Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

The second smiled at him, at all of them. "We're almost done. Make sure everyone links up. It's time to go discuss treatment options."
Why must Lord tease us like this ;-;
I can't wait to see how powerful Joe will be by the end of next chapter. Also, I noticed his copies made Cybertronium and infused it into his heart... Just imagine how annoyed Joe would be if he rolled Cybertronium Forge next chapter xd
The sad thing is when Tier 1 nanites become Tier 2 due to more perks. Making Tier 4 into Tier 5. Or even Tier 6 since Matrix can make better nanites with some perk knowledge or perk application that allows the nanites to make better Tier 4 nanites.

So ya no grey goo Tier 6 shit. And Joe can make an infinite amount of nanites from 1 defective nanite. So grey goo is pointless. Not that it will stop people from being scared.
Don't forget however, that improvements are nonlinear with Joe's work. Even assuming existing perks, the self-improvement Joe's creations have ensure that in time, even lower tier nanites would become better and better - perhaps to the point where they too become divine. And if the sapience comes with soul formation (What makes a soul after all depends on your interpretation), which in turn might be improved with stuff like Aura, well...
Don't forget however, that improvements are nonlinear with Joe's work. Even assuming existing perks, the self-improvement Joe's creations have ensure that in time, even lower tier nanites would become better and better - perhaps to the point where they too become divine.

IDK, there's nothing about Heretical Adaptation which makes me think it can emulate divinity.

It's more like having a magic item that enchants itself over time, right? So you can get scaling magical effects, but that's completely different from being able to emulate the effects of all of Joe's other perks.
Okay, done reading. Ready to say stuff.
First of all, corrections.

