Can you post a description please?
It's a concept from Jungian psychology. The anima is a man's perspective on women, as influenced by the women in his life and expressed as a singular female personality. I'm probably not using it quite right, the example is specific than the usual meaning, but if Shinji is using her as a representation of the women in his life than it would fit.
It's a concept from Jungian psychology. The anima is a man's perspective on women, as influenced by the women in his life and expressed as a singular female personality. I'm probably not using it quite right, the example is specific than the usual meaning, but if Shinji is using her as a representation of the women in his life than it would fit.
Oh, okay.
I thought you were making an Evangelion Anima crack.

That was the one with the weird fanservice that kind of ignored the point of the show, right?
Well, this is Strypgia's fic's thread, not mine, so I'd rather not clutter things up here. I... haven't really thought much ahead about the Rei/Lilith thing; Evangelion stuff is on the backburner for now while I continue my search for any site(s) to watch the DokiDoki, Happiness Charge, Go Princess, and Mahoutsukai seasons of Pretty Cure that won't infect my computer with viruses/trojans/malware/etc. so I can actually get to work on the next big Book. ...Was thinking of maybe having Lilith be a (perhaps the only?) truly-benevolent Precursor, but am still undecided. Still, this isn't the place or time to discuss my fic series, in the thread for someone else's, so let's cut it here.

Anyway, Stryp, any teasers for the next A&T installment? Or news on the next chapter of the Hangover story?
Okay then

I was actually thinking that the so-called "First Ancestral Race" (or Ancestrals as I call them) would still be around and would have fought wars with the Halo precursors if they ever met because of how they view life other than ther own kind
(This idea is taken from another fanfic called Going Another Way) The society of the Ancestrals had developed to the point, where they felt that they wouldn't be able to move any further, without other species' to interact with them. And were saddened upon discovering that only few intelligent species did exist. And many planets that could develop life were still empty of it... And so they decided rectify that. Time was of no essence for them, they might very well not have an upper age limit. Even if they do they all agreed that they'd help to seed the beginnings of life on countless fitting worlds, and then steer everything in the way, that the end result would be intelligent life.

For some reason however they themselves were incapable of doing this job. At least doing it effectively. So they created artificial beings like Adam and Lilith (in that fic they were called guardians), who would initiate the process of evolution on these worlds, and then monitor the developments, and in emergencies intervene, and report once intelligent life had developed to a certain point.

In short the Ancestrals, for the most part, are a race of actually quite benevolent individuals that desire companionship with other races. And will fight to protect them from annihilation.

And we all know what the Precursors are like: They view the life that they create (and probably the life that they didn't create) akin to how one would view a science experiment. If they don't like how it's turning out they throw it away and start over. Naturally the Ancestrals would object to that. And might have fought them on multiple occasions if they ever met.

I was also thinking that Lilith (and Adam) could actually change their size and that Lilith's face would bear similarities to Rei. And once she got her soul back would change her size and appearance so she would actually look almost human, except for the fact that she has shoulder-length, snow-white hair that actually GLOWS if she wills it to. And maybe the ability to manifest markings on her body that are also able to glow. And she could carry ones soul within herself. (Useful for giving metaphysical hugs, as in, literally one soul "hugging" another, which she clames to be even better than normal hugs)
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You know, I had a thought recently: Would any of the angels reaching Lilith have had any effect (besides the Geofront self-destruct mechanism)? I mean, Unit-01 (which pretty much is Lilith) ate one and nothing really happened. It took either the Lance being used to force Unit-01 to cause a "factory reset" on life or Adam being directly inserted into Lilith to cause 3I. While any of the angels just running amok is not desirable, would it have actually have been the end of the world if they got past Nerv?
You know, I had a thought recently: Would any of the angels reaching Lilith have had any effect (besides the Geofront self-destruct mechanism)? I mean, Unit-01 (which pretty much is Lilith) ate one and nothing really happened. It took either the Lance being used to force Unit-01 to cause a "factory reset" on life or Adam being directly inserted into Lilith to cause 3I. While any of the angels just running amok is not desirable, would it have actually have been the end of the world if they got past Nerv?
It would be funny if an angel actually reached Lilith, took the mask on her face off, pulled the lance out of her, pulled her off of the cross she was stuck to and left with her.
If I had to guess on the sacrifice part, there is a potential for Kaworu to be the one to take out Armisael instead of Rei. Considering that SEELE severely damaged Rei's backups, the distinct possibility of Kaworu having backups, and his affection for Rei it'd make sense.

Plus it would actually give Rei that little push over the cliff to admit that she loves the Stupid Fish.
Keep in mind, in such a situation, Kaworu II would be... a 'factory reset'. That is, with no memory of anything that befell him in Tokyo-3, at least to start. Rei III in canon took time to recall anything from Rei II, and even then it was fuzzy and muddled. So Kaworu dying right now would... kind of play merry Hell with many relationships.
Also, is the crew ever going to learn that Rei is carrying Lilith's soul with her? And what will they do with it? Or the fact that Rei (and others) are apparently unable to have children of her own (in Rei's case possibly because she's had her uterus taken out and an S2 organ grown in its place)
And what would Lilith think of humanity?
In order...
Rei and Kaworu have promised Asuka, Shinji, and Misato they'd explain everything 'after the next Angel', which is now. They were waiting because once Armisael is gone, the only Angel left is Tabris, which means a lot of important decisions have to be made. Explaining the whole FAR thing will likely fall under that.
Rei does not have an S2 organ in her uterus, or anywhere else. That's the purview of Adamite Angels. Lilith's body has a similar object, but it's not nearly as unlimited as an S2 organ, and most importantly, it's not in Rei's body. Her body is just cloned hybrid tissue grown in the Reiquarium. She can do some AT-Field tricks, but only fairly weakly (compared to Tabris, anyway). She can do megascale stuff, like she did in canon Episode 24, but only when she's near Lilith, and can basically tap her for power. Rei's probable sterility is more due to the drugs and her own genetic chimera status than anything taking the place of her uterus. She's a mule on hormonal contraceptives.
Oh, and Lilith... doesn't really think. Most of the parts of her that would be sapient are in Rei and Unit-00. Earth is fully seeded with Lilithian life, so she's content, if anything.
Anyway, Stryp, any teasers for the next A&T installment? Or news on the next chapter of the Hangover story?
800 words of Hangover 3 done so far. A&T is going to need more time, since this is a complex battle coming up, and I need to work out how to make all the events I want to happen line up.

Shinji is going to quote Ashton Kutcher. :)
1800 words down, one full scene. Transcription and another scene may depend on Mod duties. We've found another 'holy shit, who thought posting this here was a good idea?!' fic to look at. :(
*Takes a pause on his run, drinks some water and calms down*

Hi, people!

I'm new here (at least as someone posting, I'm reading this fica for months), and decided to say "hello" before it's too late to do that (I'm still on page 863 T-T).

I reached this wonderful story after Reading its page on TV Tropes, and I must admit, this is one of the most incredible fics I ever read.

Thanks for all the WAFF, Strypgia! S2

Thirded. Why would...?? Nope, not asking about it. Think I'll ignore my curiosity for once.

Wat. O.O
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