Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

It doesn't say that.
Unless I am missing something.

I am just going with Writer's Discretion.

You did indeed miss a Word of God a while back.

Resources and Durability (300): Resources and Durability starts at 400 Personal Reality (400-100): I am deeply baffled by this roll. Both Key Link and Windows each have paired 50cp perks and I'm confused why we didn't just obtain both parts of one cluster instead of parts of two. Specifically Key Link could have come with a second key and Windows could have come with Windows of Nostalgia that show scenes from previous jumps. My best guess is that Lord has decided that Joe can't get additional keys.

For all the Forge rolls I try to avoid isolated 50 point abilities, since that leaves an odd number of points left over. Even if it means pairing with unrelated abilities, I'd rather end rolls with an even 100 points spent. For the Key Link, I could have included an instance of Additional Keys to even things out, but I had already decided to pair Additional Keys with Entrance Hall to bring it to 100 points. Essentially, each extra key would come with its own entrance to the warehouse, which would sidestep any issues with them being used simultaneously. It also means that each person that Joe gives a key to would have their own entryway that they could customize and place with the workshop. For instance, near the clothing workshop, garage, or computer core depending on their preferences.
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So the Enigmatic Artificer can now begin to alter things on an interplanetary scale. Well, I suppose with Star Trek skills and several others he always could if he had built the equipment, but now he has a fiat backed piece just for that job.

Of course what I want to know is, can he use it to bisect the Simurgh if he upgrades it enough? No warning attall, just flick and swish, chain bisect the b%^&$h.

Anyway, another good chapter. Can't wait to hear from Alec, still holding out the forlorn hope he will eventually get to relax in the... are we still calling it the Workshop? with all that's in there? They def. need to name the base itself.

And on this speculation:

Necromancy is always the correct response. It only gets a bad rap because it's so oft done by ametuers.

One of the foremost healers turned necromancers in the MTG setting is Lilliana Vess. After much botheration and distress, including her triggering as a Planeswalker, she had this to say about her attempt to bring back her brother:

Although, of course, for those who follow the storyline, she is now attempting to do for her (so far) late friend Gideon all she failed to do for her brother,,.. so...
Hey a thought occurs; the Warehouse has access to a unlimited supply of air right? That should be included in his Pipes and since his Pipes can mix things that it has a supply of and has heating and cooling from the power supply and Joe has unlimited milkshakes by proxy then that means that Joe should be able to have arbitrary amounts of icecream on tap by Fiat.
I exchanged looks with my duplicates. We were all thinking the same thing. The fact that the new entrance was aligned with the textile workshop just drove it home.

"A key for Garment." I said. "She can finally have her own way into the workshop."

"Yeah. About time." The first said. "Though you know Aisha's going to tease us incessantly over this."

"Of course." I said, taking a breath. Even with this lightening the mood, I was still feeling drained.

"Okay, we've got things taken care of here." The second said. "You need to recover, and since that's spiritual recovery, that means you need to go out and do things. Interact with people." He looked around. "Not close yourself off in a work blitz. We need you in form for two more upgrades, plus Tetra's conversion."

"I know." I said. "I can swing down to the Regency Center, help out with the prep." I smiled. "And give Garment her key." I paused as I was alerted to an incoming call. "Right after I speak with Alec."

I didn't know why he was calling, but it didn't bode well.

Jumpachain abilities this chapter:

Additional Keys (Personal Reality) 50:
This Access Key Upgrade gives you an additional keys to your Personal Reality. These keys attune to whomever you give them to and cannot be used by anyone other than them or someone they freely and without duress or coercion of any kind allow to use the key. If they lose the key, it will return to them if they are still alive, or to you if they are currently dead. If they die in possession of the key, their body will be transported to your Medical Bay, if you have one.

Entrance Hall (Personal Reality) 50:
This is the room your Access Key opens a door to. It starts off as a 5 meter cube with blank white walls, floor, and ceiling, as some doors, one leading to the current Host Reality, the other into your Cosmic Warehouse, with additional doors leading to other extensions as these get added to your Personal Reality. Feel free to customize this Entrance Hall as you see fit. Additional Halls can, at your discretion, be linked only to certain keys or only to certain extensions. This allows you to have an entry hall just for skiing if you want.
It would perhaps have been a better idea to get that to Taylor or someone; like sure remote door connections and portals mean that it can be made arbitrary at the drop of a hat, and I'd be surprised if Survey didn't use portals and doorway connections to link to every door that exists within portaling range of eachother, but until it actually is arbitrary it seems worth worth giving to the hardest relevant person to revive.

