I'm going to take a stab at how the various power blocks are giong to respond to the curses.

First are the Radicals or Adaptionists, into which your own coalition can be considered to fall. The thrust of this camp's philosophy is that the galaxy has irreversibly changed in the wake of the Fall and the Aeldari must change with it—though the nature and extent of said changes are highly varied within that grouping. No single voice is preeminent here, but there are many coalitions of like-minded Craftworlds which either ended their flight from the Fall in close proximity or were put in contact with each other by the Harlequins, suggesting at least tacit support from the Laughing God. Notably, the revelations on the nature of the Aeldari soul, your people's relationship with your gods, and the fact that provably irreparable damage has been done by the Fall you have made are likely to bring significant vindication to this faction, as they are in at least some degree correct that the Aeldari can never return to what they were.

I mean, mostly do what they where doing, just with the new information taken into account. They might become more willing to take more drastic action since they now have proof that there is soul deep damage and how much losing our gods diminished them.

The Survivalists are primarily concerned with the overall survival of the Aeldari as a whole, in the face of a universe grown suddenly hostile, particularly in the opposition of the Ruinous Powers in general and the Dark Prince in specific. Unsurprisingly, Ulthwe is the preeminent voice of this faction and the majority of those Craftworlds still caught in proximity to the Great Wound are united behind them on this matter.

I think they are going to be able to spin the information into an actionable if very long term plan. In the immediate short term they now know not to rely to much on scrying. I think they will be able to draw in a fair few neutrals because when everything is confusing and awful, someone with a plan is appealing, and like I said they are probably going to develop a plan around freeing isha.

Similar are the Conservationists or Preventionists, for whom the matter of the Aeldari's survival is a major issue, but also the matter of ensuring that the Fall is not repeated by ensuring a cultural shift away from its perceived root causes. Saim-Hann and the majority of the Exodites are the principal voices here.

I think they are going to be very nervous that Nurgle is slow dripping his own flavor of corruption into their collective psyche. They will also be vindicated because going back to the old ways has been proven kind of impossible. I suspect that they will be interested in freeing Isha since she was popular among the Exodites but I don't know if they will be able to offer much aid for that.

The Asuryani are a significant plurality of Craftworlds at present, centered on Alaitoc, who have adopted a radical and extremely regimented social model—the "Paths of Asuryan"—that has proven highly effective against the obvious portions of the Hunger of Slaanesh, by living a strict, nearly monastic existence that includes daily meditation on the nature of Excess and how one may deny it, and committing to only a single task for days, or even years at a time. However, the narrow and extremely strict nature is both difficult and unpleasant to practice, and many are reluctant to embrace this path fully; though apparently work is being done on refining the practice further. The proven effectiveness, however, has brought many into this camp and ensured that even other factions often have a degree of sympathy for their ideals.

ok so these guys I think are going to near totally reassess everything. They are trying to work out a mindset to resist The Hunger of Slaanesh, and we are going to be able to tell them exactly how it works, as well as the second source of mental corruption they need to watch out for. We might see the path systems fundamentally change as they will now have a far better picture over how to resist the curses from the very start. I will be interested to see what the Paths system looks like in a few decades once they have incorporated a far more in depth understanding of the curses they need to resist into them. Depending how much they can improve their approach with better informaiton, they might make a lot of headway into getting everyone else to adopt their methods of resisting the curse. Once they have the paths refined I suspect they will shift to focusing on breaking the curses themselves. Either by freeing isha or finding a way to further reduce Slaanesh's claim.

Next are the Revanchists, whose central drive is the restoration of the Empire—obviously, Iyanden is preeminent among this faction; though Biel-Tan is often its loudest voice. Despite containing two of the five largest craftworlds, this is actually the smallest faction by total population, as it possesses little support among the smaller craftworlds and is actively opposed by the Conservationists.

these guys are going to politically, eat shit. the idea that it's possible to go back is about to get disproven. That said, I strongly suspect that they will fixate on either killing Kairos because it's archivable or rescuing Isha to get back just a little bit of what they once had. Best case they fixate on fixing the curses and spend most of their energy there rather than picking fights.

Lastly are the Neutrals or Independents, who do not fall into any of the above camps strongly enough to be considered part of them, though it is likely existing factions will be taking the opportunity to court these individual Craftworlds and small coalitions to their way of thinking.