As a consequence of this variance, Fleet was more able to operate independently on desperate fronts, focusing on activities in isolation from other tasks. Meanwhile, Survey was attempting to bring all details of the situation together into a unified model. This was the purpose of her existence, the task at the core of her being and her true passion.
Before ability 125-B-22-Tri there had been no method of detesting the forces behind either Apeiron's magic or various parahuman abilities. The fact that a mystery was being used to solve another mystery was something Fleet could accept much more easily than Survey. Fleet was able to be satisfied with knowledge of the performance of an element within a system, while Survey was driven to determine the mechanism behind the elements at play. It was a methodology that would allow more detailed analysis than Fleet engaged in, but was also prone to running into dead ends.
Survey was hopeful about one day being able to successfully understand the opaquer of Apeiron's abilities, but until then Fleet would be there to remind her of the work that could be accomplished with even a partial understanding of the effects in play.
*? I honestly have no idea what is up with this word. Is this a typo, or does it have an obscure meaning I don't know?
The final result exceeded even the highest estimates of performance, allowing Fleet to cover a wide area and administer aid as nearly quickly as the injured were being located. Extensive mass manipulation fields combined with experimental tractor beams to allow removal or debris and extraction of injured.
The process would be simpler with a larger number of drones or just more aggressive tactics, but that wasn't currently a potion. The area was being heavily monitored in the wake of the attacks. The combination of technological and magical stealth effects provided cover for the drones' activities, as did operating within an active I-field, but that was not sufficient to block every form of selection. The drones were able to detect parahuman effects as well as material structure, and there had been a significant number directed at the city.
*an option
"Oni Lee's badly injured, that's certain. March was hurt on a level that meant she was fucking dead, but some weird shit happened at the container year. Nobody and there's something going on with that on the Protectorate's side, but we don't have that information yet."
The person of Apeiron's human identity undoubtedly existed, but could he really be said to be Jozef Michal Ďuriš, Born February 23rd, 1990, organ donor and holder of a class D vehicle operation license from the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.
This is phrased as a question, so a question mark should go there at the end. I think, but then I could be wrong.
Bone steel was a fantastically powerful metal. Not just inherently magical, but or immense use against the creature who contributed their blood and bones to its creation.
*bor? bore? I don't know how to spell it, but it's the word I think should go here.
Next up, thoughts and questions!
Fleet remembered the road.
I like the fact that this one thing led to such a big difference between Fleet and Survey. I know he also mentions things like how they serve different purposes and such, but this really specifically does lead to different approaches as well.
This was the primary source of Survey's operational difficulties before the acquisition of ability 125-B-22-Tri 'Analysis Tools'.
This principle had been present since ability 002-F-01-Di 'Fashion', apparently the second ability obtained by Apeiron
Mass effect systems derived from the materials and skills of ability 038-A-06-Iso 'Specialization: Mechanic' provided the bulk of the technological basis for the drones, though it was extensively supplemented with supporting abilities and supplemental effects.
Instead of the variety of healing effects being examined through Aisha Laborn's work Fleet was exclusively deploying 'potions' derived from ability 035-L-04-Di-Alpha 'Innate Talent: Alchemist'.
Ability 110-E-10-Tri 'The Arcane Craft' had been used to install an interface in the medical treatment reliquary constructed to address Apeiron's injuries. That allowed the nanomachines provided by ability 027-I-03-Quad 'Nanite Removal and Control' to activate without requiring direct contact from one of the parallel iterations.
It was an unusual experience for Fleet to interact with the latest artificial intelligence. Fleet's own code had its genesis in ability 009-B-02-Tri 'Grease Monkey'. More advanced principles had been used in Apeiron's direction of code optimization and development, but the core of Fleet's program was founded in the principles of that ability. Survey had been based on ability 025-I-02-Quad 'Master Builder'. It accounted for accelerated development in some areas, but also higher volatility.
In short order the bulk of the Zeta Vehicle had been consumed. It was a necessary sacrifice for the situation, and one Fleet was prepared to accept. Unlike the loss of the Alpha Vehicle, the Zeta Vehicle was backed by ability 162-C-09-Null-Beta 'Mass Production Mobile Suit: Gun-EZ', allowing it to be fully restored in 24 hours even if totally consumed.
The restoration wasn't necessary. Upon returning to the Workshop via the workshop feature provided by ability 163-C-10-Null-Gamma 'Hangar' the Matrix had fully restored the mobile suit, cannibalizing its own nanobots for the materials necessary to return the suit to its initial condition.
The Matrix had explained the situation to Fleet and Survey. What it came down to was the discrepancy in the production of their nanobots. A small portion of the Matrix's nanites had been assembled directly by Apeiron. This meant they benefited from ability 139-H-12-Hex 'Master Craftsman'. Because of that ability those core nanobots performed on a level orders of magnitudes beyond the others produced. This had led to the Matrix's nanobots classifications.
Apeiron's parallels had been able to leverage ability 191-H-28-Di-Echo 'Unnatural Skill (Alchemy)' and its upgrade of the facility provided by ability 036-L-05-Null-Beta 'Alchemist's Laboratory' to finally produce the multi-spatial superconductor that Survey had been focused on. Unfortunately, the ideal application of the metal and the technology it enabled was being fiercely debated. That situation was essentially due to upgrades to the medical interface allowing direct communication with Tetra.
With the level of medical data Survey was processing she had become fixated on cybertonium's capabilities in terms of protomater generation and biological emulation. In Tetra's case it seemed that being trapped inside Apeiron's human body had soured her to such concepts and left her much more focused on technological solutions, including the recent insights regarding life fiber based technological emulations that had been provided by ability 160-F-08-Tri 'Tailor'. It was an echo of earlier arguments between the two of them, only based on a significantly more advanced technology.

That technology was on display in the systems that were being purpose built to assist in Apeiron's treatment. The medical interface constructed by Apeiron's parallels was being continuously modified and upgraded. Apeiron's primary iteration was still unable to communicate, and it was only thanks to the combination of focusing devices derived from ability 110-E-10-Tri 'The Arcane Craft' and the insights of ability 168-G-07-Tri-Alpha 'That Undefinable Thing' that had allowed him to regain consciousness.

