York and Gotham accent. Her voice is loud and bold and she often doesn't really regulate her volume beyond how she's feeling in the moment.
  • Rebecca Carstairs: Rebecca speaks in a deliberate and measured manner. Slight traces of an Oregon accent come into play when she's extraordinarily angry but for the most part that's unnoticeable to the average listener.
  • Carol Ferris: Carol has really two voices/styles of speaking. As Carol Ferris she has a Californian accent and is a lot more willing to do display emotions with her tone. As Ultraviolet, Carol actively hides her accent and tries to project her voice a lot more, whilst also making sure to keep things generally heroic in tone even if it does sometimes slip up.
  • Karl Helfern: Karl speaks with a German accent. His voice is noticeably older and more weathered.
  • Cassandra Luthor: I always pictured Cassandra Luthor as sounding a little bit like Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender. Obviously, she can regulate and fake her tone but her natural speaking tone is one that constantly projects a sense of superiority that masks what emotions she's genuinely thinking. Cassandra speaks Spanish with a Castilian accent.
  • Mari McCabe: Mari speaks relatively straightforwardly though she'll happily include more flowery language when possible. Her voice is relatively difficult to pick out of a crowd but she tends to stay level, calm and confident when she is speaking instead of modulating wildly with pitch and tone.
  • Oswald Loomis: Oswald has a relatively high pitched tone of voice. He's not particularly loud or screechy but he does tend to be fairly camp in his delivery and likes to exaggerate emotional response. I see his voice as a sort of cross between Pee Wee Herman and Mr. Rogers.
  • Jinx: Jinx's voice is fairly similar to the Lauren Tom performance from the Teen Titans show. That being said I imagine quest!Jinx's voice to be a little deeper. Jinx has a distinct deranged sounding cackle.
  • Carl Draper: Carl Draper speaks with a slight Kansas accent and a general paternalistic bent and tone to his words. His voice very rarely moves away from a slightly self-satisfied and amused tone. Carl is relatively quiet though when he gets going he can get frighteningly intense.
  • Felicity Smoak: I will freely admit that I imagine Felicity more or less sounding like the version from Arrow with a more reigned in and business oriented tone most of the time.
  • Marie Louise Dahl: Marie Louise Dahl has two distinct voices. The voice she performs to be taken seriously is flat dry and often level in tone. It is business-oriented and uninterested in anyone else's shit. Marie also notably tries to pitch herself down to sound "more adult". Marie's actual speaking voice is a lot more high pitched and childish and has a notable Gotham/New Jersey accent. Marie generally does not use her natural speaking voice in public unless she is speaking to someone she is very personally close to, or she is emotionally compromised. Marie used to have a third style of speaking her "Baby Doll" voice which took her natural speaking voice and exaggerated and enhanced the childish elements of it. This voice has more or less been retired and Marie doesn't speak like this at all anymore.
  • Edward Nygma: Edward Nygma's voice is pompous smug and constantly performative. I seem him speaking like a twisted cruel version of Alex Trebek that swallowed a thesaurus and is now regurgitating as many large words as possible to clear his airway whilst also trying to make everyone around him look stupid.
  • Rose Wilson: Rose speaks with a slight California accent. She's terse, blunt and lets a general sense of disdain leak into her tone when she's not in "soldier mode".
  • Dr. Moon: Dr. Moon constantly talks like he's trying to project the most normal boring, milquetoast personality possible. He's quiet, unassuming and not really much of a loud-mouth. However, if he goes into full mad scientist mode, he drops all regulation of his tone and instead wildly veers into a deranged jubilant self-satisfaction with his own sadism and madness. Dr. Moon is at his scariest when he's happy and excited and he doesn't really display sadness or anger.
  • Lisa Snart: Lisa often alternates between speaking cloyingly sweet and viciously acerbic and cruel depending on who she's talking to. She doesn't have any notable accent when speaking.
  • Leonard Snart: Leonard speaks with a slight South Midland accent. He's business-like and blunt in his speech and prone to profanity. Leonard generally tries to project himself as a big tough gruff guy and so doesn't often display happiness, joy or sadness openly when speaking.
  • Samuel Scudder: Sam's got a working class style of speech though he's a lot more bombastic and braggadocious than most people. I see him as talking in a style slightly similar to a carnival barker.
