Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Wish Joe would delve into being a wizard more, but would probably take way too much time. Being able to just use Time Stop and the countermeasures against it from Overlord would be awesome.
If there's any perk that actually gives him knowledge on how to cast at least one spell I'm sure it will serve as a great head start, as opposed to starting from scratch. Extrapolating one effect across every magic system he has could be quite revealing. I'm at least sure that would be enough motivation for the clones to start fucking around with magic.
So I don't want to retread old grounds but any theories/ideas for what tech Joe should focus on next? Presumably Joe will continue with his current precautions to avoid attracting the Simurgh's attention which means no industrial factories/production, no widespread dispersal of technology, etc.

My thoughts:

1) Teleporter

2) Instant Subliminal Learning (see Matrix film for "I know Kung Fu")

3) Anti-Master/Anti-Psionic tech

4) Stock up on items/tech for future emergencies and Endbringer attacks (even if Joe has to keep them hidden in his dimensional closet at the current time).
Such as: Multiple automatic emergency medical devices (ex. hardlight hologram projectors like The Doctor from Star Trek). Stealth Surveillance, Search and Rescue, Shield, and/or Repair drones/robots. Repulsor-powered thrusters/drones for stabilizing large structures (see Iron Man's rescue at the Staten Island Ferry).

I think he should start upgrading his gundam mech with his perks and probably make new giant mechs for the upcoming fight with a endbringer in bb.

Maybe create some sort of healing robot or station to heal either fellow capes or Joe himself for endbringer events (if he gains the halo perk building the nightingtale would be perfect)

Create a contingency plan or technology to protect him from exotic or annihilator attacks like marchs ability or time bubbles.

I think joe also needs to produce more robot that give areal support or maybe give some sort of artillery support in his battles

and lastly more power and dakka why? cause you can never have enough dakka
I wanted to provide an update and some clarification to my situation. As some people have guessed, I had a family emergency come up suddenly. I had to deal with the situation and didn't have time make a full post explaining things. Thank you to everyone who shared my message to other sights, and my thanks to everyone who provided messages of support.

Unfortunately, the situation is ongoing, so I can't say for certain when I will be able to get back to writing. I am not abandoning this story, but I need to give my full attention to dealing with my family's current situation. I will be able to check in and keep everyone appraised of things, but I can't make any commitments at this point.

Thank you for your support and patience,

I wanted to provide an update and some clarification to my situation. As some people have guessed, I had a family emergency come up suddenly. I had to deal with the situation and didn't have time make a full post explaining things. Thank you to everyone who shared my message to other sights, and my thanks to everyone who provided messages of support.

Unfortunately, the situation is ongoing, so I can't say for certain when I will be able to get back to writing. I am not abandoning this story, but I need to give my full attention to dealing with my family's current situation. I will be able to check in and keep everyone appraised of things, but I can't make any commitments at this point.

Thank you for your support and patience,

Take your time and focus on your family situation, don't worry about the story.

While I love this story, it is in the end a hobby or something your do when you are free. Don't let it become a burden while you deal with your family situation. Take all the time you need.
I wanted to provide an update and some clarification to my situation. As some people have guessed, I had a family emergency come up suddenly. I had to deal with the situation and didn't have time make a full post explaining things. Thank you to everyone who shared my message to other sights, and my thanks to everyone who provided messages of support.

Unfortunately, the situation is ongoing, so I can't say for certain when I will be able to get back to writing. I am not abandoning this story, but I need to give my full attention to dealing with my family's current situation. I will be able to check in and keep everyone appraised of things, but I can't make any commitments at this point.

Thank you for your support and patience,


No worries dude, take care of the home front and come back when you're ready. Sorry to hear that you're going through some shit. We'll wait, and so will the story, so do what you've gotta do and we'll all be rooting for you! Also, don't be afraid to reach out for help. We've got your back!
Best of wishes for whatever's going on! Although I just realized that we finally moved past March as the primary antagonist... and then this happens. It's some rather suspicious timing. *frantic, paranoid glances* Frickin Thinkers.
On the one hand - darthvaderno.gif

On the other - you owe us internet people nothing, and we appreciate what you've given us already. Good luck with life!
Thank you for keeping us updated. Family comes first, so don't give us a second thought, we'll all be here when you get back. Good luck with everything Lord.