My first A&T live chapter! I'm positively thrilled! That was a nice solid read, and a nice way to ease us back into what's going on after a long break.
Welcome to the party! I'll try to be faster.
we get a very bracing realization that following through on the promises they've made, taking the Next Great Plunge, as a grandparent says, can be a very scary thing, indeed.
Very. I love Lilith Prime more than breathing, but despite being a couple for a couple of years at that point, the final plunge is still scary.

Heh, amused me that you gave Asuka both Shinji's and her own most iconic lines from End of Evangelion.
When the opportunity came up, I couldn't resist.

If you weren't talking about this image I will eat my pants.
I miiiiiiiight just maybe possibly have been thinking of that specific exact image and only just have held off mentioning the kiddos because that would make Shinji's brain melt right now. :p

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no, bad Asuka, the timetable is now more and more irreversibly fucked.
schemes maniacally
One day Asuka will figure out she has the metaphorical monkey's paw, and curse how she didn't see it before.

Next update... irreversible things happen. Gendo makes his move, and none of the Pilots or friends are expecting it.
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schemes maniacally
One day Asuka will figure out she has the metaphorical monkey's paw, and curse how she didn't see it before.
I got the impression that on the scheming department Rei and Shinji are having a bit of an awakening, but I'll let your highness decide on that.
Kaji and Misato are the ones to blame - they should be the ones to know better. They are the adults with military training, experience and tactical abilities. They should know when to move fast, act decisively and press the advantage.

This should be the track playing in their heads now, but instead:
Next update... irreversible things happen. Gendo makes his move, and none of the Pilots or friends are expecting it.
Let there be blood...

Now to a completely different thing to lighten the mood:

Now that's an idea...the fusing other Eva media part. I don't know much about ANIMA but...
The latter was just an example. You can also just use other examples from mecha anime. Like didn't someone suggest having the Eva's act more like the mechs from Darling?

Because I have my ships and I prefer to have the story bend to them so that they can happen (naturally of course) than the other way round. :V

More serious (but simple) version of my answer: cause i don't want to. that's all.

Now to read the new chapter.
It might still happen! ....just not quietly in the privacy of their bedroom. More likely 'screamed across a battlefield over explosions and MPE screaming'. :p

At this point, why would it be otherwise? They may have been set on the trajectory for a happy ending, but to the extent canon still has a say, they'll still have to earn it. Fate (and our esteemed author) might not strangle them with the red string, but that's not synonymous with "making it easy."

Especially with a mad, broken man and a group of blasphemous decrepit old coots about to initiate the end game in a poker tournament of lethally eschatological proportions....
It might still happen! ....just not quietly in the privacy of their bedroom. More likely 'screamed across a battlefield over explosions and MPE screaming'. :p

Taking such a leap during Ragnarok, I think that actually suits them.

At this point, why would it be otherwise? They may have been set on the trajectory for a happy ending, but to the extent canon still has a say, they'll still have to earn it. Fate (and our esteemed author) might not strangle them with the red string, but that's not synonymous with "making it easy."

Especially with a mad, broken man and a group of blasphemous decrepit old coots about to initiate the end game in a poker tournament of lethally eschatological proportions.... basically, we're about to have Shinji and Asuka reenact this scene from Metal Gear Solid 4, is what I'm hearing:


/even the enemy mercs are all females
//so you can reasonably imagine them to be Rei clones that have been set to "KILL ALL ENEMIES" mode or something
///I don't know, but the dynamic fits! :V
It might still happen! ....just not quietly in the privacy of their bedroom. More likely 'screamed across a battlefield over explosions and MPE screaming'. :p
Welp, so the usual plot is indeed happening, just differently. Well, expectedly, but I wanted for maybe a bit more variety and scheming.
but to the extent canon still has a say, they'll still have to earn it.
They still have a completely a winning situation somehow, despite just having fucked the timeframe they had completely and Gendo acting in the best possible way he can. Gendo is the MVP at the moment, even though he is still lost probably and his amazing resistance won't save him.
It might still happen! ....just not quietly in the privacy of their bedroom. More likely 'screamed across a battlefield over explosions and MPE screaming'. :p

You know? Kaworu, being an Angel, is uniquely qualified to conduct weddings... Ignoring the fact that they're not, you know, the religion kind of angels...

