Confirmed Extremely Screwed
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- Absconding with Alacrity
The Leman Russ Blast Template Dropper- I mean, Executioner, is more of an anti-everything unit really; especially if you spring for the optional plasma sponsions. Nothing says love like three blast templates every shooting phase ha. But yes, it's going to be a proper tank and would have tabletop stats that cause people to complain about it even if it took up half your CP to bring one ha.It is a very nice looking tank, I will admit, both in terms of it's aesthetic (like if someone took a 1950's/Cold-War era spy-plane chassis and put some anti-grav on it, to use a poor example) and it's crunch.
Lasguns are straight up useless against it thanks to the refractor field, lascannons get filtered through all 3 shields (Grav, Refractor, EDB) and anything that manages to finally hit the chassis after all that filtering will only end up hitting the armour.
Slap two Suncannons and a heavy needler on there and we've got our MBT with some absolutely delicious firepower for its size.
(On that note, I am still curious as to how much stronger our plasma weapons are since we decided to focus on its firepower, but if I have to guess, since Meltas can apparently compete with low-end plasma, our higher power Sunblasters are gonna be absolutely disgusting to use against vehicles and armour)
Either way though, any tank the Orks cook up probably won't fair well against plasma, and iirc, wasn't the Leman Russ Executioner (the one with the plasma cannon, I can't tell my Russes apart anymore) used for anti-tank roles?
The vehicles Orks optimistically call "tanks" at the moment tend to come in two flavors, really: slow, juggernought style things with way too much armor and things that have a literal rocket sticking out the back for more speed. Both, of course, tend to be either slathered in as many guns as will fit, or straining under the mass of the biggest, loudest and most impressive gun the tank ladz have the Teef for. Neither tend to fare especially well when fighting Eldar.