Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

So what is the next chapter going to be about? 10K words of Apeiron taking a nap and dreaming of stars as he gets new powers? :p
Just a thought: a good way for Joe to balance munchikining SSS time mechanics for training without many problems would be to create a VR or AR videogame, complete with a timer calculating ratio of fun/grinding and pinging when it's time to stop. As shown in the lava surfing scene he still becomes pretty giddy while playing with powers, and it would be good fun while being an excuse for training.

Out of curiosity, with the efficiency perk will Joe start using SSS time mechanics for a daily meditation/workout/sleep time?
but he would need a way to deliver them and would have to automate the process of assemble to as to minimize the impact of his powers on the production, possibly to the point where it wouldn't even count as 'him' making them.
It seems like the influence of his powers on everything he makes gets in the way enough that he should probably set up that automation anyway.
I'm seriously considering adding Hybrid from Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm. It's a perk that directly boosts other perks available to Joe, but those are free perks, not ones listed in the forge itself, which is why I was conflicted on the matter. Still, I leaning towards it's inclusion both because it technically qualifies and because it's highly useful for Joe's situation.
Hybrid 50CP – This represents a very broad base and enough skill to quickly adapt and integrate new techniques into your personal style. It doesn't by itself increase your raw power, but versatility is extremely useful when your opponents may have a huge variety of body types and combat styles. Allows ordinary humans to attempt to learn special cyborg techniques such as vibration strikes – but is extremely difficult and stressful.
Would that be in capstone or would you be adding it to another current constellation?
Considering the level of analysis that will be directed at the call if Joe had used any ultrasonic to map the area it would have been picked up. That's counter to his attempt to calm the situation, so he's 'only' limited to impeccable analysis of every sound transmitted through the phone and precise location data based on its signal. Still significant, but not everything. Joe isn't going to give the PRT any reason to build up any more paranoia.
Fair enough. For what its worth, my statement had more to do with how bad of an idea using Speakerphone when you're on the line with a tinker is. I was mostly thinking of what Facetime could do. IE: Facetime herself probably doesn't need to use ultrasound for the sonar trick, but might assume that anyone who isn't specifically a telecommunications tinker might.
I just want to note that I personally love the technical speak. Like playing Factorio and working for the best efficency possible. Its busy work, but man is it entertaining to me
I just skimmed the threadmarks, and earlier chapters are no longer than 10K words, but the average chapter length became longer and longer over time.
Yeah, Lord's Chapters are Insane! Took me more than a week to catch up, and only because I was on vacation! Still, I'm bummed the Companions Constellation isn't here, because it would have been humorous to see Joe's reaction to randomly getting beings from a house elf to DaVinci.

Also speaking of logistics, does he have the chance to get Mineral Rights(Diabolical) here? That would certainly set the cat amongst the pigeons, especially if it manifested the same way as in SOTSOG. Though would gaining a similar perk but for oil undo the destruction Behemoth did on his debut to the Iranian Oil Fields?
So what is the next chapter going to be about? 10K words of Apeiron taking a nap and dreaming of stars as he gets new powers? :p
Iä! Iä! Apeiron fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Apeiron Brockton Bay wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Funny thing, iirc, depending on his remaining ability rolls, this might actually come to pass.
Breathing and Walking is a specific technique, and not something Joe can emulate purely from the fact that he no longer wastes any energy. If he was aware of the technique he would be able to master it much faster than normal both due to the efficiency of his training and the fact that he would never perform any version of the technique with any unnecessary energy or flourish.
Will any duplicates be spending their 20% time jacked into the computer throne, binging identified universes for ideas?
The alchemy machine's effect is fiat based. Joe can't reproduce it, but he can modify the item he has.
Really? The description
Created by the legendary alchemist Louis Garcon, this mysterious machine combines modern science with principles passed down from ancient Egyptian times.
sounds pretty reverse engineerable. It was made by a guy utilizing a combination of modern scientific principles and ancient mystical ones.
Lord, if you are still looking into how to choose which path between Revival and Reaper Joe takes on the TWEWY Jump I would go into choosing what Joe would choose in that scenario. Which I think would be Revival, if only because even a pre-celestial even more messed up Joe wouldn't be able to live with himself for CHOOSING to kill people to live. That's without getting into how he would have a partner and he would worry about how they would judge him.
Also, the Mental Fortress perk would solve a bunch of problems not only with Mind related powers, but also identity issues, family issues and PR issues
There's a perfect drill sword in fate that I can see Joe making The Rainbow Sword(Caladbolg) It's the perfect drill sword.

