Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Im actually interested in introducing dust to taylors insect. Like how graphene laced water can improve a spiders silk by five times. I wonder if a few generations of insects getting trace amount of dust can modify her bugs. Also would gears of war creatures be controlable by taylor? Several of them are buglike.

Im not suggesting causing infections but if blasto creates a force like the locus could taylor subvert them?

Also i im curious how things will go after leviathan. The arc where the yndersiders stepped up and took territory was a good arc. With aperions help the undersiders could "hire" him for repairs lol
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I think both the preamble and addendum were great, some of the best (really gave it the "canon worm interlude" feel. albeit truncated). Whoever applied the term "banality of evil" to Leet hit the mark.

I think we basically had a case of "double buildup" but I won't belabor that point since it's been made. At least we now have the contours of the capabilities of the nanobots and the Aisha suit is well on its way.

Interested to see what March is planning. Unfortunately, her ominous comments don't sound so ominous when, in the span of the same chapter, not only is Apeiron making god-level nanomachinery, he triggered with the powers of Hugo Boss, Gisele Bundchen and a memetic anime lech
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You know the past protector built by that you tinker in ward could have some therrifying footage that "gets leaked" to pho if while uber and leet are out of town
I looked at the golden sheen covering my flesh in a perfect shell, even emulating fingerprints and hair follicles
Pushing my reservoirs too far would result in loss of control, flare up, and unstable expressions of the nanites' abilities

C53s: "One of us! One of us!" (Shown in a dramatically appropriate moment)

That glowing outline appeared again, then quickly filled in with the rest of the object.

Congrats you now have an inventory system ;).

Or as I see it as a sentai weapon summoning sequence since after you use it dramatically the scene freezes and you get a close up of the weapon and the attack name.
They were also incredibly dangerous. I hadn't even applied half the armaments I was capable of and the boots were still completely deadly. The combination of adamantium, mithril, and celestial bronze produced a combination of effects outclassing most superweapons. The rest of the boot was composed of plasteel, synth-leather, custom polymers, and other hyper advanced materials, further strengthened by my crafting powers. The HF capacitor reinforced the boots with high frequency vibrations and strengthened their attacks. These things would hit like a goddamn truck, and that was before you considered my current strength level.
No gravity dust in the sole to allow wall walking or double jumping? Garment missed an opportunity to work with dust thread?
Thanks for the update.

the Game Grid would probably make Arcade's Murderland look tame.
Technopathic demigod and AIs in an augmented reality, what can go wrong?

Look's like Aisha is finally getting that protection.
Aisha is getting an artificial 'symphogear', what does it make her?

Maybe time to completely rebuild the throne with all these new powers since last time with cyvertonium.
Constantly evolving 'throne'... That's intimidating!
Constantly evolving nanites... Is it time to redefine S-level threat rating?
Constantly evolving fiber clothing... It is synergizing with bugs! We have a code Apeiron! I repeat, code Apeiron! We need to evacuate the City now!

Add constantly evolving implant and constantly evolving aura-gear.

P. S.
Leet: Using my awesome time-space emiter I briefly sped up time for your equipment and aged it by 5 thousand years! How do you feel now, with your equipment failing you with you inside?
Apeiron's bike was now silent and looked positively ancient, Apeiron's suit was practically ozing sand and dust.
Apeiron: And you made it exclude everything organic specifically so that I wouldn't break the effect?
Leet: Yes, it was hard to exclude everything living, but I couldn't risk you breaking the field up from inside by shooting your doom laser into my direction.
Apeiron nodded: Yeah, makes sense.
Uber: Um... Leet, something is wrong.
The sand was dramatically falling, there was dust in the air, but suit itself stayed in one piece. Apeiron brushed off a bit of dust from his bike with his finger, the next moment the bike Woke Up. A wave of dust flew into every direction. Engine roared. And it was not previous roar of powerful machine, it was a blood chilling roar of an ancient beast that was woken from the slumber and about to show why it's a bad idea to mess with it.
Leet: You are bullshitting us, showing a thought front, you equipment is about to fall apart!
Apeiron: Sorry guys, but at minimum, I build to last.
Apeiron leveled his, now ancient, pistol and shot. What previously was merely draining the shield now pierced through Leets shield and through Space-Time device's support. But before device could fall Apeiron's suit lit up with grey lines and device flew into Apeiron's hand.
Apeiron: Sorry, but I'm taking it. Would be stupid of me to ignore such a power booster.
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Ok. Wow. I'll just focus on the preamble for the moment, seriously though, wow.
First, I liked how the villains aren't just sitting around here, they've got their own plans, and are plotting around the (possible) plans of everyone else.

