Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

So what happens when Joe gets everything cyrrently in the forge foes morr stuff get added or just no more rolls
Serious Answer: I'm pretty sure the story will either be finished by that point, or no more rolls will be made. It's entirely possible that Lord won't stop rolling if he finds a sufficiently repeatable Perk.

Joke Answer: That's when Joe unlocks Celestial Forge 2: Magistic Boogaloo, and swaps over to using the Celestial Grimoire instead, thus further increasing his might. Once he finishes that, he unlocks Celestial Forge 3: Ultimate Menagerie, and swaps over to using the Celestial Menagerie, thus granting him lots and lots of friends. This continues until Lord_Roustabout gets bored or the sun burns out.
Serious Answer: I'm pretty sure the story will either be finished by that point, or no more rolls will be made. It's entirely possible that Lord won't stop rolling if he finds a sufficiently repeatable Perk.

Joke Answer: That's when Joe unlocks Celestial Forge 2: Magistic Boogaloo, and swaps over to using the Celestial Grimoire instead, thus further increasing his might. Once he finishes that, he unlocks Celestial Forge 3: Ultimate Menagerie, and swaps over to using the Celestial Menagerie, thus granting him lots and lots of friends. This continues until Lord_Roustabout gets bored or the sun burns out.

Joe realizes that story might be over and he will cease to exists alongside with his entire universe, its stresses him out enough and he second triggers obtaining access to perks from Celestial Forge v2
Joe realizes that story might be over and he will cease to exists alongside with his entire universe, its stresses him out enough and he second triggers obtaining access to perks from Celestial Forge v2
Didn't LordR say if Joe second triggered he would get Celestial Forge v3?
Joe realizes that story might be over and he will cease to exists alongside with his entire universe, its stresses him out enough and he second triggers obtaining access to perks from Celestial Forge v2
He said 2, 3 wasn't made yet.
You are indeed correct, I misremembered:
I decided early on that if I started adding to the Forge I would probably never stop, so I committed to holding to the original list. I am open to the idea that the v2 forge would be an expression of Joe's second trigger, but second triggers are hard for Tinkers, and Joe is in a place where he'd have to lose pretty much everyone around him before he even got close to second triggering. Not really the direction I want to take this story, even if it would open up more abilities.
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Realistically speaking as the story stands right now Joe has no possibility of Second Triggering. He's created a support structure too powerful for that to happen. The only way I can see Joe Second Triggering is if the Duplicates and Survey plan in secret to make Joe Second Trigger by doing something like This.
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i think it'd be hilarious if Joe got connected to BCF's fandom instead of Worm Proper's fandom if he were to second trigger.
I would hate it. I mean, while most are fine with the pacing, there is a vocal minority that isn't, and I would hate to have them shouting in Joe's ear 24/7, trying to make him do more stuff/plot.
Man I just replayed Asura's Wrath and am just now realizing how ridiculous the Hindu God body and the knowledge of mantra reactors is.

The only thing more broken would be if Joe ended up getting his hands on the full knowledge of the Necrons from a Warhammer jump.
Honestly I cannot wait for Victor to do Human Transmutation. I can't wait for him to open The Gate, and to start playing the Spiral of Truth.
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Honestly I cannot wait for Victor to do Human Transmutation. I can't wait for him to open The Gate, and to start playing the Spiral of Truth.

I kind of want to see an omake where is Victor horribly punished by Truth for breaking natural laws and not adhering to Equivalent Exchange.

While Victor is at the gate, he sees Joe exchange a high-five with the grinning eldtritch horror and hand his buddy an elven-sung divinely-crafted burger, fries, and shake.

Because at this point it seems like if Truth tried to take one of Joe's limbs, Truth would have to give at least three back.
I blinked and remembered the time. The longer potion durations made it easy to overlook how finite their existence could be. I shook my head and moved on. If they wanted to spend their 20% making jokes about my mental state… well, I wasn't happy about it, but 'hit with stick if down on self' was better than most of what I'd endured on that front.
so question... since the clones doesn't have Joe's problem weighing them down has any of them used spiral power to stay longer then the potions actual time limit yet? XD
No, it has more to do with 'will'. They are completely fine with their finite existence. If they intended to be their own persons with all their being, Spiral would have attempted to fill the gap.
Attempted sure, but fiat is fiat, no amount of spiral can change it. It may go against the nature of spiral, but fiat cares not, and the rules are enforced. How, you ask? In the words of Todd Howard, "it just works."
spiral energy is about doing the impossible, but the more impossible feats in the show require way more spiral energy - Simon has to spend minutes on end generating spiral energy at points towards the end of the show to make shit happen. Violating fiat is something i think spiral could theoretically do, but i imagine it would take spiral energy levels far beyond what was managed in even the final fight of the show where they were throwing around entire galaxies like it was nothing. And in the process of getting to that point, per LordRoustabout's statements about spiral, you would necessarily exceed the level of spiral energy that would trigger the gurren lagann endjump scenario wherein the anti-spiral shows up to either kick your ass or force you to kick all of spiral-empowered humanity's ass.

if we assume that fiat is stronger than the anti-spiral, which i will presume that it necessarily must be in order to make something like the endjump scenario trigger, then the baseline level of spiral needed to trump fiat is 'stronger than the strongest spiral warrior ever canonically seen' - defeating the anti-spiral is only theoretically impossible due to overbearing firepower, but violating fiat is conceptually impossible; it's not something that just has a zero-percent-chance of succeeding, it's something that is impossible to even begin to attempt. Spiral is essentially about your willpower exceeding your limitations; fiat happens to essentially be the strongest limitation that one can conceive of, so it's gonna take a shit ton of spiral to defeat it. like, beyond anything you'll ever be capable of generating beyond the author of your story deciding that you have the most exceptional will-power that can be conceived of.

it also depends on what exactly the fiat effect is, and whether spiral could simply be used to supplant it; if you have a power that says "you cannot use this power to do [x]" and you want to defeat this limitation using spiral energy... why not just use spiral energy to do [x], instead? on the subject of the duplicates sustaining their existence or something... wouldn't it be simpler to use something like the thingy that preserves their memories across duplicates alongside spiral to preserve the rest of them in some way?
No, it has more to do with 'will'. They are completely fine with their finite existence. If they intended to be their own persons with all their being, Spiral would have attempted to fill the gap.
this, sorta - the duplicates being unbothered by joe's baggage is a symptom of their limited existence, so to try to use spiral to extend their limited existence, they'd be taking that baggage unto themselves and therefore become less capable of using spiral energy on par with joe prime.
Attempted sure, but fiat is fiat, no amount of spiral can change it. It may go against the nature of spiral, but fiat cares not, and the rules are enforced. How, you ask? In the words of Todd Howard, "it just works."
Actually, they're right. There was a WoG, I believe, that sufficient Spiral could potentially extend the lifespan of clones if they wanted it enough. This makes it also Fiat that the possibility is there. Unfortunately however, as the clones themselves are somewhat programmed to not really desire a longer lifespan (since they are practically made with the casual acceptance of their eventual disappearance, and staying around also means having to face responsibility for what they do all over again) this borders on impossible.