If this relies on manipulation and persuade we might be ok. If craft is in any way involved we're screwed. Poor idea. Really high risk/high reward.[] Disguise herself and enter through the front door. No need to play with walls and traps
Plays to our strengths. On the other hand the enemy has clearly prepared against darkness type qi users. But the solution to an enemy trying to counter your strengths is not necessarily to change tactics. Most personally dangerous, but uses our best skill.[] To aim for one of the small but impossible to remove gaps in guard coverage and sneak in.
High risk/high reward.
They have around 12 stealth dice and significantly less perception. That's around 4 successes average. It's difficult to know how useful that is.[] To remain outside and slip a scout onto returning disciples, with orders to return in an hour. At least one would make it out, surely?
Low/moderate risk. Significant chance of no reward.
@yrsillar How does the ossuary scout work? The description is contradictory.
This indicates they don't get any autosuccesses at all, including those from level of cultivation.The scouts stealth and perception are equivalent to the creators without any auto successes granted by cultivation or arts.
Wheras this seems to suggest that they get autosuccesses equivilent to being an early yellow.For the purposes of opposed rolls, scouts count as two levels below their creators cultivation.
I'd assume it's the former? As the latter makes ossuary scouts virtually useless against anything not a realm or two lower than their creator.
EDIT: I meant the one where they get some autos.
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