While I mostly agree, I find it sad that nobody is thinking about the BEST spiral weapon...

Also, not coincidentally, THAT would likely scare the hell out of Scion, considering the sheer bullshit concentrated energy is making up the drill. There's more energy inside that, than several whole galaxies produce in eons.
Have a quickie omake, I present to you APERION: THE END-KILLER

The beam grew pressing against the barrier, building up and beginning to spiral, before collecting in a drill shape, and then I got a new perk and the madness place kicked in. It didnt care that spiral wasnt supposed to be used as a beam, it didnt care at how much it was supposed to cost, it DIDNT CARE that an endbringer was supposed to be invincible. All he cared about was this WINNGED BITCH had to die, for everyone she had killed, for all the hopes she shattered, for EVERYONE SHE HURT. Because Brockton Bay was HIS HOME, NOT HER PLAYGROUND TO DO AS SHE PLEASED!

And the drill fired. It ignored the barriers in front of it, using them as fuel as it turned to a spot that nobody would have thought was important. A seemingly minuscule point on one of her wings. The madness placeknew, SOMEHOW against all odds where the heart was, and it burrowed a drill STRAIGHT THROUGH HER CORE.

She froze as she was struck, hovering there for a few moments. Then she poped, leaving behind just a sphere, unmoving unyeilding, but dead. The hopekiller had finally met her end.
I have a question. "Untraceable phone" doesn't seems like a problem for your average household, and I wonder what changed that Joe can use SSS that way without catastrophic failure.

In terms of ability to hack Dragon's code any perk that gives an advanced tech base will give Joe better understanding and new insight into computer systems and software. Additionally Dragon still counts as tinkertech so any of the advanced reverse engineering perks will help with understanding her code and possibly breaking her chains..
IIRC, tinkertech counts as "alien", so any perks that helps with understanding alien tech will help too. Or I misremember something?
I just had this horrific revelation that Strong Spark is something that at least has roots in biology. And Joe's got a permanent force of evolution locked in his body, effectively. And he's going to be harnessing Spiral, which is liable to go bonkers with that stuff. Force multiplier, anyone?

Soooo, anyone have any clue what a life-fiber-evolved Strong Spark would look like? Because I sure don't, but I'm betting it'd look more than a little different to the Second Breakthrough Sparks out there. Especially since Spark neurology isn't really something that is able to be messed with to any great degree of precision in good ol' Europa outside of someone who specialized in bodyjacking.
I have a question. "Untraceable phone" doesn't seems like a problem for your average household, and I wonder what changed that Joe can use SSS that way without catastrophic failure.

Um, telemarketers. Hell, adaptive full on AI self upgrading telemarketers. The series was mainly set on Earth for the slice of life, but they were very high tier in their scifi tech. I could see them sticking around on Earth as it was utterly peaceful compared to what they knew. I'm not talking about the royalty bit either. I'm talking about the million and one companies out there cold calling them trying to sell them something.
And now that I think about it, even if he has enough skill to stretch the concept of household problems to the required breadth to make untraceable phone in the first place, he used it to pass the information to PRT, for the, basically, something in between a political declaration and business negotiations. That wasn't really a call to friend, and I doubt SSS can't understand that.

During-the-typing edit:
After all telemarketers are a household pest...
So, you mean "telemarketers" here is the Dragon and PRT? Well, that might work. Maybe.
I have a question. "Untraceable phone" doesn't seems like a problem for your average household, and I wonder what changed that Joe can use SSS that way without catastrophic failure.
I think the phrasing was 'to call an acquaintance.' To call people is possible with SSS absurdity as long as its only to talk and no hacking battles. It's possible with a Nth dimension privacy curtain so it certainly should be possible with a normal phone talking.

IIRC, tinkertech counts as "alien", so any perks that helps with understanding alien tech will help too. Or I misremember something?
No, you are indeed correct. However Roust is talking about that Dragon herself is tinkertech. She was born from tinker code which means count as alien according to Joe's perks. So anything that helps to understand technology inkl alien technology, reverse engineering etc will help Dragon's problem.
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