Second, I'm not sure if what you did was intentional, but you took the most common, prolific fanon about Uber & Leet, and reversed them, with believable reasoning the whole way.
Fanon usually has Leet as the one getting angry, pushing the boundaries of common sense/acceptability.
It's generally Leet who doesn't mind civilians getting hurt for their shows, Leet who is/was petty and jealous of other Tinkers.
You showed us a Leet who is too soft for real villainy, but managed to hide it behind his equipment failures, Leet who's moral compass was still working, but was easily led...a Leet who was content with other Tinkers being better than him.
And then you pulled back the curtain, and it was really Uber behind that downhill momentum. And the comment that just made that fit perfectly, was the mention of Uber taking on so many roles in their company. He poured as much of himself into it as Leet, and that need to be capable at so many different jobs seems to have influenced, if not caused, his own trigger.

And then there's March, who from all appearances (and this could be my own issues here, I admit) is gaslighting Leet, maybe Uber too.
She had most of their minions cut loose, replaced with people she and Uber vetted, she has Leet running on absolute minimum sleep (wait, 9 hours every 42 :cry:, that's a little less than half what most people get, and not all at once either, yeesh) and has him jumping to and from different types of scenarios, keeping him on a mental rollercoaster.
And who could be coming from New York? March was always semi-obsessed with powers and trigger events, has her look into the Magitech engine given her a shift in focus?
That would be easy to miss too, with March acting like a cat playing with a box of mice, watching them run the patterns she wants them to.
Great chapter all around, but that preamble really changed how Uber and Leet appear, in this story at least.
As someone that like the descriptions.
*putting a meme of masterchef cooking appreciation here*^^
Also I liked that leet seems to be the less stupid of the two here. And some of Uber actions looking like were made to give him more control in their working relationship.
Still both of them are stupid and evil. But at last leet acknowledged that he could had being great.

Anyway since this whole chapter was inside the lab. With only degree of interactions (the AI use of the internet and the armor talk). I guess that when he got out it will be a major success.

Also Joe finally have update his chip. Good to him give how much he fear that. Now I am curious if he had it improved as much as possible or as little as possible.
Anyway since the attack happened in the very suspicious forest. I guess the attack in the city is imminent.

I admit that will be funny to me is the attack is already late because is awaiting a trigger (joe) that is not present. But I guess it will a bait he can't refuse. Like burning more buildings and offering sweet, sweet data for the all the thinkers powers that probably can even call a 'truce' (more of who backstab harder and faster and which order) to collect new data.

And the lab is now self updating to some degree. The 'kids' can now evolve with less supervision and with the clones update the hardware. And the lab does have capacity of production without joe with even good quality. Just not divine lvls. Still Quantity have a quality of it own. Which probably will help when some S/A rank truce is requested by the PRT and limitations are reduced.
Hum what more?
Oh. Like the people already comment the parahuman forum will be very pleased with songs. And probably continue to speculate that the more art Joe put in a single object the better it become. So music and posture make even else raise in a spiral of better and better techs.

One of the things leet said that I liked. Was the combo of AI/Joe/waifu (or Ai/waifu/garment ^^ there no such thing like laifu). Make one feels like the storm/spider man/ titan...fighting a the mightiest storm/ iron spider man with cosmic cube/ original Chaos.

And that can cause some interesting effects. Like the PRT (not the capes) fighting him and later the same with the protectorate in order to raise moral in the nation...
...I mean we had done fake fights, false flags and etc for far stupid reasons in real life in the centuries.

Anyway many thanks for the update. I already hoped to ,when the MC create temporary buildings, that will make accord change the city he does his operations :D
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Also speaking of Aisha, she's totally gonna be Robin to Apeiron's batman, I guarantee it
Hey she might fight smart. At the very least she will have decent stealth and armor so that is already better than Robin.

I get the feeling that this side trip for Uber and Leet was a project of May's to get them out of sight while also bringing new folks in. I don't get why she thinks Apeiron wouldn't be a problem when they get back.
2 things; One March doesn't have a good read on Joe (especially after 100K words of build up), and two one of her super moves is "I quit." Whenever things start getting too hot she just up and leaves her patsies. Which might happen somewhat soon by the look of things. She even had U&L drag in Blasto to make things an even bigger problem.

