Not recognizing Everclear doesn't make you a philistine; it just means you aren't immersed in American drinking culture :)

(Everclear is the "standard" American brand of rectified spirit.)
Ah, that explains it, thank you. True, my only knowledge about American drinks comes from film and maybe literature - not a reliable source by any means. Central European brands, on the other hand... well, it's a part of cultural heritage ;) (for better or worse, I'm very much aware how horrific can excessive drinking become).
I think you got a lot of them in your threadmarks, but it'd be interesting to see what the overall number is. I think it'd probably depend on what length of post counts as a completed omake, though.
There are 204 "apocrypha" threadmarks (there's a count), and I think most of them are omakes. If we count all the joke snippets, situational dialogue (that sometimes spans a few subsequent posts), and really short pieces that went unmarked, it could be easily more than 500.
Speaking of Mari I'm hoping we find out what her Backstory is in the last Rebuild movie.
Personally, even though I still need to watch Rebuild properly, I'm slightly banking on the 'NGE!AsuShin's kid' theory as part of the whole time loop idea. I'm interested to see if we get anything at all for her, though, with all the other questions Rebuild also has to answer in a single film.
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Answers? Answers? This is Hideaki Anno we're talking about! Any answers he gives will inevitably lead to further questions!

For real, though, I am interested in seeing where this will all lead to.
Not recognizing Everclear doesn't make you a philistine; it just means you aren't immersed in American drinking culture :)

(Everclear is the "standard" American brand of rectified spirit.)

I, being Canadian, don't know Everclear. I know OF Everclear, but I don't know it - it's never been available. I don't even think 151 is available anymore. Makes it hard to set drinks on fire.
Lots of water along, or knowledge of water sources on the way, a Camelbak or such for sipping as you go, a hat with a wide brim for sun, things like that.

OP this gives me an idea for Backstage!Misato. She could be looking over a map of where Rei and Kaworu think the mass-produced nightmares are getting fit for combat duty. Then she leads a wetwork detail through the river delta supplying that depot / bunker / airstrip?

Cue this scene!

Hmm, guess there wouldn't be river access. And there's no getting around that pompous vampire Edward, unless it's Kaworu's best disguise?
goes home with in the 4th movie.

Dagnamit. @Strypgia find a way to remix the parachute drop scene between Mari and Shinji. There must be a spontaneous kiss!

it'd probably depend on what length of post counts as a completed omake, though.

Would it make sense to copy the omake elements to the bottom of each chapter preceding (afterword by 'so and so'), condensing some of the threadmark counts in the thread?
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Can't a self-insert EVA pilot have her fun? Besides, she only shoots to temporarily stun for a while...

Comedy Omake #167 - Chronicles; Chicks Dig Evangelions 2
Am I the only one in this thread who does not drink? You guys sound as bad as Misato.

A bit late, but I myself tend to drink only once every few months. Of course, when I drink I'm usually rather eager :V

Speaking of a bit late, new Chronicles! We continue through the complete crazyness known as Megas XLR!

Andrew wasn't much more than a pencil pusher in the New Albany branch of the ABC most days, ostensibly named because they were to serve the whole of Australia instead of the Swan Confederacy on its lonesome, but he and his few colleagues joked it was because they didn't have the budget to print new signage.

Despite being a major city in the Confederacy, the majority of ABC operations were located in the autonomous Goldfields, being one of the few places with… well, infrastructure for broadcasting television. On a good day, they might have a few pieces to send on, where it might end up in the local news within the week (depending on road conditions).

This was not one of those days. Their story on the Voyager probe was already in transit to the Goldfields, so now it was back to one of two things: watching old videotapes of whatever they had archived, or playing solitaire on a computer older than him.

"I should've gotten into radio." He muttered, the computer chugging away as he moved his cards. "At least then it would've been a bit busier."

He was barely distracted by the knock on his office door, "Come in." He mumbled, not even pretending to be productive.

"You could at least try to work, Andy." His colleague lightly derided.

"It was either this or sit here until God gave me a story to do, so I might as well do something while I wait for that."

A small huff. "Well, looks like God's a funny fucker." As he passed a file on.

Which Andrew briefly overlooked. "Wh- Antarctica? The hell's going on there?"

"Fuck if I know, but this Yank seems to think something's goin' on." His supervisor shrugged. "It'd get you out and about, at least."

"Yeah I'm sure that's a good thing for you, mate." Rolling his eyes. "That camera of ours is still good, right?"

"Yeah, Gus was just looking over it. He's gonna get you a few tapes as well; all else we can get some footage of Antarctica for a documentary or something stupid."

"Not like I'm doing anything else." As he took a more significant look through the file. "God he really is American."

"He wants you by around 4 this arvo." The supervisor soon added on. "God knows when your heading off."

"Or if I'm coming back."

"You better, mate. That's our only camera!"

"I promise not to throw it in the ocean."

"Yeah fuck off, mate. I'll get you some Emu for the road or somethin'."

"I'm guessing that's me hazard pay."

"It'd be cheaper than hazard, that's for sure." As he was leaving.

And as Andrew continued to peruse the file.

"Well, I'm getting out of this box, at least."

Waking up at seven in the morning was never really great, according to Asuka. Especially on a weekend.

The sandwiches Shinji whipped up helped, at least. "People might think you got inspiration from Megas for these, Shin-chan."

"Maybe if they were subway sandwiches." He thought, getting stuck into his own, as everyone else ate.

"The fact these are of a reasonable size implies there was not much inspiration from Megas."

"Maybe a-after we watch some more Megas, you'll be inspired to m-make an absolutely massive one."

"Would we even have an oven big enough for the massive amount of bread it'd require?"

"Well shit, I could think of worse ways to occupy our time." Asuka chuckled. "So what, we just make our own bread and make a massive sandwich for everyone?"

Kaworu chuckled at this thought. "If it weren't for this vacation, and for this show, we might never think about such a thing."

"Is that an objection?"

"No, just thought it was amusing." With a huff. "Though you may want to make two massive sandwiches, unless you wish to omit the cold cuts."

"Works for me!" Beamed Asuka. "I don't know how we're gonna do it, though."

"We need to shop for the ingredients, first of all."

"We can do that after we watch the next disc."

And on Eliza's prompt, they piled on the couch (sandwiches in hand).

"…So w-who's gonna put the disc in?"

"Oh. Right." Asuka glanced around the couch.

"I'll do it."

Using his AT-Field, Kaworu half haphazardly took the second disc of this boxset and deposited it on the tray.

"You are getting better at this, fish."

"You c-can do that?"

"It comes in handy when we're both… let's say occupied." With a sly smirk, a small glance towards Rei.

Rei simply chuckled, clicking through a few menus, as the next disc started up.
Character Key:
Shinji (S) Asuka (A)
Rei (R) Kaworu (K)
Eliza (E) Mari (M)

Minesweeper (00:00)
The episode started off with the Megas blasting through asteroids.
E: "I'd debate if this was wise, but I'd also debate if it was wise to allocate resources to this debate."
K: "Wise or not, they most likely didn't think about it."
They drilled through a potato shaped meteor, blowing it up.
A: "I mean, the Megas does seem strong enough to do this."
S: "Almost like it's strong enough to do just about anything."
M: "And t-this is training. They have p-plenty of training already."
R: "More never hurts."
A: "Though you want to make it fun. At least for us, we can train in an environment where we can't actually damage our Evangelion."
M: "More than w-we had in Nevada."
K: "That sounds like exactly Kiva's intention in this training."
Coop honed in on an 'asteroid'.
R: "About that."
Which was actually a mine.
S: "Well, now they can train in how to avoid that kinda thing."
A: "We never had to avoid mines, Shinji."
E: "A mine wouldn't do much to the AT-Field to begin with. For all the skill Coop has, I doubt he can modify his Plymouth Barracuda to have an AT-Field."
K: "Maybe if you put a soul in it."
M: "Isn't t-that just a Transformer? You g-guys have Transformers here, right?"
R: "You know Toei was one of two companies that made the animation for Transformers, right?"
Coop's attempt at backing up the Megas out of the minefield failed.
S: "He could really use an AT-Field right about now."
Further attempts to navigate the minefield only ended with the Megas even more damaged, Coop eventually deciding to crash land on a 'space donut', as he called it.
R: "Certainly an interesting concept. I wonder how the gravity of such a world would work."
A: "Doubt Cartoon Network would explain it much anyway."
K: "Perhaps this halo was created by an advanced forerunner species."
A: "Ancient alien tech shit, got it."

Installation 04 (02:40)
M: "Though n-now there's the question on why this t-thing exists."
S: "It looked rather industrial; maybe it's a vessel of some sort."
A: "Could just be a space station. We've seen massive stations dedicated to sports. It's not out of the question something much smaller could exist."
E: "Maybe it's for some space government."
S: "Is there a space government? It looks pretty wild out there."
R: "If there was, I am sure Magnanimous' corruption would have been caught earlier."
A: "Depends if the government was corrupt, as well."
Despite experiencing another happy landing, the Megas was all well and good.
And so, they decided to explore. "Let's see what dangers come flooding out of this facility." Mused Kaworu.
E: "Knowing those three, they'll end up destroying it somehow."
M: "And N-New Jersey, while they're at it."
E: "Even though they're thousands of light years away from Earth."
R: "Logic has not stopped this show before."
The group searched this installation, as Kiva scanned for life.
A: "She hasn't searched for robots, hasn't she?"
K: "And we know robots do exist. One of their previous enemies was one, in fact."
S: "You'd think they'd be a bit more wary of that sort of thing."
M: "Maybe you g-guys."
E: "From Kiva's helpful exposition, it does sound like it was built by an advanced species."
A: "Why do I get the feeling this was ripped off from somewhere?"
K: "If it was, it's not from a piece of fiction we know of."
R: "So we are seeing the parody of whatever this is parodying, with no knowledge on what the original work was."
K: "Perhaps."
S: "This whole show has been a bit of a parody so far, so it wouldn't surprise me."

No Step On Snek (04:20)
In frustration, Coop kicked the ground.
And fell into the facility.
A: "So much for not smashing."
M: "Isn't smashing h-his specialty?"
K: "Looks like they weren't the first to fall in."
S: "Not a good sign for them."
E: "We only just started this disc, Shinji."
Further exploration revealed a robotic snake.
R: "I suppose the Megas' sensors can only detect organics."
A: "That seems like a bit of a flaw."
As usual, the Megas decimated their quarry, throwing one into a switch.
M: "Looks like t-they found the self destruct."
R: "It would not be surprising. But it appears they will not blow up again."
S: "You can have other kinds of life?"
K: "Most life is indeed carbon based. But as Kiva suggested, you can theoretically swap out the carbon with another similar chemical, silicon in this case."
E: "Could swap it out with any carbon group element, theoretically. However, carbon is a simpler element compared to other comparable elements."
R: "Hence why you only see carbon based life. Of course, the universe is bigger than just Earth."
A: "Sounds to me Kiva needs to reprogram the sensors to detect that kind of life as well, if they're gonna be encountering them."
If she was going to do that, the presence of a computer bank distracted her.
K: "That's not a bad find at all."
M: "Kinda amazing these f-forerunners had the forethought to put e-everything about them in one location."
S: "Very convenient for them, isn't it?"
E: "I wouldn't recommend Coop go about destroying it, then. Who knows what knowledge was just lost with the minimal destruction he caused?"
A: "Maybe he destroyed the video games." As they flashed back to a memory of a previous library. "Why the fuck would they stack the books that high to begin with, if it's meant to be publicly accessible?"
R: "Perhaps they had publicly accessible ladders, as well."
S: "He could've also, I don't know, asked for help?"
M: "You think s-someone from New Jersey would ask f-for help?" She barked a laugh. "If there's one thing t-this show is accurate about, it's their s-stubborn nature."

