Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Here is to hoping that we soon get a endbringer showdown of some sort. Kinda curious how things will go down with birb lady.
Titan's Blood has anti-precog even if it's minor. The best thing is the knowledge and secrets from Gaia. It's a significant game changer since it's a milestone in Joe's awareness of the Entity threat. From a story perspective, it's just behind the Worm perk in significance.
For Number One. Joe got the next Symphogear Perk and got the theme song of Appeiron working on his final confrontation with ABB, and is such amazing music that PHO would explode has this world doesn't have these songs. Second Hypothesis has there isn't 600 points tier perk, is the greatest entrance ever conceived and Joe abuses of Calling Card as a distraction multiple times as a blatant show-off while his duplicates do more stuff.
For the Kill la Kill song. Apeiron vs Lung and Oni Lee greatly upgrade and making an epic class as Joe tries to protect the infrastructure of the city.
For the Shingeki no Kyojin. One could say that Joe got the Titan blood but I think that Apeiron managed to destroy the signal that triggers the bombs so there is a mass revolt against ABB where the force civilians fought to reclaim their freedom.
For Pacifim Rim... Joe took to use his big guns as the abomination that L33t has unleashed into BB has gone out of control and shows the world the power of a Veritech.
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Never in my life have I wanted access to a device that allows the viewing of alternate realities more than now. What would this story be if different perks had been rolled at different times? Where would this story be?

On that note, people think Joe got Titan's Blood. Any thoughts on what other perks he might've gotten as well? You Become A Star maybe? I'm partially looking forward to that one just because I want to see what he can do with it when combined with all of his design perks.
I think the thing I'm most anticipating is if he gets an amusingly appropriate power during the course of the next chapter. That's happened once or twice in the past, if I recall. But I think the refrain usually was 'this would've been useful just a little bit ago, or just a bit in the future' rather than 'this is perfect for this moment'.
Apeiron could literally squish Lung like a bug and that would just be the best. Especially if he used the show off paused moment power to really stick that image in the minds of people. A Tinker just randomly disregarding a parahuman who went one on one with an Endbringer and was a deterrent against the entire rest of the city by himself and being just defeated and dismissed out of hand would boost Apeiron's reputation even further.
Never in my life have I wanted access to a device that allows the viewing of alternate realities more than now. What would this story be if different perks had been rolled at different times? Where would this story be?

Obviously, and that's why there's a lot of stories that start with a similar concept and branch in widely different directions.
Obviously, and that's why there's a lot of stories that start with a similar concept and branch in widely different directions.
Yes, but those aren't written by Lord Roustabout. I found that one MHA one first, Junk Emporium I think?, and couldn't get past the first chapter. I was very hesitant to try this story, but did anyway and couldn't put it down until I caught up. I've tried reading other Celestial Forge stories afterward, but they just don't capture my attention the way this one did from Ch. 1.
Yes, but those aren't written by Lord Roustabout. I found that one MHA one first, Junk Emporium I think?, and couldn't get past the first chapter. I was very hesitant to try this story, but did anyway and couldn't put it down until I caught up. I've tried reading other Celestial Forge stories afterward, but they just don't capture my attention the way this one did from Ch. 1.

Speaking of other stories with similar concepts, I asked Lord a while ago if he had any recommendations in that vein, and he replied with this, a recommendation which I very much second:

It's a bit obscure, but I'll recommend one of my favorite tinker fics from the early days of Worm fanfiction. It didn't get very far, but I always felt the concept was brilliant even if it the fic died before it could be fully explored. It really felt like an accurate depiction of how the QA shard would actually do a tinker power.

Nematomorpha [Worm]

"Worm AU, Danny Triggers" Nematomorpha: Index: Maker: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Interlude...
Yes, but those aren't written by Lord Roustabout. I found that one MHA one first, Junk Emporium I think?, and couldn't get past the first chapter. I was very hesitant to try this story, but did anyway and couldn't put it down until I caught up. I've tried reading other Celestial Forge stories afterward, but they just don't capture my attention the way this one did from Ch. 1.
I was quite enjoying the story that gave Izuku the forge, but it seems to have stopped updating :^(
Yes, but those aren't written by Lord Roustabout. I found that one MHA one first, Junk Emporium I think?, and couldn't get past the first chapter. I was very hesitant to try this story, but did anyway and couldn't put it down until I caught up. I've tried reading other Celestial Forge stories afterward, but they just don't capture my attention the way this one did from Ch. 1.

Of course, Lord is quite occupied with BBCF, so the other Forge stories are from other authors. They are definitively not as good as this one, but you take what you can find. I quite like a fairly new one : Celestial's Entertainment (Worm/Celestial Forge)
Of course, Lord is quite occupied with BBCF, so the other Forge stories are from other authors. They are definitively not as good as this one, but you take what you can find. I quite like a fairly new one : Celestial's Entertainment (Worm/Celestial Forge)

Well, looking at the recent updates it certainly seems like they're trying to match Lord in wordcount per chapter. Gonna see if I can get through this before the next chapter releases. Wish me luck.
The Forge is the new Worm CYOA in terms of story generation. And that was the new Exalted.

Pretty insane how much staying power Worm has that there've been a few generations of these things.
I think it has to do with the lack of bloat contained in most superhero settings. There are 100 times more fanfictions on DC and Marvel, but it is hard to find one you connect with. The MCU cleaned that up a bunch, but Worm has a more interesting world than the MCU. Worm also only has 4 characters in the Superman Threshold and all of them are villains.