The Leet interlude was a sobering look into what a high level unrestricted thinker can do. Dance puppets, dance!

The exploration of how Leet would manage his power was really cool. If you know that stuff is going to fail it makes sense to do risk and failure analysis. It even makes a sort of sense if paired with his specialty of prototype or experimental tech.

Though it did feel like stuff got repeated a bit in the chapter. Some form last chapter and some from this one.
I will admit with everyone that although i really like the chapter (especially leets interlude) i do think the techno building and babble went a bit to long with not to much happening. I think Lord is compensating for prep chapters cause he confirmed that next chapter the battles will start and was using the word count to have the opportunities to roll any good perks, so at least we can get exited for the fight that is coming soon.

Also on the perks, i will be honest i am a bit disappointed that most perks were just fashion and we didn't get any knowledge perks or game changer perks, but i am happy joe got the bayonetta perk. The internet will go crazy when seeing apeiron Pose and do sexy innuendos that i think the internet is gonna discover early what is simping and simp for Apeiron.
I'm not saying I skipped Leet's preamble, but I might've skimmed it. I'm sorry!
I think this is the single most interesting and sympathetic Leet I've ever seen in Worm fanfiction; and not even as a Funny Relatable Gamer Man (TM), but as an understandable and compelling character.

I wouldn't want to live with him, he's about as banal an evil as it gets - but what a deeply affecting banal evil he is to read about, you magnificent bastard.
The leet preamble....made some old thoughts resurface.

Meeting a more successful version of yourself, trying to live up to what they accomplished, watching as it all burns down even as you try your best.

And then a cease and desist order from your more successful alternate self as the final nail in the coffin for your dream.

Hot damn, what a trigger.
The leet pre-amble was, by far, the best backstory I've heard about him. It makes sense of his powers, Uber's powers, the video game focus...

Seriously, this was my favorite part of the entire chapter.

Also, as people have previously mentioned, the constant redux of "this was reinforced by X list of powers" probably dragged the quality of the rest of the chapter down. It's to the point where multiple paragraphs are being mentioned to explain how this new thing is better than the old thing, because x-factors are all working on it. Not too bad once or twice, but every chapter contains multiple mentions of it, and... it compounds quickly.

There were... quite a few spelling mistakes. I'm considering going back and finding them, but... it's 30k words. That takes time...

