Ever heard of an alcoholic drink called "Moose Milk"? It's a bunch of different drinks mixed together with a sweetener.
Irish Car Bomb - not really that big of a deal on the alcohol-o-meter, but gets a special mention because you're mixing Bailey's, Guinness, and whisky, which means you've gotta drink a half-pint of alcohol really fast before it curdles. Also, you're mixing a spirit, a liqueur, and a beer together - one of the big rules of alcohol abuse is never mix alcohol types.
Aside from a rather problematic name, I'd say this is a quick recipe for a blackout or a trip to a bathroom. The rest sounds manageable, if a little bit... excessive.
Kaworu should be tricked into using pot or 'shrooms instead.
I think he's going to be doing a lot of experimentation, now that he discovered that normal food can take him high.
I'd probably feel something after just one shot of absinthe, but that's because I'm allergic to wormwood, so it's most likely that what I'm "feeling" is anaphylaxis, and not a hallucination.
Yeah... that's another risk. Sounds like those people who discovered in their twenties that orange juice is not supposed to feel like fire ants on their tongue - they're just allergic to it.
Irish Car Bomb - not really that big of a deal on the alcohol-o-meter, but gets a special mention because you're mixing Bailey's, Guinness, and whisky, which means you've gotta drink a half-pint of alcohol really fast before it curdles. Also, you're mixing a spirit, a liqueur, and a beer together - one of the big rules of alcohol abuse is never mix alcohol types.
Can confirm this is easy. I hate even the smell of alcohol, and this one tastes nearly like chocolate milk. (Although we didn't include the whiskey, just the Bailey's and Guinness.)

Probably won't try it again, because being drunk didn't feel much different from being sleepy and chocolate milk is cheaper.
Only drink I've ever been able to take other than caramel vodka was an "adult cough syrup", and I think only the bar I found it makes it because I haven't seen it elsewhere xD
Rei: this is mass produced absinthe the thujone content is nowhere near high enough to make you trip balls
Asuka: It is 70% abv, though.
Rei: "Well, obviously I'm drunk off my tits, duh. Want to go make out?"
Asuka: "Rei, how is that any different from how you normally act around us?"
Rei: "I want to make out with all six of you."
Asuka: "....fair."
Aside from a rather problematic name, I'd say this is a quick recipe for a blackout or a trip to a bathroom. The rest sounds manageable, if a little bit... excessive.
I've had them and they're not that hard in results. Might be due to my tolerance, though.

Ok, fun day of not getting to bed until 0330 thanks to a 1000km drive, multiple phone calls about refinancing a mortgage, paperwork, and a phone job interview that went pretty well (I think), now it's Writing O'Clock, and I'm taking suggestions on what to use as writing fuel tonight. I have Jamaican rum, Dominican rum, Kentucky bourbon, and a bewildering array of flavored vodkas that belong to LilithPrime at my disposal. This Hangover update will be brought to you by at least one of these, and I'm not going to bed until it's posted.

More preview!


Rei looked from Asuka to Shinji and back again, waiting for more.

"He's stoned. He's spent the last hour telling us he can see through time and space, taste colors, hear the music of the spheres, and so on. For the last twenty minutes, he's been telling us about… um, alternate worlds, I think?"

"The one where Shinji and I are together, and you and Kaworu, but as two separate couples, the one where he and Shinji run a detective agency of all things, the one where the Evas are pistols and hand weapons somehow, the one where there are no Evas, and so on," Asuka listed. "The one about dogs is new."

"What do we do in a world without Evas?" Rei said, resuming taking her clothes off. Her blouse and bra followed her shoes over her shoulder in random directions. "He and I fight the Angels hand to hand while you cheer us on?"

"We went to high school as normal, and lived in a rom-com school show, sounds like," Asuka said, still wrestling Kaworu back into something like an upright seated position. "Misato was our homeroom teacher and you and I were love rivals over this other baka." She bobbed her head at Shinji.

Rei looked nonplussed. "Why do I not simply seduce you both?"
Only drink I've ever been able to take other than caramel vodka was an "adult cough syrup", and I think only the bar I found it makes it because I haven't seen it elsewhere xD

Maybe they were doing a tribute to the Flaming Moe?