  • Mick Rory: The accent's not at all correct but I kind of imagine Mick talking like a younger Mike Ehrmantraut. In general I think being gruff and straightforward but also having a bit of a caring side towards kids suits Mick well. Granted I don't have a crazy solid idea for his voice.
  • Lucy Lane: Lucy Lane can regulate her tone fairly well but she tends to be on the louder side of things. Lucy doesn't speak constantly but when she does speak she wants to be heard. She's generally fairly calm and level but she can get irked and when someone gets under her skin she's very willing to get loud and a little more screechy than she wants to be in a professional setting.
  • Meena Dhawan: Meena speaks very, very fast. She's by far the biggest motor mouth in Quest and she's capable of completely overwhelming someone unprepared to listen to her. Meena is generally bubbly and positive in how she presents things.
  • Caitlin Snow: Caitlin has a relatively composed voice but that doesn't mean she doesn't get emotional or get more intense. I see her as sounding similar to how when Jennifer Hale voices her, only generally more openly emotive and expressive than how she is usually portrayed
  • Louise Lincoln: Louise Lincoln is someone I imagine having a rather shrill voice and being a lot more out there and abrasive in her delivery. In a lot of ways, she'd kind of lean into an easy sort of "wicked witch" archetype for her voice.
  • Vivian D'Aramis: Vivian D'Aramis speaks with a French accent. She tends to speak a little slowly and carefully enunciates things.
  • Constance D'Aramis: Constance D'Aramis also speaks with a French accent. Her tone and cadence are a bit bolder and more confrontational than her twin sisters are, so her accent actually tends to be more pronounced.
  • Robert Frost: I always see Robert Frost as talking very dryly and flatly, keeping a near emotionless tone at all times though he would often get irked and aggravated. I'd almost compare him to Owen Burnett from Gargoyles except he's a little more emotive when it comes to expressing annoyance.
  • Nathan Warbow: Nathan has a fairly deep voice. That being said he's also very quiet and soft spoken. Nathan similarly tries to hide his more emotional and sensitive side behind a more gruff tone of voice.
  • Paige Monroe: This might be a cop out but I see Paige as having a tone somewhat similar to that of the DCAU version of the character. The main difference in terms of delivery is that I see the quest's version of Paige Monroe as being more operatic and pitiable at times rather than the more bitter angry and enraged version of the DCAU. Paige speaks dramatically and operatically, making it immensely clear to anyone who listens to her, exactly how she feels at any given moment.
  • Lana Lang: Lana Lang is someone who I imagine still speaks with a slight Kansas drawl. It's not exceedingly out there, but it is present. I also imagine Lana as being a relatively light speaker and generally keeps things fairly open and honest with her words and tone.
  • Rene Carpenter: Rene Carpenter speaks methodically and calculatedly. She deliberately tries to cultivate a somewhat friendly, approachable and professional facade when she's not being obsequious to someone else.
  • Elaine Marsh Morton: Elaine speaks English with a distinct RP (Received Pronunciation) accent. She speaks French and Latin with an awful, over-powering English accent. Elaine generally speaks a little bit like a Jane Austen novel, or more accurately, what a stereotypical impression of dialogue in a Jane Austen novel might sound like. As such Elaine will often employ double-speak when she wants to convey a point. She won't say that she "assassinates people" but instead she'll phrase it as something along the lines that she "does away with undesirables". The mask will slip and she will get more direct when pressed but generally Elaine likes to play at being a well-mannered and proper noble.
  • Edward Wells: Edward Wells doesn't speak with an accent. His voice is often bland and neutral but has a distinct bit of contempt leaking into it. Edward is somewhat taciturn, blunt and to the point and his speech is a reflection of that.
  • Siobhan McDougal: Siobhan speaks with a heavy Irish accent. She's generally rather passive and quiet but when she gets riled up she tends to get a lot louder and more foul mouthed. Siobhan's singing voice is a fair bit different then her speaking voice. I imagine her to sound a bit like a younger grungier Dolores O'Riordan.
  • Helena Bertinelli: Helena Bertinelli speaks English without any notable accent. She does speak Italian with a slight Tuscan accent. Helena speaks straightforwardly and, when not dealing with children, is actually relatively crude, blunt and aggressive. With children present, Helena notably tones these aspects aspects of her way of speaking down a fair bit
  • Raven: I feel like this is also a cop out but I imagine that Raven speaks like the Teen Titans Tara Strong version.
  • Fixit: Fixit sounds fairly like a text to speech program. He can convey emotions but his voice is notably artificial and modulated.
