"Hello, my name is Shinji Ikari. My entire extended family are megalomaniacs. We should probably prepare to die."

Shinji however, uses the Ikari Scheming Gene for good however. Instead of planning on how to become an immortal space robot lady or bring about the end of days he plans surprise parties and writes symphonies for his girlfriend:

"All is going just as planned."

The oven timer beeps

Mmm. Black Forest Cake."
Boy, I knew they were pressed for money, but in all my years watching Evangelion, I never realized they used filmed footage for most car scenes. o_O
She gave him a gentle pinch on the rear as she pulled away and took a seat at the kitchen table. "I was just... I'm pretty sure I'm not, but I just had the oddest feeling I'm supposed to be doing something with Hikari tonight."
I also suddenly really felt like lying in a bathtub for a bit.
"...she was 14. I had her since I was... barely older than the Pilots."
Ouch, that's a lot of allusions to canon - also, Asuka, you and Shinji should leave the apartment immediately; the fabric of your reality in that location seems compromised.
The thing about Ritsuko's cat hit me harder than I was expecting. I just had to put down my oldest a week ago. She was 16 or 17 and eaten up with lymphoma, but she was also the first cat I ever owned – the house and my life are that much emptier for lacking her. You have a pet twelve years, and they stop being an animal or a mere companion; letting them go feels more like losing a family member than anything else.
Cat owners don't have cats - they have children (also: Hi guys!).
*Distant Chanting* "Uuuuuse Liiinuux...!"
I mostly do, but not on the main frame (wife hates Linux) and on the writing one (Linux's clipboard loses all formatting when copying).
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Well, crap.

Armisael who can fuse with whatever it comes in contact with. Rather painfully, given Rei's canon reaction.

...and Kaworu is the one who is most likely to not be affected at all - he's Adam (ok, with some Lilith in the mix, but primarily Adam) so the potential to just no-sell the attack is most definitely present.

However, what might happen when Armisael goes for Rei or Asuka? Kaworu might lose control and go bugnuts himself. Rei is a big part of his focus for the choice he's making, Asuka makes beautiful AT connections with Shinji, and as Gendo will probably be trying to re-take control of the scenario, I'm thinking Kaworu first, then Asuka as a backup. Rei and Shinji only as a last case - getting rid of SEELE's puppet and destroying his son's source of support before risking the absolutely critical pieces for his version of Intsrumentality would seem to fit right in with Gendo's plans.

Of course, given the possibilities, both good and bad, and the possible consequences to any of those decisions the characters can make...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that this chapter is about to live up to its name. Which worries me, because there hasn't been a whole lot of 'sacrifices' going on here so far...
If I had to guess on the sacrifice part, there is a potential for Kaworu to be the one to take out Armisael instead of Rei. Considering that SEELE severely damaged Rei's backups, the distinct possibility of Kaworu having backups, and his affection for Rei it'd make sense.

Plus it would actually give Rei that little push over the cliff to admit that she loves the Stupid Fish.
I was pretty sure the Asuka he begs for help and then chokes, while she doesn't react, was the Asuka in his head, you know because he was up in the air in Unit 01 being crucified and she was well, you know. I mean it's Eva and EoE especially, so it is all open to interpretation, but I just felt it was the Asuka in his head rejecting him, basically the version of Asuka as he sees her, ripping at him.

I agree, if only because the speech she gives him has her saying things there's no way she'd know otherwise. That's not the real Asuka, that's all his self-loathing and bitterness wearing her face.

You know what? I have the same thoughts as you guys regarding that scene. Even though I only watched the third impact scene and some of the stuff leading up to it (I didn't see the "Hospital Scene" or the deaths of Asuka and Misato, just the stuff that happened involving Rei fusing with Lilith, Lilith's appearance changing to look like Rei's, and exiting the geofront and the events that took place in Shinji's head after he started screaming at the sight of the Rei-Lilith (Reilith?) thing. (And if I did see all of the events that happened after Rei fused with Lilith than I don't remember it.) Exactly ONCE with the Japanese audio on YouTube YEARS ago.

That's pretty much exactly what MisterHalt said on his Fanfiction.net posting of the story: "You Are (Not) At Fault" which takes place directly after the Third Impact. And is also on the Sufficient Velocity forums.
That scene with Asuka and Shinji in the kitchen where she refuses to help him? That was just in Shinji's head. It's that scene that causes him to finally give everything up and say 'to hell with it', starting Third Impact. After all, look at how... excessive Asuka acts. It's like somebody turned her anger up to twelve. Not to mention that she somehow knew about what he did in the hospital. 'She' is just a manifestation that Shinji subconsciously created to try and cope with what was happening to him. A... caricature? Is that the right word? That's why Asuka doesn't remember the hospital or the kitchen scene. She wasn't there.

