Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Aren't there Black Holes that have historically stopped existing because of the amount of Hawking Radiation that they've output? Where did you get those numbers you're using from?
In one of Hawking's papers he postulated that a black hole formed at the beginning of the universe with a mass of something like 10¹²kg or smaller could have evaporated by the present day. For reference, Earth is slightly less than 6 × 10²⁴kg.
We haven't actually seen any of these black holes or their predicted explosive deaths, but there are astronomers watching for "black hole explosions" which will be pretty awesome if/when they find something.

There's a website that has a bunch of calculated parameters based on various formulas including the black body formulas here:
Viktor T. Toth - Hawking radiation calculator
In one of Hawking's papers he postulated that a black hole formed at the beginning of the universe with a mass of something like 10¹²kg or smaller could have evaporated by the present day. For reference, Earth is slightly less than 6 × 10²⁴kg.
That makes it very unlikely then. At that mass, matter wouldn't just collapse into a singularity like regular black holes - they have to be somehow squeezed into a space much much smaller than a coin with the kind of Schwartzchild radius it would have.
Yeah, thats the reason why everyone - PRT, villains, independents, administration, scientists, etc - losing their shit in story. They all want to just get off of Mr. Apeiron's wild ride. Unfortunately for them, the ride is not only never ends, its barely even began.
You know what Joe should inhabit his land with? Danger Beasts. Danger Beasts or possible EVOs. Like he's got a power for turning empowered animals into empowered tools and he's got a bunch of land and he's got Danger Beast DNA and Nanites; probably a good idea to build up a stock of empowered animals. Maybe steal a few from Nilbog while he's at it. Them and add a few psychically active ones as well so that their psychic ability can be distilled down into a medicinal Teigu.

Also including some fibers or accessories of Deep Amber or Energon might allow Tetra to go for longer periods of time without having to eat which would probably be reassuring for her.

Also some marinated and cured meats and stuff would probably be nice to have; just a big old fully stocked meat cellar. Partially for the aesthetics.

Edit: you know what would be ridiculous? Fairy Lettered hand-crafted salt-crystals in a spice-grinder. Just have each individual grain be big enough for the Fairy Lettering to be clearly visible. Hand-mix the sodium and chlorine into sodium chloride.

Edit: if Joe made a psychic being out of its own pyrokinesis, making it keep itself alive and refine itself and its skills as a matter of course and a state of being, and then made it into a consumable Teigu or Shingu, so that Aisha could take it and get the psychic ability as a part of her psychic enhancement, how would she take it? Like you'd probably have a bit of trouble drinking fire; would she snort it? Inhale it like a bong-hit?

Edit: Joe absolutely must make sky puppies. Just make some weather animals out of clouds and stuff. Probably also some sea-life like turtles and whatnot. Probably some squids and manta-rays and stuff. It would be actually adorable.

Edit: some squids or starfish made out of aurora borealis lights would probably also be terrifyingly magnificent.
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So, in just a few hours Brockton time or several months our time, Garment will be having her big auction alongside Parian. When Garment had her big meeting with the PRT at the Gym, Jozef ran into March in her civilian identity. (Well, actually, she ran into him, since he acquired a perk and threw her legendary timing off.)
Is there anybody that could infiltrate the Auction as a civilian who would be as impactful to the future story as March was in the past?
I haven't had the chance to reply to the thread for a while, so I just wanted to get my thanks for corrections and omakes taken care of. I'm hoping to get to other comments when things calm down for me, but I've been dealing with a lot recently so I'm not sure when that will happen. Additionally, my apologies if I've overlooked anyone's contribution. I haven't been staying on top of the thread as well as I would have liked.

Its (tiny) omake time
Thanks for the omake.
Omake, Celestial Forge Vs Slaughterhouse Nine

Jack Slash stepped out of their latest warehouse hideout into the fresh and crispy Brockton Bay air with a spring in his step and a smile on his face.

Time to get to work!
Thanks for the omake.
productive? (you've got an extra period there)
dealing with stress

extra "
Thank you, corrected.
Pretty big chapter, and all focused on a single therapy session. I truly hope that Joe can help Alma, partially since it would be hilarious if she can make even Cauldron soil themselves. Alma definitely would show the Slaughterhouse how they are amateurs compared to her.

between us

tension from Dr.

the Knowledge constellation as

powerful organizations.

