"I kinda liked the one where the EVAs are modified F-14s."
One particular part of Eva 303, (the Eva pilots in this case piloting fighter jets) served as the basis for a Work-In-Progress plot line that's separate from the one I've talked about here before (known as Project Resurrection). However unlike Eva 303, the pilots are flying superplanes from ACE COMBAT and PROJECT WINGMAN.
The current name of it is "Angel's Flight", and is a fusion between Ace Combat and Project Wingman, with Evangelion and DitFRANXX characters (including the ones from the fanfic DitFRANXX: From The Ashes by
Xelku9, and the extracanonical Evangelion characters, along with Erica* from You Must (Not) Run Away), species (klaxians (what I call the Klaxo-Sapiens), human klaxian-hybrids (klaxolim?), that are surprisingly not sterile thanks to klaxian genetic engineering done to make themselves and humans able to not only have babies, but grandbabies, angels (most of them, besides Kaworu, but including Adam and Lilith, as they're in love and their direct offspring are the angels, are on Mars and have already reignited it's core and magnetic field) and Nephilim (Rei, Kyu, and Kaworu's human body) who, like the klaxolim are capable of producing viable offspring (Lilith would have it no other way).
The klaxians are on good terms with humanity (Lilith fought off the Glowing Borg Rip Offs (THE VIRM) although something happened to cause most of the Klaxians to get tanged or wind up in stasis until humans found them, besides Keevala* herself who in this case is a major character, and also has both teeth like Zeeto's and the shark like ones, which are in this case grafted into her jaw and are retractable, same with her tail(s) which are solid muscle and lack any bones) Also Hiro winds up becoming a full klaxolim much earlier so at the start of the fic he would have horns and eye-markings, along with The Nines (Who also have names). Zero Two in this case is named Zeeto (If you don't like it, think that it's "zero two" in Keevala's dialect).
APE in this case is the most often faced antagonist and is kind of like the Union from Gen:Lock, The same goals as the Union, with some notable speciesism/racism (racism is a thing that I can safely say that I HATE) against Klaxians and klaxolim. They won't kill them, but they mistreat them and sometimes beat them inches away from the hospital (no farther than that because APE thinks that despite being humanity's "lessers" they make for cheap workers). Yeah F**K APE in this case.
APE's soldiers and law enforcement in occupied locations are in this case mass-produced clones with several different "models" (appearance, voice, ect.). They emerge from their cloning tanks as adults, and already programmed with full information on how to be a soldier, and nothing else. As such, they can only be used in military environments and can't function outside of such.
A particularly disturbing fact about them is that parts of their brains are stunted, including some of the prefrontal cortex, to insure loyalty at the cost of creativity, initiative, and complex planning amongst the majority of them. This disturbing fact along with a mindset that so dedicated to their duty and serving APE's Oligarchs, in particular the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, that it's almost completely alien, makes them less "people" and more "Organic Humanoid War Machines". They also literally can't surrender and will detonate a small explosive in the lower part of their brains on capture.
*I'm giving her the last name "Shikinami", instead of that being Asuka's last name.
*Full name: Keevala Urasaro Thalassia, Princess of Casiddia. Yes, that's the name I gave to the Princess and the country she was the princess of.
*The ones that don't have parts of their brain that allow creativity and complex planning stunted are kept loyal through other means, although not fear.