This group is going to get a lot smaller. These are the ones who did not make a decision, and they are about to get enough information to make a decision. I suspect just about every faction but the Preventionists and the Revanchists are going to pick up a bunch of these guys.
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I think we need to focus upon 2 things for these meetings.

1. Convince the Independents to become Radicals
2. Convince the small bands of Radicals to start heading north to join us in the Halo Stars.

With our tech, our willingness to defend our allies, and our ability to leverage our exotic tech production we should be able to convince a few minor Craftworlds to join our coalition.
The radical will want to join us automatically because of how much our validation of their rationale does for their cause and too coordinate with an innovative industrial craft world working on a solution to their biggest problem. We can point out the independent to Saim-han and meet with them once ourselves and absorb them by allying with 4 out of 6 factions.
It will also send a message that we called the moot mostly to get them to shut Biel-tan up. It will send a message that we treat Iyanden as more important than other major craft worlds and that they are leaders of "the smallest faction by total population." This would be a very bad message, which could taint our relationship with Conservationists, who will otherwise support us if only because Revanchists don't like us.

For the love of Isha, Iyanden is reasonable, they can afford waiting a day as they will probably be busy meeting with Biel-tan, other Revanchists, Ulthwe, Asuryani or Alaitoc. This isn't Iyanden of 30k-40k who was the unofficial leader of all eldar and who did a lot to deserve such title, so far their biggest achievement is sharing the soulstones which they had surplus and being individual the largest.

While I agree that getting their opinion of things on day one could prove useful when meeting Asuryani in general or Alaitoc in particular, we don't need them instantly. We need them to be open-minded during the reveal and make Biel-tan behave afterwards, all of which won't be that hard; getting some concession from them, like researching the last flame of Assuryan, would make it so buttering them up, would be necessary,, but for now, without even seer circle that isn't a priority.

I think that just making them not Revanchists would be good enough for me
No it doesn't. Most of the craftworlds don't know Beil-Tan is trying to Kinslay us, because it was intended to be a quiet kinslaying while peoples attentions were on their own problems far away. Most of the faction won't care that we met with them so much as they met with us, and as long as we meet with Saim-han as well we can clear things up. It's more important to lay ground work with them than anyone else with Beil-tan whispering in their ear.

Fair. Their not super important, but their the group that need the most work to secure with our choice of Saim-han as another major Ally. With Saim-han and the Adaptionist/Radicals easy won allies, and Ulthwe easily won over by our info and aid, we need to focus on the longshots early to judge what it will take to win them to our side both before and after they've spoken with the other craft worlds.

I think it's too early to judge what should be a priority, which is why we need to meet them first to lay ground work and earn good will by revealing Isha's survival. We need to judge their stance and figure out what we need to push for in a second meeting.
my focus day 1 would be on our faction, then the survivalists. Biel-tan/iyandan/everyone else can wait. focus in firstly on those that need help. show that despite our diffrence in views, we are still eldar, and we still care. politics can come day two and three, once we actually have met our colaition and understand what they are needing from this meeting, and once we have met the craft worlds most in danger, and what they need to not get eaten by the thirsting one (probably more everything, but we should be able to provide that i hope.) I want to leave a slot open day one to find out who comes to us. but i am worried that we will not have enough of a impression to have anyone swing by and it wastes a slot.
We are already giving our faction what it needs from this meeting. We are giving them validation that they are fundamentally correct about the need to adapt. Whatever else we do, the reveal will make them want to meet with us and coordinate on dealing with the curse. We should still put a time slot aside for them, but not on the first day. We don't need that level of effort. If their interested we'll have a slot day two where we accept other people for them to come to us.
my focus day 1 would be on our faction, then the survivalists. Biel-tan/iyandan/everyone else can wait. focus in firstly on those that need help. show that despite our diffrence in views, we are still eldar, and we still care. politics can come day two and three, once we actually have met our colaition and understand what they are needing from this meeting, and once we have met the craft worlds most in danger, and what they need to not get eaten by the thirsting one (probably more everything, but we should be able to provide that i hope.) I want to leave a slot open day one to find out who comes to us. but i am worried that we will not have enough of a impression to have anyone swing by and it wastes a slot.
I generaly agree, we are for now in an akaward spot were we are too big to be put in with other smaller players, too small to guarantee a meeting if we leave spot open and for now, not in charge of radicals/adaptionists.

I think that our first pre-meeting meeting should be with adaptionists to find out if we can become their nominal leader for the moot, see if there is anyone near~ish us, see if there are any rivals to our position as adaptionist leader, see if we can consider solving some of their problems, stuff like that.