  • Leslie Willis: Leslie Willis speaks with a slight Maryland accent though it's not incredibly heavy. She speaks fast and often likes to exaggerate or emphasize her words in a more dramatic fashion. Leslie was already capable of doing very accurate impressions of other people but since becoming Livewire she's gotten even better, being able to effectively modulate her voice to sound like nearly anyone for at least a short period of time.
  • Starfire: Starfire has a genuinely sweet, upbeat and optimistic tone when speaking. However due to having gotten her language skills from Cassandra, all of her vocabulary and accents transfer over to some degree.
  • Talia al Ghul: Talia al Ghul speaks English with a mix of an RP and an Arabic accent. Her actual accent does not line up at all with any actual single country and is immensely difficult to place beyond just "foreign". Talia can modulate and alter her voice to speak in a wide variety of accents but prefers to indicate some degree of foreignness and uniqueness when she wants to be memorable. Talia tends to speak very deliberately and languidly.
  • Ra's al Ghul: Ra's al Ghul speaks English in a Victorian accent. He tends to keep his tone imperious and cold. Ra's al Ghul's Arabic has modernized a fair bit but every so often he'll slip in an odd old pronunciation or term and keen listeners could theoretically pick up on it. Likewise his German and French similarly well occasionally out that he first learned how to speak medieval dialects of the language.
  • Lois Lane: Lois Lane tends to speak fast and with a dry sarcastic edge to her words. Again probably a cop out but I like to imagine that she sounds very similar to her DCAU version.
  • Jimmy Olsen: Jimmy Olsen has a slightly dweeby sounding voice. The sort of voice that makes you think he got picked on in high school and had his lunch money stolen.
  • Dan Turpin: Dan Turpin sounds like a gruffer slightly more deep voiced Jack Kirby.
  • Clark Kent: Clark Kent has really two voices he uses. The Clark Kent voice contains a slight but noticeable Kansas drawl while as Superman the accent is completely gone. Clark does this deliberately in order to obfuscate his identity and to make it more difficult to connect Clark Kent with Superman. Both of them have fairly rich timbres to their voice.
  • Parasite: Parasite initially had a whiny, nasally tone as Rudy Jones. As Parasite he's kept a lot of the petulant vocabulary but now his voice sounds deeper and has a bit of a reverb to it.
  • Bruno Manneheim: Bruno Manneheim speaks with a very heavy Baltimore accent. He's gruff aggressive and almost always shouting or yelling something. He doesn't really modulate his volume.
  • Metallo: Metallo has a distinctly South African accent. His voice is identical to what it was before he became Metallo save perhaps that now it's coming out of a speaker which leads to some slight distortion. His tone is snide, angry and constantly looking for a fight.
  • Toyman: Toyman has a light slightly nasally and childish voice. He's fairly soft spoken and doesn't get exceptionally loud though his laughter is over the top and maniacal. Toyman tends to exude a quiet subtle menace when he talks.
  • Ultra-Humanite: I always imagine Ultra-Humanite speaking like a basso profundo opera singer that has some cotton wedged into their mouth, causing them to talk a little oddly. Ultra-Humanite has a very, very deep voice and a flowery almost Shakespearean style of speaking.
  • Brainiac: I'm going to go with a classic but I imagine Brainiac sounding like a mix of Corey Burton's DCAU performance and a text to speech device.
  • Lobo: Lobo to me always kind of sounds like John DiMaggio channeling Hulk Hogan without outright screaming and reigning it in a touch. He is very, very loud and over the top though.
  • Hellgrammite: Hellgrammite has an unusually high pitched eerie voice mixed in with a rasping quality and a distorted echo to it. I imagine he sounds like a raspier, echoey, more sibilant version of Judge Doom's voice from the climax of Who Framed Roger Rabit.
  • Bruce Wayne: Again it might be obvious but I've got to go with Kevin Conroy's DCAU performance for Batman.
  • Wade Eiling: I always imagine Wade Eiling to sound loud and confrontational without being over the top cartoonish. I always imagine him to sound a little like Sam Elliot's take on Thunderbolt Ross.
  • Queen Bee: Queen Bee is someone whom I imagine to sound like the Young Justice version and be voiced by Marina Sirtis.
  • Count Vertigo: Count Vertigo speaks with a notably heavy Eastern European accent. His actual accent would be tied to the fictional country of Vlatava but I imagine it might sound something like a Serbian accent though I'm not fully set on this. Count Vertigo has a fairly deep voice.
One of the potential outcomes of the toybox vote is a contract for the improvement of Arkham security, which is easier with future construction expanded into Gotham.