Also the big danger I find with cocktails like the LIIT or Grateful Dead is that they're sweetish (the LIIT in particular is just the right balance) and it disguises the alcohol level in them. For example, a proper LIIT has 3 types of spirits adding up to 22% abv. but tastes just like regular iced tea and often comes in large glass. I made the mistake of drinking 4 in an hour in my first year of university.
After the 4th glass events proceeded in the following manner:
This really is nice! I think I'll order another one.
Wait, why is that pool cue all bendy?
I love muffins...I could really use a muffin.
Listen slot machine, don't stand there judging me. You have glowy eyes and they're hurting my retinas.
I think I should go outside it's very hot in here, where's the door? Oh there it is...could have sworn it was over here a minute ago. Stop moving door! Stop it! You too pot plant! Why is the floor so close? It seems to be coming closer too...oh...this is the part where *bump*.....................fuck.
*Dark blacked out*

When I drink other stuff, I can taste the bitterness of the alcohol and it reminds me to pace myself, but the LIIT? Man that's something I could easily see the cast drinking too much of if they didn't know what it was (Labels are important Misa-chi!)
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"The one where Shinji and I are together, and you and Kaworu, but as two separate couples, the one where he and Shinji run a detective agency of all things, the one where the Evas are pistols and hand weapons somehow, the one where there are no Evas, and so on
So not a word about the three or so Super Robot Wars timelines he was in? Shame, i wanted to hear about Gundams and Gurren Lagann
Ok, fun day of not getting to bed until 0330 thanks to a 1000km drive, multiple phone calls about refinancing a mortgage, paperwork, and a phone job interview that went pretty well (I think), now it's Writing O'Clock, and I'm taking suggestions on what to use as writing fuel tonight. I have Jamaican rum, Dominican rum, Kentucky bourbon, and a bewildering array of flavored vodkas that belong to LilithPrime at my disposal. This Hangover update will be brought to you by at least one of these, and I'm not going to bed until it's posted.

Stryp, we love you. Please look after yourself properly, sleep if you need it etc.

Now that's out of the way. I have no idea of your preferences but I often find a coke mixer provides enough of a caffeine and sugar injection to help me concentrate. An alternative is to use the bourbon in a coffee mix (if you like coffee of course). Above all else though, remember to stay hydrated and pace yourself so you stay the right side of buzzed.Whenever I find myself tipping over I just go to water and sports drinks for 20-30 minutes until my brain rights itself again.

Edit: you can also use the rum with milk and sugar to make "Milk Plus". Which I've never cared for but some of my friends really liked.
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Ok, fun day of not getting to bed until 0330 thanks to a 1000km drive, multiple phone calls about refinancing a mortgage, paperwork, and a phone job interview that went pretty well (I think), now it's Writing O'Clock, and I'm taking suggestions on what to use as writing fuel tonight. I have Jamaican rum, Dominican rum, Kentucky bourbon, and a bewildering array of flavored vodkas that belong to LilithPrime at my disposal. This Hangover update will be brought to you by at least one of these, and I'm not going to bed until it's posted.
I don't drink, but I've heard rum and coke is good, so why not combine the two rums, and then try to find whatever vodka tastes the closest to coke?
Aside from a rather problematic name, I'd say this is a quick recipe for a blackout or a trip to a bathroom. The rest sounds manageable, if a little bit... excessive.

Oh, that's not even the start of how bad that name is (it's an American invention - should explain a lot). Some just call it an Irish bomb; in Ireland it's called a "please throw me out onto the street and beat the shit out of me."
I also didn't even realize it wasn't an Irish idea until about five minutes ago. When I made that post I hadn't even thought about them in like 10 years when I last had one. I hadn't even thought of extremely sweet cocktails of doom even well before I quit drinking.

Fun fact: There's another version of the Irish Bomb that uses Kahlua instead of Bailey's. They call it a Belfast Car Bomb, because apparently that's acceptable.

Edit: you can also use the rum with milk and sugar to make "Milk Plus". Which I've never cared for but some of my friends really liked.

That's essentially a Black Russian.

I'm taking suggestions on what to use as writing fuel tonight.

Bourbon. It forces you to sip, meaning you're forced to pace yourself.

So not a word about the three or so Super Robot Wars timelines he was in? Shame, i wanted to hear about Gundams and Gurren Lagann
"I kinda liked the one where the EVAs are modified F-14s."
"Isn't that the one where I'm extremely fucked up?
"And my old (lack of) personality is because of brain damage?"
"To be fair, we're all extremely fucked up in basically every alternate universe."
"...okay, that's fair."
"You shut up, Trout."
I would say that the next part of the hangover was brought to you by "Liver Sooprise" they missed out on adding the absinthe, brandy, beer, scotch, and whatever other types of alcoholic drinks there are out there, so it doesn't pack as much of a punch as it normally would.
"I kinda liked the one where the EVAs are modified F-14s."
"Isn't that the one where I'm extremely fucked up?
"And my old (lack of) personality is because of brain damage?"
"To be fair, we're all extremely fucked up in basically every alternate universe."
"...okay, that's fair."
"You shut up, Trout."
Ah, forgot that one! In it goes!