Snake Charmer (07:20)
Speaking of stubbornness, the silicon snakes were about to attack once more.
S: "I suppose they're the defenders of this facility."
A: "Probably made to ensure no one but the species who made this can get that juicy knowledge."
M: "That s-sounds kinda discriminatory."
It didn't take Kiva too long to determine how the snakes worked.
E: "She knows a lot, doesn't she?"
R: "If it were here, it would take the entire Magi to figure that out."
K: "It makes sense if they're a defensive measure. Life is naturally energetic; seek out this energy and attack it."
A: "Seems kinda easily exploitable, though."
R: "There are ways to mask that. The AT-Field can mask your energy, of course you then have the AT-Field."
S: "Which would probably get noticed either way, even if they couldn't see it."
The Megas started losing power, Kiva soon figuring out why.
M: "What I'm g-getting at is that they eat electricity."
E: "They are silicon based life. If you consider them computers from a certain point of view, it makes sense."
R: "Conventional computers are silicon based, after all."
A: "Not Eliza, even before she got crammed into a human body. Unless you got silicon somewhere else."
Eliza rolled her eyes, as Kiva attempted to wrangle Jaime into something productive. "Biocomputing does deal more in carbon than silicon, though there were still silicon based computer components in my system. Though indeed, my previous body contained no significant silicon, decorative or otherwise."
R: "And I am sure Kaworu can attest to the fact my body does not contain any decorative silicon." With a smug smirk.

Core (09:15)
Armed with nothing more than a baseball bat (and complaining all the way), Jaime entered the core.
A: "I wonder why he even comes along, if he doesn't wanna do anything like that when required."
M: "What s-skills does he even offer the Megas?"
S: "He can say nice a lot."
E: "An excellent advantage."
Leaving Coop to face the Temptation of Christ.
S: "So how long do you reckon he'll last?"
K: "No more than a minute."
R: "It seems he understands the reason not to fight, at least."
M: "You've seen how impulsive h-he's been so far, right?"
All the while, Jaime continued his pusillanimous act. "Way to throw her to the snakes, Jaime."
S: "Then again, I'm sure most people would be scared in that situation."
E: "The only person out of those three that has had any sort of training is Kiva herself. They're practically civvies dealing in matters they don't even know."
K: "They're handing things rather well, all things considered."
Things were going well, until Coop accidentally lit a flare.
M: "It wasn't intentional, at l-least."
A: "Unintentional incompetency is still incompetency."
E: "He built the cockpit in the first place, he should know where the buttons are!"
S: "It's a good thing he was able to get out of that without crushing anyone."
The duo finally found the stray insect. "It allows us to see how they prefer handling the insects, at least."
Kiva crushed it.
R: "Oh. That was easy."
The power was still being drained, however.
K: "Not over yet, Rei."
As they panned to yet more small insects.
A: "Well, he better get to smashing."
S: "Now would be a bad time for him to develop arachnophobia, won't it?"
A: "Isn't that just for spiders?"
S: "What's the term for insects, then?"
Asuka blinked. "Iunno." She shrugged.

Swing Batter (11:40)
M: "I keep h-having to remember the scale of the Megas."
R: "You would not be able to walk around like that in the Evangelion, that is certain."
E: "It helps the Evangelion isn't technically a giant robot."
S: "Even if we still call it a mecha."
A: "That's what the civvies call it, at least."
Kiva borrowed Jaime's baseball bat.
Much to Asuka's smirk. "This is where the fun begins."
K: "I wonder if she thought she'd be a bug exterminator."
R: "She most likely did not think any of this would happen."
And so Kiva went about smashing the bugs to electronic pieces.
M: "We c-could use an Evangelion sized baseball b-bat."
S: "Good luck trying to convince Ritsuko."
A: "Now that was satisfying." The smirk remained. "Jaime really is useless though, ain't he?"
E: "Maybe he'll learn this, as time goes on."
They entered the core, as more larvae came out.
K: "The miracle of life." He deadpanned.
M: "Kinda d-disgusting."
Her opinion didn't change as the queen revealed herself.
S: "Well there's your problem."
A: "I don't think a baseball bat can solve that."
R: "A baseball bat can solve many a problem."
Instead of using the bat, Kiva elected to use her fists.
E: "Yes, just beat up the organic robot."
Through a series of unfortunate events, Kiva ended up knocked out by a wayward swing of Jaime's bat.
There were but a few moments of quiet before everyone burst out laughing. "Well, if they weren't fucked before!"
M: "That's the t-thing, they weren't fucked before. Jaime screwed it u-up!"
R: "I am sure Kiva will be pleased about this, when she wakes up."
S: "If she wakes up."
He booked it.
K: "What an excellent friend."
E: "He drew the queen away from Kiva's unconscious body, at least."
A: "And what about the other smaller robots?"
E: "They're an outstanding issue, admittedly."

Magnoflex (14:00)
Coop was finally given permission to go ham.
Crushing the queen in the process.
A: "Y'know something? That was kinda smart of him."
R: "He knew what it would do, and used it to his advantage. It is a rather intelligent thing to do."
S: "Sounds like something we could come up with, during battle."
And with a convenient lie as Kiva came to, they got back to work.
E: "He's still a bit of an asshole, though."
A: "Oh yeah, no denying that."
Like a beacon, the Megas shined in the eyes of the insectoids, Kiva and Jaime finding their way back to the cockpit.
K: "Now I don't think anything's stopping him from going wild."
M: "Other than not d-destroying the space library of Alexandria."
A: "Would he even think of that?"
And the destruction began.
S: "Probably not." As they all rolled their eyes at his use of nunchucks.
E: "There are quite a few of them."
R: "Almost like that queen would not be the only queen."
K: "And as we suggested, perhaps they were created to defend this facility from any snooping eyes."
A: "He's doing a lot more than snooping."
As if she predicted it, Coop practically nuked the insects off of him.
E: "I am assuming this is a problem."
S: "You're probably right."
Yet more insects emerged, Coop listing off his buffet of a breakfast as it happened.
A: "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT, COOP?!" As he said the five deadly words and made it even worse.
R: "Now that is a queen."
M: "That's a f-fucking goddess."
K: "And all they wanted was some data." He thought, with some amusement. "They're making it a habit of making simple things complicated."
R: "In their defence, it is outside factors complicating the simple things. Most of the time."

Mothra (16:40)
As if their luck couldn't get any worse, Coop recklessly throwing the corpse of an insect robot resulted in the entire installation powering down.
E: "I don't think that was an outside factor."
A: "Just shut up, Coop! You keep making it worse!"
R: "The Gods do not like him today, do they?"
S: "Knowing him, he'll just get angry at all this bad luck."
A: "Who wouldn't? I'd get angry at the universe completely screwing me over."
K: "You have been angry at the universe screwing you over."
M: "And other u-universes as well, from the sounds of it."
E: "So Coop and company are still better off than we were."
S: "I mean, we eventually ended up somewhere alright."
A: "Hell of a scenic route though, Shin-chan."
Coop was certainly not taking a scenic route in exacting his revenge on this 'low-rent Mothra wannabe'.
R: "I should not be surprised he knows about Mothra."
M: "That's from t-the Godzilla movies, r-right?"
R: "Indeed. Have you seen them?"
M: "One or t-two of them; they're kinda h-hard to find in the States unless you look on t-the internet."
A: "In which case you're probably waiting a month to download one of the original movies, eh?"
M: "If it's n-not a porno or a v-virus, at that. Unless you want t-to watch the American remakes."
S: "Hollywood did Godzilla films?" As this 'Mothra' flicked the Megas away like it were an insect.
M: "T-Tristar did one. It was trash. And then they d-distributed 2000."
R: "Perhaps the worst Godzilla film of recent memory. At least Toho redeemed themselves."
M: "W-Wait you guys got more Godzilla films?"
R: "They took a five year hiatus due to the issue of Second Impact and their main headquarters in Tokyo-1 being nuked, but since around 2005 they have been releasing films every two to three years."
Mari blinked. "Well fuck me, why d-didn't I know about that?"

Dinner (19:00)
E: "If you two were paying attention, you'll know Megas is sucking hard right now."
They turned back to see the Megas all tied up for dinner.
K: "They are insects, I suppose."
A: "That seems like a more spider thing to do."
S: "Don't think they'd really care about that, at the moment."
Coop looked at a few buttons.
R: "He could have used those earlier."
M: "Man he thought of e-everything with that control panel, didn't he?"
K: "That or Cartoon Network give him what he needs."
A: "It'd be pretty cool to just have buttons come up for what you need, eh?"
E: "The way the Evangelion works doesn't require buttons. You are the button."
Coop not able to pick between the myriad of buttons on the control panel, elected to hit all of them.
S: "I mean, I'm sure one of them would work."
R: "Let us hope one of those buttons were not 'Destroy Ringworld'."
And so the Megas ascended into blinding light.
M: "I dunno, Blue. It's l-looking a lot like he hit that button."
A: "I'm sure they wouldn't have an ascend to Godhood button."
K: "You never know with this show."
Megas instead channeled the phoenix, flames bathing the entire ringworld and vaporising the insects.
E: "Perhaps not 'Destroy Ringworld', but 'Immolate Ringworld'."
S: "As long as the computers are still intact."
A: "Computers don't tend to like heat, Shinji."
M: "It a-actually looks intact, amazingly enough."
R: "I am sure the forerunners built this facility to handle more than a simple shower of flame. It can be rather hot in the vacuum of space, after all."
A: "…Hang on, why are there flames in the vacuum of space to begin with?!"

Tumbling Down (20:25)
Asuka would not get her answer, as Coop rested the Megas weight on a skyscraper.
Causing it to tumble.
S: "Here we go." He muttered, seeing what was happening.
E: "It's not blowing up, at least. It's just like if the shelves fell down at the library."
M: "Maybe he should just s-stay away from any sort of library."
Somehow, the tumbling caused the ringworld to explode.
E: "Oh never mind!"
K: "If the forerunners were any sort of competent, they would have backups."
A: "You'd be surprised how many people don't backup their computer shit. Hell, I don't back up my computer shit. I don't even have stuff on my terminal I'd want to back up."
R: "I do not think we even have a computer that is not issued to us from school. And those computers are useless enough as is."
E: "Is it really that difficult to automate backups?"
A: "I mean, they probably get backed up to a remote server of some sort." She shrugged. "Can't look much into them, since they're not exactly ours to begin with."
Though speaking of computers, Jaime's wayward leg somehow managed to bring up security footage of how he thwacked Kiva upside the head with a baseball bat.
M: "It's been nice k-knowing him."
A: "Not really."
Yeah, Kiva wasn't exactly pleased with that, much to the amusement of everyone. "Well deserved."

