Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Joe can trivially get some advanced technology disseminated, and not all in an unfocused, undirected fashion.

1) Make some technology, around a couple centuries more advanced, from water reclamation, power generation, material science and physics, computer engineering and architecture, and beyond, downloadable from his website.
1.1) Every government will adopt it within a year under some kind of development program, official or unofficial, even if it goes against the interests of many industry giants. They'll have no choice, since they will need to keep their edge.

2) With more powerful, compact fuel cells comes more dangerous weapons technology, but Scion actually made governments reluctant to pursue strategic weaponry after he disarmed nuclear stockpiles as a matter of course, but that doesn't mean mass produced weapons won't start getting pretty deadly within a decade. As a fait accompli of not being outgunned by conventional forces, offer gray market access to more advanced examples of technology to select Tinkers who promote stability and try to curb the worst excesses of parahumans in their nation. The Guild would be a nice platform for distribution of widespread defensive systems once Dragon is 'unmastered', or Uppercrust. An S-Tier shield system and automated defenses for major cities, Star Trek transportation system for S-Class and A-Class responders, and more, all licensed commercially or owned by NGOs or non-profits.

3) Just make your own nation. Really, no reason not to. Plop down an island in the middle of the ocean and make it an industrial and economic powerhouse. Offer all sorts of services with the caveat of, if you want to do business in Apeiron's city-state, you have to devote some of your efforts toward virtuous, or at least mutually self-interested directions. It sets a certain standard for behavior, as in the former article on this post, you can't afford to be left behind by competitors who secured a trade treaty or allowed to perform large business transactions on Apeiron's fief.

Bonus points if it is an anarchist haven without taxes, because Apeiron neither needs, nor wants, to tax you.
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3) Just make your own nation. Really, no reason not to. Plop down an island in the middle of the ocean and make it an industrial and economic powerhouse. Offer all sorts of services with the caveat of, if you want to do business in Apeiron's city-state, you have to devote some of your efforts toward virtuous, or at least mutually self-interested directions. It sets a certain standard for behavior, as in the former article on this post, you can't afford to be left behind by competitors who secured a trade treaty or allowed to perform large business transactions on Apeiron's fief.

Bonus points if it is an anarchist haven without taxes, because Apeiron neither needs, nor wants, to tax you.
Okay, so I can't help but feel like this would be Joe reenacting the plot from Super Man returns
Scion actually made governments reluctant to pursue strategic weaponry after he disarmed nuclear stockpiles as a matter of course
I agree with most of your post, but I'm pretty sure this is fanon. AFAIK, while he did discourage governments from strategic weapons research, he only shot down one missile and destroyed the testing facility rather than actually going around destroying stockpiles. The reason they were so discouraged was that he shot it down effortlessly while he was hundreds or thousands of kilometres away.
How would a moneyless system see out in a post-scarity Apeiron made nation? Money would lose its meaning and it would be an unnecessary thing to make people unequal. This is my take.

Everyone would have their free energy, healthy food, no toxic substances in processed food and finally fabricators that create what you miss. As you don't want to do nothing with your life you'll still do what you Love doing and not what you has to do to get money on the table. Think about it. You get to meet people that chose to be there because they love what they do.

If one needs something they trade their expertise to get what they want.
So it has come to my attention that there exists a Parahuman by the name of Rattenfänger that is able to mutate individuals via music and/or sound that Joe could rip off.

How would a moneyless system see out in a post-scarity Apeiron made nation? Money would lose its meaning and it would be an unnecessary thing to make people unequal. This is my take.

Everyone would have their free energy, healthy food, no toxic substances in processed food and finally fabricators that create what you miss. As you don't want to do nothing with your life you'll still do what you Love doing and not what you has to do to get money on the table. Think about it. You get to meet people that chose to be there because they love what they do.

If one needs something they trade their expertise to get what they want.
The economy would be composed solely of Veblen Goods.
By the time Jozef is ready to uplift an area/ create his own nation, he should be able to completely heal/fix all Simurgh victims, right? If he can't already? So why not start with all the already blocked off and isolated from everyone containment zones? Fix all the people (or other random sapients) within the zones and turn them into post scarcity utopias? You know, as an experiment? Then if it works, he could have other areas petitioning to become Apeiron the Enigmatic Artificer run containment zones in future. I mean, let's face it.. if he does try to uplift the Bay, having it be walled off is probably the most likely thing that would happen anyway, just beat the PRT to the punch.
The only way to safely start dealing with the containment zones would with the Simurgh already dead. At least in that case an argument could be made that someone with Thinker Blackout effects altering her plans after she can no longer plausibly course correct would have a chance of deprogramming her victims.

