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I'm going to take a stab at how the various power blocks are giong to respond to the curses.
I mean, mostly do what they where doing, just with the new information taken into account. They might become more willing to take more drastic action since they now have proof that there is soul deep damage and how much losing our gods diminished them.
I think they are going to be able to spin the information into an actionable if very long term plan. In the immediate short term they now know not to rely to much on scrying. I think they will be able to draw in a fair few neutrals because when everything is confusing and awful, someone with a plan is appealing, and like I said they are probably going to develop a plan around freeing isha.
I think they are going to be very nervous that Nurgle is slow dripping his own flavor of corruption into their collective psyche. They will also be vindicated because going back to the old ways has been proven kind of impossible. I suspect that they will be interested in freeing Isha since she was popular among the Exodites but I don't know if they will be able to offer much aid for that.
ok so these guys I think are going to near totally reassess everything. They are trying to work out a mindset to resist The Hunger of Slaanesh, and we are going to be able to tell them exactly how it works, as well as the second source of mental corruption they need to watch out for. We might see the path systems fundamentally change as they will now have a far better picture over how to resist the curses from the very start. I will be interested to see what the Paths system looks like in a few decades once they have incorporated a far more in depth understanding of the curses they need to resist into them. Depending how much they can improve their approach with better informaiton, they might make a lot of headway into getting everyone else to adopt their methods of resisting the curse. Once they have the paths refined I suspect they will shift to focusing on breaking the curses themselves. Either by freeing isha or finding a way to further reduce Slaanesh's claim.
these guys are going to politically, eat shit. the idea that it's possible to go back is about to get disproven. That said, I strongly suspect that they will fixate on either killing Kairos because it's archivable or rescuing Isha to get back just a little bit of what they once had. Best case they fixate on fixing the curses and spend most of their energy there rather than picking fights.
This group is going to get a lot smaller. These are the ones who did not make a decision, and they are about to get enough information to make a decision. I suspect just about every faction but the Preventionists and the Revanchists are going to pick up a bunch of these guys.
First are the Radicals or Adaptionists, into which your own coalition can be considered to fall. The thrust of this camp's philosophy is that the galaxy has irreversibly changed in the wake of the Fall and the Aeldari must change with it—though the nature and extent of said changes are highly varied within that grouping. No single voice is preeminent here, but there are many coalitions of like-minded Craftworlds which either ended their flight from the Fall in close proximity or were put in contact with each other by the Harlequins, suggesting at least tacit support from the Laughing God. Notably, the revelations on the nature of the Aeldari soul, your people's relationship with your gods, and the fact that provably irreparable damage has been done by the Fall you have made are likely to bring significant vindication to this faction, as they are in at least some degree correct that the Aeldari can never return to what they were.
I mean, mostly do what they where doing, just with the new information taken into account. They might become more willing to take more drastic action since they now have proof that there is soul deep damage and how much losing our gods diminished them.
The Survivalists are primarily concerned with the overall survival of the Aeldari as a whole, in the face of a universe grown suddenly hostile, particularly in the opposition of the Ruinous Powers in general and the Dark Prince in specific. Unsurprisingly, Ulthwe is the preeminent voice of this faction and the majority of those Craftworlds still caught in proximity to the Great Wound are united behind them on this matter.
I think they are going to be able to spin the information into an actionable if very long term plan. In the immediate short term they now know not to rely to much on scrying. I think they will be able to draw in a fair few neutrals because when everything is confusing and awful, someone with a plan is appealing, and like I said they are probably going to develop a plan around freeing isha.
Similar are the Conservationists or Preventionists, for whom the matter of the Aeldari's survival is a major issue, but also the matter of ensuring that the Fall is not repeated by ensuring a cultural shift away from its perceived root causes. Saim-Hann and the majority of the Exodites are the principal voices here.
I think they are going to be very nervous that Nurgle is slow dripping his own flavor of corruption into their collective psyche. They will also be vindicated because going back to the old ways has been proven kind of impossible. I suspect that they will be interested in freeing Isha since she was popular among the Exodites but I don't know if they will be able to offer much aid for that.
The Asuryani are a significant plurality of Craftworlds at present, centered on Alaitoc, who have adopted a radical and extremely regimented social model—the "Paths of Asuryan"—that has proven highly effective against the obvious portions of the Hunger of Slaanesh, by living a strict, nearly monastic existence that includes daily meditation on the nature of Excess and how one may deny it, and committing to only a single task for days, or even years at a time. However, the narrow and extremely strict nature is both difficult and unpleasant to practice, and many are reluctant to embrace this path fully; though apparently work is being done on refining the practice further. The proven effectiveness, however, has brought many into this camp and ensured that even other factions often have a degree of sympathy for their ideals.
ok so these guys I think are going to near totally reassess everything. They are trying to work out a mindset to resist The Hunger of Slaanesh, and we are going to be able to tell them exactly how it works, as well as the second source of mental corruption they need to watch out for. We might see the path systems fundamentally change as they will now have a far better picture over how to resist the curses from the very start. I will be interested to see what the Paths system looks like in a few decades once they have incorporated a far more in depth understanding of the curses they need to resist into them. Depending how much they can improve their approach with better informaiton, they might make a lot of headway into getting everyone else to adopt their methods of resisting the curse. Once they have the paths refined I suspect they will shift to focusing on breaking the curses themselves. Either by freeing isha or finding a way to further reduce Slaanesh's claim.
Next are the Revanchists, whose central drive is the restoration of the Empire—obviously, Iyanden is preeminent among this faction; though Biel-Tan is often its loudest voice. Despite containing two of the five largest craftworlds, this is actually the smallest faction by total population, as it possesses little support among the smaller craftworlds and is actively opposed by the Conservationists.
these guys are going to politically, eat shit. the idea that it's possible to go back is about to get disproven. That said, I strongly suspect that they will fixate on either killing Kairos because it's archivable or rescuing Isha to get back just a little bit of what they once had. Best case they fixate on fixing the curses and spend most of their energy there rather than picking fights.
Lastly are the Neutrals or Independents, who do not fall into any of the above camps strongly enough to be considered part of them, though it is likely existing factions will be taking the opportunity to court these individual Craftworlds and small coalitions to their way of thinking.
This group is going to get a lot smaller. These are the ones who did not make a decision, and they are about to get enough information to make a decision. I suspect just about every faction but the Preventionists and the Revanchists are going to pick up a bunch of these guys.
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