And the Megas promptly exploding a minefield, the episode ended.

"So we know this was meant to be a parody of something."

"But not what the original is, indeed." Thought Kaworu. "Rather strange to think about."

"It makes sense if such work existed in their world. Then again, we can only speculate ourselves."

"Hell, they might've actually made something original." Shrugged Asuka. "I certainly never heard anything about a ringworld library."

"Hopefully next t-time they find one, they won't end up destroying it."

"I would not hold out hope."

The credits showed one of the insects behind the television they were watching.

"Well that certainly isn't ominous."

"It's just enjoying the energy from the TV, Shin-chan. Like a beach-goer bathing in the sun."

"Only most beach-goers do not have the ability to eat you."

"Maybe a s-shark." Mari suggested. "Then again, all I've s-seen about sharks was Jaws."

Rei huffed. "Not exactly a documentary, I would think."

"Sharks are just fish. They do what their nature tells them."

"And yet y-you ended up as a trout, Ash."

A small chuckle. "For a good reason, I'd think."

The next episode began soon after.
Monster Mash (00:00)
The Glorft were busy fixing whatever was broken.
E: "I feel they could've been more efficient with this."
K: "The more efficient the Glorft are, the less time the good guys have."
A: "So we want them to take their time!"
S: "Especially if it's a weapon."
M: "Isn't a r-report meant to be a-about progress?"
R: "Gorrath being Gorrath."
S: "…Wait, that's a planet buster?"
A: "Ooh, like in Star Wars!"
R: "That is another thing we can say they are ripping on."
K: "And another thing the good guys should probably focus on."
E: "Are they just planning on destroying Earth so no one can have the Megas?"
Gorrath essentially answered Eliza's question.
M: "You're p-pretty good at asking those sorta questions, Eliza."
Eliza shrugged.
Before they cut to this primitive proto-Earther, engaging in typical proto-Earther activities.
A: "Though yeah, when the proto-Earthers are doing stuff like that, I can kinda understand."
S: "I'm sure Kiva wouldn't be too pleased with this, as well."
M: "Why are y-you stuffing bones into your burger?!"
R: "Maybe he wishes to up his calcium intake. For those big bones of his."
E: "You don't have a ton of food like this when you watch professional wrestling, right Rei?"
R: "I have never been much of a heavy eater. Perhaps a few snack foods, but not on the scale of this."
M: "Yeah, t-that's just America."

Satellite (01:35)
The monster mash started.
And then stopped.
A: "Well that's certainly a great time for the satellite to go down!"
S: "That's when things like that tend to happen, I feel."
R: "Especially when there is a story that is to happen."
K: "Ah, so their task for today will be to fix the satellite."
There was an attempt. "Of course it uses the Megas."
M: "It has been a r-rather effective multi-tool, so f-far."
A: "I wouldn't think it was a lack of power to the dish."
E: "It'd be a signal issue, of course you can always boost the signal. Which, I suppose applying several million amps to a satellite dish would boost whatever signal it gets."
S: "And would probably fry the entirety of New Jersey's electrical grid."
K: "New Jersey has proven themselves pretty good at rebuilding after catastrophic destruction."
And so Coop redlined the Barra, resulting in a broadcast that blew up every TV in the Greater Jersey area.
R: "That went as we expected, I am assuming."
M: "The electrical g-grid is intact, at least."
A: "At least the TV manufacturers will be happy!"
This broadcast went further, out into space.
S: "This is gonna be an issue?"
R: "In all likelihood."
The wave washed over a large pollen like world.
Which promptly turned around and lunged at the camera, resulting in a slight jump from Asuka, not that she would admit such thing.
E: "And all because they wanted to watch wrestling."
K: "Now that I think about it, most of the issues in these episodes were caused either directly or indirectly by the trio."
A: "It's a change from our world, that's for sure."

Stand Off (03:35)
Coop and Jaime stood in Mexican stand off. "Wonder what h-happened with those two."
Mari's question was answered with a ripping burp from Coop, birds flying away at the sound.
A: "Oh for fuck's sake."
K: "They're making their own entertainment, at least."
S: "I think I'd prefer the wrestling."
Jaime did a burp of his own.
R: "That was rather pathetic."
E: "He still thinks he won."
K: "A very Jaime thing to do, I would think."
M: "They're d-doing all this for a chair?"
A: "Must be a pretty damn comfy chair, then!"
S: "Do they not have the money to buy another one?"
E: "Consider they had to look in their car for $1.49. I don't think they're entirely solvent."
R: "That, or they would rather save money than spend it."
K: "All that food would be a significant expense."
They were about to get back to the burping match, until Kiva reminded them of the TV.
…Which still wasn't working.
A: "It's almost like the problem wasn't with the dish itself. Did they even bother to look at the other connections?"
S: "The way it just dropped, maybe something happened to the satellite itself. Wouldn't be the first time a TV satellite got knocked out of orbit."
R: "A shame for him; this is how he trains."
M: "…How can y-you train from watching TV?"
K: "The same way playing a video game might train you."
A: "At least a video game teaches you reaction times and strategy. You don't really learn much just mindlessly sitting in front of a TV."
E: "We've been doing alright with watching TV."
S: "We do also commentate a lot on whatever's on, mind you."
All the while, the beastly pollen ball edged closer to the Earth, consuming what looked like the Voyager probe.
R: "Perhaps the satellites are getting knocked out of orbit. More accurately, eaten out of orbit."

Just Television (05:10)
A: "I'm sure he thinks the world needs television."
R: "Perhaps if Kiva's world had television, the Glorft would not have almost won."
They saw what a world without television would look like.
M: "And t-this is Coop imagining this."
K: "What a tragedy, world peace was achieved."
A: "She's like those people that say video games were the cause of all the world's troubles."
E: "Yes, the Angels came to Earth because people were playing video games."
S: "Maybe Lilith wanted someone to do multiplayer with?"
The Nephilim couldn't help but feel amused at this thought. "I could think of worse scenarios."
M: "Certainly took t-those three long enough to think it w-was the satellite."
K: "In any other world, the satellite would be the last thing you'd think about. Especially with how many redundancies I'd assume were in place."
E: "What about in that world?"
K: "It's a reasonable conclusion to come to."
A: "I know he's pretty good at tech stuff, but what can he do to a satellite?"
He explained what he was going to do with the satellite.
S: "I'd say that'd damage it more, but it didn't hurt the dish when he tried it."
R: "A satellite dish is nothing more than a cone to concentrate a signal into a receiver; not many components that can go wrong. A satellite on the other hand is full of computers and sensors and other electrically sensitive materials."
E: "And pumping millions of amps into it would fry it."
Whatever Coop was planning ultimately didn't matter, as they encountered the satellite snacking monster.
K: "This is the second being in this universe that consumes energy of a sort."
S: "A part of me wonders just how you could eat signals like that."
R: "As Kaworu suggested, radio waves are a form of energy. Weak energy, in comparison to other sorts of waves, but still energy regardless. So you could consume it."
M: "Doesn't s-sound too efficient."
A: "Works for that thing." She shrugged. "Also with all the broadcasts on Earth or really any developed planet, there'd be plenty to snack on."

Burst (06:40)
Coop seemed to take this as an insult on the institution of television, throwing themselves at the pollen ball.
M: "Do y-you guys think he'll listen to Kiva?"
A: "Nope."
R: "I agree with Asuka."
Yeah, he was rash, slicing a couple tentacles free from the alien.
S: "So how have they screwed up this time?"
E: "Angering the strange alien that eats radio waves would never really be a wise option, I feel."
K: "It sounds like Jaime knows how this being found Earth."
A: "Kiva as well, judging by that look."
Attempting to correct this mistake, Coop attempted to solve this 'Jersey City style'.
S: "Do I even have to ask, Mari?"
M: "Pfft, if they h-had missiles they might."
E: "Why are there so many buttons for missiles?"
R: "For when you really want to make sure your quarry is atomised."
A: "How the hell does he even get these missiles for the Megas?"
Her question unanswered, the Megas fired everything.
Which resulted in nothing more than a small cloud, and the unamused look of Kiva.
This also resulted in the gang bursting out into hysterics. "I guess that a-answers your question, Asuka. He gets his missiles f-from a dollar store!"
R: "At least Kiva is trying to be strategic."
S: "Could say Jaime's idea was strategic, as well."
E: "Maybe a combination of the two. Go home and determine how to defeat the TV signal eating Angel."
Not listening to any of these suggestions, Coop flew to the alien.
A: "He's sure taking his time, isn't he?"
K: "Perhaps Jaime was correct with the scale of this being."
Eventually, he made landfall on the being, punching it several times over.
All of which did nothing.
S: "He likes falling back on the punch until defeated strategy, doesn't he?"
R: "He has no formal training, after all. I am sure our world would take a more nuanced approach."

Tentacle (09:45)
As Coop and Jaime were arguing on what to do, the alien answered this with their tentacles.
M: "Well, this has t-taken a bit of a turn."
R: "This was not made in Japan; it will not go down that path."
A: "I'm sure if it did, the Americans would've crucified Cartoon Network."
Coop's attempts at escaping only resulted in yet more tentacles restraining the Megas.
K: "It can be seen as somewhat suggestive, admittedly."
S: "At least it's the Megas, and not a girl."
E: "The Megas has a girl in it."
The only funny business going on was their absorption into the alien.
M: "…I mean, it's n-not the worst outcome."
R: "They might survive another five minutes."
K: "But as long as the Megas is intact, there is always a chance."
A: "Especially with how arbitrary the Megas seems to be."
S: "I'm sure some people would consider our Evangelion rather arbitrary."
It cut to inside the belly of the beast, Megas holding on for dear life as an MTV satellite dropped into acid.
R: "If only they had an AT-Field."
E: "That doesn't seem too sta-"
The show preempted Eliza and had them begin falling, Coop barely finding the jets in time.
M: "Really c-cutting it close there."
A: "Maybe if the Megas gave him the controls for it earlier."
Kaworu chuckled. "Ah, so the Megas determines what controls are there."
A: "It'd explain why there's so many weirdly specific controls."
Speaking of layout, Coop commented on exactly that after he accidentally set off the missiles.
R: "This is why we need consistency."
M: "What c-controls are there on an Evangelion a-anyway?"
A: "You got a few buttons on the butterfly controls for various functions and for going through the menus and shit, but most of the time you can just think about it."
R: "There is also the self destruct mechanism."
A: "It's more a lever instead of a button."