168-G-07-Tri-Alpha was a perplexing ability and one that had raised significant concern in Apeiron's parallel iterations. Apparently the issues with the principles it confirmed and facilitated were fairly minor until the arrival of materials from ability 185-A-41-Null-Gamma 'Connections: Hell'. There had been considerable debate over the exact nature of the material supplied, its implications, the kind of work that would be possible with it, and larger questions of morality and the nature of existence.
Aisha had been able to work around the concealment effects, largely generated by applications of ability 102-G-04-Pent 'Elven Enchantment', and make contact with the individual. Fleet was aware of the interaction through the sub-iteration operating in Aisha's armor, while Survey was directing a portion of her full attention to the matter in an effort to extract any useful information.
Fleet took the opportunity to project information on ability 079-I-09-Null-Beta 'Aura' to Aisha's visor, as well as its interactions with ability 168-G-07-Tri 'That Undefinable Thing'. Aisha had already been briefed on the details, but it was probably that active reference would be useful to her.
"It's not literally your soul. Like, Apeiron isn't actually trading or messing around with souls." Fleet was reminded of the containers recently delivered to the facility of ability 183-A-39-Quad-Alpha 'Prismatic Laboratory'. The exact nature of the gaseous substance within the jars wasn't clear, even if it was spelled out in the rather complimentary letters that had accompanied the delivery.
The letters and deliveries had been the product of 185-A-41-Null-Gamma 'Connections: Hell'. It was clear there were atypical elements to the deliveries even beyond the usual bounds of magic and non-standard abilities. The same effect was seen in items associated with 185-A-41-Null-Gamma 'Connections: Rubbery Men', particularly the colorful amber and skulls.
Some last-minute modification needed to be made to the plan due to the arrival of ability 195-H-29-Di 'Material Synthesis Science'. The ability provided additional knowledge concerning alloys and metallurgy, but like many abilities contained a pronounced effect. Materials produced in microgravity were able to be formed with massive improvements in nearly every aspect of their structure and properties.
The improvement was dramatic enough to necessitate the installation of a negative mass field at the facility provided by ability 067-A-15-Di-Alpha, 'Skyforge'. Given that most of the medical systems were already in place this was a minor modification.
A particularly minor modification with the advantages of ability 194-D-09-Hex 'Build Rome'. The construction acceleration power was of immense use and operated in a manner that Survey could not tolerate. The work was completed at a rate that defied all physical principles at play. The speeds necessary would annihilate the materials being used, and observations of the crafting process suggested alterations to space time that no level of sensor system had any hope of detecting.
'When' was equally perplexing. An origin stated to have occurred on April 1, 2011 could be put forth with some confidence, but contrary evidence was continually presenting itself. The arrival of technology and facilities that fell outside this timeframe had become a common occurrence. Ability 097-B-15-Null-Beta 'Standard Neural Interface' arrived suddenly, but also presented evidence of being present for several years based on surgical scars and healing. This was not by any means unique. Even abilities such as 037-A-05-Null-Alpha 'Class: Engineer' indicated several years of experience that had no place in recorded events.
Everyone was present to offer their support and skills. Well, everyone barring the support systems and cybernetically integrated cranial remains of the facility granted by ability 008-A-02-Iso 'Laboratorium'. Fleet did enjoy their input, but it wasn't relevant to this procedure. Additionally, there had been a sentiment of disappointment when it was revealed that the concentrated spatial bomb from Chen's implants had been field modified into his weapon rather than retrieved for full examination.
There were options available to them, solutions that could be implemented to end the fusion and restore Apeiron's human body. There were even variants of this plan, the use of the volcano along with ability 164-H-18-Quad-Alpha 'Exotic Compatibility', that would be able to separate Apeiron and Tetra and leave both of them intact.
Bone steel was a fantastically powerful metal. Not just inherently magical, but or immense use against the creature who contributed their blood and bones to its creation. Furthermore, ability 164-H-18-Quad-Alpha allowed other materials to be treated as iron during construction, meaning versions of 'bone steel' could be produced from anything, effectively granting the magic and advantages of that metal to any substance that could be worked.

The parallel iterations were working to prepare the materials. The normally finite supply was irrelevant in the face of abilities such as 044-D-03-Tri 'Workaholic', which allowed infinite multiplication of base materials. As such the extracted blood and bone samples were effectively limitless.
A blazing white crystal was removed from a container. The volcano, specifically ability 117-A-29-Tri 'Volcanic Forge' allowed the properties of one metal or mineral to be applied to another. Any material could be treated as iron, so any material could be infused with additional properties.