With Krank's reputation doomed to ending up in the shitter I need a different option to be our legitimate business in gotham in retaliation for Bruce buying the Daily profit.

This "universal agreed to not expand into Gotham more than necessary" is very inaccurate. There are some members of the voter base, yourself among them, who are very much against any gotham involvement. These feelings are in no way universal and after the purchase of the daily planet several people wanted to retaliate by buying out something in Gotham.

the main reason we don't have anything is gotham so far is there is a lot to get done and it's easy to get gotham options pushed down so far in favor of our other options in the approval vote format. Overall while there is Anti-Gotham sentiment, it succeeds by lack of competing pro gotham faction rather than wide spread acceptance.

Their is a for fun vote to outright build a Joker mobile among the current contenders. If that isn't indicative of interest in being more involved in gotham I don't know what is.
Firstly I feel the need to specify that I didn't mean universal as in I thought everyone supported not getting involved so much as I meant that pretty much every time the topic has come up we've decided not to get more involved with Gotham pretty much every time

Secondly if that's genuinely what people want to do then sure, I'd personally rather not but that's democracy for you
Last status report before I sleep. Talia's stuff has been added onto the character stuff. She's got some weirdness to her (she doesn't give you extra actions and she's got a ton of coop scores that end in a ?) but I think she'll be interesting to check out. I do think she has one of the most interesting traits in the game thus far. I'm curious to see what you all think. I've also made a good amount of corrections to Leslie and Starfire's stuff, though a solid chunk of it was formatting stuff. I need to sleep but I hope you all enjoy.
Talia has good stats in everything except learning, and it makes sense that she won't give an extra action with 1.3 coop with Lex because she is still part of Ra's Al Ghul's faction, and both she and Lex are wary of sharing too much info with each other.

She has coop of 1 or higher with Lex, Pamela, Karl, Cassandra, Caitlin, Louise, Robert, Elaine, Helena, and Starfire. It is either due to respecting the person, or knowing how to manipulate them to get what she wants out of them.

A few coops that caught my attention:

Cooperation score with Karl Helfern: 1.7? (Talia is immensely interested in Karl Helfern and his bone growth formula and thinks that his ideas might be useful to incorporate into her own faction if she makes a formal break from her father. She doesn't mind his anger and his depression and instead sees them as useful points in which she can manipulate him and keep him focused on whatever she wants him to do. Karl for his part sees Talia as an individual with vision who is understanding of the future and often misses how effectively she steers and gaslights him to be as productive as possible. Talia is not actively bad for Karl's mental health, but she's entirely uninterested in helping him get over his issues as doing so would likely mean he'd become less focused on producing the products and formulas she wants him to)
Talia may be someone interested in creating and utilizing bone serum soldiers in the future. This is actually the seconded highest coop she has with anyone at LexCorp, the top one is with Cassandra at 1.8 coop.

Cooperation score with Carl Draper: 0.5? (Talia has come to the conclusion that Carl Draper is probably the person most personally dangerous to her at LexCorp. Whilst Lex Luthor and Mercy Graves are objectively more dangerous, she's confident that Carl is actually more dangerous due to his ability to fade into the background a lot more and his general management of the Department of Internal Review. He's one of the few people that Talia is convinced could work with the Leage of Shadows and would be exactly as effective as he is now. As such Talia tries to keep her distance aroudn him so that she can get a better read on his personality. Carl for his part doesn't really have many thoughts about Talia)
She's wary of Carl, but sees how valuable his skills are. Everyone wants to poach him, we should give Carl some kind of power enhancement soon.

