IIRC isn't it a thing were people born post-Second Impact are normally shorter then their counterparts from pre-Impact? But yeah, it still is odd to see that they're that short.
Not that I've ever heard of, and all of their heights are actually within average for Japan.

EDIT: We actually know Misato's official height from her ID:

That's 5'4'' for those of you using the wrong system. :p

She's actually above average for a Japanese woman.

I meant compared to teens from pre-2nd Impact, not adults. I'm good enough at statistical analysis to not compare apples and oranges.
Right, I misunderstood then. Based on what I've dug up, the average male height for ages 13 and 14 in Japan was between 160 and 165 cm (5'3'' to 5'5'') and female 155 to 156 (5'1'') so the kids do seem to be kind of short for their ages.

TRIPLE NINJA EDIT (Somebody stop me!): I went and found the guy on evageeks who measured the the cast's heights based on Misato and the pics Stryp posted. This is what he came up with:

Ikari Gendou - 184 (6')
Kouzou Fuyutsuki - 183.5 (6')
Kaji Ryouji - 178.5 (5'10")
Aoba Shigeru - 176 (5'9")
Hyuga Makoto - 174.5 (5'9")
Ikari Yui - 169 (5'6")
Katsuragi Misato - 163 (5'4")
Akagi Naoko - 163 (5'4")
Akagi Ritsuko - 162 (5'4")
Ibuki Maya - 160 (5'3")
Keel Lorenz - 159 (5'3")
Suzuhara Touji - 151 (4'11")
Hikari Horaki - 150 (4'11")
Nagisa Kaworu - 150 (4'11")
Sohryuu Asuka Langley - 149 (4'11")
Ikari Shinji - 148 (4'10")
Aida Kensuke - 145.25 (4'9")
Ayanami Rei - 143 (4'8")
Pen-Pen - 61.5 (2')

Some of it kinda feels weird to me, like Kaji being full two inches shorter than Gendo and Fuyutsuki. Gendo I could even accept, but Fuyutsuki and he seem to be pretty even...
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That last paragraph brings to mind a bit from OMWF, where Asuka thinks Shinji is about to berate her about the Israfel fight, but he just says something like "When you and I work together, we do great things." If only it were like that in canon... Of course if that happened, NGE would have probably eventually turned into Gurren Lagann instead of... well... Evangelion.
What is OMWF?
That would be tricky. With Hikari and her mother (presumably) already in there, that Core is already crowded enough! Cram in two more people, and someone's going to fall out. And if you let Shinji and Asuka melt into blissful tang together, good luck ever getting them to separate again!
Ikari Gendou - 184 (6')
Kouzou Fuyutsuki - 183.5 (6')
Kaji Ryouji - 178.5 (5'10")
Aoba Shigeru - 176 (5'9")
Hyuga Makoto - 174.5 (5'9")
Ikari Yui - 169 (5'6")
Katsuragi Misato - 163 (5'4")
Akagi Naoko - 163 (5'4")
Akagi Ritsuko - 162 (5'4")
Ibuki Maya - 160 (5'3")
Keel Lorenz - 159 (5'3")
Suzuhara Touji - 151 (4'11")
Hikari Horaki - 150 (4'11")
Nagisa Kaworu - 150 (4'11")
Sohryuu Asuka Langley - 149 (4'11")
Ikari Shinji - 148 (4'10")
Aida Kensuke - 145.25 (4'9")
Ayanami Rei - 143 (4'8")
Pen-Pen - 61.5 (2')

Wow, Rei sure is short. I'm pretty sure some of my fourth-grade students are taller than she is!
is 5'10''

woot taller then Gendo! ... maybe.

Also now I'm having random thoughts of an adult version of this Asuka and Shinji.

Shinji: we're back at NERV... back when we were 14!
Asuka:.... fu... wait! We can kill your father!
Shinji: won't that make the timeline we are from cease to exist and make as disappear?
Asuka:... No...maybe...

this is what I get for opening that Doctor Who dvd my brother got me for xmas while reading this....
Gendo and I are about the same height. Huh. He always seemed taller.

Man, that was actually one of the perks of deployment to Japan. You're actually slightly on the tall side instead of everyone seeing you as short.
Man, that was actually one of the perks of deployment to Japan. You're actually slightly on the tall side instead of everyone seeing you as short.
:( I put Japan on my deployment request sheet. I got sent to Fort Benning, Georgia. For 8 years. :( (Ok, only 50% of that time was there. Because the rest was in Fucking Iraq. [That will be that country's name in my head until I die.])