Meeting Ulthwe/survivalists is a must, not only because it will send the message to all that the moot will be about things vital to the survival of Aeldari but also is likely to involve the great enemy. We also have a lot to talk about with them that doesn't spoil the suprise, regent everqueen with Ishari, us with the sword of Vaul, Meros with Ulthwe/Eldrad about seer stuff.

And I think that greeting space wood elves and giving them a heads up that our meeting with Iyanden will probably be mostly us complaining about Biel-Tan, so that meeting won't cost us some goodwil with the Serpent could finish the day quite nicely.
The radical will want to join us automatically because of how much our validation of their rationale does for their cause and too coordinate with an innovative industrial craft world working on a solution to their biggest problem. We can point out the independent to Saim-han and meet with them once ourselves and absorb them by allying with 4 out of 6 factions
Not necessarily. Many will desire to remain independent unless given a strong reason to join a larger coalition, otherwise all the other major Craftworlds would already have hordes of small and minor Craftworlds following them.

What we need to do it make sure they know we will treat them as partners rather then vassals as other *cough* Biel-Tan *cough* major / large Craftworlds would.
We are already giving our faction what it needs from this meeting. We are giving them validation that they are fundamentally correct about the need to adapt. Whatever else we do, the reveal will make them want to meet with us and coordinate on dealing with the curse. We should still put a time slot aside for them, but not on the first day. We don't need that level of effort. If their interested we'll have a slot day two where we accept other people for them to come to us.
its about being able to say honestly who leads us, perhaps there is a whole ass major craftworld that isnt announcing themselves. I highly doubt it, but its possible, and for that matter. I want to see if there is someone who is willing to lead the radicals, IMO if there is someone willing to handle the politics while we handle just acting as a arsenal of democracy. building ships and armies to send to put out fires is a better use of our time. the more eldar that survive is better for us long term no matter what. frankly, we need to get in our row, because otherwise we are stuck where we were before, just with people being aware of us, once again. i dont care if we end up the leader. for all i care, Zahr-Tann can be the leader of the radicals, we just need to have someone that organizes and figures out what our faction wants, in terms of defensive alliances, we dont care the political leanings (as long as you dont want us dead i guess). but in terms of politics, we need to find some unifying point so that our faction seems reasonable to neutrals and indepentents.

Once again. I will restate what i said in this post

I dont care that we lead. I just care that we figure out who Will
[ ] First Block : Meet with Iyanden. Feel out what they are looking for in terms of allies. Reveal the survival of Isha.
[ ] Second Block : Meet with Ulthwe and their available allied. Discuss major issues there faction is facing and what aid Vau-Vulkesh can provide as an industrial craft world with strong martial allies. Discuss some of our tech innovations with a mind to exchanging with them.
[ ] Third Block : Meet with Saim-han and suggest how we might work together draw allies to our sides and away from Beil-Tan.

Some draft write ins focused on the idea of touching base with one of our hardest sells we might be able to pull into our sphere of influence, and meeting with an easy recruit major craft world not currently in our corner, and touching base with a group nominally on our side who we don't want to snub.
Not necessarily. Many will desire to remain independent unless given a strong reason to join a larger coalition, otherwise all the other major Craftworlds would already have hordes of small and minor Craftworlds following them.

What we need to do it make sure they know we will treat them as partners rather then vassals as other *cough* Biel-Tan *cough* major / large Craftworlds would.
Most of the major craft worlds do have supporters. Keep in mind they've only had 20 years and Saim-han showed up with 60 exodites, Ulthwe is leading a coalition significantly larger than ours, and there is a massive group behind the Asuryan Path leader. Only Beil-Tan and Iyanden are struggling in that regard.
No single voice is preeminent here, but there are many coalitions of like-minded Craftworlds which either ended their flight from the Fall in close proximity or were put in contact with each other by the Harlequins, suggesting at least tacit support from the Laughing God. Notably, the revelations on the nature of the Aeldari soul, your people's relationship with your gods, and the fact that provably irreparable damage has been done by the Fall you have made are likely to bring significant vindication to this faction, as they are in at least some degree correct that the Aeldari can never return to what they were.
As for our people wanting to stay independent, their already grouping up into small alliances of like minded craft worlds in relative proximity to each other. Given our far greater contribution to the cause and overall success of our alliance and being probably one of the largest craft worlds among their number, we are a shoe in to become their leader after the Aeldmoot ends.