True story: years ago, before they were a couple, before Kaworu had even been introduced in A&T, I got permission from Grummancat to use this pic in here:

Only drink I've ever been able to take other than caramel vodka was an "adult cough syrup", and I think only the bar I found it makes it because I haven't seen it elsewhere xD

If it's traditional adult cough syrup, it's equal parts lemon juice, honey, and moonshine, so you can make it yourself easily enough. It's not really a cocktail, though, as it's actually intended to be used as the name suggests, so you won't find the recipe in any cocktail books.
Well at least Kaworu hasn't seen the multitude of universes where everyone is OOC (in a bad way). Or the ones where things end up even worse.
"I kinda liked the one where the EVAs are modified F-14s."
One particular part of Eva 303, (the Eva pilots in this case piloting fighter jets) served as the basis for a Work-In-Progress plot line that's separate from the one I've talked about here before (known as Project Resurrection). However unlike Eva 303, the pilots are flying superplanes from ACE COMBAT and PROJECT WINGMAN.

The current name of it is "Angel's Flight", and is a fusion between Ace Combat and Project Wingman, with Evangelion and DitFRANXX characters (including the ones from the fanfic DitFRANXX: From The Ashes by Xelku9, and the extracanonical Evangelion characters, along with Erica* from You Must (Not) Run Away), species (klaxians (what I call the Klaxo-Sapiens), human klaxian-hybrids (klaxolim?), that are surprisingly not sterile thanks to klaxian genetic engineering done to make themselves and humans able to not only have babies, but grandbabies, angels (most of them, besides Kaworu, but including Adam and Lilith, as they're in love and their direct offspring are the angels, are on Mars and have already reignited it's core and magnetic field) and Nephilim (Rei, Kyu, and Kaworu's human body) who, like the klaxolim are capable of producing viable offspring (Lilith would have it no other way).

The klaxians are on good terms with humanity (Lilith fought off the Glowing Borg Rip Offs (THE VIRM) although something happened to cause most of the Klaxians to get tanged or wind up in stasis until humans found them, besides Keevala* herself who in this case is a major character, and also has both teeth like Zeeto's and the shark like ones, which are in this case grafted into her jaw and are retractable, same with her tail(s) which are solid muscle and lack any bones) Also Hiro winds up becoming a full klaxolim much earlier so at the start of the fic he would have horns and eye-markings, along with The Nines (Who also have names). Zero Two in this case is named Zeeto (If you don't like it, think that it's "zero two" in Keevala's dialect).

APE in this case is the most often faced antagonist and is kind of like the Union from Gen:Lock, The same goals as the Union, with some notable speciesism/racism (racism is a thing that I can safely say that I HATE) against Klaxians and klaxolim. They won't kill them, but they mistreat them and sometimes beat them inches away from the hospital (no farther than that because APE thinks that despite being humanity's "lessers" they make for cheap workers). Yeah F**K APE in this case.

APE's soldiers and law enforcement in occupied locations are in this case mass-produced clones with several different "models" (appearance, voice, ect.). They emerge from their cloning tanks as adults, and already programmed with full information on how to be a soldier, and nothing else. As such, they can only be used in military environments and can't function outside of such.

A particularly disturbing fact about them is that parts of their brains are stunted, including some of the prefrontal cortex, to insure loyalty at the cost of creativity, initiative, and complex planning amongst the majority of them. This disturbing fact along with a mindset that so dedicated to their duty and serving APE's Oligarchs, in particular the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, that it's almost completely alien, makes them less "people" and more "Organic Humanoid War Machines". They also literally can't surrender and will detonate a small explosive in the lower part of their brains on capture.

*I'm giving her the last name "Shikinami", instead of that being Asuka's last name.

*Full name: Keevala Urasaro Thalassia, Princess of Casiddia. Yes, that's the name I gave to the Princess and the country she was the princess of.

*The ones that don't have parts of their brain that allow creativity and complex planning stunted are kept loyal through other means, although not fear.
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