Snot (12:05)
A storm of snot headed their way.
K: "Like many organic beings, I'm sure this has an immune system of sorts."
R: "It could just be digestive aids, as well."
The extent of how bad they would be was shown to Coop, as one of the 'giant boogers' cleanly cut through the Megas.
M: "Don't let t-the snot hit you, got it."
S: "It's kinda their job, isn't it?"
It was certainly enough incentive for Coop to destroy them, like it were a video game.
E: "He may not take all this too seriously, but you can't deny the results."
A "I think that's just him though, eh? He's always pretty carefree about most things, even if it involves his life."
R: "Of course, he does get into serious mode on occasion."
K: "Specifically when it involves his car, food, or the television. But everyone has something, or someone, they're passionate about and live for."
S: "So instead of like us where we live for each other, Coop lives for all that."
K: "Indeed. It works for him, though."
As they were taking refuge, Kiva continued analysing.
E: "I find it strange how they're still broadcasting. If no signals can get from the satellite, how are the signals meant to get to the satellite?"
A: "Do you think Cartoon Network really thought about how a TV satellite works?"
E: "I don't know why I even asked."
R: "Either way, Coop should understand that no Earth would mean no wrestling."
S: "There might be some intergalactic wrestling."
M: "Would Earth b-be the biggest source of TV signals? Surely that s-space station we saw a few episodes ago broadcasted everywhere in t-the universe."
K: "Which currently doesn't exist."
E: "I'm sure to the alien, it would appear the Earth was like that. With that massive broadcast in Coop's attempt to get a signal."

Speedrun (13:50)
They found their way to a sphincter.
A: "If that's the ass of that thing, I swear to God."
R: "There are other sphincters, Asuka."
S: "Maybe it's vocal related. It is making a sound."
M: "So c-can the ass."
This gave Coop an idea.
E: "Well, I don't see anywhere else they can go."
K: "He knows it's futile to try bursting his way out. If he couldn't even break into the alien without it taking the Megas in deliberately."
A: "Do you think he can time it?"
R: "If he can not, the next few discs would just be static."
S: "Good thing he has video games to fall back on."
M: "That's actually k-kinda impressive, beating s-something like that quickly."
R: "When you have completed a game, sometimes it can be interesting to make your own challenge."
K: "Not that we tend to speedrun."
E: "Is that what that's called?"
Kaworu nodded. "Perhaps with your Unix heritage, you will do well at such thing."
Eliza smirked. "If I can find a video game to play. It's all just optimising variables to the extreme. Should be easy enough."
Coop might've wanted to take his time, but the 'booger things' made the decision for him.
A: "Well let's hope his speedrunning skills are actually good!"
S: "He does hold a world record, apparently."
M: "And video g-game skills seem to directly translate to real w-world skills in their world."
Coop missed the cycle, getting stuck in the sphincter.
K: "Well, it didn't bisect him, at least."

Graveyard (15:05)
M: "It wasn't an a-asshole."
A: "With how much garbage is in there, you'd think it was."
K: "They would be the remnants of the myriad species that attempted to get their television satellites back, I would think."
E: "They weren't too successful, were they?"
S: "At least those two can look on the bright side of life."
R: "You would not think that of Jaime."
And so Coop looked through the satellites.
E: "A part of me thinks it's stupid to have one satellite for a single channel."
A: "It is. It doesn't even work like that; a satellite is just a glorified repeater. They're not occupied by little green aliens running an entire TV station within it!"
R: "The alien television satellites may work like that, you never know."
It didn't take too long to find the satellite he was looking for, and they soon booked it.
K: "At this point, the wrestling match would've been over and done with."
M: "You u-underestimate how long they can drag it o-out for. They're probably s-still showing the commercials."
S: "And all the things they've done today would've been way more entertaining."
A: "Maybe more adrenaline pumping. Kinda like what Coop's doing now."
E: "Now if only he did it a bit earlier."
R: "He had to maintain at least some care, if he wanted to save the all important satellite."
M: "I'd still w-want to maintain some care. Ya n-never know when one of those booger thingies utterly p-pierce it."
Out of the pollen ball, he threw the satellite back into orbit.
They didn't exactly expect the satellite to simply stop in its tracks. "Wait what?"
E: "I see inertia doesn't exist in this world."
S: "There's still the small issue of that giant alien that eats satellites."
K: "And they can't watch wrestling if they're dead."
R: "I am sure Coop would find a way."

Pulse (16:45)
They listened on to Coop's inspirational monologue.
A: "Well, if it keeps the planet alive."
S: "I wish we could monologue like that and not get destroyed for letting our guard down."
K: "Didn't we come to the conclusion we might not be able to come up with the right words, at the time?"
E: "You two might be able to. And I'm still working on a monologue generator."
R: "How is it going?"
E: "I got it generating monologues in English, but I need to get around rewriting it all cause I don't know why I can't change the language."
A: "Ain't that programming in a nutshell."
The speech was good and all, but there wasn't really any ideas stemming from it.
M: "How would y-you defeat something like that?"
R: "The Lance of Longinus is always a good option." With a small huff. "Then again, it may not exist in their universe."
K: "It sounds like they might have come up with the idea. You can always overeat."
S: "How would you get that many TV waves to begin with?"
E: "Same way he did that started this whole thing. Pump a few million amps into a satellite dish."
Kiva got to programming.
E: "An EMP works as well." She shrugged.
M: "Might w-wanna use several EMPs, just t-to be sure."
Coop fired the torpedo.
Asuka sighed as Jaime and Kiva almost immediately disparaged Coop. "What'd he do now?"
K: "Maybe he replaced the innards of the EMP with something other than the regular innards of an EMP."
He essentially confirmed this, the flashback indicating just what happened with it.
S: "He turned it into a fridge?!"
E: "Well, now they're screwed. Unless they had a backup EMP, but it looks like that universe is allergic to backing up their shit!"
Eliza perked some, upon hearing the contents of this fridge. "Wait a minute. They mentioned pop rocks and soda earlier."
K: "Congratulations, Eliza. You found the ending."
A: "That wouldn't do anything, right?"

Rock Salt (19:15)
The alien started foaming at the mouth, Jaime eagerly watching on.
R: "I do not believe we have ever thought of doing this to an Angel. I do believe the Simpsons have done that, however."
A: "Might've made Leliel a bit easier. Since apparently combining pop rocks and soda is like setting off a nuke!"
K: "I wonder what they make pop rocks out of, in their world."
E: "Evidently, something highly volatile when it comes in contact with soda. What even is in soda that could cause this?"
M: "Bunch of carbon d-dioxide and sugar?"
E: "Yeah I knew it wouldn't have made sense."
The planet sized alien exploded, sending the Megas flying.
S: "Looks like it'll be raining alien for weeks."
A: "Might destroy New Jersey again!"
It cut to the Glorft.
R: "It appears they may destroy New Jersey first."
M: "Eh, they've c-come back from worse."
K: "It's as if they attached a Death Star laser to their ship."
Said Death Star laser apparently couldn't handle a light shower of alien gore, snapping off and exploding at the unexpected shower of gibs.
Much to the gang's laugher. "How does that keep happening to them?"
E: "The Gods haven't been smiling on them lately, have they?"
R: "Which is a good thing. They are the antagonists, after all."
M: "For being a-antagonists, they haven't been d-doing too much antagonising so f-far."
K: "They've had a couple episodes thus far, which is more than the other antagonists of the day."

Showers (21:20)
After all Coop did, the cable still didn't work.
A: "Maybe you put the satellite in the wrong orbit."
S: "It practically snapped into orbit, didn't it?"
Coop's mum called for him.
A: "…Hang on a minute, how old is he?"
R: "Young enough to be still living with at least one parent."
E: "And they have paid no attention to what Coop and company have been doing?"
K: "We didn't even know they existed until a few seconds ago, clearly they don't mind much."
On his mother's behest, he glanced at the cable bill.
The group had a small moment of silence, comprehending all this.
M: "So all this c-could've been avoided."
R: "Yes."
K: "Like most things in this show, it seems."
A: "Welp, now he get to pay his bills." She blinked. "Do they not have automated billing in the States or something?"
M: "They do, but I d-don't think many people take them up on it. They'd p-prefer to pay it themselves."
E: "Is it so they can make sure they wouldn't try anything funny with the transaction?"
Mari shrugged. "We do kinda h-have a natural distrust of government and businesses, so p-probably."
S: "I never really understood that. Surely they of all people would have your interests in mind?"
M: "Might be what y-you guys think. Even our Founding Fathers didn't b-believe government had our b-best interests in mind, hence w-why you have things like the Second Amendment."
K: "A different attitude to Japan, I would think. Though what do you think of such thing, Mari?"
M: "Eh. Kinda n-need a government in day to d-day life; roads and infrastructure and shit l-like that aren't gonna maintain themselves. I've n-never been too involved in politics myself; too y-young for that kinda thing to interest me fully."
A: "As long as they don't get too big for their boots."
Mari nodded. "Even t-then, you don't need to shoot up Capitol H-Hill every time a Congressman f-fucks you over. We're a democracy, after a-all."
R: "Shows you do not always need a gun. Though I am sure you think it as a good thing to fall back on."
M: "Yeah. Maybe I s-should take you guys shooting, if w-we ever end up in America."
S: "I mean, we've kinda all shot guns before."
E: "In the Evangelion."
A: "I had some weapons training; pistols and shit. Same any pilot gets, really."
R: "I do not recall experiencing such training."
K: "Nor I."
A: "Huh. Maybe Gendo and Seele didn't think it wise to hand a weapon to you two or something. Did you at least get training with regular firearms, Mari?"
M: "I'm American."
A: "Right, shouldn't have asked."

The episode ended with Coop walking through a rain of alien gibs, to pay his cable bill.

"So all in all, this entire episode was pointless."

"It taught Coop a valuable lesson to look in his pockets, at least."

"And once more no one is paying mind to the alien rain."

"He's g-gonna eat it, isn't he?" Thought Mari, seeing the end credits.

"I think that ought to be a rule of anything alien." Began Shinji. "Do not eat anything alien."

"It would've concerned me some if you started serving up Angel."

Mari caught a gag, as the credits cut to the next image. "Yep, he a-ate it."

"It obviously tasted good." With a small smirk. "And some parts of an Angel does taste nice."

"What, have you ta-" Asuka locked up, as she got the innuendo. "Rei!"

The smirk remained, as a small blush creeped on Kaworu.

And with that, the next episode started.
1,987,462,126,010 BC (00:00)
M: "That ain't New J-Jersey."
R: "Unless they decided to go for a more esoteric city design. It keeps getting destroyed, they might as well mix things up a bit."
Befitting New Jersey, it was soon destroyed by a giant red monster.
E: "You practically condemned this city by calling it New Jersey."
S: "Sounds like a condemnation anyway."
K: "This is strangely reminiscent of our world, and Sachiel."
A: "Sachiel also wasn't a buff devil. It has a damn eight pack!"
R: "At least the alien women will swoon before they get crushed."
It soon transitioned to his trial.
M: "Wow, they're actually b-bothering to give him a trial?"
A: "This were our world, they would've been killed on the spot!"
K: "Then again, perhaps they do this because he is intelligent enough to understand it."
R: "I am sure many of your kin would understand such thing as well. If not for their drive."
E: "What do you think is Grrkek's drive, then?"
S: "Destruction?"
Grrkek proved Shinji's words by breaking out of his shackles.
A: "So why didn't they kill him on the spot?"
M: "Maybe t-they see themselves as beyond such b-barbarity. Or something stupid."
A: "Yes I'm sure they'll all enjoy that moral high ground as Grrkek floods it with their blood!"
E: "They're imprisoning him, at least. Good luck with that."
S: "If they're just going to throw him in jail for eternity, why don't they just execute him?"
R: "See Asuka's moral high ground note."
K: "Look on the bright side. With him in prison, it gives our protagonists a chance to create the challenge for this episode."
And so he was digitised.
R: "Though I must say, that is a interesting prison."
M: "They stuff t-their prisoners into an Atari cartridge. I suppose if it w-works."
E: "If those prisoners were lucky, they wouldn't be sentient in that state."
1,987,462,128,012 years passed from that moment.
Snorting all around at the sheer time that has passed. "Kaworu? You'd know, I'd reckon; how old is the universe?"
K: "13 billion years, give or take."
E: "So not almost two trillion years."
A: "How after almost two trillion years did those prisoner cartridges end up at a New Jersey garage sale?!"
M: "How'd t-those aliens design them almost exactly l-like an Atari cartridge, as well?"
R: "I think it has been established that Cartoon Network are playing hard and fast with general reality."