On the thread here that he posted it on he said this as well regarding what happened.

I take the kitchen scene as how little Shinji truly thinks of himself. Shinji's been beaten down so hard, and he believes himself so worthless, that his own imagination refuses to let him have anything good.

The fanfic can be found here on Sufficient Velocity:You Are (Not) at Fault and here on Fanfiction.net:https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11768857/1/You-Are-Not-at-Fault
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My looooovely Windows 10 system decided it wanted 6 weeks of updates installed RIGHT NOW, and took 2 hours to reboot. Have I mentioned how I hate Windows 10 yet?

Ok, here we go! 2600 words of cooking, flirting, dead cats, recycling, meetings with a boss you hate, things to do in the backseat of a car, and urgent phone calls.


Chapter 10.18
Choices and Sacrifices


"Asuka, what's wrong?"

Asuka shook her head. "Eh, nothing." She moved in a little closer behind Shinji, and leaned over his shoulder to sniff at the bubbling pot. "Mmm, smells good. Maybe a little more garlic?"

Shinji added a pinch more. "You're so European," he chided, smiling.

"Aber natürlich, Drittes Kind!" Asuka gave him a kiss on the ear. "You love me anyway."

"Completely," Shinji said warmly.

She gave him a gentle pinch on the rear as she pulled away and took a seat at the kitchen table. "I was just... I'm pretty sure I'm not, but I just had the oddest feeling I'm supposed to be doing something with Hikari tonight."

"As far as I know, she and Touji are out on a date tonight, so I don't think you're missing anything you two had planned. Unless she forgot too," Shinji said, stirring the pot and checking on the oven. "Hmm, another 15 minutes."

"So are Misato and Kaji," Asuka said with a growing grin. "And Rei already said she wanted to go to bed early today, so it's just you, me, and the penguin tonight, my dear baka, and he's not leaving his freezer." Asuka made a show of thinking hard, putting a finger to her chin. "Now, how might we two spend that time?"

Shinji snorted. "I think I can guess what you've got in mind. I'm glad you like the new bed."

Asuka stuck her tongue out at him. "Well, yes, that later, of course. But actually, I also suddenly really felt like lying in a bathtub for a bit." She leered at him. "Just not alone. Sound good to you, hmm?"

"Well gee, let me see... my super hot exotic foreign girlfriend wants to slip into a tiny bathtub of hot water with me, which will force us to cuddle quite closely. Mmm, well, ifyou twist my arm, I might-OW!"

Asuka snickered as she backed away. Shinji rubbed at his arm. "I was joking!"

Asuka looked unrepentant and devilish. "Ooops, sorry! But now that I have twisted your arm a little, now you have to, right?"

"I don't know, now my arm hurts..."

"I'll make it worth your whiiii~le," Asuka sang. She shimmied her shoulders inside the baggy yellow shirt she'd stolen from Misato.

"On second thought, I'm in. You in a bathtub sounds very, very good."

"Good boy."


Ritsuko put the phone down, her face clouded. Maya's hands slid gently over her shoulders, coming together in an embrace of the older woman. Ritsuko's hands came up to cover Maya's, holding on tight as the young woman hugged her from where she stood behind Ritsuko's chair. "...she was 14. I had her since I was... barely older than the Pilots."

Maya hugged her tighter. "I'm sure your grandmother took care of her. 14 is... a good time, for a cat." Maya softly kissed the top of Ritsuko's head. "When do you want to go visit your mother's grave? It's been quiet. We haven't had an Angel attack in almost ten weeks now. You could go this week."

Ritsuko shook her head. "I'll see grandma when I can, but... I don't want to visit right now." She loosened Maya's hands so she could turn her office's chair to face her lover. "I want to go when you can come with me. So, not until we've dealt with SEELE and the Commander's plots."

Maya blushed and squirmed. "You... you say the strangest things that still manage to be sweet, sempai."

Ritsuko smiled sadly and stood up. "Come on. We need to go downstairs and see to those tests in my lab. And maybe have a 'good' lunch together."

Maya giggled. Her smile faded away quickly, though. "I can tell you're still sad, though. Do you... want me to come over again tonight?"

