Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

So anyways...wat yall speculation on the big roll? I'm praying for efficiency but i can see it being the titan decendance one
Did we get indication of there being a big roll? I don't recall that. M/E would be a big one, but there are other massive ones. For example:
Im morbidly curious for the strong spark perk.
Honestly it would set such a spanner in therapy that it would be downright hilarious.
The Arch-Magos perk would also seriously fuck Joe up. Imagine him ranting "No, what the fuck, why, no, what the fuck, why" in Gothic in shock at the memories, and Campbell is like "I don't think that's Ancient Greek..."
......was I the only person that read that mess differently?

To a more 'on topic topic' has anyone else had their understanding of canon technology rewritten by this fic?
I used to think that WH40K tech was a LOT weaker than it is portrayed in this, so I've been enjoying the new view point.
I've had a few other similar realizations and thought I'd ask now that I'm commenting in the thread again.
Stop questioning the mods pretext.
Yeah right here in the spoilers
Hmm, somehow missed that... Key word there seems to be Unexpected levels of work, so probably something vague or not thought about much prior to rolling. Arch-Magos is actually one such possibility. Major doesn't necessarily mean 600, though. It could also be something like Formula Formulator, sure, but could also be Scavenger from Megaman. In terms of guesses, I'm in analysis paralysis rn.
I… suppose? His new armour material is just so hilariously overpowered in every way, coupled with magic and various fiat buffs, that by now pretty much every new piece of tech related to protection is an academic curiosity. Scion's Stilling functions at the atomic level, y'know? The reason it's so effective is because it can be tuned to bypass exotic effects, and it's questionable if that's entirely possible with the insane library of bullshit the MC has already.
Maybe there's some canon detail that I'm missing, but from looking at the wiki's description of stilling I don't see why it couldn't work on subatomic scales. It stills wavelengths, and atoms are held together by energy in wavelengths (and are wavelengths themselves, even).
Maybe there's some canon detail that I'm missing, but from looking at the wiki's description of stilling I don't see why it couldn't work on subatomic scales. It stills wavelengths, and atoms are held together by energy in wavelengths (and are wavelengths themselves, even).
The problem is that magic is still an OOC problem for Scion and with that included in the protections who knows what the outcome will be.
The problem is that magic is still an OOC problem for Scion and with that included in the protections who knows what the outcome will be.
Well, Magic-Parahuman equivalency is in play, but the Spiritual power of Elven Enchanting and the raw power of Divine Constructs is not to be denied. Lathe Metal could be broken down by Scion in time, but Divine Named Lathe Metal? Fat Chance.
WH40K Primarch ? if it is in it
Isn't included. Neither is the Admech jump. Didn't exist at the time of creation, assumably. Arch-Magos is the closest to that, and it would seriously fuck Joe up.
To a more 'on topic topic' has anyone else had their understanding of canon technology rewritten by this fic?
I used to think that WH40K tech was a LOT weaker than it is portrayed in this, so I've been enjoying the new view point.
I've had a few other similar realizations and thought I'd ask now that I'm commenting in the thread again.
40K is schizoid in it's tech.

The best way to understand it is that the tech itself is quite powerful, but the people using it are hamstrung from getting everything out of it.

Lasrifles are the same fundamental tech as Lance Batteries -- just a question of scale and degree of hyper simplification. If someone were to take the same stance on how to build weapons that we use today, and use that standard to make a lasrifle, the weapon would be far, far stronger than what most Imperial Guardsmen get ... but it also would require more complex maintenance than a literal shit-smeared peasant banging it with a rock, such as actual tools made for the job and being kept clean.

The easiest comparison here I can think of is Imperial Guardsmen's Flak Armor, which is standard issue, and the late series armor offerings in Stargate SG-1 to defend against ma'toc staffs. And a lasrifle has semiautomatic mode firing. That's honestly the best comparison I can think of to help calibrate tech potential.
Well, Magic-Parahuman equivalency is in play, but the Spiritual power of Elven Enchanting and the raw power of Divine Constructs is not to be denied. Lathe Metal could be broken down by Scion in time, but Divine Named Lathe Metal? Fat Chance.

Isn't included. Neither is the Admech jump. Didn't exist at the time of creation, assumably. Arch-Magos is the closest to that, and it would seriously fuck Joe up.