Cooperation score with Dr. Moon: 0.5? (Dr. Moon and Talia al Ghul have been nothing but polite and routinely courteous to one another. It's unclear how they actually feel about one another)
My thoughts are they either really hate each other, or they don't want to draw speculation as to what Dr. Moon has done for the League of Shadows in the past so they put on the casual act.
[ ] [RTS] Dr. Moon
Unlike the other individuals who Oswald found Dr. Moon is not really all that well known. His background is completely blank and while he professes to be a skilled biologist you are not sure. One thing he has admitted which is concerning is that he has worked with the League of Shadows before and is known to them. The matter is concerning and you aren't sure that you should let him in

Cooperation score with Helena Bertinelli: 1.1 (Talia and Helena get along fairly well and their shared expensive tastes gives them an easy angle to bond with one another. Talia likes Helena and would be interested in poaching her for her own use if it wouldn't offend LexCorp. She's unlikely to do so, due to viewing LexCorp as more valuable than Helena but she does lament that they didn't meet when she was in Gotham. Helena for her part finds Talia to be nice enough if a little formal and haughty)
Too slow Talia! Both should be on the assassination action against Mandragora when it comes up.

Looking at her two traits:
From Shadows: If Talia takes performs an intrigue action that is not detected by any opposing hero units prior to the bonus kicking in add 25 to the end of Talia's role. This trait does activate on rerolls
Intrigue actions investigating information or origins, that won't have another person or group actively trying to hide the info or stop any intrusions/investigations. There's a few actions like that on the action list.

Ghul's Gold: If Talia assigned a stewardship action, in exchange for cancelling the rolls of all hero units assigned to the action and making intrigue actions to check what occurred with the stewardship action significantly easier, Talia can automatically set the result of the roll to any number between 1 and 100
So she can be assigned solo to a stewardship action, gets full control of the action to see every bit of how it works, there will be no roll, and she can alter or sabotage it to be anything in the range of 1-100. If we're willing to give up all company information involved she could take any Stewardship action and make it 100 for us, that's how I'm interpreting this.
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So Talia is pretty much what I was expecting and she'd be kind of a pain if it wasn't clear that she wants this alliance to work just as much as we do, honestly if it weren't for the potentially blatant ties to a terrorist organisation I might be tempted to abandon Team Quern Bee for Team Talia

Now as for her traits I have a couple of questions @King crimson
From Shadows: If Talia takes performs an intrigue action that is not detected by any opposing hero units prior to the bonus kicking in add 25 to the end of Talia's role. This trait does activate on rerolls
Does this apply if there were no opposing heroes or only if someone actually was opposing her?
Ghul's Gold: If Talia assigned a stewardship action, in exchange for cancelling the rolls of all hero units assigned to the action and making intrigue actions to check what occurred with the stewardship action significantly easier, Talia can automatically set the result of the roll to any number between 1 and 100
Firstly, I appreciate the wordplay

Secondly if I'm reading this right it means if we put Talia on any Stewardship action we risk her basically rigging it, potentially in our favour potentially not, in exchange for it being fairly easy to discover she'd done so. That about right?
Talia may be someone interested in creating and utilizing bone serum soldiers in the future. This is actually the seconded highest coop she has with anyone at LexCorp, the top one is with Cassandra at 1.8 coop.
I also think it's worth considering that if she were to learn about Pamela's powers their co-op could very well increase as well since she seems to know that there's something else about Pamela that keeps her in the inner circle
She's wary of Carl, but sees how valuable his skills are. Everyone wants to poach him, we should give Carl some kind of power enhancement soon.
I'm really hoping that we can either get some quixium from Vertigo or finally mine some of our own soon, Carl with the ability to control the earth would be amazing
Intrigue actions investigating information or origins, that won't have another person or group actively trying to hide the info or stop any intrusions/investigations. There's a few actions like that on the action list.
I don't think it requires there to not be another group, just that they don't succeed in discovering her
So she can be assigned solo to a stewardship action
It's not just if she's assigned solo, if she's put on a team she can just cancel out their bonuses to do it if she wants
I don't think it requires there to not be another group, just that they don't succeed in discovering her
I'm aware, I'm just counting things like security guards and cameras as things that factor into the trait, their purpose is to discover intruders or catch evidence of it happening.

