Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Nah, Aisha can probably do that reveal herself then and there. Remember, she already had some degree of localized control over her power even before she started using Call Gems. She could totally do a magical transformation in front of Brian that literally nobody else could notice and chat about the Celestial Forge in broad daylight without any help from Joe.
At the very least I expect her to just put on her armor instead of trying to explain. Quicker, easier, and doesn't require her to find words.
I do find it funny that joe is bigger than all the endbringers In terms of height due to titans blood. he can literally just chuck them aroud
Case 53s, after seeing a new monstrous Apeiron transformation: "Is Apeiron just five case 53s in an extremely fashionable trenchcoat?"
To quote the old lore, ceiling cat is watching you
Ceiling mink!
So trying to get him modeling 'barbarian chic' was playful flirting all along.

Indeed. I'm disappointed. I know romance isn't big in the story but if there was gonna be romance for Joe I would have preferred garment. Never read wards and honestly worm doesn't give me much of a impression of crystal. She's kinda just there. Her characterization in this story has been good ig. But like I only care about her as Joe's love interest not as her own character. But then again I get Joe going this route and I get Lord going this route to avoid writing romance into every interaction with garment whose around alot as part of the main cast.
Indeed. I'm disappointed. I know romance isn't big in the story but if there was gonna be romance for Joe I would have preferred garment. Never read wards and honestly worm doesn't give me much of a impression of crystal. She's kinda just there. Her characterization in this story has been good ig. But like I only care about her as Joe's love interest not as her own character. But then again I get Joe going this route and I get Lord going this route to avoid writing romance into every interaction with garment whose around alot as part of the main cast.
Having a romantic relationship with Garment would also be kind of weird if you think about it. She is basically Fashion personified, so it would basically be dating a concept. It would be like dating the wind, or engineering, or painting. Sure, she's a person so it's possible and presumably you could make it work. It would still be weird.
Having a romantic relationship with Garment would also be kind of weird if you think about it. She is basically Fashion personified, so it would basically be dating a concept. It would be like dating the wind, or engineering, or painting. Sure, she's a person so it's possible and presumably you could make it work. It would still be weird.

It might be weird but it would be very consistent with his Greek heritage
Any hope for another "Europa's Celestial Forge" chapter before the end of 2024?
Sorry to say it, but doubt it. Lord barely getting BCF chapters out, and holiday session is no time for free time, so best we can hope for is next BCF anniversary. Basically, we wait.

She is basically Fashion personified, so it would basically be dating a concept.
If you think about it in concepts, then it will be Fashion dating Progress, which fits like a glove. I'm not sorry.
Having a romantic relationship with Garment would also be kind of weird if you think about it. She is basically Fashion personified, so it would basically be dating a concept. It would be like dating the wind, or engineering, or painting. Sure, she's a person so it's possible and presumably you could make it work. It would still be weird.

I mean if given concept can have romantic feelings i don't get what's so weird about dating them. Joe is a Hindu cyborg werewolf titan robot who is also a gigan and a Demigod and not to mention he's legit a concept himself. Dude is literally the physical embodiment of progress. And he is also capable of feeling romantic feelings. It's not too crazy in my opinion or weird
🙏The most ridiculous perk rolled during the conversation with Brian please!🙏

A few thousand years of transformers memories or the Arch magos perk. Ill even take Truth, I live for that shit.
Truth perk would be absolutely hilarious for multiple reasons, tho idk if he would have enough reach for it.

But my god would it be hilarious.

Unfortunately as mentioned in the chapter lord changed the rules to have a point shadow after the tome despite it only being 500 so the next roll is only for 300 and it's doubtful it'll drag on long enough for a 500 let alone Truth.

Aisha also rescued him after the whole Lung fight... And hasn't attacked any heroes IIRC. Hypocrisy my ass, the first thing Taylor did with her defensive costume was try to figure out a way to attack someone with it.

Technically it was the second cause the first was finding tall buildings to jump off.

Wait, Brian is only 17? Yet he can adopt Aisha? That's legal?

I always thought he was at least 21. Is it fanon to make him older?

Just going to point it out that in canon Brian is Taylor's "love interest". However, if we're being honest their canon relationship is pretty iffy to me because Brian was not interested as he mentally had Taylor filed as little sister to the point that she was in Aisha's role when he second triggered. Except that second trigger broke him kind of hollowing him out and leaving him as a doormat shell of a person who was also somewhat clingy and Taylor pushed the relationship all the way to sleeping with him and while canon Aisha was fine with it it always seemed kind of rapey to me.
Why the cliff hanger on a basic conversation?!?! Was the entire chapter "Joe goes to the gym and talks to four people" really? Man we need some combat and Joe to take Garmet up on that flirting, flirt back and practice for Crystal. Or better yet see more of Crystal, those interactions make Joe grow and are pretty interesting to read.
We got Garment being like: "You realize I was flirting with you too, right?" a couple chapters ago, to which Joe was like "ANYWAYS LETS TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE"
Now we get Joe being like "Garment was flirting with me, but she didn't mean it - or rather she meant it, but it was just a joke" lmaooooo (fr though, what does unserious but sincere even mean in this context???)
She'll get him out of his shell eventually lmao
Joe: Wait, so you had a thing with Alec? I thought it was Taylor.