Ritsuko bit her lip. It was tempting. So damn tempting. Despite it being a potentially lethal risk of being found out, they'd still succumbed to the temptation more than once to have Maya sneak over to her apartment so they could spend the night together. It wasn't just for the increasingly passionate sex. It was being able to fall asleep and wake up being held by someone who loved you. Ritsuko was starting to find it almost impossible to sleep without Maya beside her at least a couple times a month.

Maya made the decision for her. She stepped a hair closer and gave Ritsuko another soft kiss. "I know that cat meant a lot to you. I'm coming over tonight. You shouldn't have to spend a night like this alone."

Ritsuko's last shreds of resistance evaporated. "Fine, I'll set the MAGI gap program. But we still need to get going to my lab. Those test results won't check themselves."


The secret lab deep in the bowels of the Geofront had been Ritsuko Akagi's lair for years. Directly adjacent to the massive tank of LCL that had once held the backup clones to Rei Ayanami, the Evangelion Graveyard where they stored the old failures from the early years of Project E, and the tiny, sterile 'living quarters' where Rei had grown up, it was her private preserve, her hideaway that only she and Commander Ikari could enter. Lately it had also been her refuge, once of the few spots in the entire Geofront where she could count on enough security and privacy to safely spend time with Maya, doing more than merely putting a friendly hand on her shoulder. It was a place she knew inside and out, every smell, sound, and vibration.

So when the door slid open and she entered this time, she could immediately sense something was wrong. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she was sure. The way some papers on her desk were moved, the minuscule shift in the air from someone else having walked through before them, the faintest trace of another down here...

She halted one step into the room, so quickly Maya ran right into the back of her, bouncing off with a small squeak Ritsuko would have found cute if every hair on the back of her neck wasn't standing on end. They had come down here to work, though thoughts of later playtime had quickened their steps here no small amount.

She spun around, putting one finger rapidly to her lips when Maya looked at her in confusion. "Maya," she whispered urgently, "go back up to Central Dogma, right now. Don't make a sound. Hurry."

Maya's mouth flapped in confusion, but she nodded, and started to back out. When her confusion persisted, Ritsuko mouthed a silent explanation just before she closed the door, which had been securely locked.

"He's here."


She found him in the Dummy Plug Production Chamber that housed the clone tank, the scanning cylinder Rei would float in, and the huge, brain-like array that scanned and encoded Rei's mind for reproduction as software. 'Rei's mind, her cloned flesh, her memories, her very soul... we take everything from her,' Ritsuko thought. 'How can she forgive me?'

She stared at the tall, silent man staring at the tank of LCL, now empty of clones... or their remains. 'Ah... because I finally turned my back on the man who wants to steal the throne of God,' she guessed.

"Status report on the recovery efforts, Doctor."

Ritsuko jumped. She'd been as quiet as possible coming in, not wanting to reveal Maya's momentary presence. That was not precisely authorized, given the Dummy Plug plant right next door, that no one but Ritsuko, Fuyutsuki, and the Commander were supposed to know the details about. Yet he still just started talking, giving her orders like he'd expected her to be there the whole time. It was unnerving, more so than it used to be. She pulled her thoughts together. "Partial success on about 17% of the subjects, sir. About 28% on the stored spines and brainstems. I haven't tried a full reconstruction of an integrated system yet, but I can pull the First Child in for another complete engram if needed, even if the backup mind image is corrupted. She will obey."

He only grunted, still staring at the tank. "17% is sufficient. SEELE did this for a reason. They wanted to send a signal, and to destroy our capability. The time has come to discuss contingencies, Doctor."

Something about that statement worried Ritsuko deeply. "Contingencies, sir?"

He turned to face her, expressionless. "I always have contingencies, Doctor. You should know that by now."


It wasn't quite a job skill to be able to outstare a black holographic projection of a SOUND ONLY monolith, but it frequently came in handy. As was the ability to ignore the chill of the empty room populated only by himself and the ring of twelve projections of SEELE's overlords.

"You have made it impossible for us to retrieve the Lance of Longinus, Ikari," SEELE-08 accused.

"Why did you use it?" added SEELE-03. "We do not have all of the Eva series scheduled! This could cripple everything!"

Gendo did not shift a hair. "The annihilation of the Angel was more important. There was no other way," he defended calmly, not a trace of uncertainty or fear in his voice.