It's not just if she's assigned solo, if she's put on a team she can just cancel out their bonuses to do it if she wants
Yes, but if we're going to have her use the trait we wouldn't put more hero units on the action unless we want them monitoring her, or affecting the rewards but not the roll results. For low DC actions it's better to just have her solo on it since we'll get most of the rewards on a 100.

I'm really hoping that we can either get some quixium from Vertigo or finally mine some of our own soon, Carl with the ability to control the earth would be amazing
I really wish we could do this, if we set up a Zeta-Beam to Terenverti, no reason Vertigo couldn't share info on Quixium with us, even if it is somewhat tainted due to being mixed with the Bone Serum.

I also think it's worth considering that if she were to learn about Pamela's powers their co-op could very well increase as well since she seems to know that there's something else about Pamela that keeps her in the inner circle
It could also scare her due to being near a mind-manipulator, and wondering if Lex has had Pamela dose her in the past.
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Cooperation score with Helena Bertinelli: 1.1 (Talia and Helena get along fairly well and their shared expensive tastes gives them an easy angle to bond with one another. Talia likes Helena and would be interested in poaching her for her own use if it wouldn't offend LexCorp. She's unlikely to do so, due to viewing LexCorp as more valuable than Helena but she does lament that they didn't meet when she was in Gotham. Helena for her part finds Talia to be nice enough if a little formal and haughty)
Sorry for being nit picky here but but Talia and Helena met before and Talia was dismissive of Helena on first impression.
Intrigue actions investigating information or origins, that won't have another person or group actively trying to hide the info or stop any intrusions/investigations. There's a few actions like that on the action list.

I don't think that's accurate. The way I read it her trait is: "If Talia's Intrigue allows her to pass an Intrigue action without getting caught (meaning that no one suspects anything, which means a decent-to-significant success at least) then retroactively add 25 points to the original roll and any potential subsequent rolls that may come after said addition."
I don't think that's accurate. The way I read it her trait is: "If Talia's Intrigue allows her to pass an Intrigue action without getting caught (meaning that no one suspects anything, which means a decent-to-significant success at least) then retroactively add 25 points to the original roll and any potential subsequent rolls that may come after said addition."
Yeah. It triggered for the intrigue based action to acquire more brainiac tech. Gonna agree with you here.
Does this apply if there were no opposing heroes or only if someone actually was opposing her?
It applies whenever she is not detected on an intrigue action, regardless of whether or not a roll is made against her. Does that answer your question?
Firstly, I appreciate the wordplay
I'm glad you enjoyed the wordplay.
Secondly if I'm reading this right it means if we put Talia on any Stewardship action we risk her basically rigging it, potentially in our favour potentially not, in exchange for it being fairly easy to discover she'd done so. That about right?
Not really. After looking at what you quoted, I need to fix up a few things about the trait so I will try to make how it works a little clearer.

Talia's trait lets her basically make very effective bribes to get stewardship actions done. However, the more bribes she throws around, the easier it is for people to pick up that something unusual and potentially illegal is going on. You can request Talia rig an action for you a specific way if you're willing to potentially risk someone being able to find wrongdoing on your part. You do risk Talia rigging an action for you to fail if she so chooses.

I also realized that I completely dropped an important element of the trait which has bigger changes made even easier to detect. I'll get to updating the trait now.

Edit: I've updated the trait so how it works and what it does should be a little clearer. Talia's trait allows you to guarantee success on stewardship actions with a DC of 100 or lower but it comes with a variable risk of causing you problems later on down the line. Furthermore Talia can significantly sabotage actions but the bigger the difference between the raw dice roll and her sabotage number the easier it is to pick up she messed with stuff. The entire trait gives you a bit of risk reward and uncertainty where you can try and go for the highest option possible if you're willing to deal with more issues later down the line, go for more conservative guaranteed passes to try and minimize fallout or not use the trait if you don't want to risk the odds.
Sorry for being nit picky here but but Talia and Helena met before and Talia was dismissive of Helena on first impression.
No need to apologize. This is a mistake on my part. I'll be fixing that. I won't drop the coop score but I will alter the flavor text.

