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Every time I see Aisha, I'm liking her less and less.
Like, I get that she's an excitable young lady, but why the hell is every second sentence about Princess Gwenevere or Web of Magic?
Like, doesn't she have any other personality traits other than 'fan of Princess Gwenevere' ?
.......I mean, have you ever talked with a Fate fan for more than five minutes when the topic comes up?

I will admit that for a second there I was confusing Roy with his son, freaking similar sounding names. And the unpowered continue to be the voice of reason. Sometimes.
Not sure what unicorn attack has to do with crafting but sure that sounds hilarious. I'm a little glad no one made the obvious joke of Aisha riding Joe. It would be in poor taste.
Everyone thought it, hell, I was already thinking about many "giving riding the pony/unicorn another meaning" jokes, but then I remembered this isn't QQ.
So instead I will make the more family friendly joke about Magical Girl Lethe finally getting her mid-season power up in the form of a Magitek Unicorn powered by rainbows made by her mentor, Apeiron, the Enigmatic Artificer. Though he swears it was once his body, so a glimpse at his misterious past was given. Also maybe necromancy.
Now if only she could combine with the zoidnicorn for a super form, or the zoidnicorn could fuse with a bigger zoidnicorn for a power up and giant mecha battle like in on of the animes, you know, for the season finale asspull power-up.