No, this was obviously officiated by Homura in the Church of Madokakami. Only one doomed love's regrets to another, to strengthen and to bind and to tell the time-travelling Best Man if he fucks around she will come and blast his balls off.

Now, if only she understood that Shinji was a guy. Probably didn't help Asuka slipped him into the wedding dress while she claimed the tux.
No, this was obviously officiated by Homura in the Church of Madokakami. Only one doomed love's regrets to another, to strengthen and to bind and to tell the time-travelling Best Man if he fucks around she will come and blast his balls off.

Now, if only she understood that Shinji was a guy. Probably didn't help Asuka slipped him into the wedding dress while she claimed the tux.
Honestly, Shinji doesn't have the hips for a proper gown. They both could rock a tux, but the boy's wide shoulders and thin hips would just look bad in anything primarily made out of lace. Both parties in Tuxedos, I could see easy, though.

She went out drinking with Gendo.
Insert "Misato suddenly realizing why Yui, Naoko, and Ritsuko all fell for him" Scene here. It can't just be his natural appeal, he has to have some skill at the art of dating (seriously, Gendo got game).
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Probably didn't help Asuka slipped him into the wedding dress while she claimed the tux.
In Asuka's defense, she was really drunk, and Shinji actually pulled off the dress nicely.
Honestly, Shinji doesn't have the hips for a proper gown. They both could rock a tux, but the boy's wide shoulders and thin hips would just look bad in anything primarily made out of lace. Both parties in Tuxedos, I could see easy, though.
Asuka: Shinji? Wide shoulders? (turns to Shinji) Just where have you been hiding those?
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Honestly, Shinji doesn't have the hips for a proper gown. They both could rock a tux, but the boy's wide shoulders and thin hips would just look bad in anything primarily made out of lace. Both parties in Tuxedos, I could see easy, though.

I dunnow. He's not exactly blessed in the hips department, but he's got some shape to him. More importantly, Rei's helping this plan, and Rei has two things to make it stick. One, hoodoo-voodoo shit with AT fields, don't ask me how. More importantly with two, she's got all that backed-up Pilot Pay, and she's willing to burn a lot of it to see Shinji and Asuka married.

The fact that at the last minute they decided who wears white will not put a halt in her plan, damnit!
You're all so naive. Evidently, the marriages are not the ones you expect.

Touji was paired with Shinji, Asuka with Kensuke, Rei with Hyuga, Hikari with Maya, Kaworu with Misato, Kaji with Aoba and Akagi's with Armisael, who showed up and assimilated sixty kegs from a brewery.

As far as the divorce proceedings stand, Armie stands to emerge as a very wealthy angel indeed.
Shinji (standing over Kensuke's body): "It was self-defence."

Asuka (still beating up on Touji): "So is this. You. Will. Divorce. HIM!"
Shinji: You all saw it, he had a tank!
Rei: (deadpan) It was a miniature.
Shinji: It had pointy angles, it was a disaster waiting to happen!
Kensuke: You're still better than the American NSA. You'd think the post-apocalypse would mellow them out a bit...
Something about it just makes me think Rei on the Israefel Special route instead of the Rainbow Trout route.
Have something better for Asuka and Shinji.

(Yes, Shinji gets the song about a demon in Latin, and Asuka gets the cooing baritone talking about music and love. It works out that way, apparently.)

Yeah, true enough. Rei's an emotional rock, eh? Were you making a pun? As for a latin demon Shinji, and an Asuka cooing about music and love, no worries here. They work wonderfully.

I need to either get high and watch NGE, stay sober and watch NGE, or find the manga (if there is one) and read NGE, because my entire experience of it has been second-hand, whether through fanfics, youtube clips, or fanart/fanedits. I understand (some of) the plot, have had most (if not all) of the major spoilers spoiled already, and have a basic understanding of the characters (Like Gendo, for example. I know he broods like a BAMF, but also wants Shinji to get into the goddamn robot), though I only learned the EVAs are also their moms from this (glorious) fic. It makes a lot of sense with some of the jokes I've seen flying around on the internet, though.

Dance Like You Want To Win is probably one of my most watched NGE clips, if only because it's what I've come to enjoy of both Shinji and Asuka.

Though honestly, I think NGE may have well gone the same path as Naruto, where I've read so much fanfiction that plain ol' vanilla tastes like ashes. Mmm... No, NGE's still good; I'm still interested in seeing its canon. But man I cannot watch Naruto's anime, subbed or dubbed, and I can't seem to find any enjoyment in its manga... bleh. It's late, and I'm turning all rambly.

"I have no idea." Rei rustled some papers. "I think I may have found our wedding papers. And a...note from Misato?"

"What does it say?" Asuka said, pouring out four glasses of juice and Gatorade and placing painkillers beside each glass.

"I do not know. It is written entirely in Drunk Misato." She walked over to Asuka and handed her the note.

Asuka looked at the paper, shook her head, and coolly handed the note over to Shinji. "You're the most Japanese of us. I already can't read normal kanji, nevermind... that."

Shinji squinted at the paper, but shook his head as well. "This isn't Kanji. This is... Drunk Misato. There's not even one actual character on here. There's a sketch of a bottle and… I think that's a dickbutt." He looked at Rei. "No other sign of her?"

"Her bed is not slept in, and all that's here is her underwear."

...Are you sure the fungus isn't rotting your brain and making you twitch crazy things onto the keyboard?

EDIT: Gonna add the :V so people know I'm just teasing.
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At least they aren't Blizzard shoulder pads

Funny enough, I'm fairly certain that's mech suit is a direct Evangelion reference -- same high neck with a thick rim, same chunky things around the wrists, same flat soles, slightly more complicated variation on the usual color scheme... and the white pauldrons are a dead giveaway.