Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

The tutorial doesn't spell out how the quality restriction works, as far as I can tell. Now that we are at late yellow, it looks like the restriction is 3 yellow and 6 total? At early green, we will be able to use A green, B yellow+green, and C total spirit stones... I have no idea how to solve for A, B, and C.

You can use stones of your realm or one lower, and the max number of each class is determined by the number of stages you have in that realm. You can also use substitute stones of a realm for stones of a lower realm if you don't have enough money.

So now, we can use three reds and three yellows. (Three from late red, three from late yellow).

After we break, we can't use red stones anymore, so we could use up to four stones (three yellow, one green). (We can substitute one green for one yellow if necesary)

Argent Vent scales with our level. Is it going to give a free green every week once we break through? That's kind of insane.

The vent doesn't scale. EPC may or may not give a virtual green stone.
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I don't get why people think that the Cai clan wouldn't have their own spirit ancestor.

CRX mom can create spirits. Her daughter robe is one of those. One of her spirit could play the same role as a spirit ancestor, the same way the heavenly dragon protect the imperial throne.

Or if it's needed, just have CRX have a child with one of her spirits. It's not like moma stalin care about how CRX feel.
I don't get why people think that the Cai clan wouldn't have their own spirit ancestor.

CRX mom can create spirits. Her daughter robe is one of those. One of her spirit could play the same role as a spirit ancestor, the same way the heavenly dragon protect the imperial throne.

*Sigh* Because we know she doesn't.

A Sublime ancestor is a much bigger deal than a common spirit or spirit beast. Is an spirit than has traveled the whole path and ascended to true inmortality. A being than has surpassed White.

Cai doesn't have a Sublime Ancestor because she is a second generation cultivator.

Also, I couldn't find an explicit statement on how many dice one gets for using a green spirit stone. Yellow spirit stones are at 1/2 efficiency compared to their cost in red spirit stones. A green spirit stone that is half as efficient as a yellow spirit stone would give 125 -> 250 dice, which seems a little overpowered. OTOH at a cost of 500 red spirit stones it ought to do something impressive.

Note than there are arts than require green stones to cultivate, so even if there are a lot less efficient than yellow stones you still have to use them somewhat.

(Also when you reach cyan you need green stones to keep cultivating at all)
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Really it seems like virtual stones are a monstrous bonus.
Green stones would be really fucking good because some green arts are gated behind their uses.

Yellow virtual stone is certainly nice, but ultimately it has given us +13 yellow stones so far. So, basically, it wouldn't have changed anything not to have them (there were no times we were in danger of not using the full amount, either).
Green stones would be really fucking good because some green arts are gated behind their uses.
The various statements about how high level stones are absurdly rare suggests to me that it's almost mandatory to have a source of virtual stones to advance beyond Cyan. While we don't know 100% for sure that EPC will give us that it seems to be a top flight cultivation method in all other respects so I would expect that it keeps up on the virtual stone front as well.
The various statements about how high level stones are absurdly rare suggests to me that it's almost mandatory to have a source of virtual stones to advance beyond Cyan. While we don't know 100% for sure that EPC will give us that it seems to be a top flight cultivation method in all other respects so I would expect that it keeps up on the virtual stone front as well.


But note than for all we know it doesn't give them until Late green.
On the other hand, non-existance of virtual stones could be one of the reasons cultivation becomes more difficult.
I'm fairly sure that there would be. But I wouldn't be surprised if the arts that give you high level stones also have serious drawbacks, like needing to stay in one place. That would explain the hermit cultivators. They don't need to go out and collect stones. But they can't leave either, because then they wouldn't be able to draw more qi/Vstones.
I'm fairly sure that there would be. But I wouldn't be surprised if the arts that give you high level stones also have serious drawbacks, like needing to stay in one place. That would explain the hermit cultivators. They don't need to go out and collect stones. But they can't leave either, because then they wouldn't be able to draw more qi/Vstones.

Virtual stones having extra requisites would make sense.

Like, "one virtual stone as long as you cultivate in a moon site" or wharever.
We know from the prologue that the Argent Peak Sect was denied a request for more resources. I'm guessing this is why access to the Inner Sect is limited to 16 disciples a year.

Might this also mean that resources for Inner Sect disciples aren't as good as they could be? Maybe being a direct retainer for the Heir of the Cai clan means even better resources than just being an Inner Sect Disciple.
Considering how price of resources seems exponential, the resources they are asking is either for the Elders or for the Core sect members. If they have issues for the lower-end resources of the inner sect members, something is really wrong.
A Sublime ancestor is a much bigger deal than a common spirit or spirit beast. Is an spirit than has traveled the whole path and ascended to true inmortality. A being than has surpassed White.

So Cai has no white spirit then?

That was my entire point. She made it to white. One of her spirit probably did too. Then it's just a matter of time until the Cai have a spirit ancestpr.
We know from the prologue that the Argent Peak Sect was denied a request for more resources. I'm guessing this is why access to the Inner Sect is limited to 16 disciples a year.

Might this also mean that resources for Inner Sect disciples aren't as good as they could be? Maybe being a direct retainer for the Heir of the Cai clan means even better resources than just being an Inner Sect Disciple.
To be fair, anything is better than what Outer sect disciples get : 5RSS per month.
That heist we pulled on Yan Renshou ? That was more than what the Sect spends on our year's Outer disciples for a whole month.

I'm pretty sure CRX could single-handly pull out the resources to feed the whole Outer Sect, yearly, out of her pocket money.
So Cai has no white spirit then?

That was my entire point. She made it to white. One of her spirit probably did too. Then it's just a matter of time until the Cai have a spirit ancestpr.
Even if one of her spirit did get to white, it wouldn't be an ancestor unless CRX was its child. Which, while possible, is not something anyone believe in the setting. While a spirit can be allied to a person, as far as I know they don't follow a family unless it's theirs, hence why they are called ancestors.

As for a spirit of Cai being white, I think it's highly unlikely. Spirit progresses much more slowly, and she would be lucky to get a white spirit by her death, even with her ridiculous ability. It's possible that's her plan, though.

For reference, when the Sage Emperor died his main spirit was still white, as well as all other current sublime ancestor. It takes a fuckton of times to go to white, and even more to go to sublime.
Green stones would be really fucking good because some green arts are gated behind their uses.

Yellow virtual stone is certainly nice, but ultimately it has given us +13 yellow stones so far. So, basically, it wouldn't have changed anything not to have them (there were no times we were in danger of not using the full amount, either).
One benefit of virtual stones is that they mean you can cultivate even if naked in an empty room (coughprisoncough).

Though at that point you'd expect the jailer to have more active ways of preventing you from cultivating.

Can anyone remember whether we needed to reach Yellow before we could start cultivating EPC? I know we did that because we wanted to finish Argent Soul first, but it might be that we need to reach Green before we can get a Green virtual stone.