Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

This proves it, Joe × Chen is the OTP that i ship. Anything else has too much baggage for me to feel comfortable with it.
Unironically, if Chen were female this thread would become an international port from the sheer amount of shipping happening in it.

I'm not even kidding. If you go reread this chapter but imagine Chen as female, his character arc reads exactly like pure classic waifu bait.

Too bad he doesn't have boobies.

SIKE! As if that could stop us!

There is absolutely nothing stopping Chen from becoming the prime husbando candidate. I approve of this OTP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Unironically, if Chen were female this thread would become an international port from the sheer amount of shipping happening in it.

I'm not even kidding. If you go reread this chapter but imagine Chen as female, his character arc reads exactly like pure classic waifu bait.

Too bad he doesn't have boobies.


There is absolutely nothing stopping Chen from becoming the prime husbando candidate. I approve of this OTP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Apeiron: I don't understand. Don't you have a wife?
Chen: What makes you think wouldn't be just as excited to date you as I am?
Apeiron: But - why!?
Chen: I think it might have something do with the fact that you're sexy werewolf demigod who saved her her husband.
Apeiron: Please tell me that you're not into me because I'm a beastman, too.
Chen: No, that would be ridiculous.
I did think your costume was rather handsome in a devilish sort of way, though-
Apeiron: The costume stays off.
You know, I somehow view Fleet as an optimizer. Using limited resources and data, his purpose and goal is to find the best path to a goal, and the goal is often the simplest. He simplifies his solutions because his goal is simple. He cares mostly only of the result, not the mechanics that lead to the result. He cares that doing this leads to that, not how that happened. Either way, the goal is achieved.

The road resonates with him because that's the most perfect path he had made, the ideal road to drive on. In a way, Fleet would be reflecting back to that road because he would want every path he would take to become as close to that road as possible or perhaps even beyond that.

Survey is somewhat opposite of Fleet. Where Fleet simplifies, Survey complicates. She wants to have as complete as a model as possible. Fleet has his perfect road, Survey has nothing because in a way, the model can never be complete. It will need updating and occasional remodeling. Survey has no perfect road to turn to.
I'm loving this new interlude. Really kudos to author for writing from perspective of an AI and making it credible. Also kind of funny that Fleet is the most stable and effective of Joe's AI children. big brother fleet ftw!

I really felt sorry for Survey. She's powerful but it seems like she suffers from AI version of OCD or ADHD?

Also gourmet grey goo is handicapped in a way coz it can never be satisfied and will most likely be crippled if anything happens to Joe.

Glad to see Chen again and I hope he finally reunites with his family. That would be a satisfactory end for him even if we never encounter him again.

I still don't understand what medical procedure is being done. Like how is replacing his heart will allow separation of Tetra and Joe. But I hope it works.

The only part I didn't like is the PHO bits. A bit boring and really didn't add anything since we have all these wonderful interludes which provided great outsider perspectives. Felt like it was unnecessary and empty.
Next chapter will see the final recovery segment and Joe getting back into the action

*Insert Ungodly Screeches here*

an option

Chen is best boy, you can't change my mind
How DARE you imply Fleet isn't the Bestest Boi

*ahem* New chapter! WOOOO! And we get a Fleet preamble! Our Boy! Look at how much he's grown! You go, Fleet! Helping your little sister! (Oh god I love this AIs so damm much)

Also Joe is getting healed! Wooo! I can't wait to see him deal with the fallout! At least he hasn't Survey to help with the *shudders* social aspects.

Hmm, I wonder what exactly did Apherion's copies tell Taylor?

Also, You go, Aisha! Defending Joe! (Goddamit, it's so sweet seeing those two have eachother's backs)

It's been 3 full chapters worth of interlude. It's about god damn time we get back to Joe next time. I mean come on. How many interludes do you really need?

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I still don't understand what medical procedure is being done. Like how is replacing his heart will allow separation of Tetra and Joe. But I hope it works.
It is not for separation. It is to get Terra and Joe to a level where they could communicate with the outside world without risking Joe's death, because the need their input on which of the methods with irreversible side effects they should use for the separation.
So, first of all, where did this naming system come from, and how does it work? I'm sure there's some logic to the Perks being catalogued with a string of numbers, letters, and number-based prefixes. I'm guessing the first number is the time he got the power, like the '194' of Build Rome's designation means that Build Rome was Apeiron's 194th power?

List of the first few powers identifiers you have listed:
125-B-22-Tri 'Analysis Tools'.
002-F-01-Di 'Fashion',
038-A-06-Iso 'Specialization: Mechanic'
035-L-04-Di-Alpha 'Innate Talent: Alchemist'.
110-E-10-Tri 'The Arcane Craft'
027-I-03-Quad 'Nanite Removal and Control'
009-B-02-Tri 'Grease Monkey'.
025-I-02-Quad 'Master Builder'.
162-C-09-Null-Beta 'Mass Production Mobile Suit: Gun-EZ'
163-C-10-Null-Gamma 'Hangar'
139-H-12-Hex 'Master Craftsman'.

So, my hypothesis:
[power number] - [category/constellation] - [power number in that category] - [Cost | Null=0, Iso=100, Di=200, Tri=300, ...] - [power number if there was several power unlocked at once: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, ...]
Forge-chan Is A Troll (The Shallow)
Forge-chan Is A Troll
Waking up to a new heart was weird. Normal people wouldn't notice, but I wasn't normal. My technopathy felt it, beating.

My body was still heavily damaged, but I was more conscious, more focussed; awake.

"Testing Communication." My voice -a duplicate's voice- rung in my brain.

I smiled internally "Communication positive."

"Alright! Forwarding physical scans. Thinking what I'm thinking?"

