The Crucible Shitlord
- Location
- Here, there and everywhere
Technically yes, they would work like that, but I also be the feeling that Joe wants to maintain an image of "People come to me to ask for contracts," not "I do whatever contracts are available at the time."Ahh, but there is that whole contract thing. The S9 all have kill orders. That amounts to a pre-approved contract with anyone to kill the S9 or any member of it at any time. Isn't that how kill orders work? Isn't that something Mercenary capes traditionally do to make money?
If he had, say, the Mayor or someone, give him a direct contract to off the S9 so that he had a fallback option to justify his actions, it wouldn't be a problem, but as it stands Joe wants to maintain the current narrative that most thinkers, save Tattletale, believe.
That he will only act under contract or when provoked.
So while technically true that kill orders are pre approved, government sanctioned contracts, they are also general contracts, not ones specifically tailored to Apeiron. Meaning that, if Joe were to run off and unalive the Slaughteredhouse None, it would be wildly out of what the world considers to be Apeiron's modus operandi.