Edit: Corrections Ho! @LordRoustabout
In reverse order, cuz that's how I like to double check spelling mistakes!
Somehow you've gained some of the knowledge that the Valkyrur used to possess, giving you the skill and ability to graft craft Ragnite machinery on a level far above any modern human. At first, you'd only be able to create replica's of the Valkyrian weapons, but with many years of study it might be possible to recreate the Valkyrur themselves.
Symphogears are, in essence, a Relic adapted into a combat system for it's ability to generate massive amounts of energy that can be formatted into a certain kind of matter through a generic mass-energy converter.
However, they also have the ability to 'evolve' over time, gaining additional armor and improvements to features such as onboard thrusters.
"I'm here.," Rey assured the shaker., "and cleaning up the mess."
"Bals.. Blas... to..?" Came a murmured voice as the man regained consciousness.
Hitting when he was on a supply run and the rest of the group was recovering from a usual night of revelry, they had come in better informed, better prepared, and much better armed than anyone could have expected.
After A quick look to Barrow Rose for confirmation sent the three teens scattering for the requested items, letting Rey get to work.
Though it was hard to see any power in the slumped middle aged from form lying on the bed of moss.
Tinker's needed resources, even tinkers like him.
I disconnected the call and turned back to my workshop. I could feel the boosts from the mantic energy flowing through the place, the buzz of the nanobots developing intelligence, and the sheer potential of the projects being undertaken.
I smiled at that. Her Dad still wasn't sure if he'd want her working with a cape, but given what Aisha used to wear I could completely understand where he was coming from.
"No errors on full start-up, and all silicon removed from the device. I think your successfully Shatterbird proof.
I reviewed the document myself, seeing Survey had already begun to make mark specific terms and passages.
If the Nine were active I couldn't put this off.
It was a shame it didn't extend to copying the contents of extradimensional storage since that would be an easy way to get around the limitation on worn or carried items, but the fact that the pocked pocket itself was duplicated was still somewhat useful.
I could feel the device drawing power from the nebulous ball of energy that represented my magicka pool, converting it into a subspace resonance and channeling it into the item in my hand.
Survey said, with her hologram's expression bright. "The dupliacte's duplicates durations have expired. Would you like to renew the potion."
Still, each repetition compounded the complexity of the actions and the details I needed to convey through my nanobots to maintain the process.
They pushed on the fold until it grew, tied itself in knots, and then did the entire process over again, again, and again until a useful volume formed.
It's hard to deal with, brings up a lot of bad stuff, but I can manage
"Shure Sure you're okay?" The first asked.
This close my technopathy could feel the work they had done, the tiny magitek converted converters modularly inserted into the shield, the complete rebuild taking advantage of Master Craftsman and the upgrade inclusive of all my most recent powers.
There was a like, a faint one but totally undeniable.
Get over it, and accept the damn shield."
There was also the echoing cry of a rather awesome guitar riff, because this far from observation I was willing to indulge myself and let Rockin' Music activate.
Through the construction of a full mantic network the workshop would have access to a constant flow or of restorative energy that would also act to increase productivity in any areas it reached.
It was possible possibly the most useful ability I had access to, and each newly constructed conductor improved my understanding and skill with that power.
Finally, Arcane Craft was used to provide both a warding effect and cause them to act as a focus for the mantic forces.
A pair of chains form from the outer points of the spade structure connected to the base to complete the circuit.
At my command they flowed over the contained container and coated my hand.
When I finished the critical updates I bagan began documentation of my new abilities, both for the sake of Survey's peace of mind and for their potential applications in future projects.
I had barely approached the life fiber stasis bay with when the same skull Garment always handed her dresses from swung out, ready to take my coat and shirt.
"Hey, do you guys also have to hold back an entire library of innuendo and suggestive comments?"
Rather than translate it, I signaled for them to wait and lifted my hands towards the racks of clothes.
Once again Garment mimed the act of putting it on, and I noticed my duplicates also had the habit of averting their eyes while Garment was changing.
It was like with the shield., I didn't want to admit it, but that was an outward concern.
A sketchbook drew was drawn towards us by the strength of her telekinesis. - Alternatively: moved
I had a feeling we would be revisiting this particular type of construction as Garment discovered new outfits that needed pairings.
Which is how I ended up with a pair of beyond immaculate, self-upgrading, divine, and enchanted combat boots. - Alternatively: "divine, enchanted, combat boots."
Only one was fiat backed, but thanks to my resource and efficiency powers I didn't need to underbuild, meaning five copies were produced.
My hands which remembered lessons from the Fey that I could not even comprehend guided themselves through all of my commands and Garment's directions to produce something beyond any mortal work.
Normally this would be nowhere near enough to rebuild the boots, but I had both Manufacturing Line and Waste Not reducing the amount of materials required.
The full assembly of my most advanced polymer and fiber production equipment meshed with a fashion studio, peppered with amateur video recording equipment that exceeded most of Hollywood, and a only slightly cordoned off area containing enough Dust weaving to both outfit and annihilate and army.
I bit bid my duplicates farewell, gave Survey's hologram a final nod, steeled myself, and walked into her workspace.
And I would need to deal with my implant today, just to be safe.
The individuals had no history of mental illness or warning signs and all inflicted self-harm using bladed weapons. The bodies were also thoroughly ensanguined exsanguinated with no sign of the quantity of blood lost present at the scene of the event. Incidents occurred in two clusters, separated by time and location, but sharing the same characteristics." - ensanguined means covered in blood, exsanguinated means drained of blood.
"I will put together a plan and schedule for it's production. Recent advancements should allow that project to be significantly accelerated from earlier predictions." I assured her.
More than likely certain components or principles were being lost and the designers just pushed on regardless.
Even the crazy efficient laser rifles that were so numerous and reliable had still made compromised compromises in terms or range, armor penetration, and stopping power.
That is most probably probable.
Fortunately each gang's activity remained limited to their own territory through the evening, and largely dispersed by the early morning. Remnants of the Merchant's event are still active, but the gang's capes have fallen back.
I wasn't sure if it had been an attempt to create a crawling aircraft carrier, stable staple six hummers together, or put a warehouse on treads, but the result was as hideous as it was devastating.
Upon conferring with Fleet and given the recent development of the nanotech matrix we wish to raise concerns that the program may in fact be another artificial intelligence, and may subject be to significant limitations and forced objectives.
A recent alternation alteration, probably due to some duplicate's 20% time, had resulted in a projective speaker system, creating the impression that the sound was coming from the hologram's mouth rather than from a speaker on the drone or one of the wall mounts.
She was certainly mimicking a more natural stride than she had before and was moving the hologram as if it was actually aware of its environment from its own perception rather than the drone's or the workshop scanners.
Unlike reality damping effects, or levels of mundane soundproofing didn't seem to make much of a difference, suggesting that the effect was more of a vector for her power than something with a logical chain of practical physical effects. - Alternatively remove 'Unlike'
The passengers were basically taking their tremendous capacity and fumbling to come up with some kind of relevant application.
From what records and analysis Survey was able to assemble, silicon chips ruptured during Shatterbird's attacks.
From a design point of view the clothing I made saw benefits from Bling of War, Decadence, and Beauty in the Arts, all increased increasing the aesthetics of the final product.
The Flock's Fleece let me go from the rawest of materials to immaculate clothing with almost no tools and in an incredibly short time.
Secular Skills allowed me to work with even lower quality materials and tools and still produce clothing that would look fantastic, and effect that stacked with The Flock's Fleece.
Of course, in an environment where people say there is no reason for you to have any turmoil, any move towards that kind of thing was seen as frivolous at best and idiotic at worst.
They used a combination of a concentrated power field, drilling array, and insanely high temperature projectors combined with standard rocket proportion propulsion to launch through the ground itself.
With a database that contains everything from instructions on how to sharpen scrap metal into shives shivs to an intricate breakdown of the construction of a laser pistol that fits into a ring, off the wall applications were to be expected.
Elven Enchantment could, with just it's basic application, take properties of what I made beyond their physical characteristics, to a level where the perfection of the final product was essentially magic.
Not a string of failures and exploding technology.
He had scans of Vista and Shadowstalked Shadow Stalker.
"Yep.," He answered standing up., "wrapped it up this morning."
"Motorcycles are catching on, so I wanted to get ahead of the curve."
"Hey, someone restores a Suzuki from the golden age of Japanese video games, or of course I'm going to reference it."
One in particular stood out quite prominently."
"Nah. Figured I'd get some basics set up in case we wanted to go with a motorcycle theme, you know,. Meet Apeiron half way."
Speaking of, he found Jeff is in one of the smaller workshops with a disassembled motorcycle frame propped up in the middle of an explosion of parts.
"Sure, Like like you ever do." - Alternatively: "Sure. Like you ever do."
Now that he could actually rely on his old inventions he had warehouses of equipment to call on, something Bakuda had to respect as she scrambles scrambled to rebuild from one disastrous expenditure after another.
"Don't blame your fuckups on me. You weren't complaining about how those worked on Armsmaster's lab, and if you're your stealth tech had held up maybe Apeiron the plan would have held together."
"Probably more technology exchanges. She's trying to get for ready the operation."
The cost form from that mess was still being felt.
For that, for a power that was actually usable again, he could live with a little discomforts
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No gravity dust in the sole to allow wall walking or double jumping? Garment missed an opportunity to work with dust thread?
Nevermind, that is covered. Just like eight pages later. And kinda handwaved with uncharacteristic lack of detail tbh. Keeping the dust patterns undefined so you can pull out effects as the plot demands.

