"In the hardest way possible," you say with finality as you vector for Anri. It's some relief that Hijiri's still responding to you. "I mean come on, Hijiri, of course I can't give you what you want. You're a smart girl. I mean, of course I can't give you what you want. But I can do my damnedest to put it within reach for you for you to take. But I don't even know what you want, not with you being all coy about it."
How on earth did Mami make that shot? You spare a glance backwards, through the double doors of the smoke stop lobby at the stairwell,
Knockout gas... except there's no such thing. There's carefully calculated doses of anaesthesia calibrated to every person, yes. Anesthesiologists are one of the most highly paid medical professionals, and for good reason. Coma, death, permanent health damage...
I'm pretty sure both of those first two things have already happened, considering that she just got nailed by a Tiro Finale and snatched up by Bearzilla. Her ribcage is probably closer to a liquid than a solid right now.And to be completely honest, Anri? Knock her the fuck out, restrain her, put Best Buddy to guard her and she can god damn wait.
On one hand, I'm disappointed that trying to continue to talk at Hijiri still went pretty much as badly as I thought it was going to, despite certain people's browbeating and emotional blackmail, insinuating that anyone who wanted to try actually stopping her was an evil murderer. Bright side is that it's been several minutes and she hasn't visibly fucked anything up yet, so she might actually be running away, but even the most incorrigibly hostile Hijiri is smart enough to lay low until the heat dies down. What do we intend to do in the eventuality that 'Taking what she wants' involves taking revenge on the Pleiades, and she's back in a few hours/days, or is currently off stealing or burning down something important while just about everyone's in one place and distracted by Airi?
On the other hand, taking down Airi was absolutely amazing. I'm surprised she didn't actually bumrush us, but she probably anticipated getting magical SWAT-team'd on, given the information feed from her confederate... But she still didn't stand a ghost of a chance, even with a hostage. Clean takedown, despite the property damage, and Mami deserves hugs. Standing plan is still privacy bubble interrogation/SOCIAL with us and Oriko after the incident's over and we have antimagic cuffs on tap?
I'm pretty sure both of those first two things have already happened, considering that she just got nailed by a Tiro Finale and snatched up by Bearzilla. Her ribcage is probably closer to a liquid than a solid right now.![]()
"and just what do you think I should do!" you snap at her, still bound to your chair in the Evil UFO... you think she refereed to it as her Mobile Oppression Fortress at one point, and doesn't that say a lot given she's been doing nothing but bulldozing over everyone she's met so far.
Still, gotta keep her distracted while Anri gets herself into position. You're probably gonna only have one chance at this, so no pressure or anything.
She gives you a deep sigh, and the Evil UFO starts to slow down, "give me a moment to think about that."
And you use that time to take a glance out the window to relay Anri your position.
we've just past Anitia's Cafe headed southeast, you can't miss it, its the flying black blob with a bunch of ribbons hanging off of it. Please, be careful.
"I think... the first thing you need to do is get Niko off your back with the creepy vicarious stalking," Sabrina chimes in with the completely fucking obvious, "I know you've been trying, I'll throw my weight behind it, too, if you want? I think it might help. If... well, you want to stay in Asunaro, right? with your family?"
...and ain't that a million yen question. Are they even your family? They always just assumed you were their daughter, that you were Niko. If they saw the truth would they still want you? They've been so distant recently that you're unsure if they would...
Well, you are stalling for time, and she's been butting herself into everything else in your life. What's one more? "Are they even my family?" You ask her, rubbing a tear out of your eye... to sell the act of course, nothing more.
"Sure they are," Sabrina states matter-of-factly, as she lands the Evil UFO on the roof of the apartment complex, "Family is blood, yes, and I don't doubt you share that. Family is also what you choose. I don't know 'em, but you tell me. You want to stay with them right?"
... Family is what you choose, huh. What if they don't choose me? What if they choose Niko, the real girl? Running away is sounding better by the second.
"I mean... Look, I'm just guessing here," Sabrina admits that just now? "But I'm pretty sure you don't want to play along with Niko. Your family is your family, but staying with them feels like it's exactly what she wants, right?"
[] Answer Sabrina
[] Break out of your bonds
[] summon teddy bears
[] Write-In
VentureCo. said:Jesus, this girl goes straight for the heart. I guess that's why Anri is so pissed at her. She probably pressed theYuriYuuri Button. Shouldn't have did that. Still, I feel like we stick with the plan. The longer we're stuck in Asunaro, the more inevitable the big fight with the Saints is going to be. And I don't think these two are just going to let us go after all of that mess.
AwayTeam said:And to think this all started because we couldn't keep our hands off the shiny Gzen dangled in front of us. Now we are stuck in the Magical Girl Justice System, and no Lawyer in sight.
Called it being a trap from the start.
WindowTosser said:Honestly, we should've just killed Niko from the start. If ya'll didn't get cold feet she wouldn't have called the Magical Bullshit Cops on us. Cause you know, dead.
You know she deserves it too, murder, mad scientist, and she helped kill Yuuri. what more evidence do you guys need to kill her before she pulls out some crazy doomsday device or clone army or some shit?
GreaserWolf said:Yeah, uh no. we arn't doing that judge, jury, executioner bit on a 14-year old girl. We already had her crying at our feet over us leaving, killing her would just make us the bad guy here. In fact, not killing her probably saved our asses from Death by Magical Police Squad, since it seems like Sabrina is taking our side on this over Niko's.
We just need to get the Saints to get Niko some real help. Clearly she's messed up something fierce, and they way they've been leaving her in her lab hasn't helped a bit.
WitchOfLight said:We should just edit Sabrina's memory with Umiko's power so that Niko is the escaped insane clone. In fact, why don't we do that to everyone so she can experience being hunted down.
We are clearly the superior, it only makes sense that we take the role of the "true Hijiri".
ActualyHijiri said:0.0 lets not go full supervillian, okay? Also, am I the only one who noticed that we've stopped and landed in the middle of a "search party"? the hell is going on there?
taking a hostage... I hope we're not bursting with sympathy for Anri?
Makes me think that early-hint from Mumi-Quest about her slowing down was accurate. She was trying to rush us, Hijiri let her know we'd spotted Anri and were ready and waiting to SMASH, so she changed plans? (No reason whatsoever to suddenly stop and bunker down with prepared gas, unless you know you were spotted....from a kilometer away.) So yeah, seemingly still helping Anri at the last minute.I'm surprised she didn't actually bumrush us, but she probably anticipated getting magical SWAT-team'd on, given the information feed from her confederate