Flash Sentry (02:50)
M: "I wonder w-what G.I. Jody is m-meant to be parodying."
S: "Beats me." Shinji shrugged.
Asuka blinked. "You never heard of G.I. Joe before?"
Shinji shook his head in reply.
R: "A toy franchise depicting members of the United States Military, in Japan."
A: "Right, fair enough. You'd know of Barbie, at least?"
Shaking his head once again. "It sounds like a doll of some sort."
E: "They don't make you wonder just who they're marketed towards, at least."
M: "I'd g-get a G.I. Joe figure before I g-get a damn Barbie figure."
K: "I wonder if they thought those cartridges might not be a game cartridge."
A: "Mari has said it looks like an Atari cartridge."
S: "Is that a game console?"
M: "Atari 2600, b-before even the NES."
Shinji tilted his head.
M: "Famicom."
S: "Ohhh. Jeez that's old."
R: "1977, it was originally released. It would have been a console your mothers played, had they been so inclined."
E: "Either way, I doubt such a system would support prisoner cartridges. Even if Coop jammed it in there."
K: "Might just break them. Which may be what releases the prisoner."
M: "S-sounds like you guys know a bit about video g-games, compared to him."
A: "Most of it is Rei and Kaworu, anyway." With a somewhat coy smirk. "All I got is an old Wonderswan to pass time with."
S: "And I don't have any game console."
R: "To be fair, we only have one games console in our possession. Which is a bootlegged Dreamcast to begin with."
E: "We have the Playstation, now."
R: "I think we may give that to Shinji and Asuka. I am sure Misato would not mind having a DVD player on hand."
A: "If Ritsuko doesn't want it for her lab, first of all."
Coop and the other guy flexed on their knowledge, the other guy eventually 'winning'.
M: "You go, m-man. Like what you like!"

Thread (04:10)
All the while, Kiva was looking at shoes.
A: "God knows she needs new clothes. She's been wearing the same thing for seven episodes so far!"
S: "They've all been wearing the same clothes." He noted.
M: "Yeah, g-get used to that. Most western cartoons only have their c-characters in one style. Easier t-to draw."
A: "Well that's a bit shitty."
E: "And I doubt Kiva would ever wear what Jaime is picking out, anyway."
R: "Not unless she wanted to appeal to him."
S: "Would anyone want to appeal to him?"
R: "No."
And so they drove back.
K: "I wonder if this is the same Plymouth Barracuda that is usually the Megas cockpit."
A: "If it is, then the Glorft have a great opportunity right now."
The camera panned over Kiva.
M: "Oh wow s-she actually has different clothing!"
R: "Is it really that rare in western anime?"
M: "Yep."
R: "I do not think that clothing looks so bad. Has a certain style to it."
E: "She probably won't wear it for too long."
A: "Ah! She wants to go shopping!"
S: "She's certainly adapting well to the 21st century."
K: "Now let's see if she drags her boys along with her."
Coop left Jaime in the dust, as he looked to 'Kiva Duty'.
R: "She dragged one boy along, at least."
S: "He practically dug his own grave with that."
E: "That seems to be a specialty of his."

Console (05:15)
A: "He's got a PS2 as well?!"
R: "I wonder what kind of console that cube is meant to be?"
S: "Maybe they call it a Gamecube."
Rei couldn't help but giggle at the obvious name.
M: "That f-first console was an NES."
E: "I'd be interested to know how he stuffs a cartridge into a disc based system."
He tried it.
K: "He's not forcing it, at least."
The show cut back and forth from Kiva and Jaime, and Coop attempting to get the cartridge working.
A: "Is blowing on the cart just a universal thing or something?"
M: "It's c-certainly what I did with my Nintendo."
It did actually fit in the Nintendo, but it didn't power on.
E: "To be expected. I'm sure a prisoner cartridge from almost two trillion years ago isn't compatible with a conventional games system."
It cut to Kiva in her new threads.
A: "Now that doesn't look so bad."
S: "She looks straight outta Mad Max."
R: "Others seem to like it, at least."
Back to Coop, as he tried jamming the cartridge in a Mega Drive. "He's got a Genesis, a-as well?"
E: "How many systems does he have, anyway?"
K: "More than us."
A: "Maybe he should take a smarter approach to try jamming it in."
R: "There is a reason the cases are shaped as they are."
Back to Kiva again, as she dressed in a nightgown.
S: "Does this count as fanservice?"
A: "Certainly more leg than usual, that's for sure."
The group couldn't help but chuckle as someone slapped their man for gawking. "Well deserved."

Eight Track (06:20)
Coop stared blankly at the cartridge.
E: "I can see the hourglass above his head."
Before he found a tape player of a sort. "Is an 8-Track like a cassette?" Shinji openly queried.
M: "Yeah, f-from the sixties."
A: "How does he even have that, then? That looks way too compact for being sixties tech!"
R: "Perhaps that model is from the eighties."
K: "Interesting he thinks to use an audio player instead of a games console."
S: "He is kinda running out of things to jam the cartridge in."
M: "If that f-fails, he might try a VCR or a L-Laserdisc player."
R: "A record player might work, as well."
Back to Kiva.
A: "Maybe I should start considering that when it comes to clothing."
S: "If you want to only buy army greens from now on."
R: "Or wear nothing but your plug suit."
A: "I don't think Shinji would mind that; it's like wearing nothing anyway."
E: "I thought he preferred nothing at all."
S: "Don't all men?"
Snickering from Asuka. "But clothing can be great sometimes. Think of it like unwrapping a Christmas present." As she poked Shinji's side, him and Kaworu blushing at that Christmas.
She and Jaime ended up escorted outside.
M: "Looks like s-something happened."
E: "She was most likely being seen as disruptive. Not buying clothing and just complaining."
K: "She has a lot to learn about the 21st century, it seems."
Coop remained ignorant of their request for a taxi, continuing to try getting the prison cartridges working.
In an 8-Track player.
A: "I'm just amazed he connected a tape player to his TV."
R: "He is the man who converted a Plymouth Barracuda to a cockpit for a giant robot. This is child's play to him."
S: "Says a lot about the computers of that alien civilisation if they could run on a tape player."
Thinking it was a fighting game, Coop picked the scariest character there was.
E: "Who just so happens to be Grrkek." She muttered.
M: "I think t-this says something about those a-aliens. The fact their prisoners ended up in a y-yard sale in New Jersey. Somewhere where you c-could interface with them in some w-way."
K: "Being almost two trillion years ago, I would hazard a guess in saying those beings were no longer in the universe."

Planet Killer (07:55)
Sparks traced from the 8-Track player and up to the satellite dish, reconstructing Grrkek in all his planet killing glory.
E: "This makes no sense!" She excepted.
A: "This show has never made any sense, Eliza. And it's not gonna start now!"
M: "You're e-enjoying this, eh?"
A: "Eeyup!"
It didn't take long for the Megas to face Grrkek.
S: "Rather helpful he didn't have his abilities."
R: "Not that it has stopped his destruction thus far."
K: "Just another day in wonderful New Jersey."
We transition to Jaime and Kiva walking home from the mall.
A: "I wonder when they're gonna realise what happened."
E: "As soon as debris come flying at them, I'd assume."
M: "At least t-they're keeping her in that new s-suit, gaudy it is."
There was a massive earthquake.
R: "Now they know."
S: "I like how Jaime immediately assumes the worst."
K: "He's right to do so, you realise." As Coop flew into a factory.
A: "At least it's not the Glorft!"
E: "Looking on the bright side of life, I see."
As Coop was getting his ass beat, Kiva and Jaime ran to his house to see just what he did.
A: "Okay, taking stock. Car batteries, printers, stereo equipment."
E: "Several kilometres of cables."
S: "A blender?"
R: "He really wanted to get this cartridge running."
M: "It's more than an 8-Track p-player, at least."
A: "How does he keep doing it? He throws things together like this and it just works!"
K: "We've seen that is a skill of his."
Eliza thought about that. "I should see if I could do such thing."
A: "You of all people could, I imagine."

Container (09:55)
E: "I'm just amazed they managed to stick with the same protocols for almost two trillion years."
A: "Man imagine if you got locked up, then the time comes for your release and they can't release you cause they replaced their old systems with something completely different!"
R: "A good thing they kept this old system, then."
M: "Probably s-shouldn't say that when there's a prisoner l-loose."
S: "Surely they can just do the same thing they did over a trillion years ago?"
K: "They could, but there's a slight issue with that. Being it happened over a trillion years ago."
A: "Yeah, I doubt they keep manuals around for that long."
E: "I would've thought they had some sort of encryption in those prisoner cartridges. So no user could just connect it to a tape deck and release everyone on it."
A: "Maybe those aliens stored everything plaintext. Including their digitised prisoners."
K: "We must have been the first civilisation to invent encryption, then."
The Megas started spinning like a tornado.
R: "It seems he is taking a page from Crash Bandicoot."
M: "I was g-gonna say Taz but that w-works as well."
S: "What's he trying to do anyway?"
K: "Throw Grrkek off, perhaps."
Grrkek was punched to the floor.
K: "And it worked."
Megas was punched to the floor.
E: "For ten seconds."
Coop responded with a beam of light, petrifying Grrkek.
A: "Well this won't last longer than a few seconds."

Jailbreak (11:15)
All three in the car, Kiva began her attempt to cram Grrkek back in an Atari cartridge.
R: "Surprisingly enough, it has lasted longer than ten seconds."
K: "Enough for Kiva to do her thing, at least."
S: "Which should be enough."
E: "Only eleven minutes have passed."
A: "I knew there was gonna be a catch to this!"
Jaime began messing with the controls.
M: "Is t-this the catch?"
S: "Does Jaime know not to mess with the controls while it's being piloted?"
A: "Probably not; still a dick move though."
And take a guess at what happened.
Flat looks were offered to the screen from everyone, as literally all the prisoners were released.
E: "This counts as a dick move, right?"
K: "To say the least."
A: "If I were Coop, I'd fucking boot Jaime from the top of the robot, friend or not."
S: "So they pretty much just released several dozen Angels into New Jersey. What the hell do they do now?"
M: "Cram t-them back in before they turn New J-Jersey into a parking lot. A-Again."
Coop broke the cartridge in an attempt to stop it.
M: "…To amend. Fix the Atari c-cartridge then cram the prisoners b-back in before they level New J-Jersey."
R: "Thing is, if he did that earlier, several of the prisoners would have been disabled. And the one that did get bisected was a robot anyway."
A: "What I'm getting from this is they're pretty much fucked."
K: "New Jersey would be, at least."
Indeed, New Jersey was well and truly fucked, a montage playing of the city being converted into the largest parking lot outside of Texas.
E: "Should I make it worse by saying Grrkek's gonna break out of that?"
A cut to Grrkek suggested just that.
A: "God damn it Jaime!"