I think Magic-Parahuman equivalency means Scion flat out trumps almost all magic the way he does powers. Whatever the in setting equivalent for an ancient outer god who can casually crack planets and the know how to exploit any weakness via his Path To Victory BS.

He's lacking conceptual defense, but his Sting equivalent should be treated as a conceptual weapon and he get's an adaptive defense vs anything that starts to harm him.
So what could it even be ? Lord roust only said Major Perk which isn't a lot to go off of

Maybe something that is really gamechanging and absurd ? something related to magic is my guess
40K is schizoid in it's tech.

The best way to understand it is that the tech itself is quite powerful, but the people using it are hamstrung from getting everything out of it.

Lasrifles are the same fundamental tech as Lance Batteries -- just a question of scale and degree of hyper simplification. If someone were to take the same stance on how to build weapons that we use today, and use that standard to make a lasrifle, the weapon would be far, far stronger than what most Imperial Guardsmen get ... but it also would require more complex maintenance than a literal shit-smeared peasant banging it with a rock, such as actual tools made for the job and being kept clean.

The easiest comparison here I can think of is Imperial Guardsmen's Flak Armor, which is standard issue, and the late series armor offerings in Stargate SG-1 to defend against ma'toc staffs. And a lasrifle has semiautomatic mode firing. That's honestly the best comparison I can think of to help calibrate tech potential.
Those better rifles exist in the 40k setting too. They are called Hellguns. They are literally just souped up lasrifles that are too complex for the imperial army to supply them in large numbers.
I think Magic-Parahuman equivalency means Scion flat out trumps almost all magic the way he does powers. Whatever the in setting equivalent for an ancient outer god who can casually crack planets and the know how to exploit any weakness via his Path To Victory BS.

He's lacking conceptual defense, but his Sting equivalent should be treated as a conceptual weapon and he get's an adaptive defense vs anything that starts to harm him.
Well, yes, he is an ancient primordial god, but Joe can still make Divine Constructs that are Masterwork at worst. Also, Elven Enchanting is not quite magical? It doesn't run on Magical Energy, but on Spiritual Energy, like Belmont Alchemy. Considering that Naming is about Carving the Concept of something into Reality, essentially infusing it with Metaphysical Glue/Energy, I do imagine that Sting would have a hard time with Divine Named Lathe Metal, especially since Divine isn't it's own separate boost, and would also boost the power of the Name, and Stilling is nowhere as explosive as Sting, though it still might have some level of effect.
So what could it even be ? Lord roust only said Major Perk which isn't a lot to go off of

Maybe something that is really gamechanging and absurd ? something related to magic is my guess
Something that took more work than expected is the other clue. Major just means Significant, really, so could be of any price range. Additionally, this speculation ain't that great since the update is ~14 hours away? That's a while, but not that long. We're not likely to figure it out with the available info, not even taking the near reveal into consideration.
Something that took more work than expected is the other clue. Major just means Significant, really, so could be of any price range. Additionally, this speculation ain't that great since the update is ~14 hours away? That's a while, but not that long. We're not likely to figure it out with the available info, not even taking the near reveal into consideration.
True true

And price is really not that important as stronger ones are sometimes cheaper and stuff
My big problem with this chapter will be stopping myself from scrolling to the end just to see what he rolled. God help me not spoil it for myself :p
I'm hoping for the DMC Weapon Crafting perk so Joe can grow an epic beard at will. The Unicorn perk would be hilarious to roll during therapy, as would M/E to really pile on the identity crisis.

About the WH40k stuff, I'm not very familiar with the franchise but my understanding is that the tech comes off as weak due to a matter of scale. There's so much death and gore and destruction that people get desensitized to it and don't have a good sense of just how strong the tech really is because it makes no actual difference in-universe. You can fire a hundred thousand lasbolts and make a small dent in an army of orcs, or perform a colony drop with an entire moon and destroy a planet which makes no difference in the millenia-long war. Nothing changes so the tech seems inconsequential.
I'm hoping for the DMC Weapon Crafting perk so Joe can grow an epic beard at will. The Unicorn perk would be hilarious to roll during therapy, as would M/E to really pile on the identity crisis.
I love the image of Joe just sliding a hand through his hair, and then swearing as he gets a Masterwork haircut that swells to 3x the size, still looking good, and highlights his red locks perfectly. Athena's Blessing doesn't help, of course, seeing as he has supermodel hair.
About the WH40k stuff, I'm not very familiar with the franchise but my understanding is that the tech comes off as weak due to a matter of scale. There's so much death and gore and destruction that people get desensitized to it and don't have a good sense of just how strong the tech really is because it makes no actual difference in-universe. You can fire a hundred thousand lasbolts and make a small dent in an army of orcs, or perform a colony drop with an entire moon and destroy a planet which makes no difference in the millenia-long war. Nothing changes so the tech seems inconsequential.
Yeah this pretty much. Terminator Armor and Bolters doesn't mean as much when you have a whole battalion of bioengineered Storm Troopers fighting a horde of Daemons.
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Those better rifles exist in the 40k setting too. They are called Hellguns. They are literally just souped up lasrifles that are too complex for the imperial army to supply them in large numbers.