That aside - this chapter was sooooo satisfying. You've finally got things done that youve needed to get done for 10+ chapters.

I look forward to the next scene of interactions with characters outside joe's ingroup. Combat or socialising with the undersiders or debating his morality with the PRT, I dont care what, im just ready for some scenes of interaction.
First of all, pipe down you whipersnappers. If anything is worth saying, then it is worth taking a very long time to say. While these things could have been explained over 3,000 words rather than 30,000... would you really have preferred that? I could see this cut in half, but part of the pleasure in reading LORD's writing is in the moment-by-moment descriptions of his thoughts, processes, and what he is seeing.

Also many people are complaining about the fact that this was a build-up chapter, but LORD said that next chapter was going to be a combat chapter. So rather that 'Build-up' this could have been call 'Prelude to War' or something. You can see how he is referencing the weapon techs that he is planning on using (the non-lethal ones from 40K), he described his rebuilt costume and Garment's (we will be seeing them in those soon), he finally took care of things he's been putting off (like the shield and his implant) and he built that mantic energy conductor system which will improve itself over time.

I am so exited to see Joe out and ready (and confident enough, did you hear him? He feels confident!) and willing to go out and kick some ass! Honestly he's probably been powerful enough to defeat all of his opponents since the Bakuda fight, but has been scared, now he is like 20x as powerful and can flirt his opponents to into making mistakes. He can totally get Oni Lee with that!

How are people not seeing all of the implications being put into this chapter? I'm happy with this chapter.