Forge become

mean, being a tinker

transfer than other

Though I didn't


venting the anger

I withstood them.

a Kamui,

Thank you, corrected.

The latest of my Meme-ifications of Wham Lines. As always, I had about four before I found one I liked. At some point, I may do a reread and do up memes for others I haven't already. When I do, I'll toss up a collection post or two.
Thanks for the meme. I don't know how Wham lines for major perks became a thing in this fic, but I'm glad people enjoy them.
Hmm, it's time for another omake.

This could actually happen.


Door Me
Thanks for the omake.
There's an extra quotation mark here.
Thank you, corrected.

Like so many people? Like some people?

just her getting
Thank you, corrected.
Typo: replace "matched" with "matches."

Typo: replace "principle" (a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as a foundation of a belief system or a chain of reasoning) with "principal" (the head of a school, college or other educational institution).

Keep up the good work.
Thank you, corrected.
I do believe Brian didn't suddenly get out a segway and roll around the kitchen once to change the topic, so

Should probably be segue instead.
Thank you, corrected.
A funny error, but a fairly common misspelling.
Thank you, corrected.
Hilarious chapter, thank you!

Just one minor correction:

The word is segue. Not segway, that's a brand name. Segue.

(Short but cutting article on the difference between segway and segue)
Thank you, corrected.
"inedibility" should probably be "inevitability"

I cannot believe Joe's solution to the Nine is to create p-zombies…
Thank you, corrected.
Should probably be "Or more".
Thank you, corrected.
Thank you, corrected.
Thanks for the update. Excellent chapter, but powers are getting added overwhelmingly fast...

inedibility ->inevitability?

experimented with?

too busy


While true, a fallout from an s-class threat Apeiron not acting according to predictions and people realizing that he can't be predicted might get to "lets nuke the bay" scale. A fallout from somebody unknown (was that someone eliminating competition? What reason do they have to stay hidden and not claim the bounty?) doing the same would be not as bad, but comparable (unknown, unpredictable S-class threat somewhere around, start digging), it's better to avoid both and go for "Apeiron was provoked, avoid doing that, clear the fallout, but otherwise we can pretend he doesn't exist".
Thank you, corrected.
What Do You Mean "Crazy Frog Isn't the Song?"
Jack Slash felt immensely giddy. Finally, they had made it to Brockton Bay. He and his Nine (including Crawler, who was somewhat impressed that the building could hold his weight) stood upon a building in one of the city's many dilapidated zones, gazing down upon the unknowing populace. He had to resist the urge to chuckle in merry delight as thought after thought made its way through his head. Heroes he would kill, heroes he would corrupt, parahumans he would bring onto his side, and parahumans he would merrily torment.
Thanks for the omake.
Another appearance from Gully, and she still hasn't had any luck finding Apeiron. Garment's event might not be her scene, but it would be another chance for her to find some leads. Interesting development in terms of Neil's powers too.

wife who didn't
Thank you, corrected.
Joe Accidentally Gives Taylor a Candle
"So, what's this?" Lisa asked as she pulled the top off of the rather ornate gift box Joe had just handed to her. Inside, she saw... "Candles?"

"Yep, candles," Joe confirmed, nodding his head. Indeed, there were candles inside the gift box. Like, a hell of a lot more than a box of its size should have been able to hold. They came in every shape, size, and color of the rainbow Lisa could think of. Pulling a purple one out, she held it to her nose and took a quick sniff. She was struck by the scent of "wow-that's-a-lot-of-lavender" and she felt herself loosen up and relax.
Thanks for the omake. Like other posters have states, I too was relieved to find out this had nothing to do with Fallen London. Candle lore in that setting is a very deep well.
It was recommended that I post these here, so here you go.

Playing God.

Outskirts of Brockton Bay.
Thanks for the omake.
Addendum Taylor has no formatting.

needs a period at the end there.
Thank you, corrected.
I got the vibe she did... and assumed Emma triggered....