Brian: What? No! To both of them! I see her as a sister!

Aisha: I take offense to that, I don't live that big of a mess!

Joe: Bank account.

Aisha: That was the one time, and it wasn't my fault!

Joe: ...

Aisha: Okay, not completely my fault! 10%! At most!

Joe: ....

Aisha: Alright, 50%! There, happy?

Joe: ......Stalking.

Aisha: Whoa, low blow. I said sorry, didn't I? You even kidnapped and educated me and crap.

Joe: Wording!

Probably would have happened a while ago, so it would be entirely possible that Brian was just 16 in this hypothetical explanation. Which means that Joe, the 20 year old adult who also isn't gay has to let down this 16 year old highschooler both because it would be creepy and because he isn't gay.

Better than Sabah :V

I swear Lily's age was retconed...

Having a romantic relationship with Garment would also be kind of weird if you think about it. She is basically Fashion personified, so it would basically be dating a concept. It would be like dating the wind, or engineering, or painting. Sure, she's a person so it's possible and presumably you could make it work. It would still be weird.

Butcher: Well well well, if it isn't the enigmatic fashionista himself.

Ape: What can I say, I'm married to fashion *dramatic cape billow* It's a manner of speech, not a proposal *dramatic cape billow* We will talk later.
A lot of back and forth on why Joe should trust Aisha more than he should Taylor and I don't feel I need to add anymore to that.

In regards to the chapter, eh, it felt like a whole lot of nothing to be honest. Granted, we got a little bit of the knowledge about the gym's status and the setup for Brian finally finding out about Aisha and Joe, but it feels like we could have gotten there much simplier. Especially with it leaving off when we were finally expecting the payoff.

In regards to Jack and the 9, I think Joe is actively overcomplicating how things need to be with Jack and the 9. He talks about wanted to reveal just how badly Jack had been affecting people, but his power only works on parahumans, and to his knowledge, Parahumans aren't running the government. That a lot of his arguments don't really hold up under close scrutiny - they only do if you're aware of parahuman influence in government policy. And even revealing that... does what? Reveal to the world that one of the biggest serial killers in recent history had a worldwide master power? In what way does that help anyone other than cause people to even shit more bricks because who else clearly has a power like that? That's right, The Enigmatic Artificer.

Again, I think he's drastically overcomplicating things on the S9 front, and they should have been dealt with far before they came close to the city, but that's a tired and old argument at this point.

Prediction: the next time Mrs. Gartenberg approaches Joe it will be with the intent of having him meet her granddaughter (or a close analog. For the lolz I'd love to see her trying to hook Joe up with Faultline. 😁)
Disregarding the whole 'her grandaughter being Faultline' thing, I do thing this would be a hilarious omake/sidestory. Not even just Mrs. G, but just anyone else from the gym - maybe trying to hook up a sister or cousin or something like that. Maybe Vince's and Casey's significant others who have met Joe and are just like, "You know, he's cute. I should hook him up with one of my girlfriends."

And Joe just smiling and using his time slowdown trick to simply think of a way to decline politely.
Except that second trigger broke him kind of hollowing him out and leaving him as a doormat shell of a person who was also somewhat clingy and Taylor pushed the relationship all the way to sleeping with him and while canon Aisha was fine with it it always seemed kind of rapey to me.
While I wouldn't put it exactly like that, I do admit that his 2nd trigger broke Brian and I never felt particularly clean about Brian and Taylor's 'relationship'. And despite it's origins, it did keep Brian grounded in the aftermath of that trauma, although I will admit that it felt like it went on longer than it should have.
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to his knowledge, Parahumans aren't running the government.
To his knowledge, thinkers definitely have undue influence. Which he knows specifically because of the investigation into Jack; Joe explicitly called out that perfectly sensible analyses of the Nine situation made by mundanes were being passed to Thinkers who mangled the analysis with their "insight" (influenced by Jack's power) before it was passed up the chain and dismissed in part due to the Thinker "analysis" that really was actually Broadcast cheating its metaphorical pants off. Joe wants to shut the whole thing down ahead of actually killing Jack because doing it in that order will prove it was an active power effect associated with the guy.