Return To Sender (13:25)
Coop appeared rather peeved, as he began doing something.
S: "I'm sure I'd be angry as well, if that happened."
A: "You know we wouldn't do anything like that."
E: "At least intentionally."
K: "It wasn't even intentional. Grossly negligent, perhaps."
R: "Which we would not be."
M: "Seems kinda e-expected, I'd think. Don't touch the w-weird buttons."
He separated a prisoner into two prisoners, another robot getting blinded by Kiva's bling shortly afterwards.
A: "I wonder just how much worse he is making this, with what's going on."
R: "As previous episodes have shown, things can always get worse."
It was now Megas vs Mechagodzilla.
M: "Kinda l-looks like a metal porcupine, that r-robot."
S: "I wonder if those trillion year old aliens knew what a porcupine was."
K: "Considering Earth did not exist until around four billion years ago."
R: "Perhaps an alien porcupine."
Either way, this metal porcupine was stabbed with an MTV broadcast tower.
E: "For being criminals bad enough to justify eternal digital imprisonment, they've all been rather easy."
Perhaps in reply to Eliza, another criminal robot appeared, this one with the ability to cloak themselves.
E: "I shouldn't have said that."
Said invisible robot began having its way with the Megas.
A: "Something else I just noticed. Most of the prisoners are robots. Can't they just melt them into scrap or something?"
R: "They most likely saw it in a similar light to execution. Considering robots can be sentient in this scenario."
M: "Man t-they've really taken the moral high ground w-with them all, haven't they?"
K: "Instead choosing to imprison them for almost two trillion years in a digital prison, where Grrkek implied he was still aware."
S: "And look where it's gotten them."
A: "I know I'd prefer the execution if it got to that stage."
Coop thought to just fire everything in all directions, actually managing to hit this invisible robot and shooting it down. "That actually worked?"
K: "I wonder if the cloak covered their heat signature."

Pile (15:50)
All the robots and other prisoners were thrown onto the same pile.
A: "Coop's doing pretty good at executing them, at least."
R: "Finishing off what the alien civilisation could not do."
He even finished off the bisected robot.
M: "That's j-just putting it out of its misery, at that point."
E: "There's still the pressing issue of Grrkek."
S: "And actually doing something with the prisoners."
K: "If they really are finished, you would not need the cartridge."
Coop thought this as well, compressing all the prisoners into a ball and throwing it into the sea.
A: "It didn't sound like they were finished."
M: "Out of sight, out of m-mind."
E: "Throwing it into orbit might've done something more effective."
A: "Or the sun."
R: "The water may short out the robots, who would not be waterproof after the damage."
S: "Which would leave the other aliens to drown."
K: "They may know how to swim."
A: "Well, if it's good enough for this show." She shrugged.
E: "Grrkek."
A: "Oh, right."
As if on cue, Grrkek finished his regeneration.
M: "Yeah, I t-think they're right about that not being an option, a-anymore."
S: "A part of me doubts they know how to swim."
R: "Good luck throwing him into the ocean."

Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (17:40)
And so, Grrkek and Megas met face to face.
R: "Bold as ever."
M: "It's a N-New Jersey thing."
S: "So how are they gonna solve this?"
E: "Throwing them into the sun might work."
A: "Lasers is what got him this size in the first place. They throw him into the sun, it might make him the size of the sun!"
E: "And thing is, that might actually happen."
K: "Bit of a predicament, it seems."
R: "If only they had the Lance of Longinus."
Grrkek foot meet Megas.
A: "Did he really make a yo mama joke?"
K: "No wonder Grrkek reacted as he did."
Both Grrkek and Megas began making their own handheld balls of energy, Megas' blowing up in its face.
M: "I'd s-say they were ripping off Dragonball, but they've d-done that already. Hey, you guys could do D-Dragonball stuff, right?"
R: "Possibly." With a small chuckle. "The AT-Field is rather diverse."
A different tactic resulted in Megas getting tail whipped.
S: "They could certainly use one."
E: "Whatever happened to that energy shield that apparently existed on these mechs?"
A: "You think Coop could work that?"
E: "Considering he reverse engineered an almost two trillion year old digital prison cartridge using a blender and a tape player, yes."
Yet more attempts at attacking Grrkek resulted in less than stellar results.
K: "You can't fault him for trying."
M: "He's l-like a flea to Krrgek."
R: "Might have something to do with the nuclear fusion he is doing."
A: "He's gotta destroy the planets somehow."
S: "Good thing we didn't face any Angel like this."
K: "I'm sure Ramiel could've done something like this if she wanted to."

Cooldown (19:30)
Coop went into another spiel.
R: "This battle is almost over."
E: "I'm thinking that whole cooling down might come into play."
S: "Do you think he's solar powered?"
A: "Nah, Cartoon Network already did that with Reggie."
M: "You came u-up with that nickname for them just t-then, eh?"
A: "Yeah, and I'm kicking myself I didn't come up with it when it was relevant!"
K: "Here's hoping Coop can do some revenge via proxy, then."
This monologue was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a tsunami.
A: "…Okay, didn't expect that."
R: "I did not know New Jersey was in Japan."
S: "This is a mecha."
E: "Pacific Rim wasn't set in Japan, at least the first one."
K: "Hong Kong was still flooded after Second Impact."
M: "Who e-even caused that?"
Grrkek and Megas was swamped, the water rapidly approaching an ignorant Goat.
A: "Bit more than rain is likely, I reckon."
R: "Maybe throwing a heavy ball of criminals into the ocean has some consequences, Mari."
S: "I'm kinda impressed Goat stayed there."
E: "Looks like this sudden tsunami worked, at least."
K: "It's rather fascinating how several of the problems and solutions are caused by Coop's ignorance. If he took our suggestion to throw them into orbit, this would not have happened."
A: "You don't have to ask me twice about incorporating this show into our moves."
Now holding a massively reduced Grrkek in its grasp, Coop further rubbed salt into the wound.
R: "And this is where the aforementioned execution would have been useful, cruel it may sound."
A: "We would've killed him on the spot had he done this shit in our world, Rei. We wouldn't even think about it; just another giant Kaiju coming to wreck our shit."
Coop came up with perhaps an even crueler solution.
Much to the amusement of the gathered. "Oh God, d-did he trap Grrkek in a kid's g-game?"
S: "At least Coop's friend is enjoying this."
E: "It ought to serve as a more effective prison, as well. Now no one will mistake it as a video game."
K: "It is a video game."
A: "That's worse than prison or execution!"
R: "Hence why Coop entrapped him there, I would think."
Kiva certainly wasn't complaining.
A: "Aww they got her back in her regular clothing."
M: "Would've been t-too expensive for Cartoon Network to do more t-than one set of clothes."
S: "Our show was made on a shoestring and we were all still in different clothes."
R: "Some of you, at least. I had around three sets of clothing."
E: "I don't think nude counts as a set of clothing, Rei."
K: "It does to her." With a small smirk.
R: "You are lucky I love you, stupid fish."

And with a pan out of the flooded Jersey City, the episode ended.

"Y'know, t-that's how it looks like nowadays."

"And people still live there?"

"I did s-say they were stubborn, didn't I?"

"They probably call it waterfront property." Jabbed Asuka.

"That's more a N-New York thing." Mari scoffed. "Keeps the p-property prices high."

"The flooding made it more expensive." Eliza unbelievably repeated to herself.

"That's just A-America for you."

"Considering we abandoned Tokyo-1 after Second Impact."

"The nuclear bombing wouldn't help." Kaworu spoke. "Some people may be willing to live on waterfront apartments, less people are willing to live in irradiated waterfront apartments."

"They're aren't even gonna be apartments around Jersey City if that ball gets moving again." Asuka noted, looking to the credits.

Before it zoomed out.

"Ahh it's j-just Philly."

What followed was the destruction of Philadelphia.

"Amazing how it looks exactly like Jersey City."

"This show has me convinced America is constantly in twilight."

"It does l-look very yellow at times, doesn't it?" With a short chuckle. "Rest a-assured the only place in America where there may b-be longer than usual twilights is A-Alaska. But that's m-mainly due to the whole being n-north they have going on."

"Even so, it would not be as long as a regular day or night."

"Nah. M-Maybe it's just smog, then."

"With all the cars around, could be plausible."

"And also the giant robot running around Jersey City. I'm sure that puts out plenty of exhaust."

The next episode started soon after.
Service (00:00)
We open up to a yellow coupe, just outside the garage of Coop.
A: "He's not swapping that onto Megas, is he?"
M: "I hope n-not. Going from a Barra t-to a Gremlin is quite the d-downgrade. At least I think it's a G-Gremlin."
R: "The lawyer friendly version, perhaps."
Mari snickered.
S: "It's an RC car anyway!"
K: "At least he's not driving the actual car, with his boredom."
E: "Why is the Barracuda off the Megas anyway?"
A: "Servicing?" She shrugged. "And if Jaime is bored, I'm sure Coop has plenty of things he could mess with."
M: "Maybe he h-has chronic boredom."
S: "With how he's like, you can certainly think that."
It cut to their training.
R: "How helpful of the demolitions company to give a prompt to the Megas."
K: "It wouldn't surprise me if the citizens of Jersey City saw the Megas as a point of pride."
E: "Probably why America's NERV's in Massachusetts."
M: "Having the b-best technical college in America would h-help that decision, as w-well."
Now it was the hydrolic stress test.
A: "I wonder if Goat would get upset Coop crushed his crusher."
S: "Did he even need a crusher in the first place?"
Then the hydro resistance. "Hold on, why was water spelt wrong the first time but not now?"
M: "I t-thought it was just shortened. Then a-again, hydraulic was also a b-bit misspelled."
R: "A part of me suspects spelling is not their priority."
A: "Continuity doesn't seem to be a priority of Cartoon Network, as well."
Jaime's overly specific thought resulted in a transition to the Glorft, doing exactly what he suggested.
E: "He's got a knack for making things worse, doesn't he?"
K: "It appears the Glorft are going for the Mechagodzilla approach."
M: "The Megas is a m-mecha anyway!"
S: "They really want the Megas back, don't they?"
A: "Even though they could probably use this Mechamegas anyway." A beat passed. "Well that's a stupid name for it."
R: "They may offer us a name for this system. If not, Mechamegas will have to suffice."
M: "The Glorft d-didn't get the Barra part of M-Megas right."
E: "I would not think they'd go down to an Earth junkyard specifically to steal a pony car."
S: "Maybe the car aspect is what gives Megas all its power?"
A: "If that's why, then we should stick cars on our Evangelion! We'd do even better in battle!"