What sense does it make for people all about adapting to not join up with us and attempt to poor their resources into an innovative solution to the curse? We need minimal effort to earn there support, while others are very open ended and need build up to achieve.
I dont care that we lead. I just care that we figure out who Will
I mean, I think we can delegate the management, sure, but I don't think it's something that can be avoided. Leadership is as much or more about optics as it is about desire to lead. We've come in validating there choice of lifestyle, which is going to win them a ton of converters, and established ourselves as the most successful of the craft world when it comes to pushing our factions agenda. At the end of the day, we are ending this moot as the foremost of craftworlds in our faction in everyone's minds.

That said, if we were to court Iyanden hard enough, we could maybe get them to do it by convincing them we'll need to forge a new empire and way of life rather than try to recreate the old one.
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I mean, I think we can delegate the management, sure, but I don't think it's something that can be avoided. Leadership is as much or more about optics as it is about desire to lead. We've come in validating there choice of lifestyle, which is going to win them a ton of converters, and established ourselves as the most successful of the craft world when it comes to pushing our factions agenda. At the end of the day, we are ending this moot as the foremost of craftworlds in our faction in everyone's minds.

That said, if we were to court Iyanden hard enough, we could maybe get them to do it by convincing them we'll need to forge a new empire and way of life rather than try to recreate the old one.
I dont mind leading. I dont care, what i want is to have someone who is leading. if its us? great. we can better direct our factions actions to fight the curse however we end up deciding to. if its not us? great. we can focus in on our faction quest and keeping eldar alive.
One last thing before I go to sleep: what I want from neutrals is just not following Biel-Tan those fuckers, for all I care they can follow Iyanden, Ulthwe, or anyone else as long as they not die or fall to chaos
[ ] First Block : Meet with Iyanden. Feel out what they are looking for in terms of allies. Reveal the survival of Isha
Excuse me, you want to suggest allying with Iyanden, the chief of bring back dominion gang as faction of "dominion was bad and is impossible to come back". And release the info that Isha's alive 3 days before the plan of the moot! Do you lack reading comprehation?!
its about being able to say honestly who leads us, perhaps there is a whole ass major craftworld that isnt announcing themselves. I highly doubt it, but its possible, and for that matter. I want to see if there is someone who is willing to lead the radicals, IMO if there is someone willing to handle the politics while we handle just acting as a arsenal of democracy. building ships and armies to send to put out fires is a better use of our time. the more eldar that survive is better for us long term no matter what. frankly, we need to get in our row, because otherwise we are stuck where we were before, just with people being aware of us, once again. i dont care if we end up the leader. for all i care, Zahr-Tann can be the leader of the radicals, we just need to have someone that organizes and figures out what our faction wants, in terms of defensive alliances, we dont care the political leanings (as long as you dont want us dead i guess). but in terms of politics, we need to find some unifying point so that our faction seems reasonable to neutrals and indepentents.

Once again. I will restate what i said in this post

I dont care that we lead. I just care that we figure out who Will
The biggest thing is that the camp you are in is, fundamentally, a drawer marked "misc." Everyone in the catagory agrees "The Fall has changed our fundamental reality, and we need to make some sort of Very Drastic Change to adapt to that fact" but past that, what, how, and how much that change should actually be is split between dozens of ideas at least---some of them are "so crazy it might just work" plans, some of them are crazy ambitious plans, some of them are "throw ideas at the wall to see what sticks" plans---it's a riot of ideas; and I will state that portions of the canonical Path system can actually be found here (for the obvious implication of a canon timeline without Vau-Vulkesh, they eventually get assimilated by Alatoc's block and add their specific thing to the Asuryani Faction Quest, in the mechanical context.)

