[] Plan: This will be the day
I think your oversaturating the write ins a bit. should probably keep things to no more than 4 subjects per block, so none of the subjects is crammed in.
@Mechanis can we get an example write in to have an Idea of how these should be structured?
as for Beil-tan, their only superior partner is disapproving staring them into submission. there not going to do much harm. there here because Iyanden has no one else worth bringing. there going to act up, but it's not going to be anything major, but it might be enough by the end of the last day for Iyanden rep to go to bed with a headache and wake up the morning of the Aelmoot proper still mad and fed up with Beil-Tan.
Even if Biel Tan are assholes, as long as the other major powers are stopping them being assholes to other Eldar I think full tech sharing with everyone is a good idea.
we should approach Ulthwe and Saim-han with this first, the latter with a it'll fuck up Beil-tan's recruitment base spin on it, to gwt their support behind ensuring it's mutual.
It's a longshot, but I want to court Iyanden into leading the Adaptationists.
this is my hope as well. convince them that there is no going back, that they need innovative solutions and to build up something new rather than championing an empire that was vulnerable to the fall in the first place. that the Aeldari can move forward, paying homage to our past, but focus on being better off than we were first.
And why would the craftworlds that want to change things and not rebuild the eldar dominion accept the major craftword that pretty much wants to keep things the same and to rebuild the eldar dominion ?
Our people don't give a shit about trying to reach for the old glory like Biel-Tan and Iyanden do.
I think the key thing is to convince them the Aeldari need to recover, truly recover in a big way, before we can possibly try to be Hegemon. trillions lie dead and we can't replenish our numbers. for now they would be better server joining a cause on the rise, a cause without a leader, and stepping into that role whole heatedly, and working to better the situation of the Aeldari, so when we do recover by fully dealing with the curse, they have the credibility and established relations to try for dominion.
I mean this is also leaving out the fact, the Eldar still have outright holes in their souls that need to be patched up which can't be fixed with the path system. Also, I have to ask at this point.
Alratan are you still trying to say we aren't going to reforge our souls when the QM has said we will?
I think he is saying we can resolve the curses by other means, rather than the lengthy, careful soul reforge that spends most of it's work combatting the curse of slaanesh and Nurgle. we'll already probably be doing this for The Eye of Tzeench. from there we can still reforge our soul, but it will be more about optimizing them for power and efficiency and maybe Synergistic Casting of Warp Spells, regaining a fraction of our former power rather than just resolving the curses.
TL: DR Today I want to prioritise getting Iyanden to leash Biel-Tan, with a secondary focus of sounding out other factions on the effects of the Flaw (and being seen to ask people about it).
I think the latter isn't necessary. we know the effects, and we shouldn't tip our hands on this too openly. we want to focus on Iyanden, Saim-han so they don't take a pride wound over us meeting with Iyanden day one but not them.
From there either Ulthwe for having Drayling the seerlord of meros talk up Eldrad Ulthran the farseer about seering and hinting at our willingness and ability to help them with aby problems there group is experiencing, meeting independents and nudging them towards our side, or meeting with other adaptionists and getting a list of the foremost craftworlds besides us and getting them all on the same page.
Then for our last action we go to Iyanden's faction, present the evidence we've found of kinstrife (including the non-Biel-Tan bits) and ask them to talk their more aggressive half down. Make a point that we're not just singling out BT in not killing other eldar, it should apply to everyone.
I think we should meet Iyanden first day one and try to nudge them from neutral into recognizing us as worthwhile allies to court, and talk to them about Beil-tan's behavior last block of day three so it's foremost in there mind at the start of the Aeldmoot proper.