- Pronouns
- He
It doesn't say that.
Unless I am missing something.
I am just going with Writer's Discretion.
You did indeed miss a Word of God a while back.
Resources and Durability (300): Resources and Durability starts at 400 Personal Reality (400-100): I am deeply baffled by this roll. Both Key Link and Windows each have paired 50cp perks and I'm confused why we didn't just obtain both parts of one cluster instead of parts of two. Specifically Key Link could have come with a second key and Windows could have come with Windows of Nostalgia that show scenes from previous jumps. My best guess is that Lord has decided that Joe can't get additional keys.
For all the Forge rolls I try to avoid isolated 50 point abilities, since that leaves an odd number of points left over. Even if it means pairing with unrelated abilities, I'd rather end rolls with an even 100 points spent. For the Key Link, I could have included an instance of Additional Keys to even things out, but I had already decided to pair Additional Keys with Entrance Hall to bring it to 100 points. Essentially, each extra key would come with its own entrance to the warehouse, which would sidestep any issues with them being used simultaneously. It also means that each person that Joe gives a key to would have their own entryway that they could customize and place with the workshop. For instance, near the clothing workshop, garage, or computer core depending on their preferences.
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