So long as next chapter isn't another build up and he invalidates everything done in this one, but I don't think LORD will do that.
For those complaining about the wordiness without advancing plot, I direct your attention to one of Mr. Jordan's published books from the Wheel of Time series (about book seven, if I remember correctly). If an average novel is approximately 220 pages of story and about 150k words, this used 1100+ (I forget the exact count, it's been a while) standard format paperback pages to advance plot development less than a day and primarily focus on world building and scenario setting. Compared to that, this is not really that much of an imposition, nor does it compare too unfavorably to pacing of other popular Worm fanfics on this forum.

Can it be cut down some? Absolutely. Should it? While a valid critique, you would lose a significant amount of context and "texture" from the story to do so.

While the episodic nature seriously cuts back on the setting immersion, doing a quick summary of upgrades might leave more readers significantly lost as to the equipment situation in the next action scene. It would also lose on the character reaction/sympathy setup of "*&(#Q! Now I have to rebuild my things. AGAIN!"

That said, I would say a decent compromise in position might be to allow charge buildup be waived during technobabble explanations unless explaining them in-story to another character (i.e. Survey as a weak possibility, or any other "main" character in Joe's association).
First of all, pipe down you whipersnappers. If anything is worth saying, then it is worth taking a very long time to say. While these things could have been explained over 3,000 words rather than 30,000... would you really have preferred that? I could see this cut in half, but part of the pleasure in reading LORD's writing is in the moment-by-moment descriptions of his thoughts, processes, and what he is seeing.

Also many people are complaining about the fact that this was a build-up chapter, but LORD said that next chapter was going to be a combat chapter. So rather that 'Build-up' this could have been call 'Prelude to War' or something. You can see how he is referencing the weapon techs that he is planning on using (the non-lethal ones from 40K), he described his rebuilt costume and Garment's (we will be seeing them in those soon), he finally took care of things he's been putting off (like the shield and his implant) and he built that mantic energy conductor system which will improve itself over time.

I am so exited to see Joe out and ready (and confident enough, did you hear him? He feels confident!) and willing to go out and kick some ass! Honestly he's probably been powerful enough to defeat all of his opponents since the Bakuda fight, but has been scared, now he is like 20x as powerful and can flirt his opponents to into making mistakes. He can totally get Oni Lee with that!

How are people not seeing all of the implications being put into this chapter? I'm happy with this chapter.

So long as next chapter isn't another build up and he invalidates everything done in this one, but I don't think LORD will do that.
Based on my research via the discord Lord has said the next battle is next chapter.
I don't know what you guys are smoking. I just want a build up chapter that leads into another build-up chapter, which incidentally is just a set up for a bunch of stuff getting destroyed off-screen while Joe is looking somewhere else, turning the next chapter into a REBUILD-up chapter, only better, more Apeiron, much tech, wow, so villain! Quarantine and make the city angry because they are depriving them of FREE UTILITIES!

The horror!
Something that occurs to me: Dragon does a bunch of calculations to try to seem human in her movements. When she confronts Joe and he starts Jojo-posing at her, she'll be able to analyze what he's doing and pose right back at him.

The PHO shipping will be legendary.

Meanwhile, since Garment has his knowledge, she can combine her fashion sense and her newfound understanding of JoJo posing to communicate through 'body' language more effectively than ever. When she meets Papa Laborne, she'll be able to be the classiest dame ever, and he'll want Aisha to take lessons from her in comportment. Given that she also has the 'distracting flirt' knowledge now, I have to wonder if she'll use it whenever Joe objects to a design.

Should Joe offer to teach Taylor a stripped-down version, by which I mean all the '15 is too young for that kind of body language' stuff is removed, so that she can read other people better and better pose to project what she wants as well?

I hope his implant upgrade will allow the Laboritorium to communicate with him better. I hope he'll work out an interface that gives him better communication with Tetra, so that Survey can't just force "I'm Daddy's favorite daughter" by virtue of being the one who can talk to Joe.
Lmao y'all be complaining about repetitiveness just be grateful Lord even writes this weekly behemoth for our enjoyment for free. While I sympathise with just wanting Joe to get out there and do stuff, how about we don't just mindless complain and try to keep things positive?
I'm personally fine with the expansion and additional techno-speak, but I'm just thinking that with this level of build up I'm expecting a very satisfying victory to pay off for it, else all this previous tinkering would feel a bit meaningless.

But once that victory comes, it'll be immensely satisfying to read.