Extra ","

A little odd with double "or whatever"


Web site

Thank you, corrected.

Thanks for the update, you do amazing work!
Thank you, corrected.
Thanks, enjoyed that.


This was used many times.


Thank you, corrected.
Is this an error? Kinsect? Or is it just something to do with the glaive.

Thank you, corrected.
No assessment of Survey with those philosophical concerns. Your oversight, Joe's oversight or subtle foreshadowing?

You mean sowing conflict, right?

On cue, clearly.

This is garbled. "somewhat limiting", perhaps? Although that's redundant - limits limit by definition.

The second part is tautological, comparing the act of sneaking to the same act of sneaking. Garbled in editing?
Thank you, corrected.
Thanks again!



Thank you, corrected.
Thank you for the update!

limiting, not limited, but probably better to find another word.

Feels wrong. May be it should have been like: Of course, with my advanced senses it was about as effective as an elephant trying to sneak into a china shop.
Thank you, corrected.
@LordRoustabout haven't had an omake in a while so here you go.
An Incorrect Summary of Apeiron's First Worshipers
Thanks for the omake.
Sure, why not.

I feel this could be done better, but it is what it is.


Tea Time
Thanks for the Omake.

Incidentally, I responded to a comment about this idea on Ao3. The question of Taylor trying to weaponize the tea set came up, with the most likely mechanism being abusing the effect that ensures there are enough placements for everyone your are serving, followed by declaring her entire swarm to be guests and burying her enemies under an avalanche of indestructible porcelain.
Incidentally, I responded to a comment about this idea on Ao3. The question of Taylor trying to weaponize the tea set came up, with the most likely mechanism being abusing the effect that ensures there are enough placements for everyone your are serving, followed by declaring her entire swarm to be guests and burying her enemies under an avalanche of indestructible porcelain.
Damn it. That sounds exactly like something she would do. She could one shot most non-brute capes with that trick, and severely hinder the brutes too. What would be even worse is if she constantly summoned and unsummoned the tea set like that, reburying people over and over.
Damn it. That sounds exactly like something she would do. She could one shot most non-brute capes with that trick, and severely hinder the brutes too. What would be even worse is if she constantly summoned and unsummoned the tea set like that, reburying people over and over.
It probably also works as an unstoppable homing boomerang and dragon decapitation device, and a mode of transport.

The thought of Skitter rail-grinding down a set of stairs and then preforming a midair Aegislash amuses me more than it should.
Something to note is that shards might be able to be broken down into smaller pieces such as Vicky's shard counting as multiple "people" for the teacup because iirc Vicky's shard is like an amalgam.

However given the modular/recursive nature of shards this might be applicable to a large degree for every shard.

That way Taylor might not even need to count her swarm as guests and instead count the shard of the parahuman as a guest.

Even if that doesn't work I feel like if a shard was declared a guest, given the size of shards and the magical nature of the tea set, that it would spawn 1 GIANT tea cup in order to be properly scaled for the shard, which could be useful.
Something to note is that shards might be able to be broken down into smaller pieces such as Vicky's shard counting as multiple "people" for the teacup because iirc Vicky's shard is like an amalgam.

However given the modular/recursive nature of shards this might be applicable to a large degree for every shard.

That way Taylor might not even need to count her swarm as guests and instead count the shard of the parahuman as a guest.

Even if that doesn't work I feel like if a shard was declared a guest, given the size of shards and the magical nature of the tea set, that it would spawn 1 GIANT tea cup in order to be properly scaled for the shard, which could be useful.
Given the nature of [Queen] it would probably be able to optimize a partition for self-partitioning for the purpose of counting as as many targets as possible.

Edit: probably a unavoidably potential function of a lot of Shards actually.

Edit: ones like Queen would obviously be better then average at it but a more specialized one like Crusaders would probably be better then even that.
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Here's a thing

In the dead of night, when the world's asleep,
There's a place where heroes rise to keep,
Their city safe from villains' schemes,
In the darkness, their light beams.

At the ungodly hour,
They fight with all their power,
Defenders of the weak,
In the shadows they seek.

