Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Finally managed to get around to reading this chapter. Stargate sounds interesting, I wonder if Eezo and Naqadah can be alloyed, given his multitude of resource standarisation and enhancement Perks

If you're specifically talking about Celestial Forge fics, I can't really help you, but if you're just interested in something with a similar level of detail and quality and fine with it having only gotten three-quarters of a million words before dieing...

Well, I may have nostalgia goggles on when describing Man Off The Moon that way, given the years between it dieing and now. But I don't think I do.
Thanks for the recommendation. Unfortunatly I've already read it. Thrice. It's an amazing story, I agree.

The good news is, RA is back! Check his FFN profile (FiendLurcher), he is currently editing C26 and will update when finished with the rest. MotM does hit upon similar themes with power interactions and a somewhat more realistic expansion on the more unrealistic parts by smoothing out the wrinkles in worldbuilding

There is it's 500 but in knowledge there's also the thing called something like the pelican's tome which is apparently some sort of hard drive of big 40k tech tho idk the setting to say if it gets a higher rank

Plecian Tome, journal of a senior techpriest, only reason I remembered was the CF fic over at QQ, where it was apparently the Emperor's. Real TTS vibes there.

You know, when Levi finally disco stomps BB it's going to be obvious which buildings are connected to Apeiron on the waterfront because they'll be the only ones left standing.

Joe: I've got nothing major planned, I've got a small outing planned to exterminate Slaughterhouse Nine whenever they get their shit together and finally arrive, but nothing important.

I was fully set to make a joke about how this was a Stargate power no matter what evidence I got shown, and then it turned out to be correct. Therefore I am happy to announce that Joe just got an injection og 100 CCs of Doctor Daniel Jackson directly to the brain!
I am placing a bet that its actually Lethe who would counter Leviathan via challenging him in hydrokinetic tug-of-war and winning effectively nullifying Endbringer's main attack and making everyone shit their pants because THAT not only lived in the same city as them but also can just make everyone forget she existed in the first place. I am sure implications of Endbringer level threat that you cannot even perceive properly would go well.
Lethe: "Compared to my team, I'm not that much of a threat, really. I'm more of a small scale operations."

Also Lethe: could literally drop the contents of an entire planet on you

Lethe being the weakest in unconventional terms without her Shard makes for an interesting comparison with the rest of Bet, with the addition of her new Shield-Planet, she will have an excellent way to make full use of her alchemy. The irony is apart from Apeiron, she is the most watched member of the CF. I imagine the panic bells ringing when her performance against the S9/Leviathan is shown, not only does she have the standard high-quality power armour with all the bells and whistles, but is a formidable Striker 12+ as well.

Also, I really want Victor's smug face kicked in or humiliated even more, the principle of the Dunning-Kreuger Effect in full force.
What about things that are naturally hazardous?, like nuka quantum?

its literally is full of strontium

it would also mean that the food is technically not real by some cultures, only replicated, which some groups in trek even had a problem with it, some other may too
The stuff that would be a problem is there. Be it strontium, various diseases, nanotech or anything else. It just magically through luck isn't a problem. Radioactive elements don't decay somehow, anything dangerous just doesn't get absorbed, ect. Luck. The answer is luck.
The stuff that would be a problem is there. Be it strontium, various diseases, nanotech or anything else. It just magically through luck isn't a problem. Radioactive elements don't decay somehow, anything dangerous just doesn't get absorbed, ect. Luck. The answer is luck.

lord didn't do this for the fallen london lab, the colors that mess with your mind are still there, would other foods from fallen London that mess with your mind also be neutralized?

Alchemy works outside the lab and now is being studied by villains


clearly the forge hasn't been neutralizing stuff because it's dangerous, why start now?
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lord didn't do this for the fallen london lab, the colors that mess with your mind are still there, would other foods from fallen London that mess with your mind also be neutralized?

Alchemy works outside the lab and now is being studied by villains

clearly the forge hasn't been neutralizing stuff because it's dangerous, why start now?
Those are dangerous though because of their purpose. The colors are supposed to be dangerous. The alchemy is supposed to be learnable. The food is not supposed to cause a nanotech and alien disease apocalypse.
Those are dangerous though because of their purpose. The colors are supposed to be dangerous. The alchemy is supposed to be learnable. The food is not supposed to cause a nanotech and alien disease apocalypse.

the nanotechnology also wasn't supposed to explode and infect the world, and alchemy was not meant to be learned by having that knowledge taken from your head

you clearly have never seen the Fallen London cuisine if you believe that apocalyptic food isn't a thing, those fuckers eat Eldritch abominations so much they have imitation meat of them
the nanotechnology also wasn't supposed to explode and infect the world, and alchemy was not meant to be learned by having that knowledge taken from your head

you clearly have never seen the Fallen London cuisine if you believe that apocalyptic food isn't a thing, those fuckers eat Eldritch abominations so much they have imitation meat of them
You can consider the Fallen London colors being hilariously dangerous a future though. It's the point. Unless a specific food is supposed to be dangerous, it probably wouldn't be. For example casu marzu would probably have the ability to give you terrible diseases. It's the point if you actually decided to buy that. But if i decided I want blue milk from Star Wars, or Generator Rex food unless a feature of the food is the potential apocalypse it wouldn't be a problem. As for people learning Alchemy, that's because showing someone something is technically teaching.