The main story and Chronicles have both been silent for an unusually long time.
Strypgia, BG_Character_592, are you both okay? I'm starting to worry about you...
I'm home in the US now, and ironically this had meant
less time to write, since I've had to dive back into RL. LilithP dealt with the stress of handling the Imps while I was gone, but had no time to clean, so the house is... a bit of a mess. My top accomplishment yesterday was cleaning the floor of the living room until you could actually see the rug again. (And the Persian rug I got in Baghdad the last tour is definitely showing the signs of having been hard used by the Imps while I was away.) On the night I got home I spent 2 hours doing dishes to clean out the sink and kitchen, for example.
This is in addition to a dental visit that got me another crown, and having to spend a weekend hurriedly finding and buying a car to replace my 2003 that was dying before I even deployed. I do now have a new-ish 2016 vehicle, and have signed out of my office. I have a week between now and the start of my next contract. Might be two, and that's before we even factor in the coronavirus quarantines, etc.
So yes, thank you all for your concern, but I am alive and kicking, and
trying to write. I got most of the remainder of the KSK scene done on the plane, and with a week ahead of me stuck at home, I plan to get the whole update done. between still cleaning up the family room, stairs, basement, Imps' room, etc...
Preview? SURE!
Kensuke tried not to swallow too hard on sighting Sayaka laid out on the bed, ginning seductively.
"Hi~~, honey. Come into my office, have a seat." She patted the bed next her. Since she'd rolled herself over to the far side, this would put Kensuke in the middle once Kyoko laid down too.
He laid down with some trepidation. They'd had to work out some habits, making their tentative triad function, and the middle spot was the choice spot, allowing the lucky one to be cuddled from both sides by the other two. Generally, it rotated, unless someone had won it as a forfeit in a bet or one of their mock battles. For Sayaka to order him into that spot right off the bat signaled she had something important to say, and wanted him comfortable. The three of them had also discovered whoever was in the middle was pretty agreeable to a lot of things.
Kyoko laid down herself on his other side, throwing her bare leg over on top of his. He was pinned. He settled down, then shrugged mentally. So far, staying cool and communicating like Rei had taught him had worked out pretty well for the three of them. He trusted them. Hell, he was way past
liking them. His life was out of his control anymore, and he was just fine with that. As long as he got to be the one in the middle sometimes.
Sayaka nuzzled his left ear and giggled. "So, let me tell you, the vote is already two for, so it's probably going to pass, but we wanted your thoughts on Plan Crazy."
"Plan what?"
Why do I get the horrible feeling that at some point Rei will end up saying, "I found you, faker!"
Rei IV: "Oh? You're approaching me?"
Rei III: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer..."