I agree with
RogerDodger123 to a certain degree.
I disliked Aisha because of her inablility to follow guidelines and her recklessness. That she's someone that couldn't be trusted.
That changed when she realised that she was out of depth for Apeiron problemsTM and strives to be someone that can be depended on.
She tries to be responsible with both her actions and Apeiron tech. She has Fleet and Survey that can help her with her tech responability if she needs help. She and Joe talk to each other. No big miscommunication. It also helps Joe that she hadn't robbed any banks in broad daylight. Only small stuff like warcrimes is something she could be charged with.
No matter, she hasn't hurt people.
I dislike Taylor because of her inablility to talk. Her shortsightness. That she mixes her depression with her self imposed mission so it becomes something like a death mission.
These flaws results to a person who can't be trusted.
When confronted with a possible solution that she was meant to do some things she grabbed it hard and never looked back.
Never mind she then ignores this same person that insists she is wrong about what he meant. A plausable misunderstanding that only be sustaned as long as she refuses to talk about it.
She did not use her tinkertech knife responsible. It might just have been adrealine or teenager brains in high pressure situation but it happend and it can't be undone.
Alright, best to cut here about Taylor so I don't rant too much. It's hard to try to be neutral.
I dislike Lisa because she's playing three sides. She plays Coil(knows to a large degree), Taylor(have no idea) and Joe(he thinks so to a small degree).
She tries to hack Apeiron's watches that they were given for a different purpuse. I don't trust her hunger for Apeiron tech. She's not responsible with her loaned tech watch. I'm excluding her gun in the bankjob.
I don't dislike Brian, Alec and Rachel to the same amount as the others in Undersiders. I certainly don't like them but I have no dislike over them.
Brian is upfront with Joe even if he has gotten no reasurrances when he called.
Alec is a sociopath and not a good person but I'm pretty neutral about him because he makes minimal trouble for Apeiron's rep.
Dispite Rachel having murder on her rap sheet am I not upset about her. She doesn't cause troubles for Apeiron as she respects him as an alpha or a top dog.
This could change drastically when she goes against E88 for dogfighting rings but as she has done that before it shouldn't be laid on Apeiron's feet.
All three of them used their bankjob weapon somewhat okay. Hostages are not okay ofcourse but that's besides the point.
Chen is an fully grown adult. He's fully capable of judging his action and determine what he should do.
He's also a married man that knows how to be responsible outside of just his own actions. He has the experience and a fully devoloped brain that can make sound decisions.
Chen is also a person Apeiron has meet. They talked even however brief. A personal connection is always stronger than faceless masses. Even more than that, Apeiron feels like he can trust him with his gear and not fear that he'll go to the Protectorate. Ofcourse its personal preferances.