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Yes. Thank you.
Not a bad idea.how about using one of our actions to introduce Eldrad and the SeerLord that we brought with us
[ ] Second Block : Meet with Ulthwe and their fellow Survivalists. Have Draylin of the True Sight, Seerlord of Meros talk shop with Farseer Eldrad Ulthran.
A good start. Should I go blunt with the inquiries as to their situation and offers of aid, or should we go with subtle and tell the tale of Meros and our managing to repair their engines and avert their doom as a hint as to our industrial capacity and it's potential usefulness post fall?
I don't think we need to have double meetings with Eldrad or our faction. Their the two most likely to coordinate with us post Aeldmoot given their views and the nature of our reveal. Once should be good to lay the ground work for an easier transition into allies post Aeldmoot. We want at least two slots for people, especially the Harlequin's, to come talk to us after all. I'm thinking we hold a reception on the first block of day two and the second block of day 3, before meet Iyanden at the end of the second day.Also we should absolutely have more important meetings (Eldrad, our faction, Iyanden) twice.
Speaking of Iyanden, I think discuss their soul stones and our Aversion of the doom of Meros through applied industry and our exotic weapons is the way to go. Acknowledge their contributions to the Aeldari people and maybe have draylin speculate on other uses, before transitioning into a tale that highlights our value as an ally.
Indeed. We want to butter them up and talk up our own accomplishment. Averting a doom is no small thing and speaks of our value as an ally.Making that deal before the reveal is a mistake, I think.
Right now, Iyanden thinks that getting Biel Tan to back off is a huge favor, and they'll charge us accordingly. once we reveal, that value drops dramatically.
Hmm. Yeah. I think that works. Discuss soul stones, hint at news relating to some of the issues afflicting the Aeldari since the fall, and introduce Draylin while talking up our Aversion of Meros's doom.I think the first block should be iyanden, dropping a teasing hint to our information.
We should also focus on our actions saving other eldar, regardless of what they believe.
Hopefully, that will put them off balance with diplomacy and create some friction between the two.
After that, we should reach out to other adaptationists that are not our allies, and make sure they don't get poached.
And finally, either Saim-hann, the major Craftworld that already respects us. We give them a courtesy visit and show the respect they want... Should be a cheap investment.
Or Ulthwe. We are ideologically aligned on the "fuck chaos" aspect and we have the seerlord, which eldrad doubtless will love meeting. We can discuss engine repairs as well.
But i think ulthwe will keep for the first day, and are very likely to be influenced by our info.
Saim-hann should be first because their pride is key to keeping them favorably aligned.
It's less about Iyanden telling Beil-tan to fuck off, which we could accomplish easily with the backing of Saim-Han and Ulthwe, as it described in character creation, let alone after becoming the leader of the Adaptionists, and more about convincing Iyanden to reign them in and direct them at more suitable targets in general. It's not just us that Beil-tan has potential to harm after all.I think they are the least important faction here for us.
Iyanden is pretty much just important for us because they have the easiest time getting Biel-Tan to fuck off, but I think Saim-Hann with their inclination towards fuck their group would be more than happy to help us to tell Biel-Tan to fuck off.
Good point. That said, I'm having trouble thinking of what to say to them during there meeting. I think we should put them off to day too see what changes after day 1.They are weirdly enough one of the more important factions here, but they are also to gain the most from the reveal of the inner workings of the flaw as they can fine tune the paths.
That reveal and us sharing it might at least repair the relationship with Alaitoc a bit even if we don't like each other.
Currently I'm in favor of talking to Iyanden in first block and Saim-han in the third block of the first day.We will likely have some pretty strong cross-links to both factions so makes sense talking with at least one of these two. Saim-Hann faction might be best to start with to get our back against Biel-Tan fuckery.
Also our "own" faction getting them more organized and potentially directly introduce Ishari here would likely get them to centralise a bit more.
I've decided to be open minded about the middle block, but in general I think we should meet with either Ulthwe for discussion between our seer lord and there Farseer, or independents to swing them towards our alliance and Adaptionist alliances in general, though I'm willing to vote for meeting our faction and getting a feel for the group and identifying the major influences in it. I don't think a follow up on any of them is necessary, because Independents, Adaptionists and Survivalists are all groups we can expect to be most eager to work with us post reveal.
I think we should just leave time slots available for people to come meet us the second and third day and trust Harlequins to know whether it's important to talk.We can reserve the first day to keep friends close. Our own faction meeting, Samm-Hain, Harlequins.
Day 1,
block 1 we should talk to Iyanden as a sort of neutral allied with someone we want better restrained so they do less harm in the long run, not to us, but to the Aeldari in general.
block 2 we should meet with one of the three I talked about in the paragraphs after the the previous quote.
Block 3, Pay our respect to Saim-han, maybe invite them to visit the shrine of last hour.