AN: A little bit of apocrypha inspired by Lu Feng's
unfortunate run of rolls back in the Thunderdome redux. And, of course, everybody's favorite hero of the Imperium of Man. Special thanks to
@yrsillar for creating such an enjoyable xianxia setting.
Now brace yourself for the retelling of the glorious deeds of
Lu Feng had spent considerable time and effort mastering his family's secret art before enrolling in the Argent Peak Sect. Crouching Dragon Hides in Shadows. A long, pretentious name for a surprisingly simple art that hid his cultivation level from the prying eyes of his peers. He had hoped that it would lead others to underestimate him.
Those were innocent days.
He had always thought of himself as reasonably talented, but in the Argent Peak Sect reasonable talent was the bare minimum required for admission. All around him the other disciples flew ahead, borne on the wings of their talent, while he plodded forward one slow step at a time. It was some comfort that the others remained unaware of the truth. He had no great fear of discovery, either, thanks to the insane selectivity of the inner sect. It would be no great mark of shame to remain an outer disciple for the entire time he spent on the mountain.
That left the issue of his personal safety, although that was no trouble at first. Anybody who voluntarily spent time with Sun Liling picked up a trace of the aura of danger that always surrounded the princess. Not to mention the more tangible promise of retribution to deter those who might have been bold enough to try their luck anyways. When she joined with a group of other powerful disciples to establish order on the mountain, Lu Feng had begun to hope that he might get through the rest of the year without facing a serious fight.
Then Sun Liling decided to declare war on the rest of the outer sect.
Honestly, standing at the rear of the battlefield while the princess went on a rampage wasn't that bad. After the direct approach failed, though, Sun Liling had gotten a little more cautious. She'd decided to delegate.
And so Lu Feng found himself crouched on a tree branch next to Ji Rong in the dead of night, contemplating how best to carry out the order to "stir up something interesting." The two of them had a clear view of a trail used by Cai Renxiang's enforcers, and several carefully crafted formations would keep any noise from escaping the area around them.
Six months ago, Lu Feng would have been more than a match for any one of Cai Renxiang's enforcement teams. Three months ago, he would have had a good hope of taking them down. Today, he didn't like his chances against more than one of them at a time. He'd have to stay patient and hope that their discipline was less effective than their training.
When a lone figure appeared on the path, Lu Feng at first thought his prayers had been answered. Then a stray beam of moonlight illuminated the face of Gan Guangli, and Lu Feng let that thought go. The other boy had grown well past the point where Feng's entangling arts would serve as anything more than a brief distraction. Better to let him pass and-
"Hey, asshole!"
Ji Rong called out the insult as he dropped down from the tree, abandoning any attempt at stealth. Lu Feng stifled a sigh and jumped down after him. Ji Rong wasn't a bad guy, really. Lu Feng had found himself put in the position of Rong's best friend by virtue of being the only member of their group that wasn't constantly needling him or challenging him to fights, and he had found his company surprisingly tolerable. Ji Rong's headstrong streak was going to get him killed someday, though, and Lu Feng dearly hoped not to get dragged along when it happened. Even so, he could hardly abandon him before the fight even properly started.
Gan Guangli, for his part, had remained calm as he turned to face the two of them. "Lu Feng. The barbarian princess's dread right hand."
Lu Feng just stared. He felt... flattered? Insulted? Bemused? Seriously, who talked like that?
"Leash your hound," Gan Guangli continued, unfazed by his lack of reaction. "I would test myself against you, though the outcome is certain."
Lu Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry over the wild effect a friendship with Sun Liling could have on a reputation. The outcome was certain, indeed, though not the way the other boy seemed to think. Gan Guangli towered over Lu Feng, but the physical differences between them dramatically understated the difference in their strength. Any fight between them would end the moment Guangli laid a hand on him. At that point he wouldn't even need to use any art to pluck the limbs off of Lu Feng's body.
Lu Feng liked his limbs right where they were. He needed to figure out a way out of this.
"You got a big head to go with the fancy clothes and fancy talk," Ji Rong said, pausing to spit off to the side. "You think you're worth Brother Lu's time? Prove it by beating me first."
Ji Rong was truly a prince among men. Lu Feng resolved to speak well of him after he inevitably got himself killed.
Gan Guangli glowered at the interruption. "Your terms are acceptable."
With that, the fight began. Lu Feng strained his eyes, attempting to follow the action. It had been some months since he could keep up in a serious fight, but until recently he could at least see what was going on. Apparently those days were behind him as well, though. Gan Guangli flickered into view right in front of him, fist swinging down at a shadow that resolved itself into Ji Rong, already braced to block. The two fighters remained intent on each other, ignoring the dust kicked up by the shockwave as they collided. The same shockwave tossed Lu Feng out of their little clearing and sent him tumbling into the woods.
