The post you replied to was specifically about ways to reduce that malus. Y'know, so we can actually try properly, because no way am I just accepting this bullshit.
that malus can't really be reduced by much. I have made peace with the fact we won't get her to surrender, it would be as hard as convincing Frieza to become good before Namek. Right now it's impossible, and it makes sense. After all she has won.
Once we meet the next time things will be different, and if we manage to capture her we can PROVE many things that could make her change her minds. Like, for example, the fact we are in contact with her gods, and they support us.
6) The consequences of surrender are death. Yammar, Vegeta and Jaffur all want her head, and they're all crazy in flavors that make talking them down a nonstarter.
This is the one point i disagree with.
Jaffur would listen to us. He would hate it, but he would listen.
We could convince Yammar by appealing to his pragmatic side, as a sorceress of Dandeer's capabilities is priceless if we can get her to work for us as a prisoner (for example by sealing her powers with a spirit-saiyan-powered spell and keeping her under VERY strict surveilance when we need her to cast a spell for us. In the meantime she could probably do theoretical research and/or teach magic to other sorcerers, in exchange for some limited freedom and the right to see/meet her daughter)
Also, unless Vegeta was under her mind control before he started beating both her and Jaffur and his behaviour is somehow Dandeer's fault HE doesn't get a vote. We might even decide not to unseal him, and even if we do we sure as hell won't have him rule as before.
We had an earlier discussion about reducing those maluses. Even accounting for our default bonuses, a good plan, I make bonuses and a cookie, we were only getting around a 2.8% chance of success. You want to role those dice you can go right ahead, but after all this I for one am not feeling lucky.
if we could have managed a 10% i would have been ok with trying. Considering how 2.8% it's our BEST CASE scenario...
Going for the throat by that question to Jaffur, because it's inspiringly vicious and distracting.
eh, why not. It will give us some insight into how she thinks and we'll gain time to alert the others if we're lucky.
[X] Rebuttal Monologue with vicious additions
-[X] Calmly talk about the chains, bring up the concept they use, therefore making Yammar aware.
-[X] Be disappointed that you were unable to save Dandeer from herself, due to your anger at her.
-[X] Bring up the faked injuries and sorcerer massacre, make it seem like we've always known the second. Freak her out and make her doubt her magic, while making it seem that's why we weren't on her side.
-[X] Mention the traitors, terrorists and her plan, make her think the only reason she got this far is because we over-estimated her, while alerting Yammar that a SSJ needs to get out.
-[x] Point out the damage she did to Jaffur and Jaron, driving them to suicide.
--[X] Reveal Jaron's suicidal tendencies in the most painful, distracting way we can, to whit: "Jaffur, what do you think the chances are that Jaron will kill himself to get away from her?"
-[X] Bring up how she's destroyed anything good in her life, and is doomed to go to hell rather then be with the rest of the ancestors in heaven. Mention actually meeting them, reveal that they're against her.
-[X] Make sure to Willpower Push.
-[X] Counter every argument she makes calmly and fully.
-[X] If we reach the end, and she's not turning, reveal how to break the bindings and implement Future Kakara's plan.
-[X] If Dandeer tries to shut us up, implement Future Kakara's plan.
-[X] Kakara plans to free Yammar as well. Anything else will need to wait until she sees how this shakes out, because she won't be able to focus on anything until it has.
[] Kakara has an alteration to the plan in mind.
-[] Reveal Jaron's suicidal tendencies in the most painful, distracting way we can, to whit: "Jaffur, what do you think the chances are that Jaron will kill himself to get away from her?"
-[] Kakara plans to free Yammar as well. Anything else will need to wait until she sees how this shakes out, because she won't be able to focus on anything until it has.
i wouldn't be against this as well, but i want to do MORE!!
... So, What do you all think? Addressing the folks on the bottom bar.
give us time to post