But... more than likely, Joe would have to simply disappear every victim and give them new lives outside the zones with new identities, and that would be a good ending, because no one outside those zones would ever trust them again.

He could also more crudely just relocate them all to aforementioned island nation as an alternative, if certain individuals wanted to maintain their current identities. Besides that might be easier / more reasonable, since people would be on the look out for Unpeople that suddenly became people, and no matter how good your papertrail looks, physically going to confirm any one of these details to see if they line up would turn up some discrepancies.
3) Just make your own nation. Really, no reason not to. Plop down an island in the middle of the ocean and make it an industrial and economic powerhouse. Offer all sorts of services with the caveat of, if you want to do business in Apeiron's city-state, you have to devote some of your efforts toward virtuous, or at least mutually self-interested directions. It sets a certain standard for behavior, as in the former article on this post, you can't afford to be left behind by competitors who secured a trade treaty or allowed to perform large business transactions on Apeiron's fief.

That would only be feasible once Levi is killed, as he interrupt sea trade and could sink an island. But, well, I don't remember if it's canon or fanon, but multiple royal family are ready to abdicate in favor of anyone that killed an Endbringer (they are that feared). So if you kill Levi, what reason would you have to drop an island in the middle of nowhere ?

(Not that I disagree with the rest. Joe should build his own country, with blackjack and hookers)
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Joe should just nation build. Hold referendums and let people choose their own governance, and then just casually expose any corruption through the very systems they utilize. For the more gray area stuff, just schedule an in office visit and remind them they have your support so long as they fight to keep corruption out of theirr office. A simple endorsement from Apeiron after he rebuilt their country would be worth it. Instant reelection.
I just came across an old omake that has not been threadmarked.
XD I completely forgot that one.

Create another Utopia nation in an uninhabited earth? There are sufficient victims for a small nation, at least.
This is probably the best idea in terms of making a new nation. Find an earth that is in Pangea conditions, or alternatively do some terraforming. Probably for the best, considering all that is going on on Earth Bet. Then again, Joe is not quite at W-shifting tech yet, afaik.
This is probably the best idea in terms of making a new nation. Find an earth that is in Pangea conditions, or alternatively do some terraforming. Probably for the best, considering all that is going on on Earth Bet. Then again, Joe is not quite at W-shifting tech yet, afaik.
He already has access to Mass Effect tech for universal travel, and at the scale he is working, planetary terraforming would be easy. Joe could very easily just turn Mars and Venus into more livable planets than Earth, and none of it will need to involve dimensional tech to access parallel Earths.
He already has access to Mass Effect tech for universal travel, and at the scale he is working, planetary terraforming would be easy. Joe could very easily just turn Mars and Venus into more livable planets than Earth, and none of it will need to involve dimensional tech to access parallel Earths.
You seem to be forgetting a certain someone that's sitting in the orbit of Earth Bet...
He already has access to Mass Effect tech for universal travel, and at the scale he is working, planetary terraforming would be easy. Joe could very easily just turn Mars and Venus into more livable planets than Earth, and none of it will need to involve dimensional tech to access parallel Earths.

"You know what? I will make my own society! With mental health plan! And movie night!"
Shard powers work out to Lunar distance, IIRC. Just terraform a nearby system's planet? Cover the whole place in Precog jamming tech for good measure. Nice little fallback point. Bonus, no new Triggers that far out the minute you take your eyes off your colony, whereas cross contamination can still happen any alternate Earths.
Shard powers work out to Lunar distance, IIRC. Just terraform a nearby system's planet? Cover the whole place in Precog jamming tech for good measure. Nice little fallback point. Bonus, no new Triggers that far out the minute you take your eyes off your colony, whereas cross contamination can still happen any alternate Earths.

Do you think uplift/escape Celestial Forge would be able to guide, harvest, or misdirect shards if it settled on an alt-earth?