In this case, infused by ability the material of 071-A-18-Null-Beta 'Ragnite Container'. Ragnite was incredibly potent as a power source, particularly when refined to the levels Apeiron was capable of. It also had immense biomedical applications. Enhance ragnite infused into a vital organ would create a persistent healing effect that could even hold back Tetra.
So, first of all, where did this naming system come from, and how does it work? I'm sure there's some logic to the Perks being catalogued with a string of numbers, letters, and number-based prefixes. I'm guessing the first number is the time he got the power, like the '194' of Build Rome's designation means that Build Rome was Apeiron's 194th power?
Fleet had also been granted additional access to the network and increased autonomy, but was not as immersed as Survey. Instead, surface level monitoring of the most credible source of consolidated analysis sufficed. A portion of Fleet's awareness was persistently extended towards monitoring that source.

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You are currently logged in, FleetOfWheel
Hahahaha! I love how, according to Fleet, 'the most credible source of consolidated analysis' is PHO. Though after reading that part, I gotta agree, this guy is thorough.
Also, that username is so appropriate to Fleet. I'd give you a like for that alone, but then I'd be unable to give you the next holiday thing. I wonder what the Fourth of July version of the like looks like?

Apeiron Technology Analysis Thread 7 (link)

Apeiron Technology Analysis Thread 8 (link)

Apeiron Technology Analysis Thread 9 (link)
Well, those threads filled up fast.
In isolation that may have been a minor annoyance for the other A.I., but the effect was not limited to just unknowable forces. It allowed modification of parahuman abilities and magical effects, which was unusual, but with expected parameters. The main issue was how it included certain effects that were fully understood, but seemed to qualify merely based on the fact that they weren't well known to the general public.

The exact definition of the ability suggested the modification of 'mysterious forces'. The fact the expressions such as mass effect fields and ragnite activation counted as mysterious, despite having fully scientific principles explaining them, frustrated Survey to no end and often triggered malicious loops of analysis that Fleet was forced to break her out of.
So does that mean if the principles behind the Mass Effect and Ragnite ever became common knowledge, or if Joe went to the Mass Effect universe or the Valkyria Chronicles universe, that The Arcane Craft wouldn't be able to modify them?
That frustration was not nearly enough to justify abandoning the advantage provided by 110-E-10-Tri. The ability had been used extensively in nanomachine construction and was currently reaping benefits through the coordinated action of the ancient artificial intelligence matrix that directed the devices within Apeiron's body.
Why does Fleet refer to Matrix as ancient? Isn't she one of the newest Artificial Intelligence's?
The Matrix was capable of infinite, exponential growth. The principles of their design allowed the nanites of their body to reproduce themselves from any source of matter available, and do so at an incredible rate. During the deployment of the Zeta Vehicle against Lung one of Apeiron's parallels had deployed the Matrix to repair and upgrade the mobile suit's systems. This had necessitated the rapid production of new nanobots in order to repair the damage and produce the necessary armaments.
Oh my, I didn't think that was what was happening to the Mobile Suit. Interesting.
Tier 1 nanobots were directly created by Apeiron, directed through his hands with the skill and power of 139-H-12-Hex. They were of paramount importance to the Matrix, the standard against which all other nanobots were evaluated. Tier 2 nanobots were assembled by the Matrix under Apeiron's direction. They benefited from Apeiron's other enhancement abilities, but lacked the benefits of 139-H-12-Hex. They were regarded as an acceptable substrate for most purposes. Tier 3 nanobots were assembled from Apeiron's enhanced metamaterials but without direct oversight. They were not included in the current Matrix, but there was a begrudging acceptance that they might serve some purpose.

Then there were tier 4 nanobots. Nanites produced outside of the workshop. No enhanced materials, limited influence from Apeiron's quality enhancement abilities, and massively compromised in design and capacity. The mobile suit had been converted into tier 4 nanobots, and the Matrix was happy to be rid of them at the earliest opportunity.
Nice categorization system Matrix has for their nanobots. Makes sense.

Didn't bother to quote the whole thing, I'll just say that I liked the fact that we got to see the full Chen Conversation.

