Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Literally no way because shards don't know about it via fiat. Mantra was impossible until Joe rolled it, or more accurate to say impossible to get stumbled upon, it was always possible.
I was clearly joking about Taylor getting power from mantra, everyone knows that Taylor gets her real power from pure escalation. More powerful then any fiat power imaginable.
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It's funny to me that Taylor has the most competent analytical mind on the planet on speed-dial who would genuinely enjoy getting those documents to provide an analysis of, and yet she won't because Taylor. And it seems like she doesn't know about having the team available yet.

And also that he has trouble NOT putting extra features into things. Like, at least 2 of his powers lead to bonus abilities in stuff he makes.

Technically survey should already have a copy of the documents the moment she scanned them. She just sitting on the knowledge until Taylor asked because that what Joe asked for, no private life info without their consent
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"Mr. Gladly said Principle Blackwell wanted to see me." She said. The woman gave her a hard look before responding.
Principle and Principal mixup a couple of times in this chapter.

Overall what should be a "boring" chapter, but definitely exploring a number of interesting lines like the general perception (and the Greg perception) of Parahumans in general and Celestial Forge/Lady Khepri specifically. Nice to see Taylor acknowledging that heroes are human too, something she definitely struggled with in canon.
Like he power could never be enough to make it as a cape.
Like her power?
She doubted anything less than an attack on the level of Mach's power would be able to damage those plates
The closest anyone had to an idea was from the Ungodly Hour, specifically the time before he had been ambushed by Mach and fought Lung.
See above
Another possibility for the use of her indestructible silk could be flight, either swarm aided or like the parachuting spiders are known to do and just drift with the wind. For the swarm side, have several thousand flies each holding a hyper-fine thread several hundred feet (or less, but that just makes them more visible and an easier target) in the air, allowing them to spread out and not interfere with each other, and collectively carry her through the air.
Though I pity the squishy that tries to jump/fly over her.
Then that would mean Taylor will fly like Doflamingo. Using threads as a sense of flight and escalating conflict through dog fights in the air. Oh dear, I hope Taylor doesn't start growing like 7 feet tall and wears pink fluffy shirts. You just know if Garment suddenly get a cache of One Piece style wardrobe, the undersiders are getting new clothes like no ones business
Well that was as depressing as I was expecting. Still there is amusement in Taylor being half right. Joe does leave extra features in, but it's not because he trusts Taylor to find ways to rules lawyer them into hyperlethality, it's because he is leaving in fail-safes.

Sound like "fail-deadly" to me. But yeah, you can count on Taylor to bug-exploit all her gear.

It's funny to me that Taylor has the most competent analytical mind on the planet on speed-dial who would genuinely enjoy getting those documents to provide an analysis of, and yet she won't because Taylor. And it seems like she doesn't know about having the team available yet.

Looks like Taylor didn't get the word that Joe's team is available for conversation. I wonder how she'll react to learning about Rachel's date.

To be fair to Taylor, she doesn't know Survey is a lawyer in her civilian identity.

This sounds highly fucking illegal.

EDIT: Seriously, pressuring a minor into signing forms without their parent or a legal advocate present, and not giving them a copy, even NDA's let you review them with a lawyer.

So par for the course for Winslow.
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Would someone be kind enough to remind me why PRT took interest in the locker incident? If it was mentioned before then I don't remember anymore and I would rather avoid looking through the entire fic again to find the answer.
Let's just say the police's boss got a bit fed up with the PRT's boss. Chapter 55.1, preamble Roy

Roy wasn't privy to the conference himself, but the fact that Commissioner Murphy had used the opportunity to tear into the director in front of her colleagues, the governor's office, and even the state supreme court was the kind of thing that passed into legend. She had clearly regarded his presence as a formality, something that either set off the rant or exacerbated it.

The split between the PRT and police force had been concerning for some time, and based on that exchange it wasn't likely to improve until either Murphy or Piggot left their position. He had torn into her for everything from the initial handling of the crisis, failure to share initial information, understandable when branches in other cities had read Apeiron's warnings ahead of the local police force, lack of coordination with local agencies during an emergency, abuse of power during an emergency, and finally failure to declare an S-class threat.