Actually, so is Misato, but from a military perspective/authority.

Either way, there could be a reenactment of that scene from Pirates of the Caribbean where Will and Elizabeth get married.
Why would they do that? Because it's funny.
Also BG is totally free to use that if the Tumbleweed watch Pirates at any point
A proposal during battle, can see Asuka doing that easily and at this point with the character growth Shinji as well.

And to all fellow military dogs happy Veterans Day.
Yay! Update!

... uuh shit what was going on

*starts back tracking to remember stuff*

*ends up on post one*

... I can work with this!
How many Evas could he control with just his Angelic power, though? One is entirely expected, but what about 9?
He's the youngest and strongest out of all the angels besides Adam and Lilith. I'm pretty sure that even self-destructing the geofront wouldn't kill him (and I'm pretty sure that the self-destruct system uses SEVERAL NUKES).
Friendly reminder about the scale of the Tsar Bomba:
And that's with the lead tamper; a natural uranium tamper would, in theory, increase the yield by another 50 Mt, but testing that version would have been a literal suicide mission for the bomber crew.

The fireball was eight kilometres across, and the mushroom cloud extended beyond the stratosphere. Brick buildings were completely destroyed at a range of 55km, the heat at 100km was sufficient to inflict third degree burns, windows were broken hundreds of kilometres away, and weather stations in New Zealand (the test was conducted over Novaya Zemlya, well north of the Arctic Circle) detected the blast wave three times.
He's the youngest and strongest out of all the angels besides Adam and Lilith. I'm pretty sure that even self-destructing the geofront wouldn't kill him (and I'm pretty sure that the self-destruct system uses SEVERAL NUKES).
And as I have said before, he is buffed even more this time around.
My headcanon is that it's an AN602 a.k.a. "Tsar Bomba" with the full uranium tamper instead of the lead tamper used for the field test.
Soviet Engineering - best engineeringn
I am completely biased and I still say this.
I know the self destruct for Nerv has to be powerful, but that is overkill
They have a God in the basement and the invading creatures facetank N2 mines for breakfast already and could turn out to be even worse(and indeed they do). It is actually underkill and insufficient for the task. I would advocate for manufacturing 10 TeraTon devices for NERVs self destruct mechanism at least. As large as you could possibly build and as many in fact, because if you do not vaporize Lilith and the Angel involved for sure, you are dead. You also have to make the self destruct sequence non overwritable by humans in certain scenarios and not requiring human input, because human intervention could very well be Angelic contamination or mindcontrol.

PS: I am making the Dr Strangelove reference right now, because I dont want to grant anyone the pleasure of doing that to me

This is the man you need to have in charge.

PPS: Read everything Von Neumann has written and suggested about nuclear war politics and strategy. The man was beyond mad, but every single thing he had said was correct. Yes, including the infamous quotes like: "If you say why not bomb [the Soviets] tomorrow, I say, why not today. If you say today at five o'clock, I say why not one o'clock?" In the context of our discussion on designing the NERV self destruct sequence, this is the kind of mentality you have to assume. Feel free to use this and Dr Strangelove for inspirations for your EVA fanfics.
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And as I have said before, he is buffed even more this time around.

Soviet Engineering - best engineeringn
I am completely biased and I still say this.

They have a God in the basement and the invading creatures facetank N2 mines for breakfast already and could turn out to be even worse(and indeed they do). It is actually underkill and insufficient for the task. I would advocate for manufacturing 10 TeraTon devices for NERVs self destruct mechanism at least. As large as you could possibly build and as many in fact, because if you do not vaporize Lilith and the Angel involved for sure, you are dead. You also have to make the self destruct sequence non overwritable by humans in certain scenarios and not requiring human input, because human intervention could very well be Angelic contamination or mindcontrol.

PS: I am making the Dr Strangelove reference right now, because I dont want to grant anyone the pleasure of doing that to me

This is the man you need to have in charge.

Well, in regards to that reference, here's my way of saying 'good for you':