Like seriously a automated portal device for remotely slotting the Warehouse Key into the locks of doors that assigned people are trying to use to get into the Warehouse seems reasonably easy. For that matter it wouldn't be that hard to automatically open a doorway in range of a person, which is realistically speaking anywhere on the planet, and portal or teleport them directly into the Warehouse upon desire.
Funny thing about tractors in warhammer the lemen russ tanks are/where modified weaponised farming tractors that leman russ legion found and decided that they liked and placed an order for more with the mechanicus and when asked how many responded with the number yes
In the opinion of the Laboratorium the Bushnell was a piece of industrial equipment of a similar level to the thousand-year-old farming tool that had arrived shortly after it. At my insistence of its intended purpose there was a begrudging acknowledgement that such devices could be drafted into service in desperate times, providing there were no superior options such as Land Crawlers available.
This is absolutely a riff on the old 'Leman Russ tanks were originally Dark Age of Technology tractors' bit, and I love it.
This wasn't an instrument of war; it was a weaponized space elevator. A Chain of Heaven and Earth, part of the machinery used to move great loads from the bounds of gravity, or draw the treasures of the cosmos down to an earthly kingdom. Great machines, infrastructure, that when empowered by Mantra could lift and pull from the surface of a planet all the way to orbit. Tens of thousands of kilometers, reaching out to the heavens.
And this is just a fascinating look at some worldbuilding.
And after opening his not flesh chest, it's a play on his true lack of human point of view, something that would have horrified original Joe. He is growing and changing...
For the better I think.
He hasn't lost his humanity - and his humanity seems like a core trait that nothing short of destroying Joe's mind itself would remove.
If anything the irony of TattleTale thinking that Apeiron is becoming more unstable is fucking funny - because if anything, Joe has become MORE stable and mentally healthy as time has passed.
Random musings about allotment of Forge resources.

1) Titans: BT from Titanfall 2 was awesome! I really want to see these guys evolve and develop, get out into the world, and to make a difference.

Perhaps grant the Titans Transformer abilities? Of course, one of them will have to have an encounter with Squealer while she is even higher than normal...​
Perhaps the Titans could partner with certain humans? I nominate Chen to be the first Pilot!​

2) The hoe: I know that the hoe seems like a bizarre and underwhelming perk but it still came as a Celestial Forge perk. What kind of unique qualities does it possess compared to mere Celestial Forge creations? Can it be modified and gifted to Gully to replace her shovel?
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It would perhaps have been a better idea to get that to Taylor or someone
He doesn't want the people who aren't part of his team having free access though. He considers the place his home where he can relax, feel safe, and just be himself rather than playing a specific role. The family and friends that he has made in his team are welcome to share that, but he doesn't want to just give free access to people, even ones that he cares about as much as, whenever they want.

He especially and specifically doesn't want Taylor anywhere near some of the stuff he has in there.
I just had a truly horrid thought, though since LordR has rejected he idea of Taylor and Emma both being there, I doubt it happens.

You don't think that Mrs. Durress, Jozef's mother, would be the type to flaunt her social connections by attending a prestigious, though last minute, fashion fundraiser, do you? I would think not, since she seems the type that might think non-PRT capes to be garish or undignified.
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The mirror was still useful and the work she had put into mastering it would be applicable to new versions of the device, but I couldn't help but feel like I had forced her to waste time and effort on something substandard.

"The design was always intended to be part of an iterative process, which accounted for the arrival of new abilities. While the nature of such arrivals are inherently impossible to predict, their disruptive effects can be anticipated to a degree." She assured me.

It'd be nice if Garment placed Survey's old Scrying Mirror into the Trophy Room. Everyone in the Celestial Forge should have one or two keepsake mementos on display.

Apeiron doesn't need to recycle the scrying mirror for raw materials or toss it into the Hexagram Crucible (Chinese name???) to recover its enchantments.

Or, if not the Trophy Room, Apeiron could give everyone a bedroom in the Valkyria Hidden Hideaway mansion and order them to decorate it, with Survey saving her old Scrying Mirror. Yes, I stole the idea from "My Hero Academia" where students show off their dormrooms and argue over whose is best.

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