He had even dredged up grievances from before the current crisis, matters of jurisdiction, information access, accusations of perpetuating criminal elements to manage the balance of power between the gangs, just to make it clear this had been festering for a long time. He openly challenged her on the status of a particularly vile case that had been transferred to PRT jurisdiction for classified reasons, attempted murder of a minor at Winslow High back in January, with no updates, progress, or chain of evidence available.

That seemed to have taken her by surprise, and Piggot did not like being blindsided. Roy was willing to guess that the only person she currently held more ire for than the Commissioner was whoever had left a political timebomb like that case under her seat.
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Another possibility for the use of her indestructible silk could be flight, either swarm aided or like the parachuting spiders are known to do and just drift with the wind. For the swarm side, have several thousand flies each holding a hyper-fine thread several hundred feet (or less, but that just makes them more visible and an easier target) in the air, allowing them to spread out and not interfere with each other, and collectively carry her through the air.
Though I pity the squishy that tries to jump/fly over her.
A wingsuit might be viable too. Or even wings. As she can make them incredible thin while they remain indestructible, she just needs some stiff materials for the wing skeleton and fill the rest with fine unbreakable silk. Even if she descends too rapidly, as long as she doesn't get stuck in the ground the durability upgrade will have her be okay.
Documents signed by a minor without their legal guardian are non-enforceable, even with the guardian present they're not ironclad.
The number of minor Parahumans would probably mean that they changed that as soon as they could.
Chapter 34 Little talks - Addendum Ethan :
There was a sense of movement and a kind of hazy web like feeling of chi through the building. Whatever effect Taylor used to connect with her bugs brought her very close to them as far as the Dragon's Pulse was concerned. It was a fascinating sensation and I would really like to get a better look at the effect.

Later. Now I had an awkward conversation to bumble through.

This wont be relevant in the near future, surely.
Ah of course. She's going to get her hands on the Chi-fueled Beam Katana and have each and every one of her insects suddenly have lightsabers.

Alternatively she might be able to pull some Spirit Bomb shenanigans using a connection to all of the insects across all of the Earths.
She can jump off a building to more quickly get to the street...
Yeah it's not like she can't survive terminal velocity.
To show how terrifying thin indestructible wires are here's a video of Walter stomping Dracula.


Razor Floss is indeed fun~
Ah yes, praise be the Goddess Khepri as she descends upon us mortals, and may her threads merely bind us and not rend us to pieces. May her swarm blot out the skies and let all mortal weapons fail to damage her and hers, for she is truly divine in every way. May her mercy fall upon those pious, and may her vengeance fall upon the unjust. In her name, we pray.
Oh hey if her Reinforcement extends to her swarm though her power then I wonder if that will continue when the Parahumans of the Earths become a part of her Swarm.

Actually I wonder if Crawler might adapt to fall under her control if that sort of benefit comes with it.
Ah yes giving mantra to Taylor, that's just what Joe needs. Clearly there's no way she could weaponize that.
Ah yes Taylor the Escalating Queen; she who will weaponize anything and everything up to and including prayers in her name. Praise be!
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Imagine if Lisa's worst nightmares ever came to be: Joe is about to mobilize on Noelle and Coil. But before Joe can even do anything, he only arrives on site to find Taylor already have Oops, All Aegislash'ed her way through the Travelers.
Imagine if Lisa's worst nightmares ever came to be: Joe is about to mobilize on Noelle and Coil. But before Joe can even do anything, he only arrives on site to find Taylor already have Oops, All Aegislash'ed her way through the Travelers.
I think that Taylor would legitimately be able to outpace Noelles regeneration with her ability to sever things. She might be able to restrain Alexandria as well come to think of it.
It would be a fun experience reading the chapters with Taylor using her cutting edge technique to rain havoc on her enemies. Oh, the reactions of those poor unfortunately souls.

Especially how Joe and the rest of the undersiders would react.

Joe:...I swear I didnt know she would use them like that...
Taylor remains absolutely amazing. There is nothing she won't turn into a lethal weapon and it is EXACTLY the reason she is Best Host.

QA must be LOVING all this [DATA] and doing the Shard version of a happy dance.

And oh yeah, time for Blackwell to get fucking destroyed.

And hey, Survey now has all that information and is probably going to put it into an update packet for Joe.

Does Joe even know about the Locker yet? Does he even realize what Mrs. Hebert's Daughter has been going through?

So would this count towards points there was progress and I think this isn't going over when the previous chapter was but Joe wasn't involved so not sure
And hey, Survey now has all that information and is probably going to put it into an update packet for Joe.