Edit: I should have made an alteration to the flavor text, thank you for pointing out that error.
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Some stewardship actions become... odd with bribery. Like, what does it mean for Talia to do massive bribery on establishing a new lab? What about if we had her massively overbribe on funding the Lillian Luthor foundation? What about if she used bribes to sabotage an attempt to fund the Lillian Luthor foundation (perhaps because she was feeling peevish about having been assigned to it)? I'm just nto sure what that even looks like.
Some stewardship actions become... odd with bribery. Like, what does it mean for Talia to do massive bribery on establishing a new lab? What about if we had her massively overbribe on funding the Lillian Luthor foundation? What about if she used bribes to sabotage an attempt to fund the Lillian Luthor foundation (perhaps because she was feeling peevish about having been assigned to it)? I'm just nto sure what that even looks like.
I mean to a certain extent it goes into comic book wackiness. The general gist is that she's throwing money to people and/or organizations to get what she wants.

For establishing a new lab that would be bribing the workers to work longer hours, or the supervisor to be stricter and allow less breaks or shifts or any number of things that add up. Overbribing on funding the Lillian Luthor foundation would likely be paying a records person to alter the records to give them more money on paper, or to bribe someone who can print more money to artificially increase the capacity to a set amount or any number of things. Using bribes to sabotage the Lillian Luthor foundation could be paying people to pocket the donations and misappropriate them.

There are ways for me to go about in-universe explaining how the action functions. Does it get a little goofy at times? Yeah, but I don't think it's a massive issue since I can pretty much always find a way to use corruption to make something go faster or slower. Does that make sense?
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Overbribing on funding the Lillian Luthor foundation would likely be paying a records person to alter the records to give them more money on paper, or to bribe someone who can print more money to artificially increase the capacity to a set amount or any number of things. Using bribes to sabotage the Lillian Luthor foundation could be paying people to pocket the donations and misappropriate them
So technically another way to make orphanage more sucessful is to add more orphans ? Or donating orphans to the league?, hahaha just joking
For establishing a new lab that would be bribing the workers to work longer hours...
I thought that was called "overtime." :p

To a large extent, of course, the question that's really being invited here is "how different is what Talia does by throwing money around in an action different from what Lex Luthor presumably does all the time as background radiation?"
I really wish we could do this, if we set up a Zeta-Beam to Terenverti, no reason Vertigo couldn't share info on Quixium with us, even if it is somewhat tainted due to being mixed with the Bone Serum.
Honestly the main issue isn't getting the information it's getting the Quixium itself and hopefully if Vertigo does well against Markovia he'll get some he can send over to us
It could also scare her due to being near a mind-manipulator, and wondering if Lex has had Pamela dose her in the past.
True though I can also see Talia being confident enough to believe she could tell when she'd be influenced and more interested in the possibilities such a power would open up
It applies whenever she is not detected on an intrigue action, regardless of whether or not a roll is made against her. Does that answer your question?
Yes it does thank you
Edit: I've updated the trait so how it works and what it does should be a little clearer. Talia's trait allows you to guarantee success on stewardship actions with a DC of 100 or lower but it comes with a variable risk of causing you problems later on down the line. Furthermore Talia can significantly sabotage actions but the bigger the difference between the raw dice roll and her sabotage number the easier it is to pick up she messed with stuff. The entire trait gives you a bit of risk reward and uncertainty where you can try and go for the highest option possible if you're willing to deal with more issues later down the line, go for more conservative guaranteed passes to try and minimize fallout or not use the trait if you don't want to risk the odds.
In that case my only remaining question is if we choose to ask Talia to use her trait on an action then is how easy it is to tell decided by what the DC was or is the 1d100 still rolled?

Because if it's the latter I'm kind of inclined to never use that trait
To a large extent, of course, the question that's really being invited here is "how different is what Talia does by throwing money around in an action different from what Lex Luthor presumably does all the time as background radiation?"
I would say that the major difference is that Lex doesn't usually out and out bribe people, he might move some money around, make some donations, etc but typically it's all within legal standards. Combine that with his solid reputation and significant influence and it's difficult to find anyone who would accuse him of bribery, never mind make such an accusation stick

Talia on the other hand is much more willing to immediately resort to more direct methods that probably get quicker results but at the cost of being sloppier and more blatantly illegal and she probably isn't helped by the fact that sh doesn't have Lex's reputation