No writing today. Brain hurts. Did research and plotting instead. Learned something new: While all the characters in the Series/manga/etc are named for WWII warships, despite the similar names the girls of Rebuild are not. Rebuild!Ayanami, Shikinami, and Makinami are all named for the post-WWII Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ships, not their WWII namesakes.
Here's the JMSDFS Ayanami:

The JMSDFS Shikinami and Makinami were her sister ships. The JMSDFS Makinami was actually still in service until 1990, just 5 years before NGE came out!

Next scene: Asuka and Shinji will return to the apartment, but someone is already waiting for them. Then something appears on the horizon...
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That's certainly a...unique crossover.

.... one way to put it.

The only reason I haven't read it yet is because I haven't seen Frozen and know almost nothing about the Battletech series outside some of the Mechwarrior games. If you're interested, look for "The Ice Duchess of the Federated Commonwealth" on Spacebattles. Wait, am I allowed to mention another board? And another story in someone's story thread?
The only reason I haven't read it yet is because I haven't seen Frozen and know almost nothing about the Battletech series outside some of the Mechwarrior games. If you're interested, look for "The Ice Duchess of the Federated Commonwealth" on Spacebattles. Wait, am I allowed to mention another board? And another story in someone's story thread?

given SV formed from SB and still cross travels... I think we are good
On another forum the author said he wants to put out another chapter of OMWF in January before continuing on his Halo/Stargate crossover and his strange Frozen/Battletech crossover.
wat... just...

If you're interested, look for "The Ice Duchess of the Federated Commonwealth" on Spacebattles. Wait, am I allowed to mention another board? And another story in someone's story thread?
SV does not have any rule about discussing other forums. Mention whatever you want.

It's good to hear Chris is still moving on those, though I've got to go o_O at the last one. OMWF has had just one update in 5 years, and the Halo/SG-1 thing was a really cool start, but has just a couple of long chapters out so far.
It's good to hear Chris is still moving on those, though I've got to go o_O at the last one. OMWF has had just one update in 5 years, and the Halo/SG-1 thing was a really cool start, but has just a couple of long chapters out so far.

Is it bad that my first thought is 'thank god there's somebody who updates slower then me'?

I may have to read that Frozen/BT crossover just due to the concept.
He also has that on the BT forums where I've been enjoying it. I imagine its better if you read it without having seen frozen because you're not going to automatically try to put the BT characters into the Frozen characters places.

I asked for Japan myself, almost had it too until some person decided after they had told me Iwakuni that I would be better training USMCR in Fort Worth Tx.
I find it quite amazing that Chris hasn't actually given up on it despite the current rate of update being what, one per 4 years? Europe and Africa may collide before before he finishes it, but by God he'll get there!
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On another forum the author said he wants to put out another chapter of OMWF in January before continuing on his Halo/Stargate crossover and his strange Frozen/Battletech crossover.
Holy shit, OMWF is actually going to be updated within the week?
That's...I can't bring myself to believe it. It's just too surreal.

And a Frozen/Battletech crossover...that has to be pure crack. Right? Right?
Holy shit, OMWF is actually going to be updated within the week?
That's...I can't bring myself to believe it. It's just too surreal.

Honestly, I'm rather skeptical that it will actually happen. Last August, in the author notes on the latest Halo/SG chapter he posted, he said he was about three quarters through a chapter, was stuck because he needed a word to describe Gendo's anger, and could only think of "hatfucking fury".

I think that's an awesome description, and I wanna know what made Gendo so angry.

...Hey Stryp, think you can fit that in somewhere in the aftermath of Big Z?

I think I'll just go re-read OMWF's dance chapters again for the 10th time.
Only 10th? I think I've read the whole thing about 12 times
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Honestly, I'm rather skeptical that it will actually happen. Last August, in the author notes on the latest Halo/SG chapter he posted, he said he was about three quarters through a chapter, was stuck because he needed a word to describe Gendo's anger, and could only think of "hatfucking fury".

I think that's an awesome description, and I wanna know what made Gendo so angry.

...Hey Stryp, think you can fit that in somewhere in the aftermath of Big Z?
I'll... see what I can do?

Only 10th? I think I've read the whole thing about 12 times
This year.