SEELE-05 scoffed. "No other way? Your excuses should be more persuasive."

"The things you have done recently are too bold, Commander," SEELE-07 said sharply. "One might wonder about your motivations."

Gendo was spared from even having to reply by the insistent ringing from the red phone in the desk drawer to his right. He didn't even take his eyes off their fixed stare at the monolith for SEELE-01 as he opened the drawer and lifted it to his ear. "Fuyutsuki, I am in a meeting... Alright."

He placed the phone back in its slot. "An Angel is approaching right now," he reported. "We will finish this discussion at the next opportunity."

"If your chair remains," SEELE-04 warned darkly.

The circle of light around Gendo and his desk faded away, leaving only the twelve monoliths. For the first time, SEELE-01 spoke up. "Ikari, are you going to betray SEELE?"

Silence hung. The other members of the council waited, sensing their chairman was making a decision.

"The order is given. Ikari must be reminded who he is and who holds the reins," Kiel Lorenz finally rumbled. "Execute the plan."

And the room was empty.


Things were pretty good, Asuka decided. Another Synch Test done, and once again she was the top scorer. Now they were headed home again, all the Pilots (Save Hikari, who had headed off on a date with Touji.) packed into Misato's car. Home, where her cute and devoted boyfriend would make her dinner, she'd hang out with trusted friends, and she'd go to bed in the arms of someone who loved her. All in all, a splendid day for the Great Asuka Langley Soryu, Ace Pilot. The fact the tight quarters of Misato's car gave her an excuse to ride home sitting on said boyfriend's lap with his arms around her to supplement the seatbelt only made it even better.

But she couldn't quite keep a small frown off her face. She was up again, 78.3%, but Shinji was down again, barely clearing 70%. Hikari was fine in Unit-03 at 56%, Rei was slowly but steadily climbing, and the Rainbow Trout was 2 points below her. It was great that Asuka was still the team ace, sure, but that position brought her a lot less satisfaction than it once might have.

Shinji was her partner. Her rival-lover, that helped keep her pushing to do better. He was the only one she'd tolerate beating her for even a while, and the constant switching of the lead between them had been a quiet joy for Asuka for months. But now... she wanted him back chasing her again, but that meant synchronizing more deeply with his mother, which she could hardly fault him for being mixed on. And she also wanted to see Rei rise, and Hikari, and even the new fish. She wanted her friends to come up. She'd have to think of some way to thread that needle for Shinji, to help him back up again despite being ambivalent about his mother. Then he could rival her again. It wasn't as fun without him.

'I guess I'm getting all mature and stuff, if I'm not so obsessed with being number one anymore. Being the top ace leading an elite squad is still pretty cool, though,' she thought with a grin. 'Also, the cuddled and spoiled princess of my sweet baka.' She gave another happy little wriggle, enjoying the feel of Shinji's hands on her and her spot in his lap.

"Asuka, I know for a fact you can sit on the seat without needing to sit on Shinji," Misato said dryly from the driver's seat. "I've seen all three of you fit back there just fine."

"Yeah, but I like this way much better, Misato. More Shinji hugs. And his lap is verrrry comfy." When Misato rolled her eyes, Asuka shot back "Oh come on, Misato, it can't be any worse than the naughtiest thing you've done in the backseat of a car."

"Kaji and I wouldn't even fit in the backseat of this car, Asuka."

"Hah." Asuka glanced at Rei. The slender bluenette was watching her and Shinji cuddle with a small, contented smile on her lips, like she could tell what was on Asuka's mind. And it was true, the idea of Rei watching her and Shinji get away with mild naughtiness literally behind Misato's back was amusing. Kaworu, sitting in the front passenger seat, couldn't see without looking back, and he was staring out the window, watching the sunny 'winter' landscape zoom by.

Asuka could almost feel the 'click' in her head as something hit her. 'Wait a minute... Rainbow Trout was 2 points lower than Rei this time. Exactly 2 points. Just like last time. And the time before that. That... that can't be coincidence. I'm starting to get the feeling that nothing in NERV is coincidence. But... why? He's got the same red eyes as Rei, he can't remember his past, and now synch shenanigans? Is that why he can Pilot Unit-03 when it's not his mom in there? Did SEELE do something to his head that makes him... able to copy someone's synch? Imitate? What does that mean?'

Rei's smile had faded away, and she was now watching Asuka with a tense look. "Asuka, what is-"

Suddenly, Rei whipped her head around to look out the window behind her, the same direction Kaworu was now staring. "Oh no..."