I mentally cringed as I was connected to the scanners watching me carefully. Noticing some neural activity snaking it's way into my facial muscles, causing a small momentary twitch.

"Yeah intensive surgery is required, but I think we should avoid rebuilding new organs or tissue if possible."

"We'd have to rebuild some, isn't it better to ensure consistency?"

I cringed at the thought of my bones being covered in new, perfected muscles. Then my Chimera knowledge jumped in with all the possible ways you could take it from there. "Cloning is an option, no need to overcomplicate matters. Not to mention, you two certainly have stuff to do."

"Well, it's your body. Question since we're doing that, willing to step up your regimen, or should we pretreat them with fiber energy?"

Tetra, who'd been mostly silent so far, made her disgust with the second option known through our bond, although it was clear she didn't find being a training tool very compelling either at this point "Don't consider the latter an option."

"Alright. Well, we'll be putting you under again, but when you wake up again, you should be much better."


Waking up was a fun feeling, though having stable physiology was a curious feeling after the last two days. The slight tiredness I felt was too trivial, like recovering from a flu that had been fucking with you for a day. Rationally, I knew that just indicated the success of the operation. Still, I couldn't help but feel bad for not feeling worse.

I stretched and got out of bed, walking into the hallway, immediatly running into a duplicate. "Hey, taking our 20% now, the Lab has some things they'd like sanctified and such, so here's the paperwork. And here's a potion for the next rotation."

I grabbed the stack of papers with a sigh, quickly making a cup of Elven Coffee in the kitchen, before walking into the Lab. The machine spirits all seemed to enter a buzz, while the Skulls all chirped around me affectionately. They then began the equivalent of a happy birthday song, celebrating my recovery and further 'achievement' of a more reliable body. Once again singing about how Flesh Is Weak and Steel Is Strong, a mention or two of holy war against filthy Xenos, and a single, weirdly disturbing utterance of the words "Initiate Ďuriš" in New Gothic at the end. Alternatively, it could be translated to "Brother Ďuriš", but that was no consolation.

I felt the forge move, colliding with the knowledge constellation. I angrily stormed to the fashion workshop, where I instantly crafted a divine super-comfortable blanket and screamed into it.

I had gotten a minor mote called Skills: Medicine, which made me a qualified 23rd century doctor. That was good, but also annoying considering I had just come out of major surgery.

Sometimes I could swear the forge was trolling me.
So, first of all, where did this naming system come from, and how does it work? I'm sure there's some logic to the Perks being catalogued with a string of numbers, letters, and number-based prefixes. I'm guessing the first number is the time he got the power, like the '194' of Build Rome's designation means that Build Rome was Apeiron's 194th power?
194-D-09-Hex 'Build Rome from what I can tell, 194 is power number, D is constellation, 09 is the place within the constellation, and Hex (6) is the point cost. I'm referring to the Celestial Forge buildsheet, but I don't know if the version I'm using is inaccurate so forgive any mistakes. Alpha/beta/gamma indicates if the perk is the 1st/2nd/ etc perk within a group.

Edit: bruh got ninja'd
I do believe you meant that the costume stays on, but if not.
I ship it.

Our boi here would rather die than show up to the first dinner-date looking like a hot topic reject.

The third date is probably fine tho


Tired: Apeiron/Dragon (Monogamous)
Wired: Apeiron/Dragon/Garment (OT3)
Inspired: Chen/Chen's Wife/Apeiron/Dragon/Garment (Radical Relationship Anarchy)
Curious to know on what level "workaholic" and other perks operate at. Does Joe produce 5 times the amount of blood cells? Or maybe massive blood cells? If Joe impregnated someone would workaholic activate? 5 zygotes??? What if he was genderswapped? Would all his (or rather, her) perks activate? Instant pregnancy? What about more AI? I believe Fleet and Survey were crafted prior to workaholic (correct me if I'm wrong) and the matrix was developed independently of Joe, if he makes more AI does he get quintuplets?

There doesn't appear to be a way to turn off some perks, like workaholic, since he's had to adjust for size when only crafting one of an item. With all his biotinker-esque perks I'm sure workaholic would apply to anything he does there too.
but some weird shit happened at the container year. Nobody and there's something going on with that on the Protectorate's side, but we don't have that information yet."
but some weird shit happened at the container yard. Nobody is sure what happened and there's something going on with that on the Protectorate's side, but we don't have that information yet."
Curious to know on what level "workaholic" and other perks operate at. Does Joe produce 5 times the amount of blood cells? Or maybe massive blood cells? If Joe impregnated someone would workaholic activate? 5 zygotes??? What if he was genderswapped? Would all his (or rather, her) perks activate? Instant pregnancy? What about more AI? I believe Fleet and Survey were crafted prior to workaholic (correct me if I'm wrong) and the matrix was developed independently of Joe, if he makes more AI does he get quintuplets?

There doesn't appear to be a way to turn off some perks, like workaholic, since he's had to adjust for size when only crafting one of an item. With all his biotinker-esque perks I'm sure workaholic would apply to anything he does there too.
After the thread spent multiple pages discussing what a 25 times size, mastercraft piece of faeces would look like, I think I remember Lord ruling that autonomous bodily processes aren't affected by Workaholic.
Thanks for update!

So... who wants to Guess what the clones gave the Heart in terms of ability's or something like perks
Obvious answer is obvious - EVERYTHING.

How many interludes do you really need?
Obvious answer is obvious - ALL of them!

edit: hit "Post" accidentally, comment will be updated.
edit 2: no, since there so much new posts already, I just make a new one with the rest of replies.
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Damn i must've missed that conversation. Do you perchance know around what page/chapter that happened so i can investigate?
There is an AO3 that tells a bit about it and on the ruling of Workaholic. Basically it's for building and doesn't affect bodily/biological functions.

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