Imagine a scenario that isn't likely to happen but is essentially what Joe wants on a grand scale:
Apeiron: "Tattletale, unrelated to what we've been discussing, what do you think about how easy it would be to track down the slaughterhouse nine?"
Tattletale: "What? Those bastards? You know they're too slippery for words. I even heard a rumour they might have a secret member with a stranger power."
A: *clicks fingers and activates the Broadcast-be-gone-inator* "How about now?"
T: "What do you mean? What did you just… wait, what? It should be easy to track similar crimes across the national databases to give a general vector for them, and then I can hack into public surveillance in the area with no problem. I have this face tracking algorithm I borrowed from Uber when he wasn't looking, and it's not like that bastard hides his face and…"
A: "You see, now, don't you?"
T: "What did you do!?"
A: "Simple; I turned off Jack's actual major power – the one that let him effectively master any parahuman into believing he was invincible. On a global level."
T: *faints*
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To his knowledge, thinkers have undue influence. Which he knows specifically because of the investigation into Jack; Joe specifically called out that perfectly sensible analyses of the Nine situation made by mundanes were being passed to Thinkers who mangled the analysis with their "insight" (influenced by Jack's power) before it was passed up the chain and dismissed in part due to the Thinker "analysis" that really was actually Broadcast cheating its metaphorical pants off. Joe wants to shut the whole thing down ahead of actually killing Jack because doing it in that order will prove it was an active power effect associated with the guy.

Imagine a scenario that isn't likely to happen but is essentially what Joe wants on a grand scale:
Apeiron: "Tattletale, unrelated to what we've been discussing, what do you think about how easy it would be to track down the slaughterhouse nine?"
Tattletale: "What? Those bastards? You know they're too slippery for words. I even heard a rumour they might have a secret member with a stranger power."
A: *clicks fingers and activates the Broadcast-be-gone-inator* "How about now?"
T: "What do you mean? What did you just… wait, what? It should be easy to track similar crimes across the national databases to give a general vector for them, and then I can hack into public surveillance in the area with no problem. I have this face tracking algorithm I borrowed from Uber when he wasn't looking, and it's not like that bastard hides his face and…"
A: "You see, now, don't you?"
T: "What did you do!?"
A: "Simple; I turned off Jack's actual major power – the one that let him effectively master any parahuman into believing he was invincible. On a global level."
T: *faints*
And that's how Joe took revenge on behalf of Lisa by giving her shard a headache.
On that subject, it looked like it was pretty much guaranteed that she was going to be released before the end of the day,

You know, it seems very convenient that the PRT decided to release Amy from protection the evening before the Nine is scheduled to arrive, especially considering how much Riley - and Jack by extension - want to break/recruit her... Either these things were put in motion by the Broadcast long before MC started countering its influence, or he's unable to filter all of it.
It might be that Laserdream's visitations, which should've improved Amy's situation and calmed her down, which in turn would've reflected on her psych evaluations in a positive light, which would've expedited her release, all in concert with Lady Photon's involvement... were orchestrated by it;)

there was no chance they would connect me with Apeiron, but there were plenty of other assumptions that could spring up.

"Loosing my bike in the Ungodly Hour" is just what one can nonchalantly say to cover up their Trigger Event.
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At the very least I expect her to just put on her armor instead of trying to explain. Quicker, easier, and doesn't require her to find words.
I mean, once Brian gets past his gibbering and mental breakdown I imagine explanations would still be in order. Fortunately, with Joe they should have all the time they need as necessary - especially since I'm fairly certain that Jack Slash can't get information from anyone Joe's interacting at this point. How Brian would react though? That's something far more exciting to expect...
I mean, once Brian gets past his gibbering and mental breakdown I imagine explanations would still be in order. Fortunately, with Joe they should have all the time they need as necessary - especially since I'm fairly certain that Jack Slash can't get information from anyone Joe's interacting at this point. How Brian would react though? That's something far more exciting to expect...
Hmmmm, how will Brian react to finding out his sister is the most powerful memory modifier on the planet, also known as Lethe?
Meltdown, followed by rage at Joe for letting this happen to her (not realizing she already triggered prior to meeting him), quickly followed by mindboggling incredulity at her having been able to keep it a secret, at all, since Aisha will Aisha all day long. Then he'll probably ask Joe what can be done to improve his blackout power.
Hmmmm, how will Brian react to finding out his sister is the most powerful memory modifier on the planet, also known as Lethe?
Meltdown, followed by rage at Joe for letting this happen to her (not realizing she already triggered prior to meeting him), quickly followed by mindboggling incredulity at her having been able to keep it a secret, at all, since Aisha will Aisha all day long. Then he'll probably ask Joe what can be done to improve his blackout power.
Brian: Of course she needs memory erasing powers to keep a secret.