Tetra, the Life Fibre entity,
A power that few could foresee,
With her threads, she weaves and binds,
The fate of those she designs.

Verse 2:
The forge is lit, the hammers sound,
As they craft weapons to astound,
Their enemies with steel and fire,
Their strength and courage never tire.

At the ungodly hour,
They fight with all their power,
Defenders of the weak,
In the shadows they seek.

Survey, the program that never sleeps,
With sensors and cameras that always peep,
She monitors the data with sharp precision,
Tracking the world with utmost decision.

Verse 3:
The villains strike, but they don't fear,
They face their foes with honor clear,
Their powers clash, to battle they ride,
The heroes fight to turn the tide..

At the ungodly hour,
They fight with all their power,
Defenders of the weak,
In the shadows they seek.

Fleet, the pilot with a daring plan,
A reckless move, a final stand,
With FTL engines set to crash,
He strikes the enemy in a flash.

Verse 4:
The night is long, but they stand tall,
Their will to protect, never falls,
The dawn will come, the dawn will rise,
Their mission done, they'll take a prize.

At the ungodly hour,
They fight with all their power,
Defenders of the weak,
In the shadows they seek.

Lethe, the hero of the aftermath,
With strength and courage that stays the path,
She finds Apeiron, wounded and lost,
Determined to save him at any cost.

Damn just missed The Boss
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I just had a thought and I can't remember it, when Joe met March in civvies, did his passenger say something? I remember him reacting to Kayden and her EEE friend, Aisha and Theo but for this I don't.
If not, why???
Jozef's "passenger" represents Worm fandom, and I'm not sure they know alot about Ward exclusive characters, esp. not to recognize them on sight in their civvies...
Doesn't victor stealing Alchemy knowledge from Aisha constitute a lost for the entire celestial forge (since obviously it'll cause problems in the future)thus meaning that Katsu jenkin didnt work?
Doesn't victor stealing Alchemy knowledge from Aisha constitute a lost for the entire celestial forge (since obviously it'll cause problems in the future)thus meaning that Katsu jenkin didnt work?

In the timeframe/conditions Victor had, it was more like copying some of the basic knowledge, the more sight, proximity, and active use of the skill he's stealing, the more and faster he can drain. Any knowledge Victor takes will naturally return, it's just that when he takes past a certain point it's faster to relearn than wait for the skills to regenerate.
As long as Aisha didn't do any higher level alchemy for like a day after the meeting, she probably wouldn't even notice.
If Victor had been able to skill-drain while he was watching Aisha preform some lengthy Alchemy, however, the difference would have been picked up on.
Doesn't victor stealing Alchemy knowledge from Aisha constitute a lost for the entire celestial forge (since obviously it'll cause problems in the future)thus meaning that Katsu jenkin didnt work?
In the timeframe/conditions Victor had, it was more like copying some of the basic knowledge, the more sight, proximity, and active use of the skill he's stealing, the more and faster he can drain. Any knowledge Victor takes will naturally return, it's just that when he takes past a certain point it's faster to relearn than wait for the skills to regenerate.
As long as Aisha didn't do any higher level alchemy for like a day after the meeting, she probably wouldn't even notice.
If Victor had been able to skill-drain while he was watching Aisha preform some lengthy Alchemy, however, the difference would have been picked up on.

wog was Victor in his brief opportunity homed in on how to trigger circles and just barely got it. What that means is Aisha very quickly recovered without any long term consequences and Victor has to work a ton out himself which is why he fed the info to the others because he needs to work out the rules and limits himself and wants to use them for it. He is also extremely arrogant that his power makes him the number one undisputed master because of all the knowledge he's leeched from others and is rushing into trying to resurrect the dead which will get him smacked by Truth.
@famfrit @rollobeast
Im talking about the fact that he got anything at all from aisha in the second it took for fleet to blits him and Kaiser to talk To Joe which Activating Katsu jenkin. So either 1 of 2 things is true Katsu jenkin Doesn't work On skill theft (which seeing as losing your skills before the fight even begins puts you at a disadvantage) he honed on to Aisha before Joe even spoke. Idk iirc on we might have a plot whole.
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