But yeah, it's likely that this is going to pretty substantially influence development of the whole Path system in the future.
[ ] First Block : Meet with Iyanden. Feel out what they are looking for in terms of allies. Reveal the survival of Isha.
This seems foolish...
They want to revive the Empire. Getting the Everqueen to step in would be a major objective for them, even if/especially if we tell them that she's trapped in Nurgle's Fetid Ass Realm. Feeling them out for allies sure, but revealing one of our trump cards is WTF.
Excuse me, you want to suggest allying with Iyanden, the chief of bring back dominion gang as faction of "dominion was bad and is impossible to come back". And release the info that Isha's alive 3 days before the plan of the moot! Do you lack reading comprehation?!
I think the ally question is more "who are they allied with", plus telling them in advance that we're going to be dropping the bomb, so maybe keep your extremist friends on the short leash, savvy? I'll have to think more, I've just woken up, but I see logic here.
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I dont mind leading. I dont care, what i want is to have someone who is leading. if its us? great. we can better direct our factions actions to fight the curse however we end up deciding to. if its not us? great. we can focus in on our faction quest and keeping eldar alive.
Fair. That should be as simple as some of them coming to meet us during our open slot day two(whether there are other craftworlds in Vau-Vulkesh weight range or there certainly won't be many so we are one of the most prominent) or meeting them day 3 deliberately. Either way, we don't need major effort to end up in charge or meet our contender and put them in charge, so it can wait until day three, to avoid tipping our hand to Beil-Tan or Alaitoc.
Excuse me, you want to suggest allying with Iyanden, the chief of bring back dominion gang as faction of "dominion was bad and is impossible to come back". And release the info that Isha's alive 3 days before the plan of the moot! Do you lack reading comprehation?!
I'm trying to shift them out of the "rebuild the old empire" and into "forge a new empire that's adapted to the times".

Reading Comprehation? What's that?

It's a draft. Chill out. I'm proposing it as an extreme get them to rethink their priorities early tease. It can be dropped and we can discuss tech or something instead.
This seems foolish...
They want to revive the Empire. Getting the Everqueen to step in would be a major objective for them, even if/especially if we tell them that she's trapped in Nurgle's Fetid Ass Realm. Feeling them out for allies sure, but revealing one of our trump cards is WTF.
It's a draft. An extreme move to reveal something important in private and shake up their world view so we can try and shift them towards a different mindset that makes alliance more possible. Maybe we swap it out for something else, maybe we sell ourselves as a good ally who has had a good run of tackling the problems of multiple allied craftworlds.
I think the ally question is more "who are they allied with", plus telling them in advance that we're going to be dropping the bomb, so maybe keep your extremist friends on the short leash, savvy? I'll have to think more, I've just woken up, but I see logic here.
It's more about shifting there priorities. Get a feel for who they are looking to Ally with and what priorities they have for establishing a faction of their own since they have almost nothing right now and are eager to expand. Reveal Isha to get them questioning whether they should be focusing less on re-establishing the old Empire and more on fighting the forces of chaos and helping the Survivalists as build up towards rescuing their goddess.
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I think the ally question is more "who are they allied with", plus telling them in advance that we're going to be dropping the bomb, so maybe keep your extremist friends on the short leash, savvy? I'll have to think more, I've just woken up, but I see logic here.
1. Insomnia is a bitch. So I am still awake.
2. Oh I understood that that was the intention, but to ask such question during the first meeting? Such question will easily be missinterpreted and lead to mamy problems for the rest of the moot. It is like girl in highschool asking a boy she barely talks with want kind of lingrere he likes. She could be honestly just asking out of curiosity, but anyone within earshot will think that she was flirting with him.
1. Insomnia is a bitch. So I am still awake.
2. Oh I understood that that was the intention, but to ask such question during the first meeting? Such question will easily be missinterpreted and lead to mamy problems for the rest of the moot. It is like girl in highschool asking a boy she barely talks with want kind of lingrere he likes. She could be honestly just asking out of curiosity, but anyone within earshot will think that she was flirting with him.
I suppose we could shift it to talking about the difficulties we've faced (bloody Orks) and our Aversion of Meros's doom? Have old man Meros and his daughter talk shop with them on the crystals things they shared with everyone?
It's midnight where I am. So last post from me. But as long as we come out of this with the curse info spread, and us having the information of where we can help and how urgent it is. The moot is a win... even if biel-tan decides to kill us or die trying.
It's midnight where I am. So last post from me. But as long as we come out of this with the curse info spread, and us having the information of where we can help and how urgent it is. The moot is a win... even if biel-tan decides to kill us or die trying.
If we were Biel-Tan's highest priority, we'd already be dead (and frankly, if they were determined to make a suicide run on another Craftworld this close to the Fall, I think we'd still be hosed). Fortunately, we know that they have other priorities and commitments (in the same way we did), which also implies they have other things to do they care about more than blowing us up.
They're an adversary, yes, but not a suicidal one.
If we were Biel-Tan's highest priority, we'd already be dead (and frankly, if they were determined to make a suicide run on another Craftworld this close to the Fall, I think we'd still be hosed). Fortunately, we know that they have other priorities and commitments (in the same way we did), which also implies they have other things to do they care about more than blowing us up.
They're an adversary, yes, but not a suicidal one.
Indeed. With all the good we are doing our factions cause, it's hard to imagine we don't triple our membership minimum just by virtue of people who want to be aligned with the foremost experts on our races most terrible problem and the perception of us as the most successful Adaptionist craftworld.

