And she is a scion of the single oldest Clan in the Empire, possibly the world. She has been raised in a literal snake pit.
She is throughly versed in history, customs, lore and politics.
If she says this is the right thing to do, what is Ling Qi, who didn't know what a Dantian is a few months ago, to say?
Honestly? That Ling Qi is probably a better person than her.
Like, the problem with Meizhen is that she has been raised in a literal snake pit. She has a very skewed perspective on how to behave.
The idea that there is "a line" is probably one of the biggest problems with this whole discussion. There is no single line. There is a spectrum of socially "acceptable" behaviour that ranges from "horrible lawful evil asshole who no-one likes but is nevertheless tolerated because they are powerful" to "either a saint or a fool". In the middle are things like "normal flawed behaviour", "occasionally edges on banditary and bullying", and "honorable person".
The Bai, from what we see, tend towards the "horrible lawful evil asshole who no-one likes but is nevertheless tolerated because they are powerful" end of the spectrum. I don't really want Ling Qi to go that way, and I feel that pulling Meizhen away from that a bit would probably be good for her.