The Quandary
The night was calm, peaceful. A full moon hungover head casting the mountain's shadow on to the rippling water of the lake. Small waves lapping gently at the shore in response to a slight breeze blowing down the mountain. There was no pressing matters for Ling Qi to address right now, nothing but the inner turmoil in her soul as she surveyed the scene from her position.
Sitting on the beach with Zhengui as her backrest she could feel the comforting heat with every breath that Gui took, while Zhen's head splayed across her lap. There was no one else she could sense around her, no animals, no spirits, and certainly no complicated people. She needed this, Ling Qi thought, needed the peace and quiet, the time, to wrestle with her doubts, fears, and personal struggles and demons.
So before she began, she offered a small prayer to the Full moon, for any measure of guidance that it would provide. Ling Qi didn't expect any help, but it was comforting that the possibility was there. Then she began.
"Am I… a bad person? I steal from others, lie, cheat, misrepresent. I ran away from Mother, I ran away from Sun Liling, I simply run away from things that I feel are insurmountable. If I had support, then I might not run away, like that time Meizhen got attacked by Kang Zihao."
Those were the days, when cultivation was all that mattered, getting stronger was all that mattered. Ling Qi's smile twisted upon itself though. Those days are gone, fleeting like the wind. Now her decisions had weight, her existence had weight. She was respected, and her opinion mattered. Trust was given to her, secrets that she felt uncomfortable holding. Secrets that ruin friendships, ruined lives.
"To repay a single favor, I ruined two people's chances to get into the inner sect, and possibly a third. I didn't need to, I might have negotiated for a different favor or ignored it all together. Fu Xiang wasn't ambitious, he didn't have backing of the Bai clan or the interest of the Cai clan. I could have simply shrugged it off and said he misinterpreted things. Pay him the cost of the teleportation formation and be done with it."
So many thoughts, so many choices. Reveal the frame job and the corruption to Cai, accept punishment, and move forward. Simply not acknowledge it and try to reverse the frame job so that only two people get hurt. Or, just move on. So many problems with each one, and nothing to guide her choice. Ling Qi looked briefly at the Full Moon. Heh.
"It felt wrong to destroy those two people's chances when they had done nothing against me. Why though? I've stolen, lied, cheated, and potentially killed before. So why did this time make me feel as though a wrong has been committed? Was it because I didn't need to do it? That there was no personal benefit to me for doing it, simply repaying a debt I owed?"
The waves lapping at her feet gave no response, the moon offered no guidance, and the mountain remained stoic in its silence. The wind carried no relief, and the shore brought her no comfort in her turmoil.
"Can I even work with Cai knowing that I hid secrets from her, secrets that go against her core beliefs and goals? Is that something I am comfortable doing? Will I do similar things should I enjoy Cai's offer, or will I stop privately doing these crimes and simply do my more subtle work when and where Cai directs me? Can I justify breaking the law for my benefit while working with Cai to bring people to justice?"
The frustration was getting to her, she knew. Objectively she knew that striking the sand wouldn't solve her problems, that the problem was too large in scope, affected her future in ways she couldn't perceive or understand, to be able to be solved or mitigated by striking sand.
"When I was old enough to understand what my Mother did and fear the same would happen to me, I ran away. When I was on the streets, every day was a fight for survival and I could spare no thoughts on the morality or consequences of my choices. When I came to the sect I had to fear being beaten and taken advantage of by those who were stronger than me. When I am finally strong enough to hold my own, this CRAP comes up! WHEN WILL THE WORLD STOP MESSING WITH ME!"
A flock of birds fled at her shout, but she couldn't bring herself to care. This was just so exhausting, balancing guilt with a desire to escape punishment. She then felt her companion stirring at her back, and Zhen looked up from his nap.
Looking quizzically at her, then at the indentations in the sand, Zhen asked sleepily, "Is something wrong, Big Sis?"
Ling Qi looked down, and began petting his head with one hand, while reaching her other hand to pet Gui. "Yes, there is something wrong, but it's not something that you can help with right now. It… involves people and how I act towards them, what secrets I tell them, and what their reactions may be."
It was Gui who then spoke, "Are you sure mo… Big Sis? I can bite them until they start making sense!"
"Yes, I'm sure." Ling Qi said with a small smile. "Thank you for the suggestion though. If you really do want to help, then I think the best thing is to just be there when I find places like this to begin thinking about the problems. It's nice to just think out loud without anyone judging you, or criticizing you, or getting you in trouble because of what you say."
Zhen and Gui both craned their necks to look at her, "Just like what we did now Big sis?"
"Yeah… just like what you did now. Thanks for being here with me Zhengui."
Ling Qi wrapped her arms around him. Taking comfort in the fact that he was always going to be there for her. The wind, water, mountain, earth, and moon might have no comfort to give her at the moment, but Zhengui was here. And so she cried her tears. Tears of frustration, anger, guilt, shame. And Zhengui was there, a silent sentinel to protect her this night.
A/N: People are complicated, and their reactions to the most predictable stimuli can sometimes surprise a person. I feel that there are no right answers, and that is why I presented no answers in the omake. The Guiding Moon might offer guidance to people, but internal struggles are not about the destination, but how you reach them. As such, I hope that this omake can communicate, slightly, the frustration and anger people have regarding this vote. So, as always, enjoy the read, critique and criticize.
@yrsillar another omake.