"Huh? What is it Rei? I-YAAAAAI!" Asuka's question became a surprised shout as Misato abruptly threw the car into a sudden U-turn and stomped on the accelerator. "Misato, what the Hell?!"

Misato wasn't listening. She had her cell phone out and was already dialing. "Central Dogma, this is Major Katsuragi! I've got visual confirmation of an Angel in the air about 5 kilometers northeast of my position, over the Oowakudani Valley, near the Gotemba defense line! Scramble the VTOLS and get the Evas prepped! I'm on my way back in with the First, Second, Third, and Fifth Children!"

Asuka's eyes went wide and she looked in the direction Misato had mentioned. She felt Shinji's hands suddenly grip her tighter as they both saw it.

A huge, glowing, double-braided ring of white light hovered in the air over the valley behind them, rotating slowly.

The Sixteenth Angel had come.

I have an idea on to kill this one! In one fanfic it only attacked once someone activated an AT field. So the pilots should use brief AT field activations to trick it into ramming headfirst into a large substation, thus FRYING IT!!!

The fanfic I got the idea from is the thirteenth book in a Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha mega crossover that's pretty well made in my opinion. (Book zero is pretty much "Teana Lanistar (Character from the Nanoha series) has a (quite explosive) outburst against Nanoha Takimachi, (falsely) believing that she and the other higher-ranking people and many of her squadmates are wanting to keep her as something to laugh at, keep her as a weak link in their group, stuff like that. Also (and again falsely) believing that magic is useless in a fight because it's always non-lethal and she has to put a lot of effort into casting spells. She quits her job, seals her so called 'linker core' (where magic comes from in the Nanoha continuity) and goes off on her own in an ancient starship she found buried somewhere") and don't worry they make up in book nine (after a huge fight though) I would suggest that you start form book one https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6526784/1/Teana-s-Travels-Book-1-Spartan and work forward from there.
For a mega-crossover, it's pretty well made. And has all of the things that are crossed over with at the time that the book is being written at the first page directly beneath the authors notes.
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I have an idea on to kill this one! In one fanfic it only attacked once someone activated an AT field. So the pilots should use brief AT field activations to trick it into ramming headfirst into a large substation!

That might have been my fanfic (Teana's Travels Book 13: Fallen Messengers); I had the pilots beat Armisael that way. Asuka even shouted "Olé!" when she & Shinji pulled the final dodge that made Armisael faceplant into an electrical power station.
That might have been my fanfic (Teana's Travels Book 13: Fallen Messengers); I had the pilots beat Armisael that way. Asuka even shouted "Olé!" when she & Shinji pulled the final dodge that made Armisael faceplant into an electrical power station.
It was. I edited the post to include that information. The thing tried to hit them at RAMMING SPEED and slammed into a ton of high voltage wires and transformers and other stuff. One of them should have said "Anyone up for cooked angel tonight?"
Also, is the crew ever going to learn that Rei is carrying Lilith's soul with her? And what will they do with it? Or the fact that Rei (and others) are apparently unable to have children of her own (in Rei's case possibly because she's had her uterus taken out and an S2 organ grown in its place)
And what would Lilith think of humanity?
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It was. I edited the post to include that information. The thing tried to hit them at RAMMING SPEED and slammed into a ton of high voltage wires and transformers and other stuff. One of them should have said "Anyone up for cooked angel tonight?"
Also, is the crew ever going to learn that Rei is carrying Lilith's soul with her? And what will they do with it? Or the fact that Rei (and others) are apparently unable to have children of her own (in Rei's case possibly because she's had her uterus taken out and an S2 organ grown in its place)
And what would Lilith think of humanity?

Well, this is Strypgia's fic's thread, not mine, so I'd rather not clutter things up here. I... haven't really thought much ahead about the Rei/Lilith thing; Evangelion stuff is on the backburner for now while I continue my search for any site(s) to watch the DokiDoki, Happiness Charge, Go Princess, and Mahoutsukai seasons of Pretty Cure that won't infect my computer with viruses/trojans/malware/etc. so I can actually get to work on the next big Book. ...Was thinking of maybe having Lilith be a (perhaps the only?) truly-benevolent Precursor, but am still undecided. Still, this isn't the place or time to discuss my fic series, in the thread for someone else's, so let's cut it here.

Anyway, Stryp, any teasers for the next A&T installment? Or news on the next chapter of the Hangover story?