I know we talked about some thing Iyanden has revealed to the rest of the Aeldari in relation to the curse. Some sort of crystal or something they can use in some way? Remind me what those are called.
I'm pretty damned sure the Revanchists are going to want the ability to create psy-scopes and starcrystal. The question is to what degree we're willing to trade with them, because those are very mean weapons we'd prefer not to have pointed at us, and *waves* Biel-Tan.
Trading exotic weapons to Iyanden for a mutual defense pact could be a very good move. BT won't able to touch us without blowing up their political base and the big I is going to keep his top dog position in the faction for a long time.

Also we should absolutely have more important meetings (Eldrad, our faction, Iyanden) twice.
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Trading exotic weapons to Iyanden for a mutual defense pact could be a very good move. BT won't able to touch us without blowing up their political base and the big I is going to keep his top dog position in the faction for a long time.

Also we should absolutely have more important meetings (Eldrad, our faction, Iyanden) twice.
Making that deal before the reveal is a mistake, I think.

Right now, Iyanden thinks that getting Biel Tan to back off is a huge favor, and they'll charge us accordingly. once we reveal, that value drops dramatically.
I think the first block should be iyanden, dropping a teasing hint to our information.
We should also focus on our actions saving other eldar, regardless of what they believe.
Hopefully, that will put them off balance with diplomacy and create some friction between the two.

After that, we should reach out to other adaptationists that are not our allies, and try to centralize and make sure they don't get poached away.

And finally, either Saim-hann, the major Craftworld that already respects us. We give them a courtesy visit and show the respect they want... Should be a cheap investment.
Or Ulthwe. We are ideologically aligned on the "fuck chaos" aspect and we have the seerlord, which eldrad doubtless will love meeting. We can discuss engine repairs as well.
But i think ulthwe will keep for the first day, and are very likely to be influenced by our info.
Saim-hann should be first because their pride is key to keeping them favorably aligned.
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Incidentally, and entirely unrelated, I do like the Ishari because of the sheer tonal whiplash they can bring to our craftworld.

On your left, a giant edifice of industry, a grand factory spitting out ancient power armor
On your right, a rainforest.

Am I the only one that starts to think of our craftworld getting the aesthetics vibes of what goes for Eldar solarpunk ?
With at least plants integrated into the designs all over the place ?

Now onto the meetings.

Iyanden & Biel-Tan / the Revanchists
I think they are the least important faction here for us.
Iyanden is pretty much just important for us because they have the easiest time getting Biel-Tan to fuck off, but I think Saim-Hann with their inclination towards fuck their group would be more than happy to help us to tell Biel-Tan to fuck off.

Alaitoc / the Asuryani: Tyrellian Kulkessrin personally dislikes you, but is politically savvy enough to bite his tongue and deal to keep his present position of influence. The rest of his party can't be ignored either, and between them average out to a largely centrist stance of neutral disposition.
They are weirdly enough one of the more important factions here, but they are also to gain the most from the reveal of the inner workings of the flaw as they can fine tune the paths.

That reveal and us sharing it might at least repair the relationship with Alaitoc a bit even if we don't like each other.

Ulthwe / the Survivalists: Concerned primarily with the Ruinous Powers and the survival of the Aeldari. Primarily centrists. No strong opinions on you at present, though this is likely to change when you drop the info-bomb at the moot proper.

Saim-Hann & Exodites / the Conservationists: Mostly here to see what all the fuss is about. Presently think fairly well of you. "Centrist" in that they oppose the resurrection of the Empire but otherwise don't care overmuch about how others organize themselves. Probably safe to expect them to be largely in your corner on most issues you are likely to have.

We will likely have some pretty strong cross-links to both factions so makes sense talking with at least one of these two. Saim-Hann faction might be best to start with to get our back against Biel-Tan fuckery.

Also our "own" faction getting them more organized and potentially directly introduce Ishari here would likely get them to centralise a bit more.