Mod (02:40)
M: "N-Never thought I'd see that referenced."
R: "What does the title reference?"
M: "Some o-obscure direct to cassette film 20th Century Fox r-released a decade or so ago. Wasn't as b-bad as I thought it'd be, but no one k-knows about it."
E: "Does it tell you what this episode will entail?"
M: "Yep. Not s-spoiling it, though."
Coop revealed the newest modification to his Plymouth Barracuda.
S: "That's a surprising amount of effort put in for something so minor."
A: "What's so bad about bending the straw yourself?"
K: "Not to mention such position would most likely change as you drink it anyway."
E: "I wonder what Mama would think of that modification."
A: "She'd probably have an aneurysm!"
All of a sudden, Jaime found his weakness.
A girl he liked.
R: "I would say he was right to be scared of her, with his previous history with girls."
K: "He did well in the second episode."
M: "The l-literal bags of money would've h-helped."
A: "That girl certainly looks like she can hit back if she wanted to."
S: "Thing is, that's what we thought. Don't try anything, or you might get hurt."
E: "Hedgehog's dilemma."
A: "A classic."
Coop not being a hedgehog, despite the hairstyle, called over to the girl.
R: "Well, it looks like Jaime does not have a say in this."
M: "In a s-situation like this, you can't really t-tell if he did it out of kindness or o-out of something else."
K: "Depends how it goes."

Fast Car (03:30)
Pleasantries were exchanged.
A: "Wow, he didn't immediately fuck it."
Before the girl found herself interested in the Barra.
M: "Ah! N-Nothing like a good car to get someone interested!"
S: "Just another example of that car culture."
E: "This show has been nothing but a showcase of American car culture."
M: "What c-can we say? We love cars. And you c-can't beat classic Americana like that, as w-well."
R: "Of course, when you are not an American."
S: "So she just goes with him? It's not even his car!"
K: "I'm sure Coop would allow him to drive it. Being a good friend and all that."
R: "Rather similar to what I got up to. Help push two or three people together."
A: "Maybe Coop's a Nephilim."
E: "If anything, Jaime has the skin tone for it."
M: "So that c-chick's just standing there while Jaime begs for t-the car. I wouldn't s-say that was a good impression."
A brief montage of all the times Jaime was there for Coop played.
S: "How does he not even go to his own birthday party?!"
A: "Man, Jaime's a bit of an asshole, ain't he?"
R: "The past few episodes have not been kind to him, that is certain."
K: "And yet, Coop still allows him to drive the car."
E: "Because Coop's actually a good friend. He's a glutton and prone to laziness, but you can't deny he's bright and kind."
M: "Those kinda s-seem prerequisites for p-piloting a giant robot."
A: "I'm certainly no glutton."
Jaime and company were now in the Barra, Jaime making small talk.
R: "I wonder if he even knows how to drive a manual vehicle."
A: "Does he even have a license, first of all?"
S: "I'm surprised he's even gotten this far with her, honestly."
K: "You saw how Misato reacted to Kaji's Commodore, right?"
Almost backing into Coop, Jaime soon got it in gear and drove off.
Scraping the rear fender as he drove away. "Yeah he's not gonna be happy about that."
E: "Perhaps that was a mistake."
S: "Especially if the Glorft decide to attack. Which they probably will."

Dude, Where's My Car? (04:50)
Kiva came out of the house, drinking something.
M: "What was t-the specs of that Commodore?"
K: "Six litre V8 diesel-lithium battery hybrid sedan."
M: "…See, half of t-that sounds good."
A: "Just wait 'til you ride in it, Mari."
Before she noticed the discernible lack of a car.
E: "I'm just amazed it can still function as a car, after all the mods Coop did to it."
S: "You never know when you need a car like that."
R: "Consider it was a scrapyard vehicle, as well."
It cut to the scrapyard vehicle. "Damn he r-really doesn't know how to drive s-stick."
A: "He hasn't stalled it yet, at least. It's just being jumpy."
K: "I wonder if she sees through what he's saying."
E: "I don't think she does."
Back to a very angry Kiva.
A: "I certainly wouldn't let Jaime borrow my car."
S: "Not like we have cars to begin with."
M: "Maybe this'll inspire y-your future choice of cars, then."
R: "I should get a Hummer." She joked. "It will need modification so it fits in a single lane, however."
A: "You'd be the last person I imagine driving a car like that, Rei."
R: "Exactly."
Lacking an appropriate vehicle, it cut to Coop's idea of training.
E: "I would've thought he would've come up with a redundant cockpit. Even if it wasn't a particularly eye-catching car."
S: "And we know that junkyard had plenty of cars."
M: "Man Kiva's r-really sucking at that game."
R: "Helps she is not trying."

Joyride (06:05)
Back to the Barra.
A: "She doesn't seem very interesting in that kinda business."
M: "I think t-this is called 'revealing your p-power level'."
K: "It is an interesting decision, to reveal the fact you fight aliens on the first date."
E: "Something you guys wouldn't do. Though who am I kidding, you guys wouldn't date."
R: "We are already in our ideal relationships, after all." With a small smile.
S: "A good thing, too. I'd be a complete wet fish with that business."
A: "Kinda like Jaime, eh? Good thing you have someone like me that understands ya."
All the while, Coop and Kiva were still training.
M: "He s-should not have said that."
R: "She is the last person that needs a handicap."
E: "I would've thought he knew better than that, at this point."
Kiva found this almost inspirational, in a way, now actually putting effort into this 'training'.
A: "Well, if his plan was to rile her up, it sure worked."
K: "We know it can work for you."
A: "Yeah, and I already said she was kinda like me. A bit more bronzed and green eyed than I am, but I suppose I could just get a tan."
Kiva ultimately won. "Hell yeah!"
Before an explosion rattled their house.
E: "I would recommend Jaime get back. Quickly."
M: "And of c-course Coop takes that opportunity to rig t-things a bit."
The lot chuckled at Kiva's flat look towards Coop's query. "Who else could it be?"
And without a cockpit, the Megas was deployed.
E: "So exactly how are they going to control the Megas without a cockpit?"
M: "Cross s-some wires together, maybe?"
K: "Hopefully Goat has a spare car he can offer."

Attack (07:30)
Mechamegas showed itself.
A: "Hopefully Goat can offer this spare quickly."
R: "I doubt you can just attach any old car to the Megas and expect it to work."
E: "Coop obviously designed it with modularity in mind. I would've expected the car to be hard wired into Megas."
S: "Shows he's forward thinking, at least."
K: "Not forward thinking enough to design backup cockpits." Before they got a better look at Mechamegas. "Well look at that, they did make it look like a car."
M: "They g-got the secret!"
Doing what the Glorft do best, it started demolishing Jersey City.
A: "I wouldn't think this would make for a good date."
S: "Depends on the person, I'd think."
Asuka snorted. "Maybe someone like us would consider it a good date, being able to destroy a villain from afar."
K: "The girl Jaime was with seemed open to that sort of activity."
E: "I'm sure actually getting in a situation like that would be different."
M: "Man t-they even got the pinup girl h-he had on the legs."
A: "I wonder if it's even a girl."
R: "Or if they have sexes as we know them."
S: "MTV can't catch a break, can they?"
K: "Almost makes you think there's some bias somewhere."
M: "I like h-how their technical difficulties screen s-shows the Megas."
E: "Almost all of their recent technical issues have been caused at least tangentially by the Megas."
A: "How do they still believe it's Coop?!"
R: "It is evident this is what Coop does anyway."
M: "You k-know what they said. Only a New Jersian can d-destroy Jersey City."
S: "I wouldn't think constantly destroying the city would be particularly good."
K: "Makes the construction industry happy, at least."
A: "You'd think Jersey was comprised of nothing but construction workers."
R: "If the average New Jersian is like Coop, that may be likely."

No Head (08:45)
And so the Megas was deployed.
With no head. "That's gonna be a problem."
K: "It'd be like deploying an Evangelion without a plug."
A: "Which didn't stop Commander Asshole, at least in the Laserdiscs."
S: "Deploying them with dummy plugs might as well be like that."
M: "They l-like an autopilot system or something?"
R: "More or less. The former commander mapped my brainwaves in an attempt to create an autonomous Evangelion. Key word attempt."
A: "They fucking sucked."
E: "I'm surprised Coop thought of redundant controls."
K: "Which is running off a car battery."
S: "And fire."
Coop fiddled with the controller, Megas moving once more.
R: "May just be me, but a paddle seems like a poor choice of controller for a giant robot."
A: "As long as he can still fight, it shouldn't matter that much."
M: "He's really making it h-hard on Kiva, ain't he."
E: "Most of this series could be summarised as 'the suffering of Kiva'."
Back to Jaime's world threatening date. "The quicker that falls apart, the quicker the world can be saved."
K: "Seems he listened to some advice from Goat."
A: "I suppose that's accurate enough. I certainly didn't mind learning more about Shinji."
It was what he revealed about himself that the gang found questionable.
S: "I'm not sure what to be concerned about." He thought, Kiva hooking up the CB radio. "The fact that happened to him, or the fact she's sounds interested."
A: "Any reaction to that short of disgust is cause for concern, Shinji."
R: "It can be rather fascinating what attracts two people. If this is what she prefers, who are we to judge?"
M: "Rather l-lucky on Jaime's part, at l-least. Finding someone all a-appreciative and understanding."
The TV on the dash started showing Kiva's face
K: "Of course, there are moments to go on dates. In the midst of a battle does not seem like one of them."
E: "In his defence, he doesn't yet know of the threat. And I can't believe I'm defending him."
He turned the TV off, despite Kiva's objections.
S: "And he's not going to know of this threat now!"
E: "Okay, that I can't defend."

Mechamegas vs Megas (11:00)
The enemy Mechamegas showed itself to the Megas. "Gods what a stupid name."
R: "It is the only name we have until they actually name the Mechamegas."
Coop and Kiva took the liberty to name Mechamegas… Mechamegas.
A: "Oh my God that's actually the name of it."
K: "I thought we were the vaguely clairvoyant ones, Asuka." In jest.
M: "At l-least the Glorft didn't c-copy it completely. Paint job's different, f-for one."
S: "I can see a few other differences, as well."
A: "Doesn't look as good, I'd think."
E: "Maybe the Glorft can't afford paint."
The Megas was toppled by an energy blast, Kiva barely making it inside.
R: "They can not afford paint, but they can afford laser energy weaponry."
M: "Where do t-they get all the infrastructure for all those weapons?"
S: "Would their ships have some?"
K: "Limited facilities at best, I would think."
A: "This is what you call limited."
E: "Mind you, Kiva went back here in the first place because the Glorft had the upper hand."
R: "And yet they have been continuously defeated by a New Jersey native."
K: "With a mecha stolen from the Glorft in the first place."
Bucking the trend, the Megas did not win against the Mechamegas.
S: "I think Coop should've spent a bit more time developing the secondary cockpit."
A: "And maybe not use a trackball and paddle setup?"