And then there's gravguns and conversion beam weapons (which directly convert all matter in the beam into energy).

The peak of the "laser" techtree IMO would be Volkite Weapons, though, which are heatray guns that are somehow both flamer/melta and lasgun. But were also so difficult to manufacture that even the 30k Mechanicus (at the peak of their game) couldn't make many. ... but then again they /also/ were already rejecting all forms of automation at that time, soooo... yeah.

Anyhow. The point here is that 40k tech is legit all the hell over the place, and you shouldn't judge the best of it by what the worst of it can do. A great example of this: the Imperium of Man has non-Warp based FTL communications but does not use it. I'm not joking about this. The Noosphere is not only FTL capable, but the few locations that used it when the Death of Innocence happened were immune to Scrapcode because of it. (A savvy sort might couple that with calculated jumps to extend the range of such, and drastically reduce the risk of warp travel...)

I'm not actually familiar with more than general lore for the most part, so I can't speak to this, but 40K has a lot of issues.

We're talking about a setting with an in-universe mechanic justifying the Rule of Cool that has been bent towards hyperviolence and conflict. Expecting any part of it not to have issues should at all times be responded to with "Shut up and help me paint this mini."
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We're talking about a setting with an in-universe mechanic justifying the Rule of Cool that has been bent towards hyperviolence and conflict. Expecting any part of it not to have issues should at all times be responded to with "Shut up and help me paint this mini."
I mean I was talking about specific works such as novels, but yeah, sometimes you just need to keep calm shut up and paint minis. I mean House Van Saar has apparently been hiding an amazing STC with shit they can pass off as Archaeotech, or perhaps an actual Araeotech STC, unclear because I still need to look into that matter.
the Imperium of Man has non-Warp based FTL communications but does not use it.
Wrong. The Imperium of Man doesn't have non-Warp based FTL comms, the Mechanicus does. The Imperium very likely doesn't even know it exists due to the Admech hoarding all the good shit, as usual.

It's even mentioned in the Priests of Mars books that the Mechanicus has accumulated so many STC's and Archeotech over the millennia since the Great Crusade/Horus Heresy, that they could at least return Humanity back to the Age of Progress (prior era to the Golden/Dark Age of Technology) tech level...but choose not to.
Wrong. The Imperium of Man doesn't have non-Warp based FTL comms, the Mechanicus does. The Imperium very likely doesn't even know it exists due to the Admech hoarding all the good shit, as usual.

It's even mentioned in the Priests of Mars books that the Mechanicus has accumulated so many STC's and Archeotech over the millennia since the Great Crusade/Horus Heresy, that they could at least return Humanity back to the Age of Progress (prior era to the Golden/Dark Age of Technology) tech level...but choose not to.
Two heads of the Aquila. Mechanicus is Imperium.

<boops a certain void danger noodle on its snoot> Stay in your hole!
Okay thread is heading a bit in the direction of 40K discussion, so how about we mosey on back to the main shithole of this spot, Brockton Bay! I wonder how the Real Estate Firms are doing rn. I mean all that damaged property is bound to cause one hell of a bear market. Wonder how the city generally is holding up, since Joe is gonna be getting another look. I Hope Campbell and his family are all ok. I'm kinda half-worried we'll see a super-stressed, disheveled Campbell with bags under his eyes. While Therapy is Therapy, shit's gonna be tense.
I mean he watched who he quickly figured out to be a patient of his go through the Storage Yard, then the Uber & Leet Fight, then the massive fight against Lung. He did offer to keep helping Joe, but boy does that mean very different after all that's happened. He could be kinda scared the PRT is gonna nab him any second and interrogate him or smth, despite recognizing that such thoughts are irrational.

...Boy was that a ramble!