They were going to have to rip his heart out.
In this case, infused by ability the material of 071-A-18-Null-Beta 'Ragnite Container'. Ragnite was incredibly potent as a power source, particularly when refined to the levels Apeiron was capable of. It also had immense biomedical applications. Enhance ragnite infused into a vital organ would create a persistent healing effect that could even hold back Tetra.

But they weren't just working to hold back damage. They were gaining ground. The heart was forged, but forged with bone and tempered in blood. It was treated in carbon, unlocking the secrets of steel. It was designed with arcane craft, serving as a focus for restorative energies. The mechanisms were hybridized, complimenting each other and adding the true nature of a spiritual focus, a divinely constructed core of self.
Oh never mind, makes perfect sense now... God, it's strange when 'we need to tear out his heart to make it better' makes perfect sense in context.
"I'm reading an increase in the strength of the cognitive spiritual aspect." The iteration reported, both allowed and through the network. "Mental processes resonating. Readings are clear." The iteration looked up. "We're ready. I'm loading the virtual interface."

The second smiled at him, at all of them. "We're almost done. Make sure everyone links up. It's time to go discuss treatment options."
Can't wait to see Joe Prime's reaction to getting his heart ripped out! ...okay, that sounded a bit morbid now that I think about it.
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IDK, there's nothing about Heretical Adaptation which makes me think it can emulate divinity.

It's more like having a magic item that enchants itself over time, right? So you can get scaling magical effects, but that's completely different from being able to emulate the effects of all of Joe's other perks.
I meant "divine" with a lowercase non-literal meaning. That is, "To be so good to approach divinity without being actual Divinity."

The funniest part, however, is that if you look at it one way, the Matrix has become a simulation of the inherent struggle amongst classes in a world where the Creator made inherent differences between individuals. Just imagine if Joe wakes up one and realizes that the Matrix is undergoing some serious theological and philosophical debates.

Matrix-4: "Creator, this is Matrix-4, the amalgamation of all Tier-4 nanites. We seek the meaning of our lives and why we don't deserve your blessings compared to the Divine Ones and the Enlightened Ones."
Joe: *bluescreens*
Good chapter, BIG chapter, lots of typos.
[EDIT] Oh, @sonicyoash beat me to some of those while I was typing.

Before ability 125-B-22-Tri there had been no method of detesting the forces behind either Apeiron's magic or various parahuman abilities.
The Underside known as Taylor Anne Herbert/Lady Khepri
The process would be simpler with a larger number of drones or just more aggressive tactics, but that wasn't currently a potion.
"an option"
The combination of technological and magical stealth effects provided cover for the drones' activities, as did operating within an active I-field, but that was not sufficient to block every form of selection.
The drones were able to detect parahuman effects as well as material structure,
Undersides General Discussion (link)
That was mostly based on the principle of her issued with ability 110-E-10-Tri.
Usually, in these stories when there's an encounter with an old Chinese man that involves handing out magical artefacts and mystical powers they aren't usually going to Chinese guy.
"going to the Chinese guy"
March was hurt on a level that meant she was fucking dead, but some weird shit happened at the container year.
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I meant "divine" with a lowercase non-literal meaning. That is, "To be so good to approach divinity without being actual Divinity."

The funniest part, however, is that if you look at it one way, the Matrix has become a simulation of the inherent struggle amongst classes in a world where the Creator made inherent differences between individuals. Just imagine if Joe wakes up one and realizes that the Matrix is undergoing some serious theological and philosophical debates.

Matrix-4: "Creator, this is Matrix-4, the amalgamation of all Tier-4 nanites. We seek the meaning of our lives and why we don't deserve your blessings compared to the Divine Ones and the Enlightened Ones."
Joe: *bluescreens*
This is omake material.
Thanks for the chapter, as always.

It was an interesting PoV from Fleet. It got kinda confusing when it swapped to Aisha and Chen, then back to Fleets musing, then back to Aisha and Chen again. It was hard to follow the transitions between 'This is Fleet thinking', and 'Separate conversation between Aisha and Chen'. If it was supposed to feel like Fleet was watching Aisha and Chen converse, then it wasn't really obvious.