He flipped head over heels several times before crashing to a halt against a solid tree trunk. The good news, he confirmed as he picked himself up from the ground, was that he hadn't taken any serious damage. The better news was that his clothes were self cleaning. The bad news was that even shielding himself from the incidental blow had badly drained his qi reserves. Still, there was nothing for it but to make himself look presentable and pick his way back towards the fight.
Unnatural shrieks, crackling fires, the reverberating booms as blows struck home... Lu Feng could almost taste the qi in the air as he cautiously approached the battle. Ji Rong was a terrifying talent, a true once in a lifetime genius. Gan Guangli was no slouch himself, though, and had enjoyed a tremendous access to resources since he had bound himself to Cai Renxiang. Lu Feng wouldn't have liked to wager on the outcome of their battle, given the choice. With his own neck on the line, all he could do was hope.
When he was close enough to see into the clearing his eye was drawn to Ji Rong's form. The other boy was surrounded by a nimbus of crackling lightning. He suddenly darted forward, the lightning flowing around him until it took the shape of a great dragon's head. Ji Rong's fist flowed along with the dragon's fangs as he crashed into Gan Guangli. They stood frozen for a moment as the dragon's head lost its form, the electicity draining into Gan Guangli's body. When it completely disappeared Ji Rong drew back his fist, allowing the still twitching form of Gan Guangli to crumple to the ground.
"Thinkin' you're better than me because you grabbed onto a lady's skirts. Dumbass."
Lu Feng watched with relief as Ji Rong knelt and stripped a storage ring from his downed foe. The relief turned to alarm when he rolled the unconscious Gan Guangli onto his face and started working at the fastenings of his armor. Just like that, Ji Rong's total lack of self preservation flipped from an asset to a liability. Lu Feng steeled himself and stepped forward.
"We have to go. Now."
Ji Rong turned, a rebellious expression on his face. "We got those formations up, don't we?"
Lu Feng shook his head, then turned and ran. A formation designed to contain the sounds of a simple scuffle couldn't hope to hide the signs of such a high level brawl. His time was better spent putting space between himself and the incoming retalition instead of trying to explain the finer points of formation design to Ji Rong, though. It wasn't more than a few breaths later that the other boy caught up with him, running at his shoulder without a word.
The two of them ran in silence for long moments. Ji Rong managed to exude a sulky air even as they ran pell mell through the forest. Lu Feng would have been impressed, if he hadn't been too busy fearing for his life. They had covered perhaps a half a mile before Lu Feng realized that the ground ahead of them was just a bit more visible than it ought to be. A glance back revealed a new star streaking through the heavens. A heartbeat later the star came plummeting from the sky, thankfully crashing to the ground well behind them. Even so, Lu Feng could have sworn that he felt his hair tremble as the shock wave from the impact passed them by.
Beside him, Ji Rong whistled, all traces of his earlier attitude melting away. "Damn, man, how'd you feel her coming?"
Lu Feng held his silence and kept up his pace. He didn't have the breath to spare, even if he'd been inclined to answer. Ji Rong, of course, looked like he was moving at an easy jog.
"I guess that just shows how far I have to go to catch up to the real monsters like you," Ji Rong added, ever the amiable competitor. "I'll work twice as hard on my perception arts this week for sure."
One thought kept Lu Feng moving forward. After the end of year tournament, most of the maniacs from this year would be promoted to the Inner Sect, never to trouble him again. All he had to do was hold on for the next four months, two weeks, and three days.
"... and that asshole's gonna have to regrow some teeth before he starts shoutin' 'bout his Lady Cai again," Ji Rong said, finishing the story with relish.
Sun Liling had started their debriefing in her usual relaxed sprawl, one leg casually slung over the armrest of her throne. Her posture had grown more attentive over the course of the tale, and she was now leaning forward with a savage grin on her face. Lu Feng was struck by how completely at home she looked in her rough-hewn mountain fortress.
"Lu Feng took care of the rest of the patrol while I was playin' with Gan," Ji Rong added. Lu Feng blinked, but managed to keep a straight face as Rong flashed him a grin. "Musta been three or four of them, messin' up your hair that bad."
Not for the first time, Lu Feng wondered if there was room for anything else in Ji Rong's head besides his prodigious talent for cultivation.
Lu Feng gave him a sour look. "It was nothing of consequence."
"Tired of fighting small fry?" Sun Liling asked, taking a moment to crack her knuckles. "Don't worry, things'll be getting more interesting pretty soon."
Four months, two weeks, and two days.