Does Joe even know about the Locker yet? Does he even realize what Mrs. Hebert's Daughter has been going through?


Survey knows, but Joe won't. He explicitly told her to keep the private life of capes to herself.

So would this count towards points there was progress and I think this isn't going over when the previous chapter was but Joe wasn't involved so not sure

If Joe isn't involved, then interlude don't give points.
And thus did she become sawgirl. We truly once more became reminded why she's called Queen of Escalation.

Surprised she didn't use her watch to try to understand what that contract means.
Lol, my take-away from this chapter is that Taylor hasn't really changed from canon.

She completely bluescreens at the revelation that the internet has decided that she must be a model or actress then decides to immediately ignore the conflict with her own internal self-image.

She gets supernatural durability and immediately determines that, obviously, Joe wanted her to figure out how to utilize it to take down buildings and create nanowire storms that would make Jack Slash shudder and complain about some people taking things too far.

Our little warlord comforted a crying girl.

Local administrators tried to screw over and/or blackmail Taylor.

And, inititally at least, Taylor didn't even consider contacting anyone for help.

So, basically, Taylor was still acting like Taylor.

The end of the chapter was actually the most interesting for me. Numerous fanfics and fanon have distorted my perception of Taylor and the Undersiders but it seems like, in particular, the relationship between Lisa and Taylor might have been slightly altered from canon.

Lisa's situation with Coil has significantly changed ("No nukes, Joe! I don't care if you are using dimensional alteration or reality shifting to prevent fallout!") which I think has altered her relationship with Taylor.

Meanwhile, Taylor seems to have not "gone native" to the same degree in her undercover infiltration of the Undersiders.

She has reconnected to and/or trusts her dad enough to take the copies of Blackwells papers to him (rather than Survey or Lisa) which seems to indicate that she is less likely to just abandon and ignore him.


Regarding help from Joe, one of Taylor's remaining limitations as a cape is movement. How long until she asks for assistance with transportation? She might be envisioning a motorbike, jetpack, teleportation or even a swarm-form but hesitate to ask for anything after seeing Aisha prance by on her unicorn. (Also, jealousy?)

Speaking of transportation, Joe has started to use teleportation a lot in recent chapters. I predict that he'll casually include an emergency Beam Me Home function into the Undersiders' watches soon.

Grue will panic at the realization that, as long as he is wearing the watch, he can't escape the debt owed to Apeiron.

Lisa will realize that Joe is continuing to progress toward omniscience, omnipresent, and omnipotent at a terrifying rate.

And Taylor will somehow figure out how to weaponize it. Teleport away a section of an opponent? Redirect the arrival point into an isolated area then attach spiderwebs to surrounding buildings for massive AoE attacks? All hail the queen of escalation! (Yeah, I can definitely imagine Taylor redirecting the target location to the boat graveyard, attaching spiderlines throughout Coil's underground base during a battle with the Travelers, then transporting huge sections of the base out into the bay.)

Also, if Taylor can extend her durability via webbing attachments can she effectively mimic the Siberian in providing invulnerability to allies and vehicles?
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Fantastic analyze! You explained it very good. I can see what you mean; how she completely blocks out everything Greg mentions about her cape ID and its lethal (for her) implications, how Taylor's relationships is different than in canon, how she's still with her family and how she completely misses why Joe has a lock behind any weapons inside of her watch.

At this rate I'll just give up my hope that Lady Kephri won't go full doomguy in combo magitech armor and weaponry. It seems to be a lost case.
Imagine if Lisa's worst nightmares ever came to be: Joe is about to mobilize on Noelle and Coil. But before Joe can even do anything, he only arrives on site to find Taylor already have Oops, All Aegislash'ed her way through the Travelers.

Taytay: "So I did my mission, right ?"
Joe: ", this was a minor sidequest"

Lol, my take-away from this chapter is that Taylor hasn't really changed from canon.

Taylor still see herself as an undercover hero with a super important mission (e.g. her at the start of canon) for two reasons :
  • It's only been 17 days since the start of the story. People don't really change in 17 days. Unless they get a bunch of perks I guess.
  • If her mission is bollocks (spoiler: it is, Apeiron already knows who Coil is), then she pushed a super-tinker to the dark side for no reason. It's not a fail, it's an epic fail.
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