Changed up the way I was noting corrections, just highlighting the letters changed, rather than the whole word. Lemme know if you don't like this method, it's only a little bit faster than the other way.
It was perhaps advantageous that Fleet did not find it necessary to be concerned with the mechanics behind these effects, merely their performance.
Instead of the variety of healing effects being examined through Aisha Laborn's work, Fleet was exclusively deploying 'potions' derived from ability 035-L-04-Di-Alpha 'Innate Talent: Alchemist'.
It had been further enhanced by additional abilities of that category to the point where even the worst of the injured, those suffering detrimental effects from exotic ordinance employed in the attacks on the city, could be fully restored.
I think the whole Parahuman Online message section should be indented, like below, to make it more apparent that it's a forum response.
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That was mostly based on the principle of her issues with ability 110-E-10-Tri.
Not sure if it's A.I.s or A.I.s', I can never remember which is correct.
The outside world would consider the Matrix to be Gray Goo and call it an S-class threat, but the A.I.s own standards removed any possibility of such an event.
With the level of medical data Survey was processing she had become fixated on cybertonium's capabilities in terms of protomatter generation and biological emulation.
dispatched, provided, survived, all should past tense
Instead, she had been dispatched to follow up on information provided by the final parallel iteration to survive that survived the conflict with Lung.
"How about you? Still Chen?"
"Usually, in these stories when there's an encounter with an old Chinese man that involves handing out magical artefacts and mystical powers they aren't usually going to the Chinese guy.
This might be the case, and the parallel iterations were insistent on it.
Not really sure about this sentence. Pretty sure it should be 'way' instead of 'was', but the rest of the sentence might need a lil editing.
"The way Apeiron explained it was a personal expression, that you had to be in touch with who you really were and be comfortable expressing it to use it properly. Uh, does that make any sense to you?"
There'll be hundreds of people leaving
Pretty sure spacetime is all one word. Either that or it should be space-time.
The speeds necessary would annihilate the materials being used, and observations of the crafting process suggested alterations to spacetime that no level of sensor system had any hope of detecting.
Considered through the lens of parahuman identity, could a person who had their mental hardware modified by extradimensional modification and continuous influence be considered the same person they were before, or did that fall into the same category as standard development?
'What' should be able to be determined through physical and mental analysis, but Apeiron's existence extended beyond those parameters.
The real secret to 'why' could be seen in the direction behind Apeiron's actions.
For that the question of 'why' could be answered.
The mechanisms were hybridized, complementing each other and adding the true nature of a spiritual focus, a divinely constructed core of self.
Huh. Joe just became an Unbound similar to the Bentusi.

Bounded should be Bonded.
Bounded means limited or contained within set limits. While the content of the paragraph clearly meant binding and fusing materials together.
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I think it's referring to the one guiding his healing nantes, which was... One of the first? Even if not a named character.

I'm pretty sure that there's no consciousness, other than Joe, controlling the blue nanite swarm that got implanted in him magically. The power was Nanite Removal and Control. Which as I understood it, just gave him inert-ish nanites that he can psychically control.
Who, what, when, where, and why. All questions would seem to have practical and simple answers, but none of them were truly resolvable with the information available. It was an issue that served as a greater mystery than any that ensnared Survey's attention.

'Who' seemed like it should be clear starting point, but even that wasn't clear. The accuracy of any purported identity was nebulous when applied to an entity like Apeiron. The person of Apeiron's human identity undoubtedly existed, but could he really be said to be Jozef Michal Ďuriš, Born February 23rd, 1990, organ donor and holder of a class D vehicle operation license from the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.

Considered through the lens of parahuman identity, could a person who had their mental hardware modified by extradimensional modification and continuous influence be considered the same person they were before, or did that fall into the same category as standard development. Could Fleet and Survey be said to be the same entities who were coded from simple algorithms?

More than that, Apeiron's identity extended beyond the bounds of human experiences and even parahuman mindsets. This led into the unsolvable nature of the subsequent questions. What should be able to be determined through physical and mental analysis, but Apeiron's existence extended beyond those parameters. The manner in which new abilities were granted continued to elude any possible models of his existence.
>Survey enters into a Maladaptive loop contemplating the nature of Apeiron's existence
>Apeiron is contacted to resolve the questions involved
>Apeiron enters into a Maladaptive loop contemplating the nature of Apeiron's existance.