Override (12:40)
Jaime's current bird noticed the convertible roof.
E: "And now we can see how he messes this up."
A: "There are a lot of buttons in there. I'm sure one of them is that."
S: "If Coop and Kiva are lucky, the 'defeat Glorft' button still works on that."
It wasn't exactly the 'defeat Glorft' button, but whatever Jaime clicked resulted in them overriding the controls of the Megas.
M: "Well, that's b-bad."
Rockets fired into the face of Mechamegas.
M: "…Or not?"
R: "However unintentional it was, it does help the Megas."
K: "If only they added such thing in the secondary control station."
Jaime doing what he does best, he started hitting random buttons.
The gang couldn't help but burst out laughing at Gorrath's face at just what the Megas was doing. "Yeah that's about the reaction I would expect."
E: "He legitimately looks concerned about all this."
M: "I think t-that's the first time he's shown any e-emotion other than anger."
S: "I don't think he knows what to do."
R: "Who would, Shinji? Perhaps he is thinking his attempted freezing of the Megas resulted in this apparent malfunction."
The Megas started grinding up the road, an elderly woman in a Volkswagen Beetle driving into the resulting chasm from a traffic light. "How did she not see that?"
M: "She's p-probably as old as that car, A-Asuka."
K: "I wonder if Gorrath is going to do something? Especially now the Megas appears to be bashing their head in."
E: "They don't have a head."
K: "You get what I mean."

Distraction (14:30)
Gorrath grew tired of the distraction, as Jaime finally got the roof down.
A: "Literally all the buttons later!"
E: "Perhaps Coop needs to invest in a label maker."
M: "That's the t-thing, some of them are labelled."
Further distracting Jaime and his bird from their plans of a movie, the Megas flew in front of them.
R: "Now he knows."
S: "No he doesn't." Muttered Shinji, as Jaime thought otherwise.
Gorrath knew exactly what that car was.
K: "I suspect their date is going to get somewhat worse."
A: "Alien attacks tend to do that."
Understandably scared shitless at the giant Mechamegas trying to grab them, Jaime put pedal to metal and booked it.
R: "She is rather brave."
A: "She'd make a good pilot, I reckon."
Following shortly behind the Mechamegas was the regular mecha Megas, still controlled by Jaime as Coop's desperate posturing made clear.
S: "I mean, I'd certainly think it were understandable if someone was frightened by all that."
A: "Didn't Misato pick you up under Angel attack in her damn Renault?"
M: "I'd be m-more scared of the Renault m-myself."
R: "Perhaps I should stick Misato's car onto an Evangelion. The sheer audacity of using a French vehicle as a control mechanism would surely strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."
E: "Our enemy would not know what's so bad about a Renault. I don't know what's so bad about a Renault."
A: "Notoriously unreliable, even for other French cars like Peugeot and Citroen. That's why I always find Misato's car kinda weird for her."
S: "Maybe it was the engine that was unreliable in them. Misato's car is electric, isn't it?"
K: "Which she said was modified by Renault."
A: "You've heard how bad the motor in her car is, right? And the fact they didn't even bother changing the gear shifter to accompany the fact it has no gearbox?"
M: "They r-removed the gearbox in an EV mod c-car?"
S: "Don't need one, right?"
M: "Yeah, but in America there's a l-lot of hoops you have to jump t-though if you do that. Most p-people and companies just k-keep the stock transmission and drivetrain."
R: "France and Japan must have different regulation, compared to America."
A: "The fact your indicators are all incorrect isn't proof of that enough."

Parking Lot (16:15)
Jaime finally found safe harbour in a carpark complex, attempting to play it cool with his bird.
K: "I wouldn't think it wise to take refuge in a building like that."
R: "I do not think his partner is as brave as we thought."
E: "Thing is, it actually worked in hiding from Gorrath."
It worked in distracting Gorrath as well, Megas punching it into a building.
S: "See, I don't know what should be priority in that situation. Controls or the robot itself?"
M: "Destroying either w-would cancel out the other, I'd t-think. Of course, there's s-still the other control method the Megas h-has."
A: "A car is also an easier target, compared to a giant robot."
Gorrath didn't think so, easily taking down the still beleaguered Megas.
K: "It's a good thing they just so happen to be by the same car park Coop's car is parked in."
Upon seeing the Megas being taken for salvage, Jaime decided to get mad, driving up to the roof. "Well that's a first for him."
R: "A good thing, Shinji. The power of friendship manifest."
A: "Is he planning to jump on to the Megas with that car?"
E: "They don't have too many more options, Asuka."
M: "I'd be surprised if t-they got through the concrete they're f-facing."
Jaime put his foot down.
Landing on the Megas… bouncing off and landing in the hand of Mechamegas.
There were but a few moments of silence as the gang processed this. "Well that went well!"
R: "At least he tried. Everyone is going to die, but at least they can say they tried."
Ever the gentleman, Jaime clambered over his bird, inadvertently activating the atomic disruption cannon. "Why was that button on her side of the car?" Rei queried.
E: "You could question any of those buttons, really."

High Beam (19:10)
In a comedy of successes, the car reunited with the Megas.
A: "That actually went well!"
S: "Now to kick ass?"
Asuka couldn't help but beam brightly at Coop's mandatory pre-asskicking speech. "Now to kick ass!"
And indeed, Coop began kicking ass. And it was good.
K: "I think it's a thing in these shows, that human character will always triumph over the alien."
M: "Yeah, t-that's common in America."
E: "Even in Japanese shows. Almost all the shows we've seen have been about humanity succeeding over an alien of some sort."
R: "Or perhaps suffering, in the case of Madoka."
K: "You could posit that Madoka's actions were humanity succeeding over the incubators, breaking the law of cycles as she did."
M: "That's all m-massive spoilers for that s-show, ain't it."
A: "You wouldn't have known it existed if we hadn't mentioned it then, Mari."
M: "Fair, f-fair."
Like they were a pair of feuding wizards, Mechamegas and Megas began duelling energy beams.
R: "They do seem rather evenly matched."
K: "Megas was created by the Glorft. It makes sense they could make it again."
M: "I don't think t-those headlights are DMV a-approved."
A: "I don't think Coop gives a shit about what the DMV has to say."
Coop triumphed over the Mechamegas by activating the high beams.
E: "I'd say that was a good thing."
A: "And now to finish it off!"
Coop jumped high, and ended up cutting both arms of the Mechamegas clean off, before taking one and batting the head of Mechamegas with it like it were baseball.
Much to the giggling of Asuka. "Fuck that was good."
Both Jaime and his bird ended up spewing over the side of the car.
S: "I don't think they would say the same thing, Asuka."
M: "They r-really are alike."

And with the promise of tacos (that Jaime and his bird were not too enthused by), the episode wrapped up.

"I wouldn't think there were tacos at the bottom of the ocean." As the credits depicted Megas walking into said ocean. "At least we know the name of the person Jaime went out with."

"Gina's n-not so bad a name."

"Perhaps she will play a bigger part in this show from now on."

"Depends if she got past the whole Megas thing."

"I can see how that could be a turn off for some people, Shin-chan."

"Not for you, obviously."

"Well duh, I pilot those damn things!"

"We all pilot those things."

They were booted back to the menu.

"Are we still doing the sandwich thing?"

"Now we are, thanks for reminding us Eliza!"

Eliza was flat faced, as Asuka and company got up

"Oh don't look at me like that."
Camera up, the only cameraman of ABC New Albany was filming some B-Roll as their ship left the dock. "It's really only you."

"You're lucky you even got me, mate." He huffed. "Things are pretty slow around here, if ya hadn't noticed."

"Isn't this place the capital?" The man prodded. "Of a reasonably successful post-Impact nation?"

A barked laugh. "Capital? Can a system as fucked as our even have a single capital? I'd show you a map if I could, but there's a reason we're the Swan Confederacy instead of the Swan state."

"You really thought calling your nation a confederacy was a good idea?"

"I didn't come up with the name, mate. And a Yankee like yourself can't go casting stones about that now, can ya?"

"Fair enough." Muttering back. "What's the closest to a capital you guys have, then?"

"Probably Kalgoorlie. Last census had the population at almost 500 thousand so it's definitely the size of a capital. Not bad for a spot of sand some 800 kilometres inland, eh?"

"I'm not even going to ask how it gets water." Concluding the current line of conversation, looking out over the slightly tinted water. "Name's Spencer."

"Andrew. So what did me boss get me into?"

"Worst case scenario, a whole heap of shit. Best case scenario, a few days break."

An audible shrug. "I'll take my chances with those odds."

Makinami couldn't help but feel amused at the moxie of this man. "I would've assumed you'd be a bit more… concerned. A random from the States who bought a satellite back with him on his first trip to Antarctica."

"Looking for shit well beyond my pay-packet, yeah I know. But hey, that's just how I see things. Something shitty happens to me, she'll be right. Something really shitty happens and I end up carking it, well it's not really my problem anymore, eh?"

Spencer looked on, not letting his thoughts show. At least on his face. "There were times in my life where I thought like that. That nothing else matters. Especially after I lost everyone."

"You and me both, mate." With a small sigh. "Folks died in the calamity when I was a kid. Never really got past that."

"Seems like just about everyone was affected by Second Impact." A sad thought. "Ironic for me, neither of the people I cared for passed as a direct result."

"What about indirect?"

"I was getting to that."

"Heh. Shit's fucked, ain't it? Least you can see the good in things."

"Took me a bit to learn that."

"Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about that, eh mate?"

Makinami huffed. "I can certainly try."

Been a hot minute, hasn't it?
Yeah don't expect a consistent schedule anymore; now I know Stryp's feeling with not having the time to write :V

Oh well, on with the afterword! More car talk, more America talk, and all in all more insanity. What's not to like? :V

And yeah, these four episodes have had their share of insanity. Imagine if they somehow found out the universe was almost two trillion years old, I'm sure Ritsuko would pull her hair out with how it was first found in a show like this :V

The most recent episodes haven't exactly been too kind on the gang's opinion on Jaime, however. And yeah, fair enough. He's been a bit of a prick, to say the least :V Though in his defence, he actually almost managed to save the day once.
Not like Coop is immune to being the cause of and solution to the problems in Megas XLR :V

Something they've realised more with these episodes though is how Cartoon Network don't really follow the hard-and-fast rules of... well, the universe. Makes their world seem rather boring in comparison, doesn't it?

I certainly wouldn't say that. Especially in the south of the world.
And hopefully you guys won't say that as well with what I have planned :V
Well. Some of us would settle for Asuka/Mari as a compromise (been there, wrote that), I guess, but let's admit, Asuka/Mari/Shinji would be more interesting story-wise.
Im in the "dont put the cart before the horse" category. Considering how EoE ended, I would like a happier or at least cathartic ending this time. Not a bleak lesson of hope like the anime or whatever happened in the manga.
Im in the "dont put the cart before the horse" category. Considering how EoE ended, I would like a happier or at least cathartic ending this time. Not a bleak lesson of hope like the anime or whatever happened in the manga.
Oh, my apologies. I strayed into a fanfiction territory already, while only now I realized all this was about 3.0+1.0. On the Rebuild series ending, I have no real opinion, as I consider 3.33 rather... difficult to take as Evangelion - it's too